
Girl Scout Monkeys

a year ago
Grow Conditions
Week 11
20 hrs
Light Schedule
12+ conditions after
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Grow Questions
Padrinostarted grow question a year ago
This girls top leafs are starting to slightly curl downward sort of like a claw? What is causing this and how do I fix it?
Leaves. Curl down
GrowingGrannieanswered grow question a year ago
There are several reasons a plant can look like this - overwatering (the state of being constantly wet), underwatering and nitrogen toxicity. I'm going to rule out nitrogen here as your plants aren't dark green... and I'm going to rule out overwatering because the soil looks terribly dry. Culprit: you're not giving her enough water! Give her a drink so that there is runoff and it collects in the saucer/tray underneath.... let the runoff sit there for a few minutes to see if the soil soaks it back up. If it does, give her more water... again wait to see if the soil soaks it back up.... keep doing this until no more runoff is being soaked back up into the pot and then throw the runoff away. This will ensure that all the soil is sufficiently moistened and the plant has what it needs to continue growing. Then wait until it's dry before giving her a watering with nutes... She's desperately, desperately thirsty! Good luck..

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