
Are the yellow leaves a warning?

BENY_TRUBYstarted grow question a year ago
Estoy de vacaciones, he dejado las plantas automáticas en casa de mi amigo para que las riegue. Él me ha dicho que las hojas se están poniendo amarillas y solo me ha enviado esta foto. Estamos en la semana 7. ¿Es normal o para preocuparse?
Week 6
Leaves. Color - Yellow
nonick123answered grow question a year ago
Buenas No te preocupes tanto por la hoja amarilla como por el verde tan intenso y las puntas ligeramente quemadas. Probablemente es un exceso de Nitrógeno. Mi consejo: dile a tu amigo que los dos siguientes riegos los haga solo con agua, sin nutrientes de Biobizz Si tu amigo es capaz, que ajuste el pH Si no, que compre agua embotellada de una marca que puedas saber el pH por Internet para que esté entre 6 con 2 y 6 con 5, y que riegue con esa agua
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gottagrowsometimeanswered grow question a year ago
I do agree with what's below. And, if I hadn't of checked your diary I'd of probably just said pull back on the N. But, you're using far too many products with N in them in the same time period. Yes, leafs can turn that way. But, by having very very dark green Background I do see your plant is been given to much nutes. And N is the most uptskable nutrient across varies stages of ph. Tis why its mainly the 1st we see in an overfeed. Pull back drop 1-2 nutrients. Or break them up. Give them on separate feed. 1 half at the start, the other at the end. And the LOW EC / SALT nutes can do in with the water feeds. There's just too many PH buffers in that pot. Your plant is struggling.
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Plant_Scientistanswered grow question a year ago
Hey there! It's normal that when the plant is in the second half of the flowering cycle (a few weeks since the first flowers are visible), some of the old leaves turn yellow. This is not a problem. Only when a lot of leaves turn yellow you should be worried, it means the plant has too little nitrogen. You could add a little fertilizer with nitrogen in it! Good luck with the rest of the grow, looks like your friend is taking good care of your plant!
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