
Am I doing the crog/lst and pruning right?

rajuhkoestarted grow question 10 months ago
I tried making my own low effort scrog, wondering if this is effective. Also wondering if I should prune more of my plant, I am new and would gladly accept any advice.
Plant. Too tall
Techniques. LST
Techniques. ScrOG
Sciolistic_Steveanswered grow question 10 months ago
anything below the bends in stems won't produce well for sure... assuming flip to bloom is timed properly and you get intended stretch above scrog. as it grows out and fills in, you'll likely have to make some decisions about older growth that has more branching in middle. Thinning some areas out is okay. try to have 1 vertical cola per 6x6" ares... maybe bit smaller, but airflow is good too. you can even work backward from the size of space you intend to fill to help choose how to shape the plant to get to that point with least wasted growth. Outside you don't have to worry as much about this stuff as you do inside... think of it more as support and a way to properly spread out branches to reduce risk of rot or mold. unlike inside, it's swimming in 2000 umol/s of light from all directions and angles, if out in the open of course. even lower side branching will develop well if not shielded from light... so unlike what i said above, which is more geared toward indoor growing, you want to splay it out, get light penetrating the plant well, get good airflow... spread it out as best you can. i wouldn't worry abot lolipoppig outside, unless you think the area is congested and worried about infection -- likely to happen but not as severe as a full lollipop.
Selected By The Grower
JUNGLE_B4RNSanswered grow question 10 months ago
You’re doing good. You can top the 4 mains apical to send all the energy to the side and middle shoots.
Bobsbudanswered grow question 10 months ago
Yes you have to lollipop the plant than your scrog will work than all your nutes that you give will go up to your upper bud
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