
Qué coño ha pasado??

fraankiieestarted grow question 7 months ago
Qué coño ha pasado?? Con lo bonita que estaba. ¿Puede ser el CO2?
Week 3
Leaves. Color - Pale
Leaves. Color - Dark-brown
Organomananswered grow question 7 months ago
Nothing to do with co2. What is your run-off pH?..........this may explain some things............but it looks like an insect infestation combined with a nutrition issue. Also, never grow at 24/0..... all plants NEED sleep........18/6 is optimal. Plants stressed by growing at 24/0 are more easily attacked by insects and/or suffer health issues. Using only 1 product with a pH of 4.4 (wtf) is also going to cause massive problems. Your plants need a N/P/K fertilizer too, not just a highly acidic root booster.
Dr81nanswered grow question 7 months ago
They look nute burned to me. What is your ec? What’s your ph?
Stickyoneanswered grow question 7 months ago
Uh-oh, sounds like something took a wrong turn in Plantville. CO2 issues could be a culprit, affecting photosynthesis and overall plant health. But it could be a bunch of other things too—nutrient imbalance, pests, or even a grumpy plant fairy. Check for any unusual smells, weird critters, or signs of nutrient deficiencies. If you suspect CO2, ventilation might be the key. If in doubt, seek guidance from experienced growers or forums—they're like plant detectives, solving mysteries one leaf at a time. Don't lose hope!
JUNGLE_B4RNSanswered grow question 7 months ago
Cal/Mag deficiency The EC of the soil is probably a bit low or way too high. You must check the EC level of the soil.
Hashyanswered grow question 7 months ago
Looks like lack of potassium to me.
AutoflowersSucKanswered grow question 7 months ago
Move your light away.
Angus_MacGroweranswered grow question 7 months ago
Wait… what?? CO₂ supplement but no nutrient at all ?? HUUU?? 😱 @m0use: au contraire, running a 24/0 with Ruderalis crosses replicate a Midnight Sun. ^^
m0useanswered grow question 7 months ago
Does not look like your feeding them and this is some deficiencies showing. Your diary list no information out side of week 3, I highly doubt this is a CO2 issue. the single item in your diary is listed as "organic roots" and its composition is listed as follows: -Organic matter: 38%. -Amino acids: 12%. -Reducing sugars: 3%. -Vitamins: 1%. -Density: 1.25 g/ml. -pH: 4.4. **its composition doesn’t include chemicals or NPK mineral fertilizers.** This is the feed chart, Might want to look into it and feed accordingly. Grow+Roots, You need some NPK in the mix, at week 3, even if your medium was fortified with some slow release, it will now be depleted. Side note, don't grow on 24/0 on/off light schedule, plants need down time in the darkness and it helps. 18/6 is max schedule I run on autos. I've seen others who do 20/4 or 22/2 but I don't think its necessary or yields any more, As long as your hitting your DLI then its fine. DLI is a number given to the amount of lights density over time, you can have a DLI of 40 in 12hrs or in 18hrs the only difference is light intensity. cannabis can do maxim of 35-40 without supplemental CO2, I do not think any one growing at home for hobby needs supplemental CO2, its more for professions and experienced growers, your tent also needs to be sealed or its a massive waste. Good Luck!
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