
Gathering opinions, most frequently asked question if she is ready to be chopped? Let me know what you think, thank you guys!

einamiostarted grow question 6 months ago
Her soil runoff EC was really high 5.8 🙀. 10 days ago I gave her just plain water and 2 days ago I used TA FlashClean, which claims "ready for harvest in two days instead of ten". Do you think I should chop? Sorry for bad images, I can't see any amber tricoms, only my cat's hair
Week 12
Buds. Other
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Feeding. Deficiences
m0useanswered grow question 6 months ago
Stick a fork in her, shes done. I think it is time for harvest, Flushing is a bit of a myth, plants don't store excess nutrients in the buds that you smoke, flushing to correct a catastrophic issue like a EC runoff of 5.8 is the correct course of action. Congrats on doing that. Flushing while thinking it will strip the plant of nutrients and not the medium is the bro science method and hold no basis. I think you will be very happy with that buds once its cured and ready. Some plants do not get as ambery as other when ripening, its a good trait. Keep seed or clones from this one. I also agree with the looks like their is a nanner in the first pick. spray a pair of tweezers with water and pluck it out. Good Luck!
Selected By The Grower
einamioanswered grow question 6 months ago
I have a Carson 60-120 microscope, I'm looking everyday on the buds closest to the door, so far no obvious amber, but I've noticed some becoming a little yellowish
Ctrellis90answered grow question 6 months ago
Do you have a jewelers loop or a micron camera so you can really close and see the trichomes? She does look close to being ready and I'm surprised you don't see any amber yet at all! That being said, I would wait then until you can see if she does before you chop but if you can't get a good look at the trichomes then I would wait until she stops popping bracts completely and all her pistils start turning in and turn orange/red.
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Polyphemusanswered grow question 6 months ago
If you don't liek couch lock shoot for 10% amber -- and you should be checking at varying depths of canopy to guesstimate an average. You can always take the tops then let lowers mature a bit more. don't have to do it all at once. As long as you don't let go for too long after first chop.. maybe 10 days max? i figure if you cut before anything hermie has time to grow, it avoids any risks of doing so. Maybe keep ii to a week longer? Plus looks like a nanner on that first picture.
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einamioanswered grow question 6 months ago
Her soil will only dry up by Wednesday in 4 days for me to flush her again... Does it affect if I vape? 😹
JUNGLE_B4RNSanswered grow question 6 months ago
An EC at 3.9 is very high… If you harvest now it will give you harsh smoke and will make black ashes when burning… Keep on flushing it for another week. After looking at your plant, it just started to break down its nutrients. Give it a few more days.
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einamioanswered grow question 6 months ago
Sorry @Sejanus21, I would upload if I could but my phone is quiet old and there's just pixels after certain zoom :D I use a handheld microscope to check as well, I only see amber on sugar leaves not really on buds themselves.
Sejanus21answered grow question 6 months ago
Can you show us a closer picture of the trichoms? The buds and leaves definetily look ready, also compared to my Orion which si roughly the same age, but at leeast a few days behind.
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HazeLNutsanswered grow question 6 months ago
Milky trichomes says its ready to chop them. Keeping a bit longer would produce amber. Have a nice harvesting time! Really sweet buds 😁
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BerrySweetHighanswered grow question 6 months ago
YESSS!!! She is ready for harvest my friend! 💚
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Angus_MacGroweranswered grow question 6 months ago
> I don't like couch lock at all Then go for harvest, nice milky everywhere. ^^ > most frequently asked question true (but I've only been here a month). :3
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einamioanswered grow question 6 months ago
I don't like couch lock at all, the trichomes look mostly milky, the last runoff EC after all the flushes was 3.9 which is less than 5.8 but still crazy high. As far as I understand the upper margin for an auto should be like EC 1.2. I hope FlashClean kept dissolving the fertilizer buildup but I don't really know how productive it is for her to stay in that soil, so I need your opinions if it not to early to chop her. Cheers growmies, have a great one! 🙏
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