
Nutrient issue

MrsFunk420started grow question 4 years ago
Shes been pretty droopy. Thinking maybe a nitrogen excess. Going to try not feeding for a week. Water with calmag only. Can anyone tell what might be going on?
Week 7
Leaves. Curl down
pepitogrilloanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hey @TheFunks! I don't think it's a nitrogen problem. I would consider checking the watering schedule, they look a bit overwatered to me. You should check how much water do you give to them. It should be around 15%-20% of the capacity of the pot each 2-3 days. As I saw on your diary, you are giving them 1.89L (wich is not bad) but just not everyday. ¿Are you sure that pot is dry when you water them? If you think the problem is related with nutrients, you could check the output water of each pot (when you water them). You can check the EC input and output and know if you are having sallt acumulation problems. As you don't have EC data I will assume you can't check it. I would recommend you to water them just with water and check the output till it goes totally transparent/clean. That should help salt acumulation or overfeeding problems. Good luck! 😀
Selected By The Grower
MrsFunk420answered grow question 4 years ago
Deff wasnt over Watering. We only water when pot is light and dry. I belive what happened, was we over fed. We were feeding 2 x for every one water. We havent fed her anything in over a week and has popped back up. We plan to water every other feed no matter what now on.
Kayaboyanswered grow question 4 years ago
Silly answer/question. Are they watered??
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Darkwarsongsanswered grow question 4 years ago
Echo Echo water water.. Not nitrogen.. Nitrogen presents in a totally different fashion dark green leaves and comes on rather "slowly"... This probably happened within a day.. Got to be the roots..
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GRow_M8sanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hey m8, I would reccomend you to check: 1) Air circulation, looking a bit overcrowded in there. 2) Cold water temps when feeding can cause deficiencies and drooping leaves, generally cold temps in your medium. 3) Overwatering = lack of oxygen for the roots
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Napoleon_Hashanswered grow question 4 years ago
@TheFunks, Hye, I'm not a pro but maybe it's an over watering. Did you wait to have a dry soil before watering?
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