I have a very small bit of powdery mildew on the girls. I have been using CuSo4-copper sulphate about every 3 days to keep it at bay. It seems to be working really well. They look great, are happy and are working hard on plumping up their flowers. I have 4-6 weeks until harvest would be my guess. Fingers crossed I can keep the effing PM from taking over. 😬
--------------------------------- 📅 WEEK 3 --------------------------------- 💧 22.04.2024 - new pots (6L) 💧 30.04.2024 - watering* (300 ml/pot) 💧 04.05.2024 - watering* (500 ml/pot) *(plain tab water) --------------------------------- 💡 light is 40cm+ away, dimmed to 50% --------------------------------- 📰 NOTES All three went to new pots (6 Liter) at monday 22.04.24. This week later are doing way better! The soil (All-Mix) was prepared and watered well - so the plants we're not watered for a week - but looking much better now and start growing compared to the weeks before. Number three looks strange, first leaves almost died. Maybe mutating? But i"ll giver here a chance, since there ist still space in the box --------------------------------- from munich with 💚 ---------------------------------
30.04.2024 Continue into week 9 Clean nutrient tank for the last time...This is last week of flowering for almost all girls. Electrical Conductivity (EC): 0.8 for this week.. Purple Lemonade: First pheno is insane! Shape, size ,color, bud hardness, appearance, frostiness' all attributes to become photo model! Beautiful and high odor in the room! Lighting Parameters: PAR Map: Maximum PPFD is 800, minimum PPFD is 550. VPD: Ranges from -0.1-1.1 Daytime Temperature (DT): 23-24°C. Nighttime Temperature (NT): 19-20°C. Leaf Temperature: 21-22°C. Light Distance: 45-55 cm from the plants. CO2 Levels: 700+ ppm. HLG Scorpion Diablo: Set at 60%, positioned at a 45-55 cm distance. Girls drink less water, so for this week and till the end of flowering new misting timing's Daytime: ON for 50 seconds, followed by 30 minutes OFF. Nighttime: OFF for 50 seconds, followed by 45 minutes OFF. Nutrient Tank (NT): pH: Maintained between 5.80 and 6.00. Stable PH, small drifting up and downs EC: 0.87 Temperature: 19-21°C
The plants are now in full stretch and I have done some defoliation and LST in the last week. 2 plants came out to give the others enough space. I saw that I had significantly too much nitrogen in my plants. You couldn't really see it under the LED light. The next few times i give them pure water.
You can see the nute burn here from the first and only feeding earlier in the grow. Just a tad too much fertilizer.
I feel like this turned out better than it should have. Amazing genetics.
Yeah Lance is definetly recovering. Fascinating how this stunned him, and he and Frank are now so far apart, but same strain, same soil, same everything. Mr. Pipi will see how Lance turns out. I´m still hoping for good and quick recovery. First Pistils showed up on all the plants on Day 23. So in the next one or two Weeks Mr. Pipi expects the Flower to start. Endspurt Sportsfreunde. So as we can see in the Video Pedro is the tallest, and his overall structure is Mr. Pipis favorite, for now. Not so bushy as the Bloody Skunks but we´ll have to see what the Stretch says. The opportunity was given to tie Pedro´s main stem down. So Mr. Pipis canope stays around the same level. Initally I wanted to not manipulate them, but that´s what Mr. Pipi loves in growing. You watch´em and if you bond enough with your plants, you´ll know what to do. be in a symbiosis. But dont use Pipi on your plants.
Yeah Lance is definetly recovering. Fascinating how this stunned him, and he and Frank are now so far apart, but same strain, same soil, same everything. Mr. Pipi will see how Lance turns out. I´m still hoping for good and quick recovery. First Pistils showed up on all the plants on Day 23. So in the next one or two Weeks Mr. Pipi expects the Flower to start. Endspurt Sportsfreunde.
Legend Timestamp: 📅 EC - pH: ⚗️ Temp - Hum: 🌡️ Water: 🌊 Food: 🍗 pH Correction: 💧 Actions: 💼 Thoughts: 🧠 Events: 🚀 Media: 🎬 D: DAY, G: GERMINATION, V: VEGETATIVE, B: BLOOMING, R: RIPENING, D: DRYING, C: CURING ______________ 📅 D15/V11 - 30/04/24 ⚗️ EC: 0.7 pH: 6.0 🌡️ T: 21 °C H: 50% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video ______________ 📅 D16/V12 - 01/05/24 ⚗️ EC: 0.7 pH: 6.0 🌡️ T: 21 °C H: 50% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video ______________ 📅 D17/V13 - 02/05/24 ⚗️ EC: 0.6 pH: 5.8 🌡️ T: 20 °C H: 50% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video ______________ 📅 D18/V14 - 03/05/24 ⚗️ EC: 0.8 pH: 5.6 🌡️ T: 22 °C H: 60% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 1 TL video
5/02/2024 Day 10. Or day 3 of actual veg stage. 5/03/2024 so the story of the two seeds, I really was rooting for the darker shaded one. In actuality, that same night, I noticed that the plant actually looked damaged or burnt almost and over the course of the week, eventually got worse and eventually gave up and flopped over. Once again, this is MY fault that it died. I’ve basically culled down to a single seed/cultivar on accident. Maybe it’s subconscious spiritual intervention for me to find the VERY best 😂
Week 13 (25-4 to 1-5) 25-4 Temperature: 22.6 degrees (lights on) 18.2 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 72% (highest) 56% (lowest) Watering: None. Strength of the light increased from 80% to 85%. 26-4 Temperature: 23.7 degrees (lights on) 19 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 70% (highest) 49% (lowest) Watering: 2000 ml. No pictures. 27-4 Temperature: 22.9 degrees (lights on) 19.1 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 70% (highest) 51% (lowest) Watering: None. 28-4 Temperature: 23.5 degrees (lights on) 20.2 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 72% (highest) 51% (lowest) Watering: 1500 ml. 29-4 Temperature: 23.2 degrees (lights on) 19.7 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 70% (highest) 41% (lowest) Watering: 1500 ml. 30-4 Temperature: 24.4 degrees (lights on) 19.9 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 70% (highest) 54% (lowest) Watering: None. No pictures. 1-5 Temperature: 25.6 degrees (lights on) 20.9 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 71% (highest) 49% (lowest) Watering: None.
Gorilla Jealousy F1 is starting her first week. She stretched a bit, but I don't think it is anything to worry about. She is looking really good, and she should find the solution over the next week. She will be moved into my photoperiod room once I get it cleaned, and set back up. Thank you Seedsman,and Spider Farmer. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 This is my affiliate link to seedsman. Thank you Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
Harvest titans 4/25. As RQS stated in Titan literature, the average size on Titans are 2 feet. Mine was extremely short, measuring 4 and 8 inches. I expected a small plant in the teapot due to the limited soil level, but I expected more from T3. the strain is easy to grow and very strong, I had no pest or mold issues. The stems and stalks are very strong and resisted my attempts to tie down the branches.
… just moved into my new home by @original_homebox and lads i can tell: the climate controlled by the growbase makes me so happy. Its so much nicer here than in that shady chamber. I also had my first „real“ simulated sunrise today . Omg its so cozy living at my new place. And i also have a training appointment with @le_rouge._ soon. I‘m so exited. Can‘t wait to show you more growth. Unsere privaten Growprojekte die wir mit freundlicher Unterstützung von unseren Partnern @original_homebox @mars.hydro @biotanicpro & @purolyt realisieren starten! 🌿
Eccoci ragazzi siamo a più della metà di fioritura.. Purtroppo poca resina, ma le cime sono belle compatte e dure, non c'è molto aroma nella aria, speriamo che migliori nelle prossime settimane, purtroppo ho fatto qualche errore forse con questa ragazza, ho dato troppi nutrienti e troppo poco calcio e magnesio.. Staremo a vedere come procede e cosa ne esce fuori, come struttura è davvero una pianta imponente, praticamente l ho solo stoppata due volte e per il resto l ho lasciata crescere nel modo più naturale possibile, senza defogliare o togliere rami, infatti è diventata un mostro come grandezza, ma purtroppo per ora c'è poca sostanza di quello che mi interessa veramente è avere tanta resina.. Speriamo continui ad ingrossarsi, provvederò a mettere dei sostegni, anche se penso che non ne abbia bisogno dato che la struttura ad albero di Natale, sembra bella solida.. Grazie ad anesia seeds che ha reso possibile tutto ciò, hanno delle genetiche grandiose! Il prossimo ciclo di sicuro metterò di nuovo loro perché esce Dell erba meravigliosamente potente! 💪😸🌱🌿🥦🧑‍🌾🤞🍀😽💨🔥