Zkittlez #1 has been building some nice bud structure and is starting to smell really nice up close. Zkittlez #2 has seemed to stop stretching as much measuring at 3 ft 5 for now can't raise the light an more so hopefully that will be the end of the stretch and time for her to focus on bud structure. There are lots of bud sites building on her too many to count now which is a brilliant thing to say XD. The 2 pineapple chunk photoperiods are still developing nicely in their negative state and have been undergoing L.S.T to keep the canopy low and even. planning to do a 100 day veg on them (hopefully just enough time for both Zkittlez to mature and then harvest) and then FLIP! starting to give all plants a weekly spray of Canna-cure to help prevent any infestations.
a lot of rain and little sun does not allow the girl to enjoy flowering, but it will stop soon :).
Een geweldige strain. Ze ruikt heerlijk zoet. Ik heb haar in zijn geheel opgehangen. Ik denk zo ongeveer 10 dagen voordat ze droog is en ik de resultaten kan delen. Al met al een geweldige plant om te kweken met dikke toppen vol thc Stay
Day 63 Today I switched my light cycle from 18/6 to 12/12. I did some minor lollipopping and defoliation on 3 of the 4 ladys. After I noticed that one of them had very low hp, I flushed her till the run off was 6.5, now I’ll check her daily for needed nutrients after the flush. I installed a trellis net and will even out the canopy over the next few days. I appreciate every advice 🙏🏾
The stretch is now over and you can see that the plants are now putting all their energy into the flowers. These swell more and more and gradually the filaments start to turn brown. However, the trichomes are still mostly transparent
Things are happening!!!! The large container plant is starting to take on shape and put the gf some nice side branches. 5gal fabric is stretching but not a lot of sideways growth yet. They seem to have loved all the spring rain.. But the recent sun has really sprung them into act
5-27 Day 43. flower week 3, day 2. When she wakes shell get the yummie brew tea! Growing well. Did another defoliation. Sheesh! So on one of the branches, it kinda looked like a double tip. Well it most definitely split almost like a top. My guess is from my lockout. Cal/mag made them compete. Makes for some cool pics. Even did a before and after defoliation. 5-31 Day 47 Umm maybe due for a top dress. 🤣 Drinking good and battling ph. well maybe both ph and hunger. oops anyways watered at 5.8 just a tad run off. 7.8 uggg. but what helped also is ppm was 1200 so def mad at me so she’s Hangry at me! 🤣🤣 taking leaves as needed. have a great day and don’t forget to feed your plants!!!
Auto moon rock is just about done. She has been on ph water for a few days now. This was a interesting perlite grow. I might do another in a fabric potter to further embark on my experiment. The next update will be the harvest. Thank you Medic Grow, and Divine Seeds. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
This is week 8 day 4 video. I have tried about 30g in testers rapid 1:05 dry. I’m waiting on seeds to finish. Plants are 7ft tall super cropped 3x on some branches and monsters just pop up. I highly don’t recommend super ripping or manipulating breaking stems. You will have jungles and delicious harvest. Some tops were touching doides so lights were raised to maximum tent ceiling. Every day is 2tbsp soluble pk into 5 gal water, 1/2-1tbsp folvic acid, sometimes humid acid, sometimes fishsh!t, sometimes microbial mass. 2 times only I added 1tbsp of magnesium phosphate into5gal. Every watering in 5gal has 2tbsp of carbs, I don’t use black molasses but it’s bluesky organic booster. Buds smell sweet, 2 and 3 are where the terps are but no1 is frosty af. 2 is og. As numbers left to right. Split between the middle bar. Running about 840w. 640is my reg along with 5x 20w blurples and my friends 100w “lm301h” but I beg to differ. My 640w is lm301h. I wish I had more light but I am not a facility. I just have a 4x8x7h. I’m very happy with this grow. Everything is to the max been flushing last week and it’s burning my plants lol. Just 1tbsp ph down. I have not been using ph down in my entire flower because the soluble pk 1-1.5 tbsp per 5gal water is enough to lower and make things happy. Every day is watering and every plant gets 1gal water daily. They could do a lot more but I don’t have the space as you can see ❤️
Woche 1 der Blüte ist ein Traum. Die Ladys haben alle eine gute Höhe erreicht und haben schöne Blütenansätze entwickelt. Hier hatte es recht wenig geregnet und die Sonne kam auch recht regelmäßig durch. Mitte der Woche hatte es etwas geregnet, so das ich nicht gießen musste. Der Topf hatte durch Tagestemperaturen um die 22-25°C nicht das Problem das das Substrat austrocknet und zu nass war es auch nicht. Ich hatte einmal die Oberfläche angefeuchtet und den Ladys sonst nur beim wachsen zugeschaut und mich gefreut💚 Also wirklich eine sehr entspannte Woche. Hier und da ein paar einzelne Blattläuse abgesammelt. Es waren in der ganzen Woche vielleicht 10 Stück. Also hat sich die Pflege auch in Grenzen gehalten. Falls es mit den Blattläusen stark zunehmen sollte, werden ein paar Nützlinge in den Kampf geschickt. Ein zwei Blätter mussten entfernt werden weil ein kleiner Thrips etwas Schaden angerichtet hat. Aber sonst wachsen die Ladys einfach super vor sich hin💚 Vielen Dank fürs reinschauen💚🤙🏻
Look at the stretch 💪🏽 all the changes happing at once, I got to admit I was not expecting to see flower sites develop so early in stretch considering i only spotted pistols a day after last dairy entry, two day after that flower sites everywhere. She is incredible. I scraped back mulch layer this morning and spotted some friends. First time I’ve seen them in a while I’ve added another net just cause I’m limited to space and I’m not sure when she will stop stretching, Water is now everyday solid a little knf now and then. Other than that very little work this week, possibly will be the case from here to harvest, Until next week let’s get it 💪🏽
I defoliated my plants in week 7. The plants have developed many new shoots and look very healthy. The first plants are clearly showing the spots where they will form flowers.
👋👋👋 ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ Time marches on and we are already in flowering week three. The lady has stopped gaining height and is now putting all her energy into the buds. ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ 💚💚💚
Fun fact : my TDS meter broke down. I was running an EC of 4.3, needless to say the plant went into super lockout. I lost a lot of leaves and am trying to get it on the right path again. I had enough foliage to survive it fortunately trichomes are still quite empty, most likely it will need another 2 weeks to mature