Human Body 65% Oxygen (in all liquids and tissues, bones, and proteins) 18% Carbon (everywhere) 10% Hydrogen (in all liquids and tissues, bones, proteins 3% Nitrogen (in all liquids and tissues, proteins 1,5% Calcium (lungs, kidney, liver, thyroid, brain, muscles, heart, bones) 1% Phosphorus (urine, bones, DNA) 0,35% Potassium (enzymes) 0,25% Sulphur (proteins) 0,15% Sodium (in all liquids and tissues) (in terms of salt) 0,05% Magnesium (lungs, kidney, liver, thyroid, brain, muscles, heart) The average adult male contains about 140 g of K(Potassium); the level varies with body weight and muscle mass. We ingest about 2.5 g per day of K from our food and excrete about the same amount. 0.0118 % of that is K40 The answer is that they were present when our earth was formed. Any radioactive material originally present at the formation of the earth would have decayed and disappeared if its half-life was short compared to the age of the earth. However, if its half-life were long, close to or greater than the age of the earth, then such materials would not have disappeared but are still with us today. There are several radioelements in this category, such as the well-known elements uranium and thorium. Thorium (Th232) has a half-life of 14,000,000,000 years, uranium has two long-lived radioisotopes; U238 has a half-life of 4,500,000,000 years, and U235 has a half-life of 710,000,000 years. These give rise to the radium and thorium atoms found in all humans, acquired from the food we eat. That food, of course, obtained these materials from the soil in which it grew or on which it grazed. Potassium is also in this category. There are actually three potassium isotopes: K39, a stable isotope, is the most abundant, at 93.26 % of the total; K41 is next in abundance at 6.73 % and is also a stable isotope. The potassium isotope of interest is a radioactive isotope, K40. It is present in all potassium at a very low concentration, 0.0118 %. It has a very long half-life, 1,260,000,000 years. When it decays 89 % of the events give rise to the emission of a beta ray with maximum energy of 1.33 MeV. The other 11 % of the decays produce a gamma-ray with an energy of 1.46 MeV Everything in existence once decayed from Thorium 232 Half life 14,000,000,000 years Atomic number 90 Atomic mass 232.038 2+3+2+3+8=18 1+8=9 9 acts as two functions 1 and 0 Alpha & Omega The forces required to forge thorium 232 can only be harnessed when traveling close to or at the speed of light, so essentially what I'm getting at is 0.0118% of every person alive is formed of the same element that was forged in the anvil of creation itself. We are all one & the same Thorium 232.036 2+3+2+3+8=18 1+8=9 atomic weight of thorium * 360 degrees rotation around the sun 232.036*360 = 83533.68 8+3+5+3+3+6+8=36 3+6=9 Welcome to the matrix lol German chemist Johann Wolfgang Dobereiner attempted to classify elements with similar properties into groups of three elements each. These groups were called ‘triads’. Dobereiner suggested that in these triads, the atomic mass of the element in the middle would be more or less equal to the mean of the atomic masses of the other two elements in the triad. An example of such a triad would be one containing lithium, sodium, and potassium. The atomic mass of lithium 6.94 and that of potassium is 39.10. The element in the middle of this triad, sodium, has an atomic mass of 22.99 which is more or less equal to the mean of the atomic masses of lithium and potassium (which is 23.02). 9 controls the 6 and 3. The Limitations of Dobereiner’s Triads are : All the elements known at that time couldn’t be classified into triads. Only four triads were mentioned – (Li,Na,K ), (Ca,Sr,Ba) , (Cl,Br,I) , (S,Se,Te). 2. Newland’s Octaves English scientist John Newlands arranged the 56 known elements in increasing order of atomic mass in the year 1866. He observed a trend wherein every eighth element exhibited properties similar to the first. Azomite contains 180ppm of thorium. Your plant will thank you, you are welcome. Most farmers do have not a proper understanding of what is Azomite and how to use it in gardening, especially if they practice organic farming. Continuous propagation and leaching effects of water deplete the essential minerals and micro-nutrients from the soils. Such soils remain weak, not able to support the production of fruits and vegetables. Azomite mineral contains micronutrients that supplement the soil. It also balances the minerals for growth and overall productivity. Constant use of this mineral rejuvenates your soil renewing its potency again. Azomite is a naturally mined mineral product that is ready to use. It’s a unique rock that comes from a mine in central Utah. Azomite requires no mixing or special preparation before use. It is derived from volcano ash that spewed out millions of years ago. It contains the widest range of minerals of all the rock dust in the world. Azomite provides plants with 70% essential elements. These elements include magnesium, calcium, potassium, and silicon for plant growth. Facts About Azomite Fertilizer It’s a natural mineral – 100% natural with no fillers or additives Does not contain any harmful elements Requires no special preparation before use It’s odorless – very friendly to use Does not restrict water penetration or aeration Is easily broken down and absorbed into the soil Does not burn plants. READ ALL OF THIS, Magic is real:) Mag(net)ic has always been real. Nuclear charge radii are sensitive probes of different aspects of the nucleon-nucleon interaction and the bulk properties of nuclear matter, providing a stringent test and challenge for nuclear theory. Experimental evidence suggested a new magic neutron number at N= 32 (refs. 1–3) in the calcium region, whereas the unexpectedly large increases in the charge radii4,5 open new questions about the evolution of nuclear size in neutron-rich systems. By combining the collinear resonance ionization spectroscopy method with β-decay detection, we were able to extend charge radii measurements of potassium isotopes beyond N= 32. Here we provide a charge radius measurement of 52K. It does not show a signature of magic behavior at N= 32 in potassium. The results are interpreted with two state-of-the-art nuclear theories. The coupled cluster theory reproduces the odd-even variations in charge radii but not the notable increase beyond N= 28. This rise is well captured by Fayans nuclear density functional theory, which, however, overestimates the odd-even staggering effect in charge radii. These findings highlight our limited understanding of the nuclear size of neutron-rich systems and expose problems that are present in some of the best current models of nuclear theory. The charge radius is a fundamental property of the atomic nucleus. Although it globally scales with the nuclear mass as A1/3, the nuclear charge radius also exhibits appreciable isotopic variations that are the result of complex interactions between protons and neutrons. Indeed, charge radii reflect various nuclear structure phenomena such as halo structures6, shape staggering7, and shape coexistence8, pairing correlations9,10, neutron skins11, and the occurrence of nuclear magic numbers5,12,13. The term ‘magic number’ refers to the number of protons or neutrons corresponding to completely filled shells. In charge radii, a shell closure is observed as a sudden increase in the charge radius of the isotope just beyond magic shell closure, as seen, for example, at the well-known magic numbers N=28, 50, 82, and 126 (refs. 5,12–14).In the nuclear mass region near potassium, the isotopes with proton number Z≈20 and neutron number N=32 are proposed to be magic on the basis of an observed sudden decrease in their binding energy beyond N=32 (refs. 2,3) and the high excitation energy of the first excited state in 52Ca (ref. 1). Therefore, the experimentally observed a strong increase in the charge radii of calcium4 and potassium5 isotopes between N=28 and N=32, and in particular the large radius of 51K and 52Ca (both having 32 neutrons), have attracted substantial attention. One aim of the present study is therefore to shed light on several open questions in this region: how does the nuclear size of very neutron-rich nuclei evolve, and is there any evidence for the magicity of N=32 from nuclear size measurements? We furthermore provide new data to test several newly developed nuclear models, which aim to understand the evolution of nuclear charge radii of exotic isotopes with large neutron-to-proton imbalances. So far, abinitio nuclear methods, allowing for systematically improvable calculations based on realistic Hamiltonians with nucleon-nucleon and three-nucleon potentials, have failed to explain the enhanced nuclear sizes beyond N=28 in the calcium isotopes4,15. Meanwhile, nuclear density functional theory (DFT) using Fayans functionals has been successful in predicting the increase in the charge radii of isotopes in the proton-magic calcium chain10, as well as the kinks in proton-magic tin and lead12. All these theoretical approaches have, until now, been predominantly used to study the charge radii of even-Z isotopes. Here they will be applied to the odd-Z potassium isotopes (Z=19).
Overall I'm extremely pleased with the grow and yield I got from using the Autopot system. By far my biggest yield yet. The clones were happy with the growing conditions and new setup. Would recommend the Autopots to anyone wanting to try something new or doesn't have the time to hand water or be with their plants 24/7. Also collected some decent kief/pollen from the dried leaves which can be used for smoking, making of hash or dab. Still deciding what I'll do with it. Thanks for making the effort to view my dairy, see you with the next one. Much love and happy smoking my fellow growers.
OMG! So happy i finally harvested! Shakira and Gertrudes are two fat girls! The whole growing process was smooth. Both plants had nutrient deficiencies late flowering but it was my fault because I wasn't feeding them :p the problem stopped when I started using calmag and the bloom/micro. They were string from the begining: i drowned them when they were seedlings, one of them had some mold in the root at that time. But, as soon as I changed pits and corrected my watering there was nothing to worry about. I struggled to observe the trichomes with my cellphone camera hahahahhaha, i still think they're 30% clear but when I noticed a couple of amber ones it was my cue to turn off the lights! I'm not a fan of couch lock effect, so let's see how it went. I'm sure the amber trichomes were not even 10%, so I guess I'm good. Also, i chopped my plants when they completed exactly 77 days from the moment they showed up above the ground. Humidity was a bitch and with a small tent I had no alternative but to use a small dehumidifier from Amazon. It did NOT help that much. I hope they can dry with humidity around 75%, I'm having one small fan blowing on too of them (i know I'm not supposed to but it's 100% outside). Reaching 55 seems like an intangible dream :( I enjoyed the while process of growing, it was easy but i got paranoid far too many times. On the other hand I DETESTED to trim it. Im exhausted, my shoulders hurt and I have NO IDEA if I did it too much or not enough. Hoping drying and curing to be smooth as well. If anyone is reading this, thank you for hanging on with me :) Ps. it's too potent and the smoke is soft, almost too easy to be smoke
What a beautiful strain! This pheno came to me from a 3 pack and has got some strong OG Kush resemblence: long and weak branches, light green leaves in flower, thick buds with little leaves and a strong smell of lemon, earth and cleaner. Skunky flavours from critical mass are not noticable. Very nice palette indeed. A pretty straight forward grow: I already knew the cultivar and was able to give her just about what she needed at each point of the grow. The end result is a plentiful harverst of very aesthetically and psychoactively pleasing cannabis buds.
Started LST on both girls don’t think i did it right it begin with lol. This is when i noticed the burnt tips of the ladies. This was a scary moment for any new grower. Freakin suckedddd
Минус одна растиха, и сразу в боксе как-то пусто 😏 Цикл для медицины продолжается, поэтому окончательные выводы будем делать позже. Хотя уже сейчас очевидно, что между харвестами разных сортов будет не меньше месяца. upd 08.11. добавил фото высушенных шишек, получилось даже больше, чем я планировал Спасибо, что заглянули, и будьте здоровы! 🙏
Awsome strain from SWEET seeds .🙏🏻❤️ Thank you
Muchas gracias por dejarme participar BsF y grow diariaries y compartir este cultivo gorila glue 4. Fue un hecho en scroog en un metro veinte cuadrado usando dos masetas de 23 ltrs usanso microorganismos y productos orgánicos súper contento con esta sepa, fueron criadas con dos focos galoponeros en un armario con poco a lo q tengamos podemos hacer mucho lo importante es aprender un poco todos los días y disfrutar de nuestras cosechas un fuerte abrazo para todos @gorilaweed420
Ho avuto problemi di over fertilizzazione ora cerco di ristabilire i sali minerali nel terreno, ho toppato nuovamente per contenere le altezze e penso che tra poco piazzerò la rete
I didn't really finish this diary. I took them back outdoors to finish for the last week. It finished kinda scraggly and the buds were fluffy. As soon as the bud was dry, I pressed it for the rosin...and forgot to do the diary. Decent for a freebie, but I won't be growing it again. Potency: 6/10 Yield: 4/10 Aroma: 7/10 Flavor: 5/10 Bag-appeal: 3/10
J'avais entendu parler de ce breeders 🧢 il était compliqué de se procurer les graines en France 😞 et puis, j'ai réussi à en avoir 👊via les Etats Unis 🙏👊 j'ai gardé des clones, et croisé le phéno#1 donc celui en vidéo avec un pollen ♂️ Space Runtz de TikiMadman 🔥 et j'ai créé en fin d'année 2021 un CROSS : MAC 🍔 & Cheese 🧀 ♀️Capulator X Grand Daddy Purp original ♂️. Je présenterai un journal de ce strains. Pour le moment, je reste concentré sur le challenge inhousegenetics"Oneworldoneplant" pour lequel je suis sélectionné avec mon amis @pierrougrow_u21. Que la force soit avec nous 🤘💪J'espère que ce journal, c'est le premier 😉 vous aura plus 🤞 Bonne journée à tous 🔥👊 Djé de French Genetics Farm🇨🇵🌱💚
I didn’t yield as much as I would like but I did get some quality flower 83 ofgrams worth between the three cardi b plants, and about 74 grams of 2 envy mintz plants I did have a lot of stress in the beginning which got corrected late and also I might have flipped too early , but all in all it’s some tasty beautiful flower definitely running again gonna do 1 plant this time so tune in for that journal
He’s had a light defoliation and been shaped a little more these next few week will get instresting that’s for sure come checkout my yt channel for a few shorts up on their thanks for all the ❤️ ✌️
El cultivo a sido muy agradecido. Una cepa bastante agradecida y nada dificil de cultivar. La produccion es bastante alta y la calidad fuera de serie si te gusta el sabor caracteristico de la gorila glue esta es tu cepa. Si la cultivas en la fase avanzada de floracion tu indoor sera un mar de colores morados y rosas... Sin ninguna duda de las cepas mas bonitas que e cultivado. Os animo a probarla y uniros a la familia BSF NOS FUIMOS!
This is the first time for me growing an auto and Fastbuds genetics. I'm honestly surprised, this genetic is strong af and reacts very well with LST. The growing overall was really easy. Plagron and Biobizz nutriments are always on top! During flowering period the plant was really smelly, hash vibes. The charras that I've obtained after harvesting the plant was creamy and powerfull!
Lost power for 30 hours due to the storm and Fires last week but managed to make it through ok. Been flushing them heavy and noticing some beautiful purple coming in. Just took them down and hung to dry. Can't wait to see how close I get to my goal!