So I suspect the Golden Goat to have subtle mag def. I’ve upped the Epsom salts a bit to help. Also the Mandarine XL Auto is amazing and this discoloration in its leaves I believe to be from getting handled and snagging on the trellis when bending through. I try to be delicate, but it shows. I’ve not been taking meticulous account of things but here’s as of day 19… Day 19: Low/High - 66F at night, 76F during the day. Moisture Levels: set @ 56% RH Moisture level fluctuations from 54%-68% depending on time and temperature as well as moisture levels in the pot itself. As the pot gets dry I will lower the VPD a bit. Fly Traps: CLEAN-w/ 2 fungus gnats (1/week) both located @ MXL (MXL= Mandarine XL Auto) No signs of mold or mildew. Ventilation Setting: Humidity 57% RH Light Intensity (Dimmer Switch @ 75%) 3” tall. The Critical Purple Autoflower shares the tent: while exhibiting signs similar to mosaic virus, I believe this to not be the case, and instead a genetic pigment deformation possibly induced from the high UV LED lights. I’m only basing this theory of of other anecdotes. I’m not willing to test the contagion properties, but I’m going to pop a seed for just that purpose. Until then I wear gloves or wash hands and sterilize equipment before and after each plant until I can rule out a contagion or not. Planing to update my feed and get some ppm measurements. Also I’m thinking the MXL is ready for a little Regalia and a foliar feed. Only thing is a 2 hour window from 3-5am! But I will feed a little Regalia and Venerate sometime this week.
Merlin Mintz Autoflower is growing great. She us still bulking and looking good. She has a earthy, herbal smell at the moment. A few more weeks and she will be ready. Thank you Spider Farmer, Athena, and Aeque Genetics. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
TrolMaster Tracking I started to track my crop during week 15, when I got the Tent-X TCS-1 by TrolMaster. First impression was: this is too professional for me, I can't handle setting it up and using it well. Then I started reading some posts on Instagram, I visited their site and in 5 minutes my cultivation experience took a huge step forward with disarming simplicity, I couldn't believe it. Controller Chronicles Day after day I appreciated the clarity and precision for data, access to all settings and instant readings by connecting a WIFI router to the controller's LAN port. I loved the possibility to dim my lamps remotely, or even automatically based on the temperature in the box! 🌱 GERMINATION (2 days) Seed in a glass of EC 0.4 tap water for 10 hours, then in root riot and under the lamp. It sprouted after 48 hours from dry seed. 🌿 GROWING STAGE (10 weeks and half) I decided to give these plants a long vegetative growth and this allowed me to do a lot of training on both. Starting from the 4th veg week I started with defoliation sessions every two weeks, for a total of four during the entire vegetative phase. The last one was done a couple of days before the switch, in order to allow the lower parts of the plant to get as much light as possible. Furthermore, still in this phase, I did Topping on week 6, cutting the apical bud, then on week 8 I did Topping on several buds, as well as SuperCropping on the highest branches to make the canopy uniform.The light cycle I used is 18/6 and the last two veg weeks I lowered the light hours to 16/8 first and 14/10 then. During the veg stage I made 4 DWC change, PH was always between 5.5 and 6, about EC I started with 0.6 and was 1.4 on the last veg week. 🌸 FLOWERING STAGE (9 weeks) I started this phase after 36 hours of darkness, I then changed the DWCs solution and adding a flowering stimulator. Then I mounted the ScrOG-net about fifty centimeters from the base of the plants and I wove #1 through the net occupying at least 60% of the available space, #2 stretched shortly after the switch and I used the net only to widen the central branches. They showed the pre-flowers two weeks after the switch, then I made two defoliations on week 3 and 5 flo. During the last four weeks (6-7-8-9) I simply paid attention to the PH-EC levels to provide the roots with optimal conditions. I then kept the temperature-humidity-VPD values ​​under control and this also thanks to the Tent-X controller by TrolMaster .I chopped them when trichomes were about 85% milky and 15% amber. During the flowering stage PH was always between 5.8 and 6.2, about EC I started with 2 and was 2.3 on the last week before flush. ✅ HARVEST - From dry seed to harvest: 140 days (2 days germination + 75 days veg + 63 days flo). - Chopped after 4 days flush and 48 hours in dark; - Wet trim, removed fan leaves. ✅ DRYING STAGE - Time: 14 days; - Average: 20° C - 50% RH. - After that I made a dry trim, removed branches and sugar leaves. ⚖️ DRY WEIGHT - Phenotype #1: 230 gr buds + 25 gr larf; - Phenotype #2: 105 gr buds + 50 gr larf. So, the overall dry weight is: 335 gr buds + 75 gr larf. ✅ CURING STAGE - Curing is done after 30 days with Boveda 62%.
Absolutely Love these genetics one of my favorite grows so far cannot wait till harvest. The smells are immaculate.🌿💨💯
⭐ TrolMaster tracking ⭐ I started to track my crop during week 15, when I got the Tent-X TCS-1 by TrolMaster. First impression was: this is too professional for me, I can't handle setting it up and using it well. Then I started reading some posts on Instagram, I visited their site and in 5 minutes my cultivation experience took a huge step forward with disarming simplicity, I couldn't believe it. I have uploaded tracking videos from the TrolMaster app for each week from the 15th to the 19th, as well as the two weeks of drying stage. ⭐ Controller Chronicles ⭐ Day after day I appreciated the clarity and precision for data, access to all settings and instant readings by connecting a WIFI router to the controller's LAN port. I loved the possibility to dim my lamps remotely, or even automatically based on the temperature in the box! 🌱 GERMINATION (2 days) Seed in a glass of EC 0.4 tap water for 10 hours, then in root riot and under the lamp. It sprouted after 48 hours from dry seed. 🌿 GROWING STAGE (10 weeks and half) I decided to give these plants a long vegetative growth and this allowed me to do a lot of training on both. Starting from the 4th veg week I started with defoliation sessions every two weeks, for a total of four during the entire vegetative phase. The last one was done a couple of days before the switch, in order to allow the lower parts of the plant to get as much light as possible. Furthermore I did Topping on week 6, cutting the apical bud, then on week 8 I did Topping again on several buds, as well as SuperCropping on the highest branches to make the canopy uniform. The light cycle I used is 18/6 and the last two veg weeks I lowered the light hours to 16/8 first and 14/10 then. During the veg stage I made 4 DWC change, PH was always between 5.5 and 6, about EC I started with 0.6 and was 1.4 on the last veg week. 🌸 FLOWERING STAGE (9 weeks) I started this phase after 36 hours of darkness, I then changed the DWCs solution and adding a flowering stimulator. Then I mounted the ScrOG-net about fifty centimeters from the base of the plants and I wove #1 through the net occupying at least 60% of the available space, #2 stretched shortly after the switch and I used the net only to widen the central branches. They showed the pre-flowers two weeks after the switch, then I made two defoliations on week 3 and 5 flo. During the last four weeks of flowering I simply paid attention to the PH-EC levels to provide the roots with optimal conditions. I then kept the TEMP-RH-VPD-PPFD values ​​under control and this also thanks to the Tent-X controller by TrolMaster which allows me to provide optimal conditions also above. I chopped them when trichomes were about 85% milky and 15% amber. During the flowering stage PH was always between 5.8 and 6.2, about EC I started with 2 and was 2.3 on the last week before flush. ✅ HARVEST - From dry seed to harvest: 140 days (2 days germination + 75 days veg + 63 days flo). - Chopped after 4 days flush and 48 hours in dark; - Wet trim, removed fan leaves. ✅ DRYING STAGE - Time: 14 days; - Average: 20° C - 50% RH. - After that I made a dry trim, removed branches and sugar leaves. ⚖️ DRY WEIGHT - Phenotype #1: 230 gr buds + 25 gr larf; - Phenotype #2: 105 gr buds + 50 gr larf. So, the overall dry weight is: 335 gr buds + 75 gr larf. ✅ CURING STAGE - Curing is done after 30 days with Boveda 62%.
Continuiamo solo con overdrive per un altra settimana continuando a controllare sempre i tricomi, aspettando che diventino lattiginosi per cambiare soluzione e far girare l'impianto gli ultimi 7 - 10 gg con solo acqua osmotica a ph 6 per il flush prima di raccolt
Bubble OG Gum auto is looking great. Super frosty colas on her. She has a sweet smell with a bubble Gum smell. Trichromes were still overall clear. I will leave her in feed a few more days. Then go to ph water for her flush week. She looks good, and smells great. Thank you Spider Farmer, Athena, and Ganja Farmer. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
04/16/24. Hey hiii helloooo. We are entering week 8 wow. I can’t believe we made it. All in all I’m very happy with how thing have gone/are going. I’m not sure exactly how soon or not these will be done. I think they’ve done what they are gonna do and now we’re just watching trichomes. They look sorta done? Like I think I could chop them and all would be fine.. but I’m no expert on trichomes. I think they look milky LOL..mostly? I’m going to let them keep going and watch for any changes. Feeling happy and also sad at the thought of murdering them :( I love them Oh and I dimmed the light to 50% and just giving water still when they’re dry which is every other day. Each drinking 1 gallon. Trichome pictures included for anyone who can look at them better than me 😅
7ft tall doing high stress training to bend down. Tent is maxed. All under control
7ft tall doing high stress training to bend down. Tent is maxed. All under control
Trying to increase light now that they're all healthier again, without burning away the pretty blue color they're developing. Gave them their late-flower defoliation, will wait until finishing to cut all the leaves off. Still doubling calmag and buildabloom. buildabloom has epsom in it it turns out, so I'll stop doubling the calmag when I use it. Gonna water one more time and feed one more time. I dont think its a matter of flushing or not, I just dont think itll continue to uptake much.
Week 11 (10-4 to 16-4) 10-4 Temperature: 24.4 degrees (lights on) 21.1 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 60% (highest) 52% (lowest) No pictures. Added 10L to the reservoir, and turned it on for a couple of minutes. 11-4 Temperature: 24.4 degrees (lights on) 21 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 61% (highest) 52% (lowest) 12-4 Temperature: 25.5 degrees (lights on) 22 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 65% (highest) 57% (lowest) Turned the reservoir on for a couple of minutes. 13-4 Temperature: 26.5 degrees (lights on) 23 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 65% (highest) 56% (lowest) 14-4 Temperature: 26.4 degrees (lights on) 22.1 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 64% (highest) 45% (lowest) Turned the reservoir on for a couple of minutes. The reservoir is almost empty, there is 850 ml left. 15-4 Temperature: 24.4 degrees (lights on) 20 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 59% (highest) 49% (lowest) No pictures. 16-4 Temperature: 23.5 degrees (lights on) 19.5 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 60% (highest) 53% (lowest) Today i defoliated both plants heavily for the last time, you can say i did a method called: schwazzing. Dont know why but while i was defoliating the Chemdog smelled a little bit like soap haha. Turned on the reservoir for a couple of minutes. (Till the AutoPots are full and the valve closes) Rised the pots aswell, so the canopy is very even. I let them recover from the heavy defoliation i did, and next week i will slowly increase the light's strength. (Now still at 50% 50cm)
Week 11 (10-4 to 16-4) 10-4 Temperature: 24.4 degrees (lights on) 21.1 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 60% (highest) 52% (lowest) No pictures. Added 10L to the reservoir, and turned it on for a couple of minutes. 11-4 Temperature: 24.4 degrees (lights on) 21 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 61% (highest) 52% (lowest) 12-4 Temperature: 25.5 degrees (lights on) 22 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 65% (highest) 57% (lowest) Turned the reservoir on for a couple of minutes. 13-4 Temperature: 26.5 degrees (lights on) 23 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 65% (highest) 56% (lowest) 14-4 Temperature: 26.4 degrees (lights on) 22.1 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 64% (highest) 45% (lowest) Turned the reservoir on for a couple of minutes. The reservoir is almost empty, there is 850 ml left. 15-4 Temperature: 24.4 degrees (lights on) 20 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 59% (highest) 49% (lowest) No pictures. 16-4 Temperature: 23.5 degrees (lights on) 19.5 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 60% (highest) 53% (lowest) Today i defoliated both plants heavily for the last time, you can say i did a method called: schwazzing. Turned on the reservoir for a couple of minutes. (Till the AutoPots are full and the valve closes) Rised the pots aswell, so the canopy is very even. I let them recover from the heavy defoliation i did, and next week i will slowly increase the light's strength. (Now still at 50% 50cm)
Super start på sæsonen!!!! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ Alt sammen skal nok blive godt!! ❤️ ❤️ 1000 💚 💚 procent. 😉. Og er så småt ved at GORILLA 🦍 GROW OGSÅ DER VIL KOMME OP TIL 35DAGBØGER MERE FRA MIG I ÅR
Mohawk Meds: Banana Flambe (BF): Day 21. 4 BF plants green and growing. Cut off a piece of leaf for gender testing. Should hear within 10 days results. Roots have reached bottom and looking healthy. I've been bottom watering them 6.0ph mineral water to get those roots to stretch along with a spritzx2. Environment: 76F, 55%RH, 650ppm CO2, 510-620ppfd all week. Increasing the lighting really helped them grow. Giving them another week in the cups before up potting to 1 Gal.
Pretty normal week, lots of flushing and smell definitely increased Managed to control temps a little better
Experiment explanation see week1 was able to stop the expansion of CaMg deficiency by increasing the ph to 6.4...currently give this: Plagron sugar royal 1 ml/l Plagron power buds 1 ml/l Plagron alga bloom 4 ml/l Plagron green sensation 1 ml/l Aptus regulator 3 drops/l Aptus CaMg booster 0.7 ml/l Drinks appr. 2 litre per day at the moment...nutrified
The stretch has gone nuts... Growth has been amazing... Nothing to really complain about besides they're hungry hungry hungry lol
Ab geht es in die 2. Woche PPFD wert wird auf 225-250 hochgeschraubt Lux wird von 7k auf c.a 8.500 - 9.000 in 18H angepasst Lampenabstand bleibt vorerst gleich da die Blätter sich meiner Meinung nach hervorragend ausprägen. Temperatur wird Tagsüber zwischen 25 und 27 Grad maximal gehalten bei einer konstanten Luftfeuchtigkeit von 65%+