This is my second grow, (first diary). I used same set up for first grow. I did all autos and purchased from Royal Queen seeds, 2 x Cookies Gellato, 2 x fat banana and 2 x northern lights, my pals and I really impressed with the results and some very nice smoke. Decided to try some photoperiods this time out and keep a diary. Love this website reading other people's experiences is very helpful. I've done three Royal Cheese - Fast, love this strain to be so common in UK, don't see it much these days. Germimation method used, - seeds soaked in filtered water in the dark overnight in a shot glass then added to a damp kitchen towel put in a large sealed ziplock bag in the airing cupboard, after two days large tap roots and potted in their final 15 litre fabric pots. Light set at 35% power at mo. Using auto govee humidifier and hygro sensor to adjust environment without opening , really handy being able to check/adjust via WiFi. Second sensor on Spider Farmer extraction fan to cross check both sensors for accurate readings.
Lefty was dropped during veg that explains why she looks a few days behind the other i damaged a high fan leaf in about week 5 of veg and now I know what effect it has so not to do it again! Started on pk13 two days ago just a video update for now 😋
Hello and welcome to week 3 of this Diary 🙌🏼, Last week I had a little mess while transplanting but the girls seem to be thriving. It‘s day 12 since they came out and i‘m impressed how they are growing already with low humidity and a DLI of around 25 so i think they‘ve arrived at the Vegetationsphase. I would love to push them harder but I don‘t have a real CO2 system in place. You see, my lamp gets really hot at 100% and Plants have something called „photorespiration“ when the leaves get too hot. They confuse CO2 with oxigen and use up energy whith the wrong „gas“. So the optimal temperature shifts when C02 ist added. Not to mention you get up to 30% more yield. I already got some things from amazon delivered to me next week so if you want to follow along you can see me attempt to put it in place and hopefully make it work. I‘m planing to make the whole growspace airtight (but still excesseble) and build my own coolingsystem and dehydration system WIHTHOUT getting new air in to prevent the CO2 from comming out. I think I will finish it by friday and post an update. I will keep it short this time and hope you have a great day, growmies 👍🏻 Update: the Co2 system is in place and it seems that just by making the space Air tight, the CO2 bag in it is enough to highten the CO2 in the tent to 1130! And it‘s still going up. It‘s now actually pretty hard to get it out 😭 I have to rethink the temperature settings because now they can take it. I read that they can take up too 3000 ppm Co2 but we‘ll see. My lights aren‘t that strong and imm not getting a new one. Very important to keep the tent cool and dehydrated tho without etting rid of the CO2 so I bought 6 packeges of dehydrating subrtate in bags and a cooling system wich dehydrates too obviously. I also bought a CO2 reactor, wich can be refilled. It‘s a reaction based off of 700 grams of bakingsoda and 700 grams of Citric acid (it‘s ment for aquariums but who cares). The CO2 device sets a target and shuts on and off when it‘s off by 1/2 of the Zone I chose. It detects when the light turn off and shuts down too. Rn it‘s not even turning on because of the CO2 bag. So if you have one of those, can make your tent Air toght and you can build yourself a cooling sytem you could have a high Co2 tent with less than 100€$. But since one Exhale bag is pretty expensive I figgured investing in a reactor such as this is much cheaper in the long run. The CO2 controller was epensive tho. Tomorrow i‘m feeding the plants again 1100 EC this time (it‘s been 2 days) and i‘m going to keep posting updates. C ya soon 👌🏻 Update: since day 15 i have the tent in 800 ppm CO2, 30°C, ≈50% humidity, 25.000 Lux (≈600ppfd).
Was so nice to grow going to do her again but making a new in depth diary and this time organic 👍 taste absolutely beautiful fruity and gassy as hell
Last one, the gorilla 🦍 glue is getting very fat and one step did snap but now I have support the branches
Last one, the gorilla 🦍 glue is getting very fat and one step did snap but now I have support the branches 😉
NOTES: This will be the last week of flowering. Just a couple more days of flushing with the Final Solution and I'll harvest all of them before the end of the week. Then I'll hang them to dry in the same growing tent and start the drying and defoliating process. Overall everything looks pretty good and no bigger problems have occurred. Day113 (6.2.) Today is 64th day of flowering and 13th day of flushing. Day114 (7.2.) After my lights turn off today at around midnight, I'll take the timer and lights off completely and leave the plants in total dark for a day or so before cutting them off. Day115 (8.2.) Day116 (9.2.) Finally! Cutting the plants down this afternoon and hanging them to dry. So, the overall grow time from seed to harvest was 116days with 67days of flowering, with total darkness for the last 36hours before harvest.
I had alot of issues with my environment, tools, auto-watering, So I did alot of mistakes, but I could take some clones that I'll use in a next run but I wont create a new diary for it. 👋👋👋
2.2. - Seems like I'm still doing something wrong. My plants got more yellow. Watered 💧 4.2. - I've added and adjusted some wires. Also, I've decided to defoliate a least the most yellow parts. Buds are swelling and getting more frosty each day ❄️ 5.2. - Watered 💧 7.2. - I think that I am making the rookie mistake of underwatering and that's the cause of yellowing of plants closest to the LED. Let's hope it that ✌️ Watered 💧 8.2. - Week wrap-up: It seems like plants like more water. Buds are getting more fat and sugar coated each day ❄️ Also the smell got more strong and bit fruity when touching them 🍎 🍦 2.2. - 8.2.2024
Legend Timestamp: 📅 EC - pH: ⚗️ Temp - Hum: 🌡️ Water: 🌊 Food: 🍗 pH Correction: 💧 Actions: 💼 Thoughts: 🧠 Events: 🚀 Media: 🎬 D: DAY, G: GERMINATION, V: VEGETATIVE, B: BLOOMING, R: RIPENING, D: DRYING, C: CURING ________________________________ 📅 D84/B22 - 07/02/24 ⚗️ EC: 1 pH: 5.0 🌡️ T: 19-26 °C H: 55-65 % 🌊 8L 🍗 CalMag - Bloom A-B - B52 - Bud Candy - Big Bud 💧 💼 🧠 The VPD rate was stable on the right value for all the day ! Great, and many thanks to TrolMaster Tent-X ! 🚀 🎬 Added Timelapse video and screenshots ________________________________ 📅 c ⚗️ EC: pH: 🌡️ T: °C H: % 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 I made a photoset with "Garlic Fuffy" enjoy the pictures 😋. Added Timelapse video
Привет садоводы 4 неделя растение после пересадки чувствует себя хорошо немного подросла цвет листьев идеальный ,даже немного переливаются перламутровым, но она слишком рано показала пол и мне кажется она зацветает , хотя свет горит 16 часов день 25 и я перевел световой режим на цветение 12-12
Привет садоводы 7 неделя вегетации , но я поменял световой режим теперь только ожидать и наблюдать как она зацветет растет она не очень быстро и впитывает воду медленно я поливал ее последний раз неделю назат , а может и больше , но горшок по прежнему еще тяжелый
W12.D1 The captivating journey took an unexpected turn when mold was spotted on two buds, prompting me to opt for an emergency harvest to mitigate further spread 🍂. By skipping both washing and drying (last 24 hours without water) to speed up the harvest, the weight of the large bush, a hefty 2485 grams, included all the water, stems, leaves, and even the bamboo scrog :) Upon thorough examination, no additional signs of mold were detected. I ensured all the buds were dried under the highest airflow possible, effectively minimizing the impact of the mold 🌬️. In response to this challenge, I'm planning to enhance the ventilation system and improve data monitoring within the grow box. These adjustments aim to replicate the success of this growing method while preventing mold in future cycles 🛠️. My heartfelt thanks go out to everyone who has been part of this journey through the diary. Your engagement and encouragement mean the world to me and my plants 🌿. Huge thanks to @AsNoriu, @MiyaguiOkPolilla, @nonick123, @Archie1337, @JuanHaze_Arg, @deFharo, @Plantinator, @GrowerOG, @GrowInSparta, @Lemonhazelover for following my journey and wishing me success 🌟. Your support means the world to me 🙏💚. A special shoutout to @chamomile; I'm gearing up for a strong comeback 💪. Appreciation extends to @SkunkleDamo, @TheUk420Show, @HerbalEdu, and @FNplug6 for their invaluable advice during this critical decision-making process 🙏. W12.D7 Almost a whole week of drying has passed, and I've managed to remove the excess fan leaves and the less trichome-dense parts of the remaining leaves 🍃✂️. Made a little update to the dryer - added an extra section and now all the cleaned colas with buds are comfortably sitting on the drying racks 🌿🔄. No signs of mold anywhere, which is a huge win 🚫🍄✨. I haven’t separated them from the branches yet; I’m planning the final weighing after another week of drying ⏳🌱. P.S. Dreaming about the yield if I could manage to hold out for two more planned weeks of grow 🌠💭🌳. More smiles, more vibes 🌈😊.
Maybe next defoil at this week, i will see. Watering up on 4 L two times at week. Lights downgrade on 90%
The captivating journey took an unexpected turn when mold was spotted on two buds, prompting me to opt for an emergency harvest to mitigate further spread 🍂. By skipping both washing and drying (last 24 hours without water) to speed up the harvest, the weight of the large bush, a hefty 2485 grams, included all the water, stems, leaves, and even the bamboo scrog :) Upon thorough examination, no additional signs of mold were detected. I ensured all the buds were dried under the highest airflow possible, effectively minimizing the impact of the mold 🌬️. In response to this challenge, I'm planning to enhance the ventilation system and improve data monitoring within the grow box. These adjustments aim to replicate the success of this growing method while preventing mold in future cycles 🛠️. My heartfelt thanks go out to everyone who has been part of this journey through the diary. Your engagement and encouragement mean the world to me and my plants 🌿. Huge thanks to @AsNoriu, @MiyaguiOkPolilla, @nonick123, @Archie1337, @JuanHaze_Arg, @deFharo, @Plantinator, @GrowerOG, @GrowInSparta, @Lemonhazelover for following my journey and wishing me success 🌟. Your support means the world to me 🙏💚. A special shoutout to @chamomile; I'm gearing up for a strong comeback 💪. Appreciation extends to @SkunkleDamo, @TheUk420Show, @HerbalEdu, and @FNplug6 for their invaluable advice during this critical decision-making process 🙏.
Build a soil kind of drys out fast to me so I started to use the barley straw to help with moisture but so far it seems good to go haven’t ph the water yet think imma start next week been using RO water and I’ve used spring deer park water couple times
3ª Settimana Vegetativa. Abbiamo fatto il cambio di fotoperiodo e siamo passati da 15/9 a 13/11👍🏻😘 È arrivato il controller TENT-X gentilmente prestato da TROLMASTER 💚🔝... Installazione molto semplice ed intuitiva, settaggio altrettanto. Davvero tanta roba!