Kind of given up on this one. I had an issue catchung runoff which led to me not watering plants enough Not watering plants to runoff will result in higher substrate Ec(Generative cue and also could burn plants) Also its about 20• outside which does not work for the plantsr dark period. December and january are tough months. I recently learned that i should
Hi I would like to introduce you to my first ever, cobbled together, but so far so good, growers' garden. I welcome and look forward to your ideas and advice. Germination done in between cotton pads. The one seed that didn't germinated was bigger and darker than the others(slightly).
День 85. 02.07 перевёл на 14/10, но не пошло😢 18.07 перевёл на 12/12 Кендик Температура Днём 30 Ночью 27 Влажность 52% Расстояние до лампы 7см это критично😂 Полив 2л Simplex terra Bloom 8мл Simplex taste 2мл Simplex solid 2мл Simplex Power 6 капель на 300 мл Simplex Mass 3 капли на 300 мл Растиха очень хорошо себя чувствует и показывает всем видом своим😁поднабрали многие ветви объём, так что многие должны будут выдержать цветочки😊 На этой недели начался безумный запах лесных ягод и такой сладкий сладкий запах, начали трихомы показываться довольно хорошо, цветочки набирают по тихоньку массу свою😁 на днях проведу ещё дефулиацию и думаю уже уберу все остальные листья мешающие😊 День 85. 02.07 перевёл на 14/10, но не пошло😢 18.07 перевёл на 12/12 Банана лов Температура Днём 30 Ночью 27 Влажность 52% Расстояние до лампы 25 см Полив 2л Simplex terra Bloom 8мл Simplex taste 2мл Simplex solid 2мл Simplex Power 6 капель на 300 мл Simplex Mass 3 капли на 300 мл Растиха начала испускать такой запах мощи страшной, пока описать не могу точно запах, но чувствуется что будет тяжело с ней бороться😂 А так наливаються достаточно толстые шишки, прям набор идёт очень заметный каждый день, питается очень хорошо и ей всё нравится иногда даже кажется что просит ещё😁 А ещё вернёмся к мутаций на Кендике, как она развилась и во что превратилась😂
Welcome to my THC BOMB AUTO sponsored by MSNL & Spider-Farmer. 8-14 Days My auto was put into an 11L pot before any stress hit her to hard. So, the last few days the pheno has really picked up. And looks like she's gonna be a nice big auto. "Touch bud" nice and healthy. Feeding I've been given about 5 different nutrients. All organic and I give fish force and the Enzymes (Power Roots also) and Alga Grow until she starts showing sex. And I'll put her on water for 5 days or so. And will then start to push more of an even NPK 3-5-5. Shout out to my sponsors and to all who stopped by to have a look. I appreciate you so drop a like so I can visit your work. Either way thanks for stopping by. Comments are welcome with any input.
So far so good. Keeping it simple
Fat Bastard is a good one. Everyone loves it's aroma. This one looks like it turned out a bit leafy. I do think I remember hitting it with extra nitrogen once, n it didn't get reported, so that all plays I'm sure. I'll see how leafy it ends up when all is done
Fat Bastard is a good one. Everyone loves it's aroma. This one looks like it turned out a bit leafy. I do think I remember hitting it with extra nitrogen once, n it didn't get reported, so that all plays I'm sure. I'll see how leafy it ends up when all is done
Cherry cola,the one we thought was gonna be a runt turned out to have the fattest,tightest,most dense buds. The bud structure on her is absolutely amazing,the aroma she leaves on your fingers is out of this world and honestly she will be one that hits the tent again. She may of been smaller but that’s only because we thought she wasn’t gonna make it giving she had issues in the first couple weeks. But she bounced back and thrived the entire grow! Highly recommend this strain to any home grower that wants a nice plant with even better bud structure 🔥 she’s definitely a keeper!
Grow report week 4: The training and the topping Hello dear growers and groweresses, it’s time for an update on my grow. My plants have completed the fourth week and have grown further. But they have also experienced some measures that I will tell you about. The training This week I continued the low-stress training (LST) and tied the plants further. The LST is a method to gently bend and tie the plants to improve the light distribution and air circulation. The goal is to keep the plants low and wide and promote more side shoots and flower heads. The topping In addition to the LST, I also applied the topping to make the plants even bushier. The topping is a method to cut off the top of the plant to interrupt the apical dominance and produce more main shoots. The goal is to branch the plant and produce more flowers. I performed the topping as follows: I watered the plants well to reduce the stress. I cut off the top of the plant above the third or fourth node to create two new shoots. I observed the plants and looked for signs of stress or shock. The topping also worked well and the plants recovered quickly. They formed two new main shoots that will later become large colas. They also put more energy into the side branches, which will also carry more flowers. The fertilization I also fertilized for the first time this week, although I actually wanted to start late with it. I used the Fish-Mix from BioBizz to give the plants more nitrogen. Fish-Mix is an organic liquid fertilizer that consists of fish parts from the North Sea and organic sugar beet extract. It stimulates the biological activity of the soil and the plant growth. The Fish-Mix did well for the plants and they showed more growth. They formed more leaves and shoots and became greener and healthier. They also absorbed more nitrogen and produced more proteins. The outlook I am very satisfied with the result of the fourth week. My plants have been well trained and topped and have shown great growth. I am very curious about the next week, where I have to activate my setup completely to give the plants their final place and pots. It will be exciting for me to see if my system works as I wished. I will continue to observe the plants and respond to their needs. I will adjust the light intensity, the fertilization and the training to achieve the best results. Thanks for stopping by and see you next week! 😊
Day 28 from sprout, these girls are looking healthy and loving life...as far as I can tell. Topped them back on Monday 1-22 and then did my first top dressing today with some gaia green all purpose 4-4-4. some glacial rock dust and alittle mineralized phosphorus. Been staying at 6.5ph for all waterings
1/25/2024 Vegetation Week 3 Day 1- took 2 Tops today and cleaned up a few lower leaves that were hanging down. The FiM seems to have worked well and looks like I have three branches coming in where it was FiMed. 1/26/2024 Vegetation Week 3 Day 2- took 2 Tops from the sides and took a little of the foliage that was touching the lid. She seems to be doing very well.. Water change day tomorrow.. YAY!! will get a good picture of the roots and see how she is doing. 1/27/2024 Vegetation Week 3 Day 3- Water Change Day! I noticed a slight red coming in on the STEMS which I added a pinch of EPSOM salt to help correct. I added 36 Gallons of Water I added the following Nutes: Silica = .5Mil/Gal= 18Mil CalMag= .75Mil/Gal= 27Mil FloraMicro = 4.2Mil/Gal= 187Mil FloraGro= 3.8Mil/Gal= 137Mil FLoraBloom= 3.0Mil/Gal= 108Mil ORCA = .5Mil/Gal= 18Mil EPSOM- 1 big pinch 1/28/2024 Vegetation Week 3 Day 3- I did nothing today but make sure the PH is balanced and I let them soak up the New Nutes.
Another week here comes and goes. I continue to adjust the list ties to widen this girl out but that's essentially over now. Gonna let her gain some height now in her last week of stretch. Watering every other day. Lights at 100% power. Here are the lights details: Medic Grow Mini Sun-2 150W LED Model: MN150-022 Spectrum mode: V1 Efficacy: 2.8 umol/J Thanks for stopping by! You can find the light on Grow Diaries: https://growdiaries.com/grow-lights/medic-grow/mini-sun-2-150-watts You can find the light on Medic Grow's website: https://medicgrow.com/
15 dias a 12/12h. Iniciamos la semana mostrando claros simptomas de floración. Por lo que hace a la araña roja comentar que no ví ni una en un par de foliolos o hojas que estube mirando pero si ví que habian quedado huevos o larbas pegadas en los nervios del foliolo. Esta semana nueva fumigada y esta vez cambiando de producto. Son ya varios cultivos utilizando lo mismo y es muy posible que a las arañas no les haga ni cosquillas, por lo de la inmunidad. Una pequeña poda de los segundos nudos y para más adelante una última de bajos y chupópteros y así dejarlas ya tranquilas el resto del cultivo. Como puede observarse esta semana han vuelto hacer una buena estirada, entiendo que al ser 9 en tan poco espacio todas miran de competir por cual recibe más luz creciendo como locas. De esta solo puedo esperar que salgan unos bonitos cohetes. A final de semana estarian en 80 ctms las más altas y 65 ctms las más peques.
Hello and Welcome back 🌱 It‘s now 7 days ago since I put them in Water to Germinate and now it‘s their 5th day of growing. Yesterday, they got their first 4 hours of darkness and now i‘m slowly going down to 18/6 light schedule. I admit, the environment was sometimes very off due to experiments with VPD and leaf temperatur but I think I can dile it in correctly for this growing stage and beyond (hopefully). I was trying to see what happens if I stress them a little and hoped they would grow faster but they 100% didn‘t like it. They heat up pretty fast when the Air is too hot and dry because the roots are not developed and the plant is not established enough. An established plant can stay outside in the heat of the sun and still have cool leaves. So my environment for this stage is as above (27°C,70%RH). Light at 15000 Lux (≈370 ppfd) a little high but I‘ve noticed some stretching and I asumed they wanted more light and I really don’t want any more stretching. My media comes without nutriens so i feed little amounts of it every time they dry out enough. This is a Indica dominant strain so I asume they will stay fairly smal. Btw. If anybody wonders if CO2 bags work, check out the Video I uploaded. They are still seedlings (not really in Veg yet) and so i‘m treating them as such for the rest of the week. Root developement is now the top priority wich, if you didn‘t know, is better in a smal pot first because they are more likely to develope secondary roots but we’ll see. I heard It‘s like topping just underneath the plant. When they are ready to be transplanted I most likely will take the first three. Thats it for today :) happy sunday ☀️
Ok.. almost finished.. still some clear trichomes but she will Def be done by week 8... getting super
Start of Week 4 ❤️ Watering 2L every 2 Days per Plant. Waiting for 10 more Days until flipping to flower
01/26 No pictures this week because I'm doing multiple days of time lapse photos. Next week should have some yummy vids and photos. Plants have been doing well. Topped all of the plants between 01/20-01/23, except Berry, which will get topped tonight. Berry has had a very strong rebound. Still very pale in comparison, but is showing strong vertical growth. Vigorous growth of lateral shoots in most plants except for one of the WW. (iirc, it's WW 3) The tallest WW with the widest node spacing has had extremely poor lateral growth, even at the topping site. Likely another 2-4 weeks before mothers will be a clone-ready, based on observed growth. I prefer DWC and haven't done soil for a very long time. It's shocking how much slower growth rate is in soil. A good thing in the long run, because pruning a mother plant in hydro is a PITA. At the same time, I want these plants to hurry up so I can toss clones into a SOG test. My plan is to take 2 clones of 4 plants and flower them all in one 14-gallon tote. 01/28 I had some issues with the timelapse because I didn't set the intervalometer correctly and it eventually went weird after running for over 36 hours and started taking pics every 5 minutes. Things have been fixed and I have add a video from 01/24. I am going to trim some fan leaves tonight and decided to flower 2 cuttings each from the two Bananas.
January 24, 2024 Day 141 Gorilla Cookies: Number 2: This is the final week of flower for this lady. She may need another week to completely finish up, but this is the home stretch. The fade has started. Pistils are about 50% orange now. She's not taking in as much water, as I noted before. Today, the moisture content is 20%. I'll have to see how she does throughout the day. I'm really trying to not let her get that dry. Maybe I'll wait for tomorrow and let her dry out this one time. Maybe it will help speed along the maturing process. There really isn't much else to report today. I plucked a few more leaves off today. All of which were either dead or dying. Not too many though. There was maybe 10 total. Grow System Environment: Temp: 73.3° RH: 45.2% VPD: 1.50 kPa January 25, 2024 Gorilla Cookies: Number 2: Not much to do today. Soil moisture is at 20% as of this morning. I'll check later this afternoon if she needs water. I really don't want to water in the afternoon. If the moisture is below 15% by 6 pm, I'll have to water, but hopefully she holds off at 17% for the evening. I pulled a couple more leaves off today. Not much, just some lower dying leaves. The fade is in full swing now. No colors yet. Just a lot of yellowing leaves. In the next few days, I expect some colors to start showing. The top net isn't doing really anything. Some colas are standing a bit from it, but the majority are still leaning too far over. It's because I can't reach in the back and couldn't tie it up. So the net is just floating. Kinda wish it was a 4" grid. Oh well. It's there now, so it's not coming off. Grow System Environment: Temp: 73.9° RH: 45.0% VPD: 1.53 kPa January 26, 2024 Gorilla Cookies: Number 2: So last night I fed a half gallon to hold her over for the night. This morning she was at 16% moisture content. So she got a gallon of Flawless Finish. The fade is going full swing now. No colors yet, but more leaves are turning yellow. Colas are continuing to put on more weight. Not much, but still more. Everything else looks good. There's a couple more damaged leaves, but I honestly don't feel like getting rid of them yet. I'll wait for them to die out more. Although, there are very few of them left. I did pretty good at clearing them out originally. Also, after looking through the plant, there really isn't much more I can do for now. There's no sense in pulling healthy leaves right now and I can't do anything with the canopy. So basically it's all good to go now. Just watering and observing. In a week, I'll check trichomes and start trimming healthy leaves. It should be a day or 2 before harvest. Grow System Environment: Temp: 73.7° RH: 45.7% VPD: 1.50 kPa January 27, 2024 Gorilla Cookies: Number 2: The Beast is almost done. Lots of fading. Trichomes are almost 60% cloudy to 40% clean and some random amber ones. Her morning moisture content is 18%. She'll be getting a full gallon around noon today. I really want to let her dry out, but she has grown so well with the schedule she currently has. And she drinks way too fast to let her dry out today. Maybe I'll do a half gallon instead and a full gallon tomorrow. I pulled more lower dying leaves off today. Maybe around 20. It has to be a good sign along with the fade. She'll definitely need a bit more time than hoped for. Maybe another 7 days instead of 3 to 4. I'll start checking the trichomes in earnest in a few days. Colas are definitely heavier and a bit more dense now. I think that's all she has left. My major concern with yield is the lower half of the plant. Nearly all of it is popcorn or larf. Even the fully formed lower colas are loose, airy and look like whole bud foxtails. I'm honestly more worried about quality more than yield, but the yield is definitely less than I could have done. Much less. And the bud formation is just low quality. Most of it will get sifted for kief. Grow System Environment: Temp: 73.6° RH: 46.2% VPD: 1.48 kPa January 28, 2024 Gorilla Cookies: Number 2: Absolutely nothing to do today. No leaves to snip, no water to feed. Nothing. Soil moisture level is 20%. I'll keep an eye on her for the day. Just in case she drinks down to 15%. The right side of the plant is nearly horizontal. Especially the front right corner. However, I did lift on up and used the top net to do it. So that's a good thing. There's way more yellowing leaves today, but no colors at all. Maybe I started flushing a bit too early, now that I think about it. Maybe color will start coming out in the next few days. I still think she needs a bit more time. Update: I got bored and decided to inspect the trichomes anyway. There's a lot of amber on the leaves. Not a whole lot on the buds though. After viewing them, I think she has about 3 to 4 days left. I'm just waiting for the lower part of the plant to mature up now I guess. I also found more dead leaves. I had to dig a bit in the back left corner to get them. Anyway, I'm trying to get in the way back to help prevent mold or whatever else can happen. So far everything looks good. But I don't have much of a view. The colas are too tall to really inspect fully, so hopefully keeping the RH below 50% and the air movement going will prevent any issues. The biggest issue is moving the plant forward to make room in the back. The colas just fall against the wall of the tent. So I will have to try to get back there to adjust the colas and make some room for them. I still can't see in the way back, so I have no idea what I'm working with. I guess it doesn't really matter much so close to harvest. Grow System Environment: Temp: 73.4° RH: 46.8% VPD: 1.45 kPa
1/28/24 - Day 83 - Here we are on day 83 and the trichomes are looking good. I bet one week, if not two weeks before I start to flush with water. There are some photos of the Trichomes a couple of weeks ago and then again today.