9.2. - I've decided that this is the last week of feeding or maybe last feeding as I'm already considering to flush. Leaves are still yellowing, however the buds are looking fat and frosty. Thankfully, they grow bigger each day with stronger smell. I see more and more amber trichomes. ❄️ Watered 💧 11.2. - Watered 💧 12.2. - Looks like snow blizzard in the tent ❄️ also the smell is getting so strong that my filter is not enough 😁 Buds are swelling and the Gelato plant went totally crazy as you can see...finally, things are going well ❤️‍ 15.2. - Week wrap-up: Today I flushed 4 of 7 plants 🚽 This was very successful week as I got rid of the deficiencies and buds gained a lot of weight and sugar 🍭 Also the Gelato plant is thriving and I'm very excited to see the final results. Next week I'll harvest the flushed plants ✂️ 9.2. - 15.2.2024
High quality autoflowers guys! Very happy with this 3 gelato auto by fast buds, the smell it's very pungent and there are a lot of trichomes in early flower, very good strain to grow, let's see how this 3 ladies keep developing those stinky flowers! 💚💓👨‍🌾
We were flushing at this point, aiming for a Day 60-64 harvest. Was super impressed with Ayahuasca Purple and LSD genetics for our environment. The Cookies Kush could have used a few more weeks to reach her full potential but still put off decent weight nonetheless. Shoutout Barney's Farms for putting out high quality, affordable genetics! Respect.
En general la cepa es bastante buena para cultivadores tanto expertos como novatos. Es una planta bastante resistente a los cambios y con gran fuerza en el tronco. Durante todo su ciclo ella fue perfecta, tanto en tamaño como en producción. Tiene un tamaño medio y es gran creadora de resina 👌 si tuvieramos que poner algun pero sería sus cogollos que no erminaron de ser muy compactos, quedando algo desprensados cada uno de estos. Tambien haybque tener en cuenta que es una variedad automática y no feminizada lo que tambien influye bastante ya que no van a salir de la misma manera. A rasgos generales puedo decir que la planta me ha gustado bastante y es un gran aliado para fumar de día y pasarlo mas alegre y feliz 👌
Day 75 - April 25, 2021 Watering: 010:00AM-10:08AM ~0.25 gallons per pot 02:00PM-02:08PM ~0.25 gallons per pot 6:00PM-6:08PM ~0.25 gallons per pot 8:00PM-8:08PM ~0.25 gallons per pot Reservoir: * tested 9:30PM * 1.77 EC * 6.19 PH * 73.94F Lights: * Gavita LEDs On 12-hours (10:00AM - 10:00PM) ** 10:00AM Lights On (100%) * Gavita LEDs Off 12-hours (10:PM - 10:00AM) * UV Bars On 8-hours (12:00PM - 8:00PM) Air control: 70F-80F (78F AVG) (Lights On) 66F (Lights Off) 65%-75% (70% AVG) humidity (Lights On) 65%-75% RH (Lights Off) ~1206PPM CO2 (Lights On) ~645PPM CO2 (Lights Off) Day 76 - April 26, 2021 Watering: 010:00AM-10:08AM ~0.25 gallons per pot 02:00PM-02:08PM ~0.25 gallons per pot 6:00PM-6:08PM ~0.25 gallons per pot 8:00PM-8:08PM ~0.25 gallons per pot Reservoir: * tested 9:30PM * 1.77 EC * 6.14 PH * 73.58F Lights: * Gavita LEDs On 12-hours (10:00AM - 10:00PM) ** 10:00AM Lights On (100%) * Gavita LEDs Off 12-hours (10:PM - 10:00AM) * UV Bars On 8-hours (12:00PM - 8:00PM) Air control: 70F-80F (78F AVG) (Lights On) 66F (Lights Off) 65%-75% (70% AVG) humidity (Lights On) 65%-75% RH (Lights Off) ~1206PPM CO2 (Lights On) ~645PPM CO2 (Lights Off) Day 77 - April 27, 2021 Mixed new batch of nutrients: 40-gallons (RO water) 10-gallons (tap water) 1.5 ML H2O2 (35%) 0.5 ML Mills Nutrients Vitalize 11 ML Mills Nutrients Basis A & B 1.75 EC 6.20 pH Watering: 010:00AM-10:08AM ~0.25 gallons per pot 02:00PM-02:08PM ~0.25 gallons per pot 6:00PM-6:08PM ~0.25 gallons per pot 8:00PM-8:08PM ~0.25 gallons per pot Reservoir: * tested 7:55PM * 1.77 EC * 6.14 PH * 73.40F Lights: * Gavita LEDs On 12-hours (10:00AM - 10:00PM) ** 10:00AM Lights On (100%) * Gavita LEDs Off 12-hours (10:PM - 10:00AM) * UV Bars On 8-hours (12:00PM - 8:00PM) Air control: 70F-80F (78F AVG) (Lights On) 66F (Lights Off) 65%-75% (70% AVG) humidity (Lights On) 65%-75% RH (Lights Off) ~1156PPM CO2 (Lights On) ~540PPM CO2 (Lights Off) Day 78 - April 28, 2021 Watering: 010:00AM-10:08AM ~0.25 gallons per pot 02:00PM-02:08PM ~0.25 gallons per pot 6:00PM-6:08PM ~0.25 gallons per pot 8:00PM-8:08PM ~0.25 gallons per pot Reservoir: * tested 8:20PM * 1.77 EC * 6.17 PH * 73.94F Lights: * Gavita LEDs On 12-hours (10:00AM - 10:00PM) ** 10:00AM Lights On (100%) * Gavita LEDs Off 12-hours (10:PM - 10:00AM) * UV Bars On 8-hours (12:00PM - 8:00PM) Air control: 70F-80F (78F AVG) (Lights On) 66F (Lights Off) 65%-75% (70% AVG) humidity (Lights On) 65%-75% RH (Lights Off) ~1180PPM CO2 (Lights On) ~540PPM CO2 (Lights Off) Day 79 - April 29, 2021 Watering: 010:00AM-10:08AM ~0.25 gallons per pot 02:00PM-02:08PM ~0.25 gallons per pot 6:00PM-6:08PM ~0.25 gallons per pot 8:00PM-8:08PM ~0.25 gallons per pot Reservoir: * tested 8:45PM * 1.77 EC * 6.15 PH * 73.76F Lights: * Gavita LEDs On 12-hours (10:00AM - 10:00PM) ** 10:00AM Lights On (100%) * Gavita LEDs Off 12-hours (10:PM - 10:00AM) * UV Bars On 8-hours (12:00PM - 8:00PM) Air control: 70F-80F (78F AVG) (Lights On) 66F (Lights Off) 65%-75% (70% AVG) humidity (Lights On) 65%-75% RH (Lights Off) ~1200PPM CO2 (Lights On) ~660PPM CO2 (Lights Off) Day 80 - April 30, 2021 Watering: 010:00AM-10:08AM ~0.25 gallons per pot 02:00PM-02:08PM ~0.25 gallons per pot 6:00PM-6:08PM ~0.25 gallons per pot 8:00PM-8:08PM ~0.25 gallons per pot Reservoir: * tested 9:00PM * 1.77 EC * 6.10 PH * 73.94F Lights: * Gavita LEDs On 12-hours (10:00AM - 10:00PM) ** 10:00AM Lights On (100%) * Gavita LEDs Off 12-hours (10:PM - 10:00AM) * UV Bars On 8-hours (12:00PM - 8:00PM) Air control: 70F-80F (78F AVG) (Lights On) 66F (Lights Off) 65%-75% (70% AVG) humidity (Lights On) 65%-75% RH (Lights Off) ~1180PPM CO2 (Lights On) ~730PPM CO2 (Lights Off) Day 81 - May 01, 2021 Watering: 010:00AM-10:08AM ~0.25 gallons per pot 02:00PM-02:08PM ~0.25 gallons per pot 6:00PM-6:08PM ~0.25 gallons per pot 8:00PM-8:08PM ~0.25 gallons per pot Reservoir: * tested 9:35PM * 1.77 EC * 6.07 PH * 73.40F Lights: * Gavita LEDs On 12-hours (10:00AM - 10:00PM) ** 10:00AM Lights On (100%) * Gavita LEDs Off 12-hours (10:PM - 10:00AM) * UV Bars On 8-hours (12:00PM - 8:00PM) Air control: 70F-80F (78F AVG) (Lights On) 66F (Lights Off) 65%-75% (70% AVG) humidity (Lights On) 65%-75% RH (Lights Off) ~1170PPM CO2 (Lights On) ~540PPM CO2 (Lights Off)
Germino cerca de navidad pasada con muchas expectativas de este cruce las cuales ha cumplido muy bien, sabores muy ricos dulces, resistente a métodos de stress y trasplantes, se muestra en fotos tamaño de brotes compactos y carnosos, se pesa solo brotes sin ramas solo necesarias
7 days drying, now for the airtight pot with boveda 58% thanks guys for the support !!
none of this bank has given me an abundant harvest hopefully it can be commemorated with its taste smell and knock out
The ladies are looking good 3 had a rough start but it was either ph or nitro deficiency using nftg#4 for base soil and building a living soil...I topdressed 1/4 cup craft blend and 2 tbls Bokashi...
The ladies are looking good 3 had a rough start but it was either ph or nitro deficiency using nftg#4 for base soil and building a living soil...I topdressed 1/4 cup craft blend and 2 tbls Bokashi...
The ladies are looking good 3 had a rough start but it was either ph or nitro deficiency using nftg#4 for base soil and building a living soil...I topdressed 1/4 cup craft blend and 2 tbls Bokashi...
Ну вот и закончился наш короткий путь выращивания сатива-доминантного сорта. К сожалению, размер бокса не позволил полноценно включить лампу, так как растение сильно вытянулось и стало получать световые ожоги, плюс еще сыграл недостаток кальция. Изначально хотел 8 больших, толстых и симметричных колл, но пришлось гнуть дополнительно. На фотографии видно, что все ветки закручены по спирали - это пытался решить проблему сильно низкого освещения. Давно не растил сативный сорт и забыл, что в начале цветения растение ну очень сильно вытягивается. В итоге, из-за LST во время цветения, нижние этажи тоже вытянулись и вместо 8 колл получилось в 3 раза больше. Все-таки мне мой метод больше нравится, чем ML, так как времени уходить меньше, стресса меньше, а результат такой же. Снял 607 грамм больших веток и около 100 грам всякой мелочевки. Немножечко пересушил. Так бы вышло грамм 200 чистых шишек. Придется чуток их увлажнить. Вцелом очень доволен собой и результатом. Спасибо что заглянули и порадовались вместе со мной.
Seconda settimana di fioritura, lo stretch sembra alle fasi finali e già iniziano a spuntare i primi accenni di fiori, adesso arriva la parte divertente!
Looking good 👍 Mars Hydro 's really doing a good job!!
Had my run-in with powdery mildew midway through flower. But bud-washing was my savior! Completely killed all the pm and left me with a still incredibly strong end result. Its seriously some of the smoothest stuff I've grown to date, when smoked in a pipe.. I will be taking away 2 stars from the review because of the susceptibility to pm, however. This grow was a success as far as the autos go, overall... The photoperiod gal still has a few more days. Either way, I highly recommend this strain. Don't make my mistakes, make sure you keep your tent clean the whole grow through, ALONG with the air quality(just as important as the tent itself). That's where I honestly failed. After reading how spore transference works, I felt like such a knucklehead keeping my tent in a... 'homely' condition. Either way, lessons were had and I'm not one to make the same mistake twice! Cheers everyone, hope you all harvest some dankness as well 😀
Sorry guys as i have not weigh my buds much because ive been smoking them little by little 😂😂👌 so on my first harvest i had 12Gs. And on this one i think about 15-20gs well i need to weigh them when they are dry. Posting now cause i might be busy. Hopefully next grow i will have more time organizing my journals ❤️