Got the new oscillating fan and this is when we switching to flower mind me the weeks not accurate becouse this pictures are done at random times not
*01/24 - Week 6 (Week 1 Flower) Her flowering has begun and bud sites are starting to become dense - All Veg nutes have been flushed and swapped for Flower nutes* **01/27 - Week 6 ( Mid Week 1 Flower ) Her bud sites are densing up as she flowers - Nute and clean water feeds remain normal - swapping to 12/12 next week*
Sabato si taglia ✂️😪. .Good morning, as they advised me, I won't cut it today but in a week. I'm still waiting impatiently.😔
*01/24 - Week 3 Veg - Snapped a cola when adding bend clips, All clips have been removed - Uptake in nutrient feeds - Lite LST training - Lights running 18/6 - She shot up quickly in a week and 2 days - grew 6.5 inches ( 10 Inches total ) *01/27 - Mid Week 3 Veg - Uptake in nutrient feeds - Normal LST training - Lights running 18/6 - Retied up her main cola - increase in CAL-Mag feed.
W10.Day.1(66) By the beginning of the 10th week, the towers have already formed enough, and now they continue to widen. The upward growth is about 4-5 millimeters (approximately 0.18 inches) per day. Based on the planned 4 weeks and maintaining the same rates of vertical growth, they should grow another 140 millimeters upwards (about 5.51 inches), and my grow box allows for this. W10.Day.4(69) The vertical growth of the tallest cola has almost stopped between 75 and 76 centimeters. However, the other colas continue to grow taller. And all continue to thicken and widen. It's interesting to see how thick they can grow. The scheme with equal low doses of 6 fertilizers has shown that it does not burn the tips of new leaves and allows the girls to grow, so I will stop at it for now. According to the plan, I suppose a couple more weeks of growth. However, for precise diagnostics, I lack an electronic microscope. A regular consumer one does not satisfy with its quality. W10.Day.5(70) Today, considering the progress of the girls, I started wondering - what would their development look like not with the 3000 Kelvin bulbs from the nearest hardware superstore, but with the correct spectra and frequency ranges... And it seems like there's still a lot of potential for even greater results 😊🌟 W10.Day.6(71) It seems that now I can assess the quality of trichomes using a small microscope for the phone that attaches with a clip.
Hey people! ✌️✌️ So, at the time of this post, it's day 60 of flowering. 🌸🌸🌸 We're nearing the finish line. This week, the seeds started popping out in all directions. Feeding remains unchanged: AB 20ml/5L. Today, I noticed some scary numbers on the runoff, measuring at 2500ppm. Next watering, I'll give them plain water. I'll continue feeding until the very end. The taste of the buds isn't our focus in this grow, and what kind of buds can we expect anyway? I continue to train the big plant as it started leaning to one side. I've tied it to the pot for support. My bet is that in 2-3 weeks, we'll be harvesting, collecting seeds, and running some bubble hash. There's a new addition to the grow box. I added a Barney's LSD auto since it's outgrowing my small box. I also planted 7 no-name seeds that came my way by chance. Curious to see what comes out of them. Well, until next time, have a great time! ✌️✌️
"Wow, what an amazing week in my grow room! My LSD auto is now 60 days old and in the second week of flowering. The buds are starting to take shape, and I can't wait to see them develop! I also decided to experiment and pollinate one of the plant's branches with pollen from Chronic Rider F1 by Dr. Choice. Exciting times ahead! Feeling like a true master, creating my own unique hybrids. Big plans for the future! 🌿🌸🔬💥"
24/01/2024 Spread her out! 25/01/2024 Lights On and moved the pot right to the left side of the tent, and then sorted out the canopy with the scrog! Fed her with extra seaweed to the mix. She got burnt, I moved the light too close and over Fed and over used hydrogen peroxide 12% food grade. Conclusion# Ah well, onwards and upwards, let's sort this out! With it being hydrogen peroxide it's a bad idea to flush, I don't want to reactivate what's settled in/leafs/soil unill it's no longer active. I removed all the bad damaged leaves, because nobody likes walking round with wounds open to air like poor Amputee! Lol lucky I'm at the early stages of flower. I'll keep a steady eye on her! 25/01/2024 mid day Not looking good the new growth is the same after flush 25/01/2024 Lights out! Can't believe I spoilt the grow. But she'll recover hopefully! 25/01/2024 Lights! Can't believe I spoilt the grow. Ah well onwards & upwards hopefully she'll recover. 25/01/2024 Shes to intense and powerful. Wiring up a dimmer switch! Hopefully to 420watts. Cropmaster removed until maturity 👌 That was over 1000wats of led in a small tent. 26/01/2024 Mid-day Check Time! Shes looking a lot better and I'm not one to complain but she's getting out of frame, photos 0.6x at 12m if I do 200mg I'll need a ladder because at 0.6x I have to be on my tip-toes. So taking photos is a good calf workout and lower back. Talk about weed smokers being unhealthy. Weed makes people creative and debative and more contemplating outcomes. 🤔 Always positives to all negatives that can accur during growing and rasing and breeding of these plants, that then can effect one's intelligence to teach education and use that inspiration with such elegance and admiration and then that creativity we talked about gets hated debated and turns into constipation of one's thoughts and poisons the brain. Got side tracked. 26/01/2024 Temps more normal now since removing the Cropmaster, it's very powerful. 24-25c sleepy time 27-28 Day-time Temps 27/01/2024 In recovery doing well. Bright moon tonight 27/01/2024 Mid-Day she's now ready for the full tilt, I've slowly guided the colas out, all the branches looked similar in size that's why she's ready to grow straight up, There will be a lovely green screen and under! Going to coin this technique 'The SpaceProvider' it takes up all the space and provides all the space on the canopy and under and a lot of time. It took 2hrs sorting this tonight. She will straighten up properly in 3days. the dimmer didn't work because was wrong volts, but I managed to dim the light to 10% today by tapping its relay wires #Mid-day, looking a bit better, I sorted a few branches out to rearrange, they will be growing straight, as u can see. Deffo no free radicals left in this plant, fresh as hell new growth. Get ready this plant is about to show vigor growth during flower. All I have to do now is guide the scrog up as she stretches, she's got complete freedom now! maybe sort a free colas out here and there and hopefully no problems from that, and plane-sailing from here on out! - We all Hit & Miss! 27/01/2024 Late-day temps. Daytime in the tent, not the Country. 27-28c, that's pretty much where I've always been before the Cropmaster lights heat. Will introduce that light more or less near the bloom phase. But we have a long way to go yet. I promised myself that, all I'm gonna do now is guide her up, and leave the flowers alone, I'll rephrase that. Each bud needs a leaf. ''I'm gonna need to leaf the flowers alone....friendly play of words. I'm looking through the window, the window to your heart! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nw_ob4IeOo *_______________*_____________*_______________* #A Brief Article Summary of This week's Discussions & Disasters! ______________________________________________ Title: From Defoliation Disaster to Cannabis Cultivation Wisdom: A Cannabis Grower's Saga So, there I was, thinking of performing a routine defoliation on my prized Forgotten Haze Cakes, a 100% sativa strain with a long flowering period from Terpzy Mutant genetics and feminized seeds. Little did I know that this seemingly simple task would unleash a comedy of errors, leading me to discover the vital importance of precision in organic cannabis cultivation. As I lovingly tended to my plants, I reached for some hydrogen peroxide - 12% food-grade, of course - to keep everything clean and healthy. After all, research had taught me that using hydrogen peroxide can be beneficial in preventing root diseases and promoting healthy root growth. However, in a classic case of good intentions gone haywire, my well-meaning application ended up in a rather unexpected chemical reaction. Who knew that bacteria from my hands and a bit too much light would turn my peaceful grow operation into a psychedelic mishap? As I gazed in bewilderment at the unexpected brown shading on the leaves, I couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation. It was as if my plants had suddenly developed a rebellious streak and decided to rebel against my well-intentioned care. I mean, really, who needs a science experiment when you have cannabis plants with their own flair for drama? Unraveling the aftermath of this defoliation debacle, I realized that beneath the chaos lay a valuable lesson in the art of cannabis cultivation. Precision, my friends, is the secret ingredient. It's all about applying the proper measurements and foreseeing the potential consequences before diving headfirst into the world of organic plant growing. Now, about using hydrogen peroxide on cannabis plants, it's crucial to dilute it properly. A popular recommendation is to prepare a solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide mixed with water in a 1:5 ratio for watering your plants. This provides the benefits of oxygenation at the root zone without harming the plants. Timing is also essential; it's typically recommended to administer the hydrogen peroxide solution during the watering schedule, ensuring that the roots receive adequate oxygenation for healthy growth. Following this incident, I delved deeper into my research, seeking advice from seasoned growers and multiple reputable sources. The experience instilled in me the importance of thorough investigation and informed decision-making when it comes to plant care. I learned that even the most well-intentioned actions can have surprising outcomes, but with extensive research and knowledge, one can minimize the chances of such mishaps. To complement the hydrogen peroxide, I also learned the benefits of diatomaceous earth, a natural and effective pest control and soil amendment. After researching extensively, I discovered that applying a thin layer of diatomaceous earth to the soil surface helps deter pests like aphids, mites, and other unwanted visitors while promoting healthy root development. To apply diatomaceous earth, lightly dust it around the base of the plants and on the soil surface, taking care to avoid excessive buildup. As I embraced the twists and turns of this growing process, I couldn't help but ponder the amusing parallels between cannabis cultivation and life itself. We all aim and miss at times, but it's all part of the growth process - mind the pun. Just as in cultivating cannabis, it's essential to adapt, learn from our experiences, and continually strive for improvement. In the midst of all the chaos, amidst the pre-flowering stage of my beloved Forgotten Haze Cakes, I found myself inadvertently learning the intricate needs of my plants. And what a wild journey it has been! I can't help but see the humor in it all. After all, every mishap has its own little nugget of wisdom, right? Now, armed with this newfound insight, I plan to pass on this treasure trove of knowledge to fellow growers and those venturing into the enchanting world of cannabis cultivation. Precision, chemical reaction unpredictability, and the foresight to foresee potential consequences - these are the valuable gems I've gathered from this unpredictable turn of events. So, to all the aspiring cannabis cultivators out there, remember - every mishap holds a lesson. Embrace the unexpected, learn from your plants, and be ready for a surprise twist in your grow. Who knows, it might just turn your next gaffe into a hilarious story to share with your fellow cannabis enthusiasts! In the end, what started as a defoliation disaster has blossomed into a valuable experience, reminding me that even in the wildest of mishaps, there's a silver lining or, should I say, a luscious green lining? In the aftermath of the hydrogen peroxide mishap, a deeper understanding of the science behind its effects on the plants unfolded. Hydrogen peroxide, often used as a root boost and cleaner during or after feeds, should be approached cautiously in organic cultivation. When used inappropriately, it can have unintended and adverse effects on the delicate ecosystem of the cannabis garden. The chemical composition of hydrogen peroxide causes it to act as an oxidizer, releasing oxygen upon degradation. This reaction can be beneficial in certain contexts, such as in soil aeriation, but if incorrectly applied, it can result in detrimental outcomes. During the mishap, the hydrogen peroxide inadvertently reacted with micro metals in the diatomaceous earth, which was being used as animal food grade. This led to an unexpected chain reaction, causing the release of free radicals and a bleaching effect on the plants' leaves. Additionally, the application of hydrogen peroxide resulted in the burning of bacteria present on and within the leaf veins. This process, similar to the effect of light burn, contributed to the browning and twisting of the leaves. When leaves are exposed to excessive light or heat, they can become brown and subsequently twist up, exhibiting signs of distress. These combined effects not only altered the aesthetic appearance of the plants but also had a profound impact on their nutrient uptake, as I had elaborated upon earlier in the article. The intricate interplay of chemical reactions and biological processes within the cannabis garden underscores the necessity for precision and comprehensive knowledge in organic cultivation practices. It is a compelling reminder that every action, every component introduced to the garden, must be carefully considered for its potential consequences. The delicate balance of life within the ecosystem demands an astute understanding of the science behind each element employed in cultivation practices. This incident, though initially wrought with challenges, has ultimately deepened my comprehension of the nuanced relationship between the cannabis plants and their environment. It underscores the profound interconnectedness of the elements at play within the garden and serves as a testament to the resilience and adaptability of the cannabis plants. Thanks for reading 📚 "A picture is worth a thousand words, so here is a thousand pictures! For the Future readers looking back on this grow 👀" - more Mental Pictures for my Dubconscious Mind 📸 That was a lot of supercroping today my god! Even my thumb and index fingers 👍 ✌️ are aching lol as well thumbs up 👍 I'll put that in the index book to flick at later when it's all over!- Peaceful mind 🧠 least the canopy will be flat! unlike my very boucy head at times. it'll add 1 week extra onto the harvest date. 8th of February to the 15-17th February should be when shes ready but you just cant tell with Hazes they need like 13weeks at times. I mean March for harvest 😆 I'm no comedian but everyone's laughing at me now. Sometimes we have to talk the micky out of ourselves! Good for the spirit 👏 🙌 ✨️
Привет друзья. 25.01.24 Harvest 100% 27.12 перестал кормить и начал проливать чистой водой 20.10 перевёл свет в режим 12/12 Начал применять LST технику на 19 дне, а 18 августа добавил ДЕФОЛИЗАЦИЮ С 20.08 ДЕФОЛИЗАЦИЮ С 20.08 LST технику На сегодняшний день влажность 54% 5.09.2023 заметил высокий Ph 7.9 С 48 дня Ph не ниже 5.8 На сегодняшний день Ph 6.0 Начал кормить с 60 дня Canna Terra Vega PPM 150 Всем мира и добра! Не забудь поставить лайк❤️, если понравилась как прошла неделя И читайте наш TELEGRAM: https://t.me/smail_seeds #Smail_Seeds 😀
Last week of vegetative, I start the change of light cycle so it goes into flowering.
On day 1 I transplanted 2 BB clones into 3 gal smart pots with coco coir. I watered them in with veg formula and set up my blumat watering system with week 1 flower nutes. I raised PPFD to 600-700. On day 2 the reservoirs PH was adjusted from 6.4 to 6.0. The rez is 823 ppm. The tops are 16.5" from the grow light. The blumats have not started watering yet and I will monitor to ensure it goes smoothly. I have the blumats set at 1.25 carrots on left plant and 1 carrot on right plant. The average PPFD of my 16 tops is 703 PPFD. I increased temps to 85 day 81 night to get leaf surface around 80 f during day. On day 3 the reservoirs PH is 6.2. The rez is 782 ppm. The blumats have started watering and I will monitor closely over the next few days. On day 4 the reservoirs PH was adjusted from 6.3 to 6.1. The rez is 717ppm. On day 5 the reservoirs PH is steady at 6.1. The rez is 706 ppm. The highest top is 15.25" from the light. I defoliated to bring in more air and light to deeper into the canopy. I increased the flow rate of blumat by .5 carrot on the right plant as it was a little to dry for my liking. The Clones are preforming well. On day 6 the reservoir PH is going down so I adjusted up from 6.0 to 6.2. The rez is 730 ppm. The highest cola is 14.75" from the light. The left plant had a runaway so I reduced blumat by 1 carrot. I increased flow of blumat on right plant by .5 carrot as it is still drier than I would like.
Hello everyone 🤩 she grew fast and with a beautiful green colour on the leaves! She has responded superbly to low stress training and topping & i defoliated her aswell and seems didn't even notice 😎 For the nutrient half grow half bloom and power buds 1ml/L Mars Hydro FCE-6500 70% Wish you all a good day and happy growing
This week went pretty well, other than she stretched like crazy and I am now getting worried about running out of vertical space. I also had a few of my bottom leaves get a few brown and yellow spots on them. I did post some pics and asked a question, thank you for the responses, much appreciated! I am thinking about adding my Spyder Farmer LED 100 Watt light into the tent for the nebula auto because it is about 23 inches shorter than the sour diesel. I believe it would only raise my temp about 2 degrees, and possibly lower the humidity by one or two percent. I must say my dehumidifier has been a freaking stud, running 24X7 and not complaining. I should look into adding another unit, it has been in the mid 90's and muggy for about a week. So far I have to say I am super impressed and excited with this setup, the genetics, and with growing this wonderful plant in general. Already planning ahead to my next grow, and what I can do better. I have been enjoying myself and I really appreciate everyone who has taken the time to answer my questions! I am having a blast and am excited to see what this lady will give up in a few weeks!
Legend Timestamp: 📅 Measures: 🛠️ Water: 🌊 Food: 🍗 Actions: 💼 Thoughts: 🧠 Events: 🚀 Media: 🎬 ________________________________ 📅 D70/B08 - 24/01/24 🛠️ 🌊 🍗 💼 🧠 pH is finally stable on the lower side (hopefully) 🚀 The Tent-X is on its way, I can't wait to get it.. 🎬 Added Timelapse video ________________________________ 📅 D71/B09 - 25/01/24 🛠️ 🌊 🍗 💼 Put T-H Sensor of TrolMaster on the SCroG net 🧠 🚀Tent-X from TrolMaster received, I'm going to set it up tomorrow 🎬 Added Timelapse video ________________________________ 📅 D72/B10 - 26/01/24 🛠️ EC:1.2 pH: 6 🌊 6L 🍗 BloomA-B - CalMag - Big Bud - Bud Candy - B52 💼 Tent-X set up finished 🧠 It works perfectly and as I just see so far, from now on I'm going to experiment a new way to grow ! 🚀 🎬 Added Timelapse video and Set-Up videos and pics ________________________________ 📅 D73/B11 - 27/01/24 🛠️ 🌊 🍗 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 Added Timelapse video
Hello growmies 👩‍🌾👨‍🌾🌲🌲, 👋 Stretch continues, girls look doing good 🦔 coming Start to smeel out the tent, I've up the extractor. Weather continues to be very cold, should be up next week 💪 Keep Working on the canope, removing leaves and under buds site. 💧 Give water each 2/3 day And vaporise plant with water + Plagron Roots (1ml/l) 2 l Water + Roots + Bloom + Zym + Sugar Royal (1 + 3 + 1 + 1 ml/l) PH @6 💡Mars Hydro - FC 3000 50% 42 cm. Mars Hydro Fan kit Setting 6 Have a good week and see you next week 👋 Thanks community for follow, likes, comments, always a pleasure 👩‍🌾👨‍🌾❤️🌲 Mars Hydro - Smart FC3000 300W Samsung LM301B LED Grow Light💡💡 https://www.mars-hydro.com/fc-3000-samsung-lm301b-led-grow-light Mars Hydro - 6 Inch Inline Fan And Carbon Filter Combo With Thermostat Controller 💨💨 https://www.mars-hydro.com/6-inch-inline-duct-fan-and-carbon-filter-combo-with-thermostat-controller Anesia Seeds - High Mars 36% THC🌲🌲 https://anesiaseeds.com/product/high-mars/
Full harvest update next week. Harvested the tops two weeks ago and the rest of her today.
Hello growmies 👩‍🌾👨‍🌾🌲🌲, 👋 Girls are happy and doing a big stretch, hedgehogs are arrived 🦔🦔 💪 Continuing Defoliation, scrog and fight with leaves. 💧 Give water each 2/3 day And vaporise plant with water + Plagron Roots (1ml/l) 2 l Water + Roots + Bloom + Zym + Sugar Royal (1 + 3 + 1 + 1 ml/l) PH @6 💡Mars Hydro - FC 3000 50% 38 cm Mars Hydro Fan kit Setting 6 Have a good week and see you next week 👋 Thanks community for follow, likes, comments, always a pleasure 👩‍🌾👨‍🌾❤️🌲 Mars Hydro - Smart FC3000 300W Samsung LM301B LED Grow Light💡💡 https://www.mars-hydro.com/fc-3000-samsung-lm301b-led-grow-light Mars Hydro - 6 Inch Inline Fan And Carbon Filter Combo With Thermostat Controller 💨💨 https://www.mars-hydro.com/6-inch-inline-duct-fan-and-carbon-filter-combo-with-thermostat-controller Fast Buds - Tropicana Cookies FF🌲🌲 https://2fast4buds.com/us/seeds/tropicana-cookies-fast-flowering
1/21/24 - Day 76 - Everything is looking good still. Today is water change day! This time i was out at the box during the change. Everything went well. I did install a new temperature sensor to replace the old one. Also I installed a new C, and PH- bottle. 1/23/24 - Day 78 - I noticed the buds are starting to fatten up. They kind of grow in little nodules sticking out from the main bud site. Its really cool to see. I added some pictures up top! Ill update on some more pictures in the next couple of days. 1/25/24 - Day 80 - The buds are getting fatter and the smell is getting super pungent. Everything is going as planned. I need to start scoping it to check for color. We are still a long ways from starting the flush but it time to start looking!
Shes just growing and growing biggest of all so far looking nice and heal