2.24.2024: Start of week 5 from seed. Started to flower last week. Nothing done today. Still no nutes given, still scared to defoliate. Plant is 15.5 inches tall and looks healthy. Light is 11 inches from the top and at 75% power, 112 watts. I'm clearly no expert and i'm sure there's something i should be doing(feeding) but she's chugging along. 2.25.2024: Day 37 from seed. Watered 64oz at 6.3ph. Bud development is slower then her tent mate. Perhaps thats due to her bushy stature and foliage. Still seeing solid upward growth each day. Hopefully she turns on the jets this week. Still no auxillary nutes given. Finally worked up the nerve to take off 8 fan leaves. Really opened the plant up. Hopefully i don't pay the price! 2.26.2024: Day 38. Small bit of upward growth. No negative affects from the defoliation yesterday. Will feed tomorrow for the first time at 1/4 strength nutes from the fox farm trio and maybe some calmag. 2.27.2024: Day 39 from seed. Finally fed the plant, albeit small amounts. Foxfam trio at 1/4 strength of the week 5 doses plus calmag. 64oz of the solution at 6.5ph. 2.28.2024: Day 40 from seed, 36 from sprout. Nothing doing today. Maybe a 1/4 inch of upward growth? Stuck around 19.5 inches in total height. Light at 75% power 11inches from the top. 2.29.2024: Day 41. 96oz of ph 6.5ph. Upward growth has stalled at 19.75 inches. Added a few handfuls of Ocean Forrest as i noticed the soil level has compacted a bit. Will add pics later today once she perks up a bit.
Planted the seed straight into the medium, water was PH’d before given to 6.3 and humidity dome placed over the top.
A big hello to all the cannabis growing gardeners...and all the other visitors that came across my grow journal. This week was very relaxing, i add only PH+ (again ;), Calmag and PowerZyme. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now cannabis smell is overpowering in my grow room I can finally write something about Spider Farmers 6-Inch Inline Fan with Smart Controller and Carbon Filter :) As my grow room gets really stinky at times i always invest in a top shelf carbon filter almost twice the size of the one provided by Spider Farmer, to my shock Spider Farmer carbon filter absorbs the smells wonderfully well. No smell leaks and that just when the fan is running at 5 out of 10 levels of output. The smart controller is something completely new to me, and had a lot of fun experimenting with it during the veg and early flower, when the smell began i needed it to run full time at level 4 or 5 to rid the fragnance. All in all the whole combo is a great deal. If you are not as keen on technology the set without the controller is awesome on it's own. But to have some extra options open, the controller at the device throws at you a ton of settings you can use to optemiase you grow enviornment. The SE 7000 is hanged at 28 cm. over the canopy and runs at 550W. This whole grow's main sponsor is Spider Farmer. You can easily obtain all the great grow equipment we use at: spider-farmer.com A big thank you to Jessie and the whole Spider Farmer crew for supporting me with the newest technological advancements in horticulture. Thanks to them what i do here is possible. Thank you SeedsMafia for giving me the opportunity to try out your stock. seedsmafia.com/en/feminized-cannabis-seeds/moby-dick-feminized.html Plagron did send us their Contest package for the Power Buds competition . Thank you for your visit, please leave a like and hope to see you beck here in about a week.
So we have entered week 3 for these aptus fed girls and I think they had a slow start after transplant but soon perked up Allthough the growth of branches ere not as quick too develop as I would like but any comments are welcomed They are healthy just not as explosive with growth so hopefully over the next week they get comfy and take off 🤞 This is my first time using aptus so I expect myself too need too adapt. I am sure they will be fine, I also have 2 icc from Humboldt which have been late starters so I'll be potting those up this week and they'll join the older girls on the next update 🌱 I'll also be doing some slight lst with the untopped girls too provoke strength and hopefully push them too grow. Much love and stay blessed 💚
This week whent ok bit slower than the autos but that's normal due to it being a photo period. I'm feeding once a week guaranteeing that the roots get some air to. Whenever it's a nice sunny day I put it out in the garden to try and harden it off a bit because eventually it will be going outside in the spring and grown all through the summer where I will hope to harvest in October.thank you for looking at it .for more information about feed and what nutrients look in the description on the diary.thank you and remember it's 420 somewhere
Legend Timestamp: 📅 Measures: 🛠️ Water: 🌊 Food: 🍗 Actions: 💼 Thoughts: 🧠 Events: 🚀 Media: 🎬 ________________________________ 📅 D70/B08 - 24/01/24 🛠️ 🌊 🍗 💼 🧠 pH is finally stable on the lower side (hopefully) 🚀 The Tent-X is on its way, I can't wait to get it.. 🎬 Added Timelapse video ________________________________ 📅 D71/B09 - 25/01/24 🛠️ 🌊 🍗 💼 Put T-H Sensor of TrolMaster on the SCroG net 🧠 🚀Tent-X from TrolMaster received, I'm going to set it up tomorrow 🎬 Added Timelapse video ________________________________ 📅 D72/B10 - 26/01/24 🛠️ EC:1.2 pH: 6 🌊 6L 🍗 BloomA-B - CalMag - Big Bud - Bud Candy - B52 💼 Tent-X set up finished 🧠 It works perfectly and as I just see so far, from now on I'm going to experiment a new way to grow ! 🚀 🎬 Added Timelapse video and Set-Up videos and pics
Esta semana he regado solo con oro negro 2ml x litro de agua y organic power 1ml x litro de agua el resto de la semana solo con agua, he medido las ppm y en el drenaje me ha dado 1040. Me preocupa un poco el color de los tallos de las hojas que están de color morado, pero solo a las de maceta, a la que esta en tierra la veo bien, es mas le he sacado las ramas bajas para que no gaste energía en criar esos coquitos que salen pequeños.
La crescita va più che bene continuiamo a dosare allo stesso modo i fertilizzanti
diamantes puros lleno de resina estas pequeñas con un sabor a mandaryna y gas
estas pequeñas sorprendieron con la prdoduccion de resina que dieron 22 gramos aprox y 19 cada planta
Legend Timestamp: 📅 Measures: 🛠️ Water: 🌊 Actions: 💼 Thoughts: 🧠 Events: 🚀 Media: 🎬 ________________________________ 📅 D70/B08 - 24/01/24 🛠️ 🌊 💼 🧠 pH is finally stable on the lower side (hopefully) 🚀 🎬 Added Timelapse video ________________________________ 📅 D71/B09 - 25/01/24 🛠️ 🌊 💼 Installed Tent-X and the T-H sensor. From now on I'll use this way to control T and H 🧠 🚀 🎬 Added Timelapse video ________________________________ 📅 D72/B10 - 26/01/24 🛠️ EC:1.2 pH: 6 🌊 💼 🧠 🚀 🎬 Added Timelapse video
On day 1 I transplanted 2 BB clones into 3 gal smart pots with coco coir. I watered them in with veg formula and set up my blumat watering system with week 1 flower nutes. I raised PPFD to 600-700. On day 2 the reservoirs PH was adjusted from 6.4 to 6.0. The rez is 823 ppm. The tops are 16.5" from the grow light. The blumats have not started watering yet and I will monitor to ensure it goes smoothly. I have the blumats set at 1.25 carrots on left plant and 1 carrot on right plant. The average PPFD of my 16 tops is 703 PPFD. I increased temps to 85 day 81 night to get leaf surface around 80 f during day. On day 3 the reservoirs PH is 6.2. The rez is 782 ppm. The blumats have started watering and I will monitor closely over the next few days. On day 4 the reservoirs PH was adjusted from 6.3 to 6.1. The rez is 717ppm. On day 5 the reservoirs PH is steady at 6.1. The rez is 706 ppm. The highest top is 15.25" from the light. I defoliated to bring in more air and light to deeper into the canopy. I increased the flow rate of blumat by .5 carrot on the right plant as it was a little to dry for my liking. The Clones are preforming well.
Looks like she might have another week left started flushing this week.
The last week before harvest! I love Vanilla Latte Auto! Thank you Humboldt Seed Company for such a good genetics! I love you very much!...
Que pasa familia, vamos con la segunda semana de floración de estas Gorilla cookies Auto de FastBuds. Tiene muy buenas reseñas y pues me animé a colocar 4 plantas. Alimentamos nuestras plantas con Agrobeta. Por supuesto el ph se mide en cada riego y se mantiene en 6.2 y riego en intervalos de 48h. La temperatura está entorno al 22/24 grados y la humedad anda sobre el 50%. Las plantas en si ya están bien sanas, tutore la rama principal para que no se fuese de madre, y así controlaré la altura. Mars hydro: Code discount: EL420 https://www.mars-hydro.com/ Agrobeta: https://www.agrobeta.com/agrobetatiendaonline/36-abonos-canamo Hasta aquí todo, Buenos humos 💨💨💨
Que pasa familia, vamos con la primera semana de floración de estas Tropicana Cookies Fast Flowering, de FastBuds. Vamos al lío , las 3 plantas se colocaron en macetas de 7 litros definitivamente. El ph se controla en 6.2 , la temperatura la tenemos entre 21/24 grados y la humedad ronda el 60%. Ir van creciendo y no llevan ni mal ritmo ni mal color, veremos como avanzan las próximas semanas. Mars hydro: Code discount: EL420 https://www.mars-hydro.com/ Agrobeta: https://www.agrobeta.com/agrobetatiendaonline/36-abonos-canamo Hasta aquí todo, Buenos humos 💨💨💨
Que pasa familia, vamos con la primera semana de floración de estás Zkittelz de Seeds Mafia. La humedad está entorno al 50%,y la temperatura la tengo entre los 22/24 grados. Controlamos en ph en cada riego a 6.2. Y el agua que utilizo de riego suele estar estancada entre 24 / 36 horas. Cambie el fotoperiodo a 12 horas, hasta aquí todo bien, vemos cómo avanzan estas semanas. Mars hydro: Code discount: EL420 https://www.mars-hydro.com/ Agrobeta: https://www.agrobeta.com/agrobetatiendaonline/36-abonos-canamo Hasta aquí todo, Buenos humos 💨💨💨
Apenas a crecido 4 cms más con respecto a la semana pasada. He visto que empezaron a aparecer las preflores, así que en breve empezara la floracion..regue con oro negro y organic power 2ml y 1ml x litro respectivamente.