Pure Ice cream clone is growing great. She is stretching great, and I have been doing hst on the branches to keep them out of the light. Everything is going really good at the moment. She is eating and drinking a lot. Looks like she is going to produce a good yield if everything stays going good. Thank you Pure Instinto, and Spider Farmer. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱 https://youtube.com/channel/UCAhN7yRzWLpcaRHhMIQ7X4g
4th week of bloom green sensation is now added into the nutrs water mix. The flowers are nicely growing and smell is clearly changing. 22/03 New video
GH cheese is growing nicely puffy flowers with a lot of trichomes. Looking forward to tight buds full of kief. Crossing fingers that the cheese flavour is pronounced. 22/03 New Video uploaded
During this week, I have only occasionally defoliated to get better light on the inflorescences. I don't know when to put it into flower yet, as the smallest bush (Fruit Diesel) is looking quite pitiful, having just turned a month old. Other bushes are a couple weeks ahead of Fruit Diesel. What do you think, should I give it another week of vegetation or should I switch it to flowering at the end of the week?
Eine Ständige Entlaubung in dieser Woche um den Trieben Licht zu geben. Tage der Keimungsphase = 7 Tage. Tage in Wachstum = 21 Tage Tage in der Blüte = 14 Tage Wachstum h Woche 2 Blüte = 6 cm 2 mal in dieser Woche mit Purolyt Mischung 1:25 besprüht Lichtstärke: 90 % PPFD: ca. 850 umol Lichtabstand: 40 cm Std Tag/Nacht: 18/12 Temperatur Tag: ca. 25 Grad RLF Tag: 60% Temperatur Nacht: 21 Grad RLF Nacht: ca. 60 % VPD Wert: ca. 0,9 PH Wert Wasser/Düngelösung: 6,3 EC Wert: nicht gemessen Ventilator Oszillation: Stufe 1 Befeuchter: an Entfeuchter: aus Zusätzlicher Entfeuchter: 0 Stk. außerhalb vom Zelt im Raum Bewässerung: 2* bewässert 1 l/Pflanze mit Dünger mit den o.g. Mengen 2 * pures Wasser mit 1 l/Pflanze Purolyt Besprühung: 2 mal Besprühung Fastplantspray : 1 mal Controlling: Grow Control Dünger: Greenbuzz Nutrients Licht: Pro Emit Vollspektrum Abluft: EC Carbon Active 750 m3 Danke an Zamnesia für die Seeds, den sonstigen Merch und natürlich das Vertrauen in die Kooperation https://www.zamnesia.com/de/10681-zamnesia-seeds-pineapple-express-f1-automatic.html Danke auch an Mia von GB: https://greenbuzznutrients.com/de/ Ihr bekommt 25 % Rabatt bei der Nutzung des Codes auf der GB Homepage https://greenbuzzliquids.com/de/shop/ Code: GD42025 (Mindestbestellwert 75€)
Hello Growmies, As we conclude week 9 with our Epic Buzz trio, our spirits are high and our grow space is thriving. The introduction of an intake fan has been a remarkable success, significantly enhancing our control over the grow room's climate. Though not manipulated by Tent X's advanced automation, this new system has integrated seamlessly, working wonders for humidity regulation and fresh air circulation. The positive impact on the VPD is clearly reflected in the graph, showcasing a stable environment conducive to plant health and vigor. The plants themselves are a testament to this success; they've stretched up nicely, with the canopy becoming denser by the day, promising an abundant harvest. Each Epic Buzz, from #1 to #3, stands lush and robust, with a vivacity that indicates they're on the right track. It seems they're set to make us proud, not just as individual specimens but as a harmonious collection within our carefully curated tent. The precision in our approach continues to be our guiding principle, as evidenced by the meticulous adjustments to our environmental controls, shown in the steady data from our VPD readings. Our hands-on efforts complement the automated systems, creating an ideal balance that our Epic Buzzes are clearly loving. Looking forward, the prospect of the flowering phase fills us with anticipation. With the canopy now in optimal condition, thanks to our strategic planning and the supportive role of the intake fan, we're poised for the next stage of growth. The thriving Epic Buzz plants, along with our proactive measures like the fly trapping, signify that we're not just growing plants—we're cultivating excellence. Stay lifted, Salokin
Day 15 she's strong and beautiful. Will start training soon. Probably move her to the 4x4 next weekend. Topped the fourth node on day 17. Used a few LST clips on day 19
Disculpen las fotos, es que las saque para consultar. Bueno primero que nada fue una semana de mucha tormanta, lluvias y humedad. lo peor que nos puede pasar en floracion. Segundo intente hacer supercroping ya que las ramas seguian superando el tejido y les llegaba luz en la noche. Y me salio desastrozo, mi primera vez. Pero los otros punteros que superaban la altura, los hizo mi compañero que sabia hacerlo (No tengo foto, luego actualizo). Y Tercero que debido a la humedad se ven en las fotos como aparecio hongos, por lo que pude observar era solo ese poco, lo cual ya fue removido vamos a ver como continuamos.
I topped and trained them two more times. I also lolipopped them, that is cut the bottom 2 sets of leaves and branches.
week 10 we put in a scrog net on the sleeping beauty and continued lst on the tropicana poison. I also FIM'ed them, again, trying to make them bush out like crazy to each fill a 4x4, 4x8 total
So we got some very bushy plants. I topped them three times and trained them sideways and the plant focused it's energy on growing out sideways.
Okay, now they are really growing fast. I need to flip to flower!
Hey Gromies 🥦 Love to watch the evolution of this strong beautiful plant, in 1-2 weeks should start it flowering 👌🏻 Day 14. Light 25% 420 PPFD 50cm Distance DLI 32 24hrs.On 300ml water pH 6.5 + power root + terra grow Day 15. Light 25% 470 PPFD 30cm Distance DLI 40 24hrs.On 300ml water pH 6.5 + power root + terra grow Day 16. Light 25% 470 PPFD 30cm Distance DLI 40 24hrs.On 300ml water pH 6.5 + power root + terra grow Day 17. Light 50% 850 PPFD 30cm Distance DLI 50 20hrs.On 2X 300ml water pH 6.5 + power root + terra grow + pure zym Day 18. Light 50% 850 PPFD 30cm Distance DLI 50 20hrs.On No watering! Day 19. Light 25% 610 PPFD 30cm Distance DLI 50 24hrs.On 400ml water pH 6.5 + power root + terra grow + pure zym
March 15, 2024 Day 29 I didn't end up doing a lot today. I watered in a full liter of the new nutrient regimen per plant. They seem to have taken well to it. No signs of stress yet. Took some pictures and measured the plants. I forgot to measure the light distance, which I will do at some point today. I also didn't activate the bottom feed system today. I'll do that tomorrow morning. I wanted to see if there was any stress. Nothing, so tomorrow it is. So over the last week, I had to start training and the plants grew a good 5" through the week. They are about 8" tall now, after the training, which I might add went swimmingly. The side branches took off immediately and I'll be tying those down in the next day or 2. They are both a lush green color with Banana Purple Punch B being super tight. It will definitely need a defoliation. Banana Purple Punch A is really different in stature. Not so compact, but the same leaf structure. So far I'm happy with this run. The environment is still doing quite well. I will keep the temps around 77° and the humidity down a bit lower to around 55%, if I can get it there. I'll update lighting tomorrow. Currently the PAR is 550 ppfd. However, they aren't out of veg yet. I may keep the lights as they are for the time being. Maybe til the middle of the week and then I'll increase the DLI to around 40 mol/m²/d for the rest of the week. Grow System Environment: Temp: 73.7° RH: 60.9% VPD: 1.08 kPa March 16, 2024 Today was a busy day. Finished up everything I didn't do yesterday. Both plants got their bottom feed system activated. The roots aren't quite out far enough, but that should t be a problem. The containers should start absorbing through the wicks in no time. Then the concentration of water will be on the bottom half bringing the roots all the way down and spread out. It should be quite successful. They also got fully trained. All taller branches tied down. The tops were readjusted a smidge. But the main branches were tied down. Banana Purple Punch B is still really bushy and compact. Training helped quite a bit, but there still massive leaves and short nodes. Banana Purple Punch A is perfect. She has beautiful internodal spacing that helped keep the canopy opened and ready to fill in. Her leaves are massive, but were easily moved around. Both plants have beautiful colors and are the same height. So far so good. Let's hope I can keep up through the stretch. The lighting is staying the same for now. The distance is now 24" and the PAR is 600 ppfd. I may peek at 80% power today to see what the reading is. If it's around 650, I'll keep it there. If higher, I'll drop it back down. Then I'll increase it next week. Next week should be pre-flower or at some point this week. The environment is also good. It's been a bit cold the past couple of days, so the temp is hovering around 75° instead of 77° and the humidity is a little high at 61%. Grow System Environment: Temp: 73.3° RH: 59.9% VPD: 1.09 kPa March 17, 2024 Not much to do today. The bottom feeding systems are running perfectly. The soil moisture level is now at 30% and that's where I'm keeping it for now. I made 2 training adjustments today on Banana Purple Punch A just a couple branches pulled back down. However, Banana Purple Punch B is too bushy already. I'm going to have to defoliate in a couple days I think. Also, the main top tie down was useless. The plant just grew more and completely knocked off the tie down. I can't do it again for now. Not until there's a bit of stretch. However, the side branches I pulled down are looking good, but still super dense. I'll most likely cut the main stalk fan leaves off. That should do the trick. The light was raised 2" today. Hopefully it helps with praying. There isn't any and I'm wondering if the light needs to be brighter. It's kind of counterintuitive, but if the lack of light doesn't induce praying, then maybe it's not bright enough. The sweet spot needs to be somewhere for this strain. I'll figure it out. Other than that, some pictures today and monitoring the water intake. Update: I decided to increase the power to 80%. That should help with the temp and humidity. The DLI is 41.5 mol/m²/d. This should be perfect for this stage in the grow. Grow System Environment: Temp: 74.0° RH: 59.2% VPD: 1.14 kPa March 18, 2024 Looking great today! The bottom feed systems are fully active and the soil moisture is at 36% throughout. It's a tiny bit wetter on the bottom where the feed system is, but nothing crazy. There's about a half gallon left from the initial activation. That should last the rest of the week. Then I can add new water and nutes. Because this is a bottom feed system and the soil is more like coco coir, I will have to run a constant feeding regimen. Maybe every few waterings I'll run a half gallon of plain PHed water to 6.0. everything else with watering is fantastic. I couldn't ask for a better outcome with the startup. The ending result is a nice crust on the top soil to help lock moisture in and prevent bugs from laying eggs. Both ladies got a full training adjustment. As well as a few branches that finally got long enough to tie down. Banana Purple Punch A is looking great! The main top is doubled over like a horseshoe. But no breaks or anything. Banana Purple Punch B is also looking great. Super lunch full leaves. Still extremely short nodes, but I can deal with that in a week or so when I defoliate. These two plants are very different. Definitely different phenomes where Banana Purple Punch A is more on the hybrid side while Banana Purple Punch B is definitely a solid indica. We'll see what happens in the end. I feel I'm going to have to train Banana Purple Punch B differently. The top won't stay down, so I'm either going to top it or just defoliate and tie down the branches for light and air circulation. Hopefully because of her tight stature, she won't stretch past the other plants in the tent and the canopy stays level. We shall see. Lighting is spot on with the plants praying slightly. I guess my theory made sense. It's not the lack of light that causes praying, not too much light. I now understand the "sweet spot". I'll have to ensure it stays in the sweet spot for the rest of the grow. It should with my lighting schedule. The environment is finally adjusting back to normal, with the temp being around 76° and the humidity at 56%. Nothing to complain about here. Grow System Environment: Temp: 74.8° RH: 59.8 VPD: 1.16 kPa March 19, 2024 Not much going on today. I did some minor adjustments to the plants tied downs. Rotated them slightly for a better fit in the tent. I also separated the basins and now they are in their own quadrants. No sense in watering today. The basins are still about 1/4 full. They will definitely need to be refilled in a couple days. Perfect timing. The plants themselves are looking great. Banana Purple Punch A has a bit of nitrogen toxicity. I'll have to drop the nutrients down next refill a bit. Maybe 10 ml instead of 12 ml. Banana Purple Punch B is still super bushy and tight. I might have to top her if she takes off and starts getting taller than the other plants in the canopy. I did make adjustments to the tie downs and pulled two top branches down. The plant is seriously compact, but the same size as her sister plant. When she takes off, I will be expecting a robust and strong plant. Also, I'd like to mention the stem is super thick on both plants, especially with Banana Purple Punch B. Very promising for a heavy yield. So based on my last run, if everything goes as it's going currently, I should expect 36" plants. At that size and the density this strain has, I may be expecting a good 9 oz from each plant. Unless I can get slightly bigger plants, then maybe 12 oz. Who knows. My last grow had one plant yield 21.5 oz. This run is better so far in every aspect. No accidents with topping or light issues, or environmental factors. Feeding has been really good. With the current exception having a slight nitrogen toxicity, which I will fix ASAP. Lighting is looking great! I may have to raise it an inch or so later today, if not tomorrow. I'll leave it at this power level for the next couple weeks until we are in full swing flower, then I'll increase the power again and adjust accordingly. I may not even get to 100% power. Wouldn't that be nice. The environment is looking really good. The temp is around 76° and the humidity is at a solid 57% during the day. Maybe even perfect for this week in the grow. Grow System Environment: Temp: 73.8° RH: 56.5% VPD: 1.21 kPa March 20, 2024 Today was a bit busy. So far I tied down some new branches that were finally long enough to tie down. Only on Banana Purple Punch A. She needed adjustments for the whole plant. Very happy with the growth so far. Banana Purple Punch B had her branches adjusted, but now I'm really concerned with her taking off and getting taller than the rest of the canopy. I'm thinking she needs to be topped. Just in case. I may ask a question and see what the community thinks. Roots aren't showing totally yet, so I can only imagine what the root balls look like. Maybe they will get big, following big plants. Banana Purple Punch B hasn't shown any roots yet, but I expect roots to pop out any day now. We aren't in pre-flower yet, so there's still plenty of room to grow and plenty of time for me to shape my ladies. So far, the way things are going promises a bountiful yield and a full tent. The reservoirs are nearly empty. Banana Purple Punch A is actually at the bottom and just about dried up. This time around, I can let the basins dry out. In regards to nutrients, funnily enough, Banana Purple Punch A has nitrogen toxicity. It's definitely from the huge boost in nutrients. I'll drop the nutes back down to around 8 ml instead of 12 ml. This next watering will have to be with Cal/Mag. Just to get rid of the toxicity. Then back to 8 ml of base nutrients. As for lighting, I raised the light an inch to keep it at 24" from the canopy. The PAR is around 625 ppfd. I don't need to increase the power level yet, but soon I think. The environment is back to being spot on. The temp is back around 76° to 77° and the humidity is hovering around 56%. The VPD is right where it needs to be. I'm quite happy. Update: I decided to try tying down the top of Banana Purple Punch B one last time. If it doesn't take and it's standing straight up tomorrow, I'll have to top her. It should take this time. The bend is a perfect 90 degree angle. And this time I made sure to secure the tie straight down and tied it to a side branch. The side branches are super thick, so it will definitely hold. Grow System Environment: Temp: 73.7° RH: 56.6% VPD: 1.20 kPa March 21, 2024 Not much going on today. Both basins were refilled today with 10 ml instead of 12 ml. I probably should have run the plain water as I originally thought, but then I don't want to lose out on precious nutrients. The nitrogen toxicity should go away. Hell, it might even go away when the plant gets bigger. Speaking of getting bigger, they are taking off now. Banana Purple Punch A is kind of a tangled mess. It's beautiful. Great color huge leaves. Some 7 finger leaves coming out. The training is working quite well with the side branches sticking out past the boundaries of the container by a good few inches all around. Banana Purple Punch B is the most well rounded plant in shape and structure. The top tie down took swimmingly. A perfect 90° bend. Each branch has its own space. Because the plants is so compact, this was the only way I could train her. The difference is that I like to tie down the whole plant at first. This plant was a no go, so it has quite a uniform shape going on. Still it's different. So the plant will turn out different than her sister plant. The light needed to be raised a half inches today. Just to get that DLI at 40 mol/m²/d. Tomorrow I'll probably increase the power to 90%. The goal is to bring the DLI to 42 mol/m²/d and gradually let the plants grow into a DLI of 45 mol/m²/d. I will try to keep the light at 24" for the whole grow. As I said weeks ago, I'll go as low as 22", but any lower than that and my footprint gets too small. I may have to increase the power to 100% in 2 weeks. And keep the light at 24" or higher. Unless of course I run out of height space, then I have to remove the exhaust fan and left the light to the ceiling of the tent.etd hope it doesn't get to that point. Plants that tall are really difficult to manage in a 3x3 tent. The environment. The effing environment. It's freezing today. Around 21° f. My room has trouble getting over 72° in turn the temp of the tent is suffering at 74°. However, the humidity is still great at 56% to 57% all day. Sometimes it pops up to 58%, but that will change when it gets warmer and I can get my heater to work properly. I like to keep the bedroom at 74° during the day, so the tent hovers around 76° to 77°. Hopefully it will fix in a day or two. Grow System Environment: Temp: 73.0° RH: 56.3% VPD: 1.18 kPa
this is weeks 5 and 6.I topped them and trained the branches out to the side. Plus I broke one... I tried to save it but it broke again later
Do not pay attention to the temperature on the thermometer in the middle, it lies by a couple of degrees. I have a good thermometer on top of the box that shows the temperature. Day 29: After a terrible fracture, we see that the plant is beginning to recover. I'm honestly disappointed because it makes it very difficult for me to train mainlining and it will also increase the amount of time it takes to grow. Day 30: It looks much better already, I could superprune the right branch, but I don't want to stress it. I will try to bend the right branch harder, I will bend the left one a little in the morning the next day, maybe early. Day 31: This morning I cut the lower leaves, photo in the evening and continued the LST training after the injury. Photo in the evening. Day 32: I am completely sure that the plant has moved away from the stress, but we can see on the left circle, the right bud (and side) slowed growth.
Auto Opium has sprouted, and is getting acclimated. So far everything is looking good. Nothing else to report at the moment. Thank you Medic Grow, and Divine Seeds. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱 https://youtube.com/channel/UCAhN7yRzWLpcaRHhMIQ7X4g
Esta semana hubo mucha humedad por intensas lluvias ..asi que la planta no ha sido regada ya que el 26/03/24 haré la poda de la planta.
Como mencionaba en el 1er video por intensas lluvias y vientos, la planta más grande se ha partido, intente "repararlo" pero será cuestión de días para ver si ha sobrevivido o no. Por las dudas he regado( a pesar de la lluvia) 1ml x litro de agua. La cantidad de la misma fue de 3litros con flora booster.