###Deutscher Text unten The week started well until I noticed the yellow tips on day 24. I had actually ruled out overfertilization as I hadn't fertilized at all. Apparently, however, the nitrogen is released/absorbed irregularly in pre-fertilized soil. The Floragard Grow Mix is apparently very strong and more suitable for photoperiodic plants. I skipped the planned fertilization with Terra Vega accordingly. However, my girls survived the whole thing well and have now entered the flowering phase. On day 29, I gave them their first fertilization with Terra Flores. I'm currently watering one liter every 2 days. I had problems getting the humidity down. It was actually always over 60% in the grow tent. I had to open the tent and set up a dehumidifier in the room, so I get 40-50 LF, but the room also gets quite warm from the dehumidifier and half the house “smells” of the three ladies. Not ideal, the next grow will go outside in June. I have the feeling that I should defoliate the plants to give the buds more light. But I don't want to stress the plant, especially as it's an automatic. .... So far I've only tried to pinch off the large leaves. Maybe you have some advice for me! ###Deutsch: Die Woche begann gut, bis ich die gelben Spitzen am Tag 24 bemerkte. Eine Überdüngung hatte ich eigentlich ausgeschlossen da ich noch gar nicht gedüngt hatte. Anscheinend wird der Stickstoff in vorgedüngter Erde aber unregelmäßig abgegeben/aufgenommen. Der Floragard Grow Mix ist anscheinend doch sehr scharf und eher was für photperiodische Pflanzen. Die geplante Düngung mit Terra Vega habe ich entsprechend ausgelassen. Meine Mädels haben das ganze aber gut überstanden und sind jetzt in die Blütephase übergegangen. Am Tag 29 gab es dann doch eine erste Düngung mit Terra Flores. Ich gieße im Moment einen Liter alle 2 Tage. Hatte Probleme die Luftfeuchtigkeit runterzubekommen. Im Growzelt waren es eigentlich imm über 60%. Musste das Zelt öffnen und im Raum einen Entfeuchter aufstellen, so komme ich auf 40-50 LF, aber der Raum wird auch ziemlich warm durch den Entfeuchter und das halbe Haus "duftet" nach den drei Damen. Nicht optimal, der nächste Grow geht im Juni nach draußen. Ich habe das Gefühl, dass ich die Pflanzen entlauben sollte um den Buds mehr Licht zu geben. Ich will aber die Pflanze nicht stressen, vor allem weil es eine Automatic ist....Habe bis jetzt nur versucht die großen Blätte runterzudrücken. Vielleicht habt ihr ja einen Rat für mich!
All cherry lime creams remain strong with just 1 trap keeper left. Very good looking plants and all have been topped. Still waiting on sex but we should know soon.
The mother has green growth coming in. Older leaves showing magnesium deficiency. Lots of bud sites. The clone is very healthy and happy😊 Any input is always welcome!
I really love grow Blue Gelato 41.It’s a very tasty and strong.Suitable for gourmets. Blue Gelato so delicious that I want to eat it all the time. Thanks to everyone who follow my grow report, love u all, Peace!😘
No problems to report this week. Gelato smelling amazing. Strong frosty bud growth in all strains. Looking forward to the next couple of weeks of development.
this strain grows really easy with not much effort just fimmed her once and used scrog net in flower and she turned out well she gets nice and bushy and fills in well towards the end can recommend to all growers new and old as she is a forgiving strain thanks for reading happy growing guys
D78 I started to give them ripen with flora duo grow and bloom D85 lil regular sesh of defo on cc and gsc -Also started to flush them with Florakleen D88 harvest time!! Huge defoliate of all non pollinated leaves and tip of leaf and hanging the ladies head down 😇 Look at these three differents phenos... They smell as wonderful as they looks 😍🙌😍
Sour wiz came out amazing. Not many problems during her grow. Each pheno came out really different but that’s from my doing. I trained each plant differently to see what the difference would be. Responds really well to stress and training. I can’t tell you in words how great the flowers are. They’re literally coated in trichomes and smell and taste so damn good. Fruity sweet gasoline. Enjoy and thanks everyone who looks and follows.0
All in all a great genetic. Grew into insane colas. The photos above are of only half the total yeild as I have 8oz bagged up and sealed. After a weeks curing it has improved but not enough to really blow me away. I'll be back to seek my revenge in the future but for now its goodbye.
The harvest came pretty soon compared to my others autos under a 12/12 schedule and the yield is more than satisfying for me since the grow were done one 7L pot. The taste is far away from a real cookie strain but also far away from the average The effect is pretty positive on the body and mind , you will not get too stone but you'll also not be too high ( No deep reflection or philosophical thought but maybe a higher conscience of everything's) One month later : The jar is now empty , I feel like I smoked only that one during the last 30 days , of course I did smoke some of my other strain but I was always coming back to that one. One day I gave 2g to a friend and I instantanously regret it 😅
Very slow this week until I realised the timer was switching on for 15 minutes an hour into darkness, this has put me a couple of weeks behind schedule, should of been flushing for harvest this week instead I’ve been flushing for a couple of days to rid of nutrient lock, after 3 days of water I added just the pk and they’ve bounced back and the buds getting chunkier they’ve also needed a lot of defoliation throughout the week, 2 of the ladies are more a glue pheno in size, structure and a smell of pine, the other is a real chunky blueberry, hopefully I’ll get to the end with no more problems
_____________________ | ROYAL CHEESE HARVEST | |_____________________| Whats up!! Harvesting a little earlier than when i would like, because of the rise of bugs that appeared last days due to climate conditions... this year temperatures are oscillating more than usual having 1 rainy week, then a sunny hot one just after it rains.. In fact, last year, it did not rain until November So the plagues were on the leaves, mildew powdery(just a coulpe of leaves),aphids(like just in the leaves of one cola), and some caterpillars almost ready to get out and start eating all the buds, (hopefully i cut that day).. Sounds bad, but the parts of the plant affected was only the leaves... and means that a proper cleaning is coming so removed all the leaves and the result is what you can see, that bonsai.. Spotted 2 dead material points in big colas, that i removed after drying.. I did not weight the plant wet because of the smell that i had on my house that day, things went very tense, i was a bit busy, and even, it has not much sense to me, im better weighting the dry material. So at the end i think im having very good quality, and the affected parts are less than i thouth at first, so im very happy with the results.. On the scales are the best buds, the rest is the lower part of the colas that were less developed so im doing hash with that part.. Been busy guys so im uploading more photos today ^^ I hope you like all the grow thank you for follow it :) Song: Eazy-E - Down 2 tha last roach00000
One of my smoothest grows yet, plant was a monster got ppms up to 1340 with the nectar. The final product was 10/10 quality. Yield was decent considering I'm using the nectar.