*****DIVINE SEEDS ***** *****FRACTAL***** SPONSORED GROW Week 5 This week 5/5-5/11 Germination April 6. Vegetation Week 1 water only Week 2 water only Week 3 added recharge and TPS1 increased ppm to 570. Week 4 continues with recharge and TPS1. I added Fox Cal mag increasing ppm to 685 - 805. Week 5 TPS1 9ml/gal Recharge 5 ml/gal Fox Cal-mag 5 ml/gal This was an exciting week for my ladies. It started out with the usual feed and defoliation and training. With my upcoming vacation, I am going to be hardening off these ladies to relocate to their outside location. I checked the expected weather forecast for the week. Looks good to start hardening off. Partly cloudy with temps in the low to mid 80s just like in their tent. So that’s good. Night temperatures were in the 50-60s. This is much cooler than what they are used to as our house is at 73. They need to get used to what mother nature will provide. Our summers are hot and humid. I had planned to bring the plants back in the sunroom but since conditions were similar, I let them stay outside every night. And every night but 2 it rained. I did not water or feed nutrients this week. I am attempting the scrog technique on all plants. I am using a peony cage as the support structure. The cages are about 2 feet high. This may not be enough side or top support as she grows and may have to resort to tomato cages. Took pics May 6, 9, & 11 Fractal is a vigorous gal and gets very bushy after defoliation & training. Divine Seeds recommends keeping its Fractal profile wider and flatter. To achieve this, I am aggressively pinning down each branch coming off the main stalk while defoliating regularly to keep the top open. Today she has a beautiful, mounded canopy showing multiple bud sites. Her nodes are close but starting to spread out a bit. They remain even and balanced. Thank you @DivineSeeds Thanks for the visits, likes and comment, I appreciate all the plant love💚. Have fun & love what you grow 💚 Sending you good vibes of love, light and healing 💫 💫Natrona 💫 ***FRACTAL*** Rating: Fractal is an especially psychedelic strain that Divine Seeds developed for esoteric and mystical experiences, meditation and creativity. A potent and vivid landrace variety from Southern India was crossed with a sticky leaning Indica (mostly Afghani), then Skunk #1 joined this company. Their progeny underwent multiple selection experiments, until its massive built, resin concentration and hypnotizing powers reached an ultimate level. The result is now known as Fractal – resinous, spicy and productive. Best choice for commercial growing: a compromise between bigger yields and fast ripening! A great source of hashish that has something incense-like to its musky smell. Indoors expect 170 сm height, out of doors plants grow up to 200 сm. Fractal fits for all types of growing environment: grow boxes, hydroponic or aeroponic setups, outdoor plantations, balconies, terraces and green houses. For more weight it is recommended to train Fractal plants to broaden their structure and limit their vertical growth. For that purpose use ScroG or SoG, LST, FIM or topping, supercropping or mainlining – there are no limitations for the strain itself, but certainly low-stress methods are recommended to smaller samples. Fractal has an inherent immunity to molds and insect pests, but since its colas are thick, protect your plants from stale air. Also during rainy weeks your plantation may need to be covered. Ready for outdoor harvesting in October. Big and dense buds the color of olive, hunter green heavily coated with crystals. Whole Fractal buds smell hashy and earthy, while cedar and fruity hints are noticeable on breaking. Measure your portion carefully: the potency is above average! With Fractal you experience an overall stoning that either keeps you put or slows your motion down, also vertigo is possible. However, in moderate dosage the impact is described as a pleasant sensation of well-being and placidity. Perfect for spending a night by a bonfire without talking, therefore is more often enjoyed as a solo smoke. Efficiently relieves muscle spasms and seizures, inflammations, combats insomnia and increases your appetite. Up to 3 hours of altered state of mind can be expected. Best consumed at night time. Pots: 5gallon Air pots Soil Fox Farm Happy Frog Amended with worm castings, dolomite lime and mychorihiza Seeds provided by Divine Seeds Divine Seeds breeding company The link to Fractal Feminized Seeds Fractal - Divine Seeds breeding company The link to Fractal Auto Seeds Auto Fractal - Divine Seeds breeding company ================================= Equipment: AC Infinity CLOUDLAB 844 – Advance Grow Tent 48”x48”x80” CONTROLLER 69 PRO – Grow Tent Controller CLOUDLINE LITE 6 - Inline Fan 6" IONBOARD S44 – LED Grow Light Board 400W CLOUDRAY S6 – Oscillating Circulation Clip Fan Carbon Filter 6” Nutrients: Total Plant Solution TPS1 Canopy Signal
a new air pot has been replaced, and a new "Girl", I have very limited space, so I don't even know how I will do:) an interesting trip awaits, I will soon start making a timelapse video :).
8.3. - Last week for last two plants. These Fritters look really tasty and buds are hard as real apples 🍏 This week I won't use any nutrients, just pure water. Watered 💧 11.3. - Plants have been in dark for last two days and without watering. Considering that I'll harvest today as my next seeds are already soaked in water. 8.3. - 14.3.2024
Starting out the fourth week of flower well. All plants are forming resin on their sugar leaves and starting to smell fruity. Upped nutrient dosage to 1400 ppm truncheon. Still watering 2l daily. Might need another round of defoliation before the end of flower, they recovered very well from the last time.. Almost too well..
Will be back to fill this in, the pictures and videos is what you all want to see. Make sure you follow my YouTube and Instagram accounts linked on my profile page.
I’m loving the Trichome development on this, Nana glue! Probably got a couple more weeks on her .im Definitely a couple weeks plus on the Hindu.
GORILLA COOKIES 🍪 FF / FASTBUDS WEEK #12 FLOWER WEEK #4 FLOWER This has been another good week for this lady her buds are getting bigger with decent trichomes coverage! Stay Growing!! Gorilla Cookies FF / FASTBUDS
Antes de podar dentro de la carpa era una selva, al cortar las ramas bajas y hojas grandes se me pasó un poco la mano y pensé que no tendrían la fuerza por ya haber pasado a floración a volver a llenar la carpa.
Ya de lleno en la tercera semana de floración y post defoliación en el cual me pase la mano… ya se recuperaron las nenas y van a buen ritmo, casi todas van a la par excepto la Mack que recién está terminando de formar su estructura final. Se acomodó por última vez las ramas y ya solo se comienza a fertilizar con lo necesario de cada semana.
Empezamos hidratando 24 horas 😎 Ahora mismo esta 10 horas en interior con un CFL 250 y otra 10 horas en exterior . 💚💚💚
As I enter the ninth week of flowering, the progress of my thriving plant is nothing short of spectacular. Growth has been steady and impressive, thanks to the meticulous care provided by Plagron's line of premium nutrients. The buds have further developed in size and density, showing increased resin production, a sight to behold. The dedication to using quality nutrients has really paid off in terms of my plant's health and vigor. The TrollMaster "TENT-X" environmental control system remains an indispensable component of my setup, ensuring that temperature and humidity levels are kept at optimal levels. This precise control contributes greatly to the overall well-being of the plants and lays the foundation for a successful harvest. The 240W MEDIC GROW MINI-SUN 2 LED light continues to provide exceptional lighting conditions, bathing plants in the perfect spectrum for their growing needs. Detailed monitoring of temperature, humidity and VPD data through graphs provided by the control system allows me to fine-tune the growing environment and make informed changes as needed. Sharing a video showing temperature, humidity, and VPD trends during this week highlights how these technologies work synergistically to create an ideal environment for my plants to thrive. The visual representation of environmental data serves as a testament to the effectiveness of these tools in optimizing plant growth. With the solid foundation laid by the Plagron nutrients and the reliable support of the TrollMaster control system, and the fantastic LED lude of the medicgrow, I am confident that the next week will bring even more progress and success in my growing journey. I eagerly anticipate the new developments and challenges that await me in the grow room, knowing that I am well equipped to overcome them. Thank you for joining me on this exciting adventure of growing and exploring plants! 💪👽🚀
Hi Growmies, thanks for stopping by this week for another HighCloudz update ✌️ The plant has been busy growing buds and now they are not only growing in number but in size as well! The top buds are growing bigger by the day, and underneath the canopy the smaller side branches are also forming many buds. The smell is amazing. It's a bit less pepper and more sweet tones at the moment, but boy I'm excited about this terpene profile 👌 Some of the top leafs are looking tarnished because of the nitrogen burn, but luckily there are still many healthy leafs left to prevent any stagnation in growth. Thanks for stopping by and stay tuned for more updates and pics as the week progresses ☘️
Ernte. 3 Wochen Fermentation/Curing. 62% RH mit Regulierung über Boveda Hygro-Pack 62%
03/11/24- had determined last week that my runoff ph was crazy.. leaves darkened and clawing (N tox) and also a freaking mag deficiency. For the 3 past waterings I’ve given nothing but dechlorinated non ph’d water (tap water’s alkaline af) and epsom salts. The girls perked up and seem pretty happy. I’m going to give the calmag I have that claims to be N free, that has some micros and then some bloom only. I’m hoping stretch is over because it’s turning into a jungle. The frost on these things looks amazing already. The smell? Yeah.. can’t really describe it but it’s kinda offensive LOL
So this was a clone I took from the mother plant that had a pigment mutation. I just found the evidence that the whole plant but one half a leaf is the mutation. I thought I was feeding her heavy. I'm she has just been eating great. Drinking her little potter bone dry in 24 hours. I am really curious to see how the bud looks when it gets totally done. Everything is going great. I just keep hst the branches to keep them out of the light. Thank you Spider Farmer, and Pure Instinto Seeds. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱 https://youtube.com/channel/UCAhN7yRzWLpcaRHhMIQ7X4g
Mas tarde actualizo los comentarios pero es super
Gracias al equipo de AnesiaSeeds, Marshydro y XpertNutrients sin ellos esto no sería posible 💐 🍁Pink Matcha Slush: es un híbrido con una ligera dominancia índica (60% índica) que ofrece altos niveles de potencia y un aroma increíblemente delicioso. La cepa tiene el subidón perfecto de efectos índica y sativa, y trae consigo una gran potencia que puede dejarte completamente anonadado si no tienes cuidado con la dosis. El subidón es rápido y potente, con una euforia cerebral vertiginosa. Te sientes concentrado, sociable y lleno de energía. Es una planta de crecimiento veloz cuando empieza a florecer, llegando a alcanzar una altura de 100-120cm en interior, las plantas pueden alcanzar hasta 2m de altura en exterior, proporcionando una gran cantidad de rendimiento Los efectos energizantes y el increíblemente alto contenido medio de THC del 31% hacen de Pink Matcha Slush una valiosa variedad terapéutica para su uso contra el estrés crónico, los cambios de humor, la depresión, la fatiga crónica y el TDA/TDAH. 🌻 🚀 Consigue aquí tus semillas: https://anesiaseeds.com/es/product/pink-matcha-slush/ 💡 Mars Hydro TS 3000, como la lámpara de cultivo LED más grande de la serie TS, ofrece suficiente cobertura para un área de 4 × 4 pies con un precio asequible y rendimientos de calidad; a cambio, se puede aplicar tanto al cultivo doméstico como al cultivo comercial. Potencia - 450w Cobertura Vegetal – 5×5 pies Cobertura de flores - 4 × 4 pies La opción abrumadora para la mayoría de los productores que la aplican en tiendas de campaña. Consigue aqui tu lámpara: https://marshydro.eu/products/mars-hydro-ts-3000-led-grow-light/ 📆 Semana 11: Esta siendo una floración un poco mas larga de lo esperado por factores ambientales y por una mudanza inesperada, por lo demás todo bien, planta sin ninguna flor macho ♂️, cargada de resina y sin exceso de nutrientes, a partir de ahora agua has el final.
FBT2402 had a ph issue, and I got some spots on the leaves. I did not have her solution strong enough, and it jumped up on me. It's fixed now, and stable. Beside that she is starting to stack her colas. Hopefully I get a few ounces from her. Thank you Medic Grow, Fast Buds, and Athena. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱 https://youtube.com/channel/UCAhN7yRzWLpcaRHhMIQ7X4g If anyone needs to purchase fastbuds here is a link for my affiliate program https://myfastbuds.com/?a_aid=60910eaff2419
The plant on the right got chopped down the hairs were 90% dark brown while left was fully white last week when it got taken down it had only one day flush. This plant I will flush for a week and see which is better. It has decent size buds all the way to the bottom but this one growing still doesn't have as many crystals as the harvested plant which was definitely cut down way to early 😕 shame it must have forced to finish early from shock when I snapped a main branch clean off. This plant I will flush with plain filtered water for 7 days and even if it doesn't have as much crystals as the other plant, the bud size is 2x-3x the size of the plant that was cut down last week so I hope they will look a lot better size wise after they shrink when they are cut down and dried. I have also noticed some medium sized fan leads turning from green into a beautiful dark purple colour over the last 2-3 days slowly and it's spreading to other leaves the buds on this plant are also purple bits it's hard to see on here but looking sweet so far I have uploaded pic of the frost one which has been drying for a week now
Week 5: Bud Bulking Bonanza As the fifth week unfolds, excitement brews among growers as their prized plants enter a phase of explosive growth. Golden, the ever-watchful cultivator, observes with delight as a subtle change takes hold – a sign that the harvest is on the horizon. The once delicate buds are now transforming into hefty, resin-dripping colas, reminiscent of robust donkey dicks. It's a sight to behold for any cannabis connoisseur, promising a bountiful yield and the fulfillment of months of dedicated care.