
Do you guys think my plant is ready for harvest ju...

WeedMan2020started grow question 4 years ago
Do you guys think my plant is ready for harvest judging by my last video? P.s day 70 flower
Week 20
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Organomananswered grow question 4 years ago
Congratulations! Effin nicely done! Yes, I would be happy to harvest now. That fact that you thought to ask, tells me, deep down inside, your intuition is telling you the answer already. Do not get wrapped up too heavily in what the breeders have to say, they are only giving you a guide, based on averages over hundreds of plants that they grew when developing their particular strain. There are countless factors that can influence your plant, in your growing conditions, with your growing methods and with this very individual plant with her unique genetics, that makes it impossible to say precisely how many days, hours, minutes and seconds it will take for YOUR plant to be ready. Plants are living, individual, organic beings and not robotic machines pre-programmed to an exact formula. Enjoy your hobby, it is not about winning and losing or ego tripping, you have created with your own hands and knowledge, a beautiful flower to enjoy in good company! Hope this helps.... Organoman. (note to self - must try this strain; looks delicious!)
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Selected By The Grower
Burmeseanswered grow question 4 years ago
Hi there, According to your video, I would harvest when your trichomes colour on your buds(Calyx) are looked like the trichomes on your leaves.Put into 48~72 hours of darkness and then chop down.Happy growing... ✌️
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