
ARE THESE THRIPS AND/OR SPIDER MITE BITES? Maybe it's a notes issue? Looks like an insect invasion though

Magicianstarted grow question 3 years ago
There is some bite marks on the leaves. I have removed the worst off 20+ leaves and applied a pesticide for spider mites, aphids, scale insects 3 times in last 24hrs. Should I introduce some good bugs? Neem oil? HELP IM SO WORRIED
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Organomananswered grow question 3 years ago
Look like aphids to me, ladybird beetles will eat them if you can buy/get them and would be the safest way to go. Spraying more often than recommended is not a good idea, it will just stress your plant, making it an even easier target for pests. Follow all instruction precisely, besides, you can't kill your bugs deader than dead anyhow. They will not die instantaneously and there is no "quick fix", just let the spray you have used, to do its job. I wouldn't use neem, it is not quite as safe as it may appear, and in my country, it is illegal to use neem on anything intended for human consumption, which tells me a lot about its safety or not. Hope this helps, Organoman.
JUNGLE_B4RNSanswered grow question 3 years ago
I know it’s hard to hear a diagnosis announcing bad news... this is where people tend to go see another doctor... I know what are your feelings... I grow since more than 20 years bro 😎 You must raise your humidity level around 80% and simulate heavy rains by spraying your plants every 2 days, the spider might can not breathe in high humidity environment, it will refrain the invasion until buds start to swell. You will have 4 weeks left before harvest from this point and probably have a chance to get some decent smoke before they start the webbing of the plant...
Hashyanswered grow question 3 years ago
Listen to organoman. Very nice detailed post that will sort your problem out.
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