
Very slow growth. Half the size of other. Same con...

Smokemoweeeeeestarted grow question 3 years ago
Very slow growth. Half the size of other. Same conditions. Any idea? Also yellow tip from to much light? Can see closest to you very subtle
Week 2
Leaves. Edges burnt
Ezzjaybruhanswered grow question 3 years ago
It'd be helpful to see the other plant you're comparing to.. and more info in general.. First off, Fox Farm Ocean Forest is very nutrient rich soil. Autoflowers normally don't need as much nutrients as regular photoperiod plants - and I've had photoperiod plants that showed symptoms of too much nutrients when in ocean forest.. That makes me think maybe its too hot of a soil for your autos. Also, you have to realize that with most seeds, especially autos - you may be growing the same strain, but each seed is a different expression of those strain genetics. Say you bought a 5 pack of these seeds. A few may be vigorous growers, a few may be runts.. A few may thrive in the soil you chose, where as some may not.. Its unfortunate that breeders and vendors dont make that abundantly clear when you purchase seeds.. but each seed you grow is basically a roll of the dice. As for advice moving forward.. Don't stress too much about it right now.. keep it going as it is. 300 PPFD is perfect for the stage of growth you are at but you will need closer to 500+ as the grow goes on. I personally keep my canopy at 900-1100 PPFD once flower comes around. Good luck
Selected By The Grower
Miss_Greenthumbs_Gardenanswered grow question 3 years ago
Looks at though somethings had a little feast on your little one . I would personally use a foliar spray at lights out of neem x other than that she looks real nice and healthy x
ChitownCannaChicaanswered grow question 3 years ago
Hi—- I cannot see the yellow. You have different phenos. Autos are known for weird growth. Nothing you did! It just happens! Keep it up and grow on! ✌️🏻💚🌿💨
BostonGirlGrowsanswered grow question 3 years ago
Hard to say for sure. Could simply be genetics- or a bit of a stunt. I wouldn’t worry about it at this point. I’m doubtful it is because of your light- as long as she’s showing you some new growth, I’d give her time 🌱
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