
When I add my nutrients into the gallon it sometim...

millerman543started grow question 3 months ago
When I add my nutrients into the gallon it sometimes take 9ml ph down to get it to 6.5. Is there a point when the amount of ph solution you’re using could harm the plant? Or as long as it’s properly PHd it doesn’t matter?
Week 10
nerdzanswered grow question 3 months ago
Dump as much as you need to get your target pH. My water is like 8.8pH out of the tap and when I'm feeding super light near the start of the grow, the nutes only drag my pH down to like 8.0. I put whatever I need in order to get to 5.8, which much lower than your target. If it's giving you trust issues, my diaries might give you some confidence. Don't overthink it. pH to your target and call it a day. Good luck!
nerdzanswered grow question 3 months ago
Dump as much as you need to get your target pH. My water is like 8.8pH out of the tap and when I'm feeding super light near the start of the grow, the nutes only drag my pH down to like 8.0. I put whatever I need in order to get to 5.8, which much lower than your target. If it's giving you trust issues, my diaries might give you some confidence. Don't overthink it. pH to your target and call it a day. Good luck!
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Grey_Wolfanswered grow question 3 months ago
@millerman543 that sounds like a lot of ph down to be adding to get your ph down to the range your aiming for !!! firstly you need to be using a quality ph measuring tool that has the capacity to be calibrated. get yourself some ph7 buffer solution to check your tools accuracy. I never have ph swings anymore due to a method I learned a few years ago. I first add silica to the water I'm using for the solution , then I use a little ph down to get it to the target ph setting . leave for 20mins then recheck. It should be still at the ph level you set , then add the nutrients in the correct order mixing WELL recheck ph again and it should be still the same as before you added the nutes. What I have found is that the silica acts as a buffer stabilising the ph and also adding the benefits of using silica itself. Best of luck Mate 👍
AutoflowersSucKanswered grow question 3 months ago
There's no substitute for a quality pH down product. They are not all created equal. And I would also suggest that when you pH your nutrient solution, DO NOT dump 10ml of pH down in your water in one douche. That's a great way to lock out calcium. If you add Phosphoric Acid too quickly to a nutrient solution, you might notice a cloudy appearance immediately form where the acid flows into the water. That's your calcium getting instantly locked out. pHing your nutrient solution is a slow and careful process. For example, when i am adjusting a 5 gallon container from a 7.4 pH down to where i want it which is 6.2, i'll first take a reading to see where I'm starting. So 7.4 is my baseline. Then i take my eye dropper and apply 20 drops, 1 drop at a time in different spots on the water surface. Then i stir and test. 6.8 pH, ok, then i add another 15 drops in the same manner, stir and test. 6.5, ok, i add 10 more drops, stir and test, 6.3. Ok, i add 3 more drops, stir and test, and after that my pH might hit the low 6.2's or high 6.1's. Then i let the solution sit for a few hours. Then i come back and re-test. A good quality pH down should keep your pH reasonably stable. And after 2 hours you come back and re-test your pH and it's still the same as 2 hours prior, then it's a good pH down product. If it's fluctuated and you have to adjust, then adjust it to where you want and then water in, but you might wanna think about a different pH down product. We're lucky in Canada in that we have so many great hydroponic and garden shops with good quality items.
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CULTIVATORFROGanswered grow question 3 months ago
Concuerdo con las demás respuestas. Esta agregando mucho ph-, puede que diferentes marcas vengan más concentrados. Revise su medidor de ph eso puede ser el problema también. Sus plantas se ven estupendas pienso que la cantidad de ph que está agregando no está causando problema, Saludos
LSchnabelanswered grow question 3 months ago
That sounds a lot like your pH tester is not calibrated. In one gallon you’re adding a ton. Also if you are using soil as your medium, vinegar is a great pH down since it has a pH of 2-3. It also has a side benefit of being a carbon source for your plant microbiome in the soil. I strongly suggest either recalibrating your pH tester or getting a new pH tester. I hope this helps.
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m0useanswered grow question 3 months ago
concentration matters. 9ml of 1% Phosphoric acid is ok. 9ml of 60% Phosphoric acid is not. You need to figure out what your PH down is comprised of and how concentrated it is. It would also be good to calibrate your PH pen to ensure its not off and giving you false reads causing you to use more then needed. Not all PH downs are made equal, some use a different acid or combination of acids in varying concentrations. I require 4 drops of 85% Phosphoric acid for 1Gal of water on a regular water only day. I don't mix in fertilizers to my water as I use dry amendments. However when I did mix in nutes I needed less PH down overall as the brand of nutrients I used had a lower PH overall. One exception to this is if I added in potassium, then I need more PH down as the potassium I added was potassium silicate and it has a high PH of aorund 11, it requires me use more PH Down to bring it to the PH I want. Hope this helps.
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