
does it worth?

ganzigunnustarted grow question 3 months ago
hi people, i have just germinated lsd auto from barneys farm then put them in jiffy pellets but one of them didnt open for 2 days and now it looks like this. Does it worth to keep or should i replace? seems to have some mutation
Week 1
iLoveGoodWeedanswered grow question 2 months ago
It looks like the seedling you have is exhibiting some abnormal growth, possibly due to a mutation or stress during germination. Here are a few things you could consider: Wait and Watch: Sometimes, seedlings can recover from initial stress or mutation and develop into healthy plants. You could give it some more time to see if it starts to grow normally. Keep providing it with proper care, including appropriate light, water, and nutrients. Replace: If the seedling shows no signs of improvement after a few more days or if its condition worsens, you may want to consider replacing it with a new seed. This would ensure that you have a healthy plant to work with and maximize your chances of success. Isolate: If you decide to keep the mutant seedling, consider isolating it from your other plants. This is to prevent any potential issues from spreading to the healthy plants. Identify Potential Causes: Reflect on the germination process and growing conditions to identify any potential causes of stress that may have led to the mutation. Ensure that future germinations are done under optimal conditions to minimize the risk of mutations. Continue Monitoring: Keep a close eye on the mutant seedling's growth and development. If it continues to exhibit abnormal growth patterns or fails to thrive, you may need to make a decision about whether to keep it or replace it. In summary, whether you choose to keep the mutant seedling or replace it depends on your patience, resources, and goals for your grow. If you have spare seeds and are concerned about the mutant seedling's viability, replacing it might be the best option. However, if you're willing to give it some more time and care, it's possible it could still develop into a healthy plant.
Selected By The Grower
Organomananswered grow question 3 months ago
Don't waste your time.......bad start = more trouble than what its worth. Life is too short to grow "maybes"!
Robertsanswered grow question 3 months ago
It's just having a hard start. I would not replace it. Give it time to grow
Hashyanswered grow question 3 months ago
I'd keep it but be ready to start another incase she doesn't make it. She should be fine just don't drown her from over watering. Good luck.
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CULTIVATORFROGanswered grow question 3 months ago
Si tienes más semillas puedes tomar la opción de empezar de nuevo, en el caso contrario creo que va a crecer feliz cuando salga las hojas verdaderas.
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Grey_Wolfanswered grow question 3 months ago
Hi mate the little guy will be fine However avoid overwatering it as it will possibly suffer from damping off
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LSchnabelanswered grow question 3 months ago
Typically all the seeds I’ve sprouted that are runts usually end up that way and do not amount to much in the long run. If you’re not too worried about it then give it a go and see what happens. The ones I did that were runts ended up just getting a small amount of nugs at the end but at least it was something. Space was not an issue either so I didn’t mind taking up the spot at the time.
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Titocatanswered grow question 3 months ago
i'd give a mist spray with water all over, just to try encourage the leafs to spring into life. i wouldn't discard from the get go, maybe it's just focussed on growth underground, 2 days isnt that long a wait for seed to break through...... ride it out, not every plant is equal, not every plant has the same start, not every plant.. etc
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m0useanswered grow question 3 months ago
If you have other seeds and don't mind the difference in time then replace. If you don't have other seeds let it grow, its better then nothing. Most seeds that are week from the get go tend to be behind their peers. but its showing it going to try so there's that.
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