

@AsNoriu, only growing my own weed now.. infuse something new into the genetics pool each year, but mostly avoiding buying shit, especially bulk seed. At this point i believe the names given to weed strains reflects the averages sophistication of a pot grower. not really a parallel they way you are using it. I mostly get attacked for using deductive reasoning and not blindly following anecdotal nonsense that was never proven. Same type of people prone to falling for religions, chriopractors, purveyors of holistic health and other magic. A karen, on their own, reacts in some entitled way.. There is no logic or reason behind it. I only react back to people that attack me. I rarely initiate/instigate anything. Like the guy who wrote foul shit on my diary. He then calls me a 'troll' for responding to him. Then, he gets upset that i am responding to him. It's as if iwthin 1 day their short attention-span can't recall they initiated the entire interaction. I would argue, they are the karen. Hey you know.. if peopel want to beleive flushing at end of harvest reduces minerals in the plant, despite the fact there is no biological system in the plant that can do that, is measurably and consistently untrue, and absurd to think transpiration carries it off in the first place, that's great for them. It's not mean to say that isn't smart.. it just isn't smart for overt reasons. The disputes usually arise from someone being insecure, write something rude, then get upset they get a rude reply. Well, fuck'em. 2 wrongs don't make a right, but there's no cure for a dumpster fire of nonsense, either.