Over all i am extremely impressed with the Alibaba lights i ordered. These 800w draw from the wall have beat a previous record of mine that i had with 1000w HPS ran at a boost setting of 1100w draw from the wall. The outcome dry was actually 1.87p
All is developing nicely, introduced cannazym and boost to the mix. Finally I have access to a better camera which you will see on the later pics. The cuttings I took seem to survive for now, with some outrooting their cubes already.
All is developing nicely, introduced cannazym and boost to the mix. Finally I have access to a better camera which you will see on the later pics. The cuttings I took seem to survive for now, with some outrooting their cubes already.
All is developing nicely, introduced cannazym and boost to the mix. Finally I have access to a better camera which you will see on the later pics. The cuttings I took seem to survive for now, with some outrooting their cubes already.
All is developing nicely, introduced cannazym and boost to the mix. Finally I have access to a better camera which you will see on the later pics. The cuttings I took seem to survive for now, with some outrooting their cubes already.
The Runtz beauties have made it through and are thriving. I switched to spring water to add a bit of ppm to the mix, while still getting a PH of 6.4-6.5. I mixed a spray bottle with 1 ml of Sensi Cal/Mag and .5 ml of Bonnie from Cronk nutrients. Used this mixture sparingly, misting the seedlings in the morning and night, trying not to overwater. Also used as a foliar spray just before lights out so as not to burn the plant. It been very cold and dry here, I had to add a 2nd humidifier to the tent to get the RH where I wanted it, hovering between 65 and 70% RH. The humidifiers I have are 1 gallon each and I have to refill daily! Temps has been hovering around 78 degrees and get to about 70 in lights out with the small heater I use during the winter months. Overall, they are progressing well, I’m hoping to get a few weeks of Veg time before they start to flower. 🇨🇦👊❤️
Started the seeds by soaking in Distilled water for 12 hours. After that, directly into the soil which is a Promix HP and Worm Castings mix. Seeds we’re planted on different days as I discovered the others I had started weren’t going anywhere… First seed Day 1 was Jan 8, the Second and Third seed sprouted Jan 12. Keeping the RH as high as it can be, and temps consistent with a 24 hour light cycle. Misting the plant with distilled water very sparingly, trying not to overwater and let the humidity keep the plant going. Happy Gardening 🇨🇦👊❤️
The grow itself was really easy, apart from keeping the height in check on a relatively long indoor veg. These did love a lot of nutrients, though I couldn't push them as hard as I would've liked to, even without CO2. There were times of 4.5-7EC in the substrate during vegetative phases of the grow, and they took it with a bit of tip burn, but nothing too serious. During generative phases I was really able to push them, though not as hard as the Florida Pie I grew prior from Jungle Boys.
Fin de semaine d engrais après ça un bon rinçage de deux semaines
Documenting the progress after another week. Here's Week 3. Starting to show secondary leaves now coming in. "Acapulco Gold" and "Something Good" seem to be showing the most growth so far (more leaves, sticks in cups). Once they all get to be about as tall as the cups they're growing in, it will probably be time to transplant them into their bigger pots. These solo cups have a small hole for water to drain out as we've been manually feeding them and facing them where there's the most sun. During the day, it is sometimes warm enough to leave them outside. Lately, the air temperature has still been a bit too chilly. Once the air warms up some, we'll be putting about half of these plants in 3.5 gallon fiber pots and the other half in normal plastic pots. In February, we'll we preparing their outdoor growing space where there's plentiful sunshine and low foot traffic. - Rubber Match by Secret Society Seed Co (regular seed)* x1 status: doing fine. - Something Good by Twenty20 Mendocino (feminized) x1 status: doing fine. - Acapulco Gold by Barney's Farm (feminized) x1 status: doing fine. - Purple Lemonade by FastBuds (Auto) x1 status: doing fine. - Skywalker by NASC (feminized) x1 status: doing fine. - Glue Sniffer by Twenty20 Mendocino (feminized) x1 status: doing fine Other seeds in storage: - Girl Scout Cookies - Blueberry Cupcake x MAC1 - Runtz
Nella tenda Iniziano a sentirsi odori floreali e alcune delle signorine stanno prendendo colore sulle foglie della parte apicale 💜 Sto innaffiando le piante 🌱 a giorni alterni perché ho diverse tabelle da seguire, le Gorilla 🦍 di RQS e Zamnesia sono a circa 1.9 EC mentre quelle di Seeds Mafia a 1.8, le altre 2 di Anesia invece sono a 1.7 e andranno ad aumentare a 1.8 alla prossima settimana…cerco di cambiare ogni giorno posizione a farle girare nel box perché almeno riescono a prendere luce da tutti i lati…sono molto soddisfatto della SF2000 di Spider Farmer sta facendo un ottimo lavoro e le bollette non ne risentono come pensavo 😆 oltre che avere un ottimo spettro che aiuta le piante a essere in salute il più possibile 😎 Ci vediamo con altri aggiornamenti tra qualche giorno!
Intense week Im trying OG Nutrients Og bloom, bloom plantastic, bloom booster and PK 52/34 They are fattering buds, up steems are red, probably because of light burning, even being a 50w led light, I don’t know if that will be a bigger issue after or just purple colouring due to indicas strains and winter low temperatures, please share your thoughts They look healthy as i see, people tell me that there is not enough light, there is too much light, not enough air flow, too much air flow… im just overwhelmed with suggestions, al most everyone says a different thing As always thank you for reading and im open to every comment and suggestions!!
Day 27 of 12/12 Day 16 Flower Ppfd 950-1050. S44-Ionboard Ppfd 650. S11-Ionboard lightbars EC 2.0 PH 6.0 I finally caught this diary up to the current date. I apologize for my previous entries that were all done last night and kind of vague and all over the place. Today I'm doing a mild defoliation to open up the canopy and get some life pumped into these lower bud sites. She's still stretching some which I'm all for at this point although I have a few colas reaching for the sky that need dialed back a little. I'll most likely just LST them to the net if I can find spots to pull from. Defoliation is a nightmare currently. I need some kind of mission impossible harness to hang above the canopy and save my lower back lol. I ordered and installed the s11 Ionbeam led bars from AC Infinity. I currently have them in my lower canopy just below my scrog net to help her along a bit. The first night I installed them they didn't sync up with my controller 69 and she had a night light for 12 hours. Pisses me off because I should have peeked in to make sure it shut off with the main board. So later on today I'll play around with the setting between the 2 controllers and get this UIS set right. This is a prime example of jumping the gun and letting the excitement of new gear get me doing shit hastily. These bars are weak and have to be placed within inches of the canopy and then will only cover a small area efficiently. I will most likely remove em from the lower canopy and suspend them over the colas on the edges. Not sure what I was expecting from 11" light bars. Maybe I'll add them to my seedling/clone racks.
Hey yall! Super stoked to show yall some beneficial nematodes in my soil. Lots of other beneficials in there, the nematodes are the most fun to me! Love to show yall what Korean Natural Farming and JADAM can do. This is all Natural, all organic, all homemade inputs. I just want to prove to you all, the entire community, and the entire cannabis industry that you don't need to drop money on your inputs. You can source everything yourself! Remember, Bottles are for Babies! 🍼 👶 You don't need to buy into anything, you don't need to invest in anything, but YOURSELF! You are the most valuable tool, you are the most dangerous thing on this Earth 🌎 I want to be a resource to everyone and anyone who is willing to be open minded and learn. It doesn't matter your background, where you live, what color you are, or what is in your past. Your future and the future of this Earth is in your (our) hands. Togetherness over oneness Anyways, weekly compost tea applications and quality compost gets you gold! Also hand crafted inputs with love makes a huge difference. Use what you have near you, if you are wildcrafting inputs, be sure to not take from nature without giving back. Recycle, use less chemicals, pour your extra compost tea in your community. We can stop this wild climate change, but we can seriously slow it down, almost completely if we all do our part. I hope these posts inspire you to go down that rabbit hole 🐇 🐰 and get your hands dirty. Use and reuse the same soil, use larger pots or go in a living bed if possible. Have fun and learn something each day, pass on love ❤️ 😍 learn from your mistakes, that is what makes us stronger. No matter the mistake in your garden, or in life, we can always learn something new about life and ourselves. You are not alone on this journey, I got your back, and I truly believe in you. Peace and blessings to all! ❤️ 💙 💜 💖 💗
I am dry trimming this run so I will let you no on the results but I think its going to be a good harvest
she is moving so fast that i think next week will provably b the last one lets see, for now all i do is water and remove dry leafs , observe them trichomes and that's it, nothing else to do but enjoy my self looking at her. Her color is full on finish and dnt think she will show any new ones, non so ever we can see reds, pinks purples, greens and a bunch more , smell do not at all, cant smell her, mb the rest is absorbing her smell but for now she is the one i grew with lest smell so far ... great for the ones that need discretion not feeding at all anymore just plain water not even ph no idea should be around 7 .0 or something, its rain water <3 <3 <3 As always thank you all for stopping by, for the love you guys put in the community, in to growing and it all, i am blessed to walk among all of you and am blessed with it all. Genetics : AUTO SOMANGO GLUE @ ADVANCED SEEDS All info and full product details can be find in can find @ https://aptus-holland.com/ https://advancedseeds.com/ https://autopot.co.uk/ https://lumatek-lighting.com/ #aptus #aptusplanttech #aptusgang #aptusfamily #aptustrueplantscience #inbalancewithnature #trueplantscience #growerslove #dogdoctoofficial With true love comes happiness <3 <3 <3 Always believe in your self and always do things expecting nothing in return and with an open heart , be a giver and the universe will give back to you in ways you could not even imagine so <3 <3 <3 More info and updates @ https://growdiaries.com/grower/dogdoctor https://instagram.com/dogdoctorofficial https://youtube.com/channel/UCR7ta4DKLFMg2xxTMr2cpIg <3 <3 <3 Growers love to you all <3 <3 <3
One plant is flowering a few days later, this particular seed grew a bit different then the other 2 stronger and minus the 4th one "that went through shock due to the accident during transplant." Aka tipping over 😞..... The back 2 plants will be the prime crops, but some open sesame and TLC on the front left plant will amake difference,.Stay tuned....40 days left...aprox