12/26 - Gave her a bucket change today and increased the PK while lowering the EC just a tad - the pH and EC had been telling me for a couple of days that she needed a change and needed more PK but a slightly lower EC ... so that's what she finally got after Christmas stopped my intense care of her. She wasn't unduly upset - but she's showing me some love right now since the bucket and nute change-up... All of her flowers are bulking up nicely and her colors are getting intense - REALLY dark! Friends who stopped by over the weekend were as mesmerized as I am! Cheers to all - next up, NEW YEAR'S EVE and more great growing from all of you! 12/27 - Needing to adjust the pH today which isn't surprising.. always happens after a bucket change but I'll get it stable - meanwhile, she doesn't seem to notice which is just fine by me! Love her!! 12/29 - The lady has the grow closet all to herself now and I've been able to pull her over and down a bit to get the lower buds closer to the light... #2 Bruce is completely out of the tent, harvested and drying... but I've got one coming up - just popped the seed in a glass of water yesterday - but Pinky won't mind, she'll still be the Star of the Show in the tent... Buds are fattening up nicely for a sativa and are, actually, a little surprising to me! She really is a pretty, pretty plant if I do say so myself!
During the third week of vegetation I started practicing Mainling's technique. To do this, I patched the plant at the third node and cut all the underlying shoots. ✂️🌱 I tied the two main branches with string to keep them down. The plant appears to be responding well and shows no signs of excessive stress. ✔️
They are trucking along very strong healthy branches and leaves very impressed with fast buds so far the wedding glue looks like all her pre flowers coming in strong and fast 💪💪
During the third week of vegetation I started practicing Mainling's technique. To do this, I patched the plant at the third node and cut all the underlying shoots. ✂️🌱 I tied the two main branches with string to keep them down. The plant appears to be responding well and shows no signs of excessive stress. ✔️
Weeks 6-7-8 should probably have been better controlled. I'll definitely control the heights better for the next grow. I didn't defoliate, top nor supercrop. I'll do that for the next grow.
I think she has finally completed her stretch, it’s getting very shiny and sticky in the tent and the buds continue to grow nicely. She continues to be super thirsty and I think i will shorten the tank change intervals. From the 11 cuttings I took in flower around 9 made it and started to root quite nicely. However I think I was a bit to generous with the nutrients, which is corrected for the next week. A third net was installed in anticipation of the main colas getting to top heavy at a later stage. I also increased the canna boost by another 25 ml.
I think she has finally completed her stretch, it’s getting very shiny and sticky in the tent and the buds continue to grow nicely. She continues to be super thirsty and I think i will shorten the tank change intervals. From the 11 cuttings I took in flower around 9 made it and started to root quite nicely. However I think I was a bit to generous with the nutrients, which is corrected for the next week. A third net was installed in anticipation of the main colas getting to top heavy at a later stage. I also increased the canna boost by another 25 ml.
I think she has finally completed her stretch, it’s getting very shiny and sticky in the tent and the buds continue to grow nicely. She continues to be super thirsty and I think i will shorten the tank change intervals. From the 11 cuttings I took in flower around 9 made it and started to root quite nicely. However I think I was a bit to generous with the nutrients, which is corrected for the next week. A third net was installed in anticipation of the main colas getting to top heavy at a later stage. I also increased the canna boost by another 25 ml.
Soaked in a glass of water for 16 hours before moving on to the paper towel for a couple of days until the roots were to my liking and than I planted them in peat pellets.
I figured nothing could go wrong with 50% amber / 50% milky trichomes. Harvest day, Medical Mass: Huge buds and no traumas but got bud rot because of too high temps. The best I've ever smoked. Harvest day, Pineapplex Express: Got an early trauma when transplanting but handled it beautifully. Potent smoke. Pretty satisfied for a first grow, and I have a lot of changes for my 2nd grow!
I figured nothing could go wrong with 50% amber / 50% milky trichomes. Harvest day, Medical Mass: Huge buds and no traumas but got bud rot because of too high temps. The best I've ever smoked. Harvest day, Pineapplex Express: Got an early trauma when transplanting but handled it beautifully. Potent smoke. Pretty satisfied for a first grow, and I have a lot of changes for my 2nd grow!
I figured nothing could go wrong with 50% amber / 50% milky trichomes. Harvest day, Medical Mass: Huge buds and no traumas but got bud rot because of too high temps. The best I've ever smoked. Harvest day, Pineapplex Express: Got an early trauma when transplanting but handled it beautifully. Potent smoke. Pretty satisfied for a first grow, and I have a lot of changes for my 2nd grow!
I figured nothing could go wrong with 50% amber / 50% milky trichomes. Harvest day, Medical Mass: Huge buds and no traumas but got bud rot because of too high temps. The best I've ever smoked. Harvest day, Pineapplex Express: Got an early trauma when transplanting but handled it beautifully. Potent smoke. Pretty satisfied for a first grow, and I have a lot of changes for my 2nd grow!
I figured nothing could go wrong with 50% amber / 50% milky trichomes. Harvest day, Medical Mass: Huge buds and no traumas but got bud rot because of too high temps. The best I've ever smoked. Harvest day, Pineapplex Express: Got an early trauma when transplanting but handled it beautifully. Potent smoke. Pretty satisfied for a first grow, and I have a lot of changes for my 2nd grow!
Week 2 (30/01 - 05/02) During this week I will continue as the first week. Light at 20cm from top of the plants, dimmered down to 30%. I will only add 2ml/l of Bio-grow every two watering days. Parameters for heating/cooling system: 23.5°C as reference temperature, -3°C for heating, +1.5°C for cooling. 30/01D8: - 31/01D9: watering day. Added 2ml of Bio-grow to 1.2l of tap water (approximately 40cl of water each plant) 01/02 D10: - 02/02 D11: watering day. Tap water only (50cl of water each plant) 03/02 D12: - 04/02 D13: - 05/02 D14: watering day. Added 2ml of Bio-grow to 1.5l of tap water (approximately 50cl of water each plant)
Hello growers and welcome to week 6. I expect Queen Citronella to gain a lot of height this week. I will be doing the measurements shortly, but first I wanted to share some news! Queen Citronella has a new home, she hasn't moved in yet, but I'm working on it today. I will also be rearranging all the other grows and starting some new things off! I am not sure if I have mentioned it anywhere but I am using a 1.2m x 1.2.m x 1.8m tent.. I have just got a 60cm x 60cm x 140cm tent and a 300w LED. Her Majesty I hope will enjoy her new quarters. Day 36: I have lowered the light to 30cm above the tallest plants. Day 37: It is done! Queen Citronella resides in her own palace, while the rest of the plebs squat together in the communal living area. I have reorganised and moved my 4x4, mounting the carbon filter and duct fan properly in the center. Setup a 2 x 2 with a 300w LED and put the lights for both tents on the same timer (for now). I will measure and photograph Her Majesty a little later, including photos of her new home. Day 37: Added media. Height: 31cm. Fertigated 2l. Day 37.5: Alright she is really stretching fast, she grew almost 5cm in a little over 30 hours, A thought has just occurred to me; I could, if I chose to, put the Queen on a flower cycle at this point. Now I did want to do a full grow of clones, however we're talking something like another 2 weeks of veg then 2 weeks for cuttings to root, then I'd want to veg them for a few more weeks, maybe 2, 3 or 4? So that's 6-10 weeks before I start flowering. Then at least ten weeks of flowering, A week to dry, and at least a fortnight to cure. We're talking 20-25 weeks before I get to smoke it, that's six months! I probably wont be able to grow in the summer due to the heat. Now I already have the one cutting which I am hoping will root soon, which I can take forward, but I also have two more seeds. So, regretfully, I think I will change my plans. I will flower queen Citronella, starting on day 43. I still intend to do a full tent of Super Lemon Haze clones, but I think I will postpone that adventure until September. So this is now the final week or final five days of veg, she will spend the bulk of her last week of veg under a different light. We wont get much data on vegging (unless there is a significant change this week) but it'll be a nice trial run flowering with an LED light for the first time. Exciting! I am still waiting for the Epislon F1 seeds from RQS. I set their pot up today, inoculated, fed, and sowed some Dark Opal (Purple) Greek Basil and a liberal sprinkling of chamomile. I am going to germinate all five seeds in jiffy pellets and then put them all in the same 40l Day 38: I have realised Her Majesty was too tall to flower in this little tent so I snapped her neck a bit. I installed a photometer app yesterday and discovered I was blasting Citronella with 75 DLI so I raised to light up until canopy level was 40 DLI. The LED is pretty good. The HPS Dual Spectrum bulb in the main tent must be on its last legs as output was around 40 DLI for optimally positioned plants and 30 least optionally positioned. I could do to buy a new bulb. Identical replacement is about fifteen bucks, best one is about fifty. For that I could get another one of those LEDs which seems like better value. At the moment though I really need the heat. So I am thinking identical replacement. 4 days to flower cycle! Day 38.5: Replaced crappy old Dutch barn reflector with a much nicer angel wing model. Installed a significantly larger carbon filter into the main tent which has significantly increased air flow. The main tent vents into the bottom of Queen Citronella's tent, and from there and unfiltered duct fan in the far top corner exhausts it out. The exhaust pipe goes up the chimney. Why have I reorganised and moved the tents again so soon is because I was wasting power heating the little tent with the LED light, but the main tent has excess heat. Well this setup is working a treat. Citronella is sitting in a balmy 23-24 degree wind tunnel. Check out the little video of the changes. Day 39: I think her majesty likes her new quarters. It's going to be weird seeing her square in a few more days. We are 2 days into a "dry spell" I'm simulating for all my plants. Day 40: Dry spell ended. Fertigated 6l. Day 41: Fertigated 3l. Citronella's penultimate day of veg, she is going 12/12 from lights out after next. Photos taken 10:00 9/2/23. Current lights out is Citronella's last 6 hour night! Day 42: Start: Have performed pre-flower LST, HST, and defoliation. 24 hours to flower cycle. Day 42: End: photographed immediately before first 12h night. End of week summary: Huge week for Citronella. I think this LED light is pretty good. Change of plans regarding the grow and preparing her for flower. Let's see how she does.
~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_ ❤️💡🌱😽💨 It's been a pretty good week, buds are stacking up super fast and i really like the spacing on 2 especially (one is a little too tight).. We were getting some yellowing on the tops so we dimmed the light to 60% (from 75%).. a light meter would go a long way here lol.. no new calcium def spots though so i think we're finally good there.. we recently bought a 5x5 tent to replace this 4x4 and hope to have it up by next week! Thanks for dropping by guys and happy harvests! ~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_
420Fastbuds FBT2301 WEEK 9 What up Grow fam. Hope everyone's having a good one. Week 9 update for these two beautiful girls. Flower sites are developing bigger and bigger daily so that's awesome to see. Starting to see more fade in the leafs on the bigger of the two but over all both are growing great. The shorter one has more fat colas as the bigger one has more branches but smaller colas nut more flower sites. I'll probably stop feeding notes this week as I generally will give a week or two of just water while they finish the last couple weeks before harvest. All in all Happy Growing