Going to add week comment soon cause i have a lot of work to dooo ! :P You can understand i suppose happy new year with a lot of trimming job to do <3
have not gave any nute will give first feeding on the next watering when i transplant to 3 gallon pot i gave about 4 oz of water
She will need to go under natural sunlight to recover as the lights are to powerful for her at the moment. She will be repotted in the next few days!
She will go under natural sunlight until she recovers.
I will need to put her in natural sunlight to cool her down. She is not coping to well with the light penetration. I will keep a close eye on her over the next few weeks!
Flushing her, she smells amazing. First time growing this girl and she's already one of my favorite. I will not water her for the rest of the week to begin the drying process.
Just chop her down in 75 days from seed Veg 21 days Bloom 54 She produce very dense nugs alot better than before I think without bloombastic won't happen I let her dry in 23° for 32 hour then 24°for 3 days then ready this is quekest way you can dry your bud without test or smell like grass its take max 5 days
Decided to harvest. Single treated plant 3x weight of other untreated 2. Same pot, same nutrient, same spectral composition,same ppfd, same music, same treatment same everything except 2 things One is genetic. Next grow will be identical clones. 2 will be treated, 2 will not.
Day 29: Hey everyone! Exciting update: we topped one of the Hulk Berry plants, and they're responding well to it! 🌿 Also, we decided to go with two LED lights from Cosmos instead of the HPS lamp. These are 120 watts each, full spectrum, dimmable, and they have separate modes for growth and bloom. Plus, they were a great deal compared to the Spider Farmer lights. Can't wait to see how they perform! 💡🌱 Quick question for you all: do you think we should remove some of the leaves that are shading the lower branches? We noticed that these shaded branches are growing smaller due to lack of light. What do you think? Here's what I'm thinking: I believe removing some of the larger fan leaves to allow light to reach the lower branches could be beneficial. It would encourage more even growth and better bud development throughout the plant. What's your take on this?
At Day 33 we started with defolation. They seem to be very healthy, although there are fungus gnats. The Ladies have no problem with it. You already can see the preflower in the last pictures. Next step will be to send them in the Flower Stage and turn up the lights
At Day 33 we started with defolation. They seem to be very healthy, although there are fungus gnats. The Ladies have no problem with it. You already can see the preflower in the last pictures. Next step will be to send them in the Flower Stage and turn up the lights
Decided to harvest. Single treated plant 3x weight of other untreated 2. Same pot, same nutrient, same spectral composition,same ppfd, same music, same treatment same everything except 2 things One is genetic. Next grow will be identical clones. 2 will be treated, 2 will not. Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale L. syn. Taraxacum vulgare L.), belonging to the Asteraceae family, is a pharmacopeial, edible plant. It probably originated from Europe; it also gradually spread to Asia, then North America, and later to some South American countries. In many European countries, it is a common weed growing in fallow fields, roadsides, meadows, and lawns. Dandelion is a perennial weed with sturdy taproot, long green leaves organized in a rose-like manner, single yellow flowers, and characteristic cotton-like fruits with many seeds that are scattered by the wind [14]. The pharmacopeial raw materials are the roots of the dandelion (Taraxaci radix), herba, and also flowers. The traditional uses of dandelion that are mentioned in the literature concern its use as a remedy in kidney diseases, diabetes, bacterial infections, diuretic, liver, kidney, and spleen disorders, and as an anti-inflammatory factor [15]. On the other hand, dandelion parts are used as food, mainly as a salad ingredient, young leaves are placed in many dishes, and the inulin-rich roots are used as substitutes for coffee or tea [15]. It has been detected that approximately 100 g of fresh leaves contain 88.5 g of water, 19.1 g of crude protein, 6.03 g of crude fat, 10.8 g of crude fiber, and 0.67 g/100 g dry matter of calcium, 6.51 g/100 g dry matter of potassium, 3.99 g/100 g dry matter of zinc, 12.6 mg/100 g dry matter of tocopherols, 156.6 mg/100 g dry matter of L -ascorbic acid and 93.9 mg/100 g dry matter of carotenoids [16]. Dandelion flower extracts can be used as flavor additives in many food products, such as desserts, candies, baked cakes, puddings, and other similar food products [17]. The main active compounds of dandelion are presented in Figure 2. The dandelion's purpose is to pull calcium from deep and bring it up to the topsoil, its root system can penetrate deeper than grass.
Decided to harvest. Single treated plant 3x weight of other untreated 2. Same pot, same nutrient, same spectral composition,same ppfd, same music, same treatment same everything except 2 things One is genetic. Next grow will be identical clones. 2 will be treated, 2 will not. Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale L. syn. Taraxacum vulgare L.), belonging to the Asteraceae family, is a pharmacopeial, edible plant. It probably originated from Europe; it also gradually spread to Asia, then North America, and later to some South American countries. In many European countries, it is a common weed growing in fallow fields, roadsides, meadows, and lawns. Dandelion is a perennial weed with sturdy taproot, long green leaves organized in a rose-like manner, single yellow flowers, and characteristic cotton-like fruits with many seeds that are scattered by the wind [14]. The pharmacopeial raw materials are the roots of the dandelion (Taraxaci radix), herba, and also flowers. The traditional uses of dandelion that are mentioned in the literature concern its use as a remedy in kidney diseases, diabetes, bacterial infections, diuretic, liver, kidney, and spleen disorders, and as an anti-inflammatory factor [15]. On the other hand, dandelion parts are used as food, mainly as a salad ingredient, young leaves are placed in many dishes, and the inulin-rich roots are used as substitutes for coffee or tea [15]. It has been detected that approximately 100 g of fresh leaves contain 88.5 g of water, 19.1 g of crude protein, 6.03 g of crude fat, 10.8 g of crude fiber, and 0.67 g/100 g dry matter of calcium, 6.51 g/100 g dry matter of potassium, 3.99 g/100 g dry matter of zinc, 12.6 mg/100 g dry matter of tocopherols, 156.6 mg/100 g dry matter of L -ascorbic acid and 93.9 mg/100 g dry matter of carotenoids [16]. Dandelion flower extracts can be used as flavor additives in many food products, such as desserts, candies, baked cakes, puddings, and other similar food products [17]. The main active compounds of dandelion are presented in Figure 2. The dandelion's purpose is to pull calcium from deep and bring it up to the topsoil, its root system can penetrate deeper than grass.
5/07/24 day 15 I was worried with how small she is, I started her a little early for outdoor so she hasn’t been getting proper lighting but she’s not too far behind other plants at this age. Hopefully she’s set her roots deep and is ready to grow upwards
Lots of smells have become their own... The fried banana has this crazy skunk smell with a real earth dirt smell once the skunk fades... The orange cake NO kidding, smells like a fresh peeled orange and some kind of batter smell... It's nuts... The big Z has the immediate Skittles blast with a earthy afternote... And the paint is just like the last one and smells real chemical like! When u say the name it makes u smell the paint... Is that just me???? Hahaha anyways... Thats what I got .. everything is going amazing and for day 37 I think they've filled out real nice... Now hopefully they fatten up in the next 20-30 days!!!!
08/05/2024 Lights On! Dark Purples & Pinks! I wasn't expecting Forgotten Haze to have these hues in it! Amnesia White & Vanilla Haze cross!
Week 4 the right plant shows a deficiency... no idea what that is. the light from the lamp was too strong at first but it shouldn't be... I don't know - I'll keep an eye on it... I think the left plant looks good... growing splendidly - sativa genes are showing... the right plant is growing more bushy 👉Defoliation and exposing the shoots👈 I removed all the leaves that were or would soon be covered with scissors ✂️ - I started in the middle to give the plant more air flow
Одна из трех не выжила, я заменил другим сортом!
Servus Also die Woche hab ich big geupgradet und mir einen neuen Wasserbefeuchter geholt der ist aber auf grund der hohen Luftfeuchtigkeit direkt kaputt gegangen 💀 Aufgrund dieser unkontrolierbarkeit der Luftfeuchtigkeit in einem so kleinen Raum hab ich dann eine recht effektive Box in meinen Schrank gebastelt (achso kleiner seiteneinschub PC Lüfter egal wie alt sind super einfach am ein altes USB Kabel anschließen und alles ist in sane ) Zu dem habe ich LST betrieben bei jeder Pflanze mit einem individuellen "Förderplahn". Zu dem habe ich alle mit einem "wurzeldünger" gegossen (widentrieben mit Wasser püriert und dann nach 20 Minuten wieder rausgesucht(also wenn ihr grüne kleine Dinge auf dem Boden seht ist das (bisjetzt) kein schimmel)) Habe auf der in dem großen und bemalten Topf irgendwelche spinnenweben und kleine rote Fischer gefunden hab davon schonmal irgendwas gehört und die schnell weggeräumt habe an den darauf folgenden Tagen keine roten Punkte mehr gesehen Kann mir irgendwer beantworten wie weit eine Pflanze ca zum toppen sein muss? Will das nicht zu früh machen um die Pflanze nicht unnötig zu belasten aber auch nicht wenn die Blüte schon los geht und ich habe angst das ich dieses interval verpasse LG eure Herz Damen