Hello everyone, fellow growers! welcome to peaky's gardens I had so much fun growing this little girl in a small pot and with a frame around which I twisted my plant I wanted to test her resistance and my experience
Greetings, fellow growers! Week 4 has been a whirlwind of excitement and progress in our Anesia garden, filled with transplant triumphs, nutrient delights, and promising signs of growth. Let's dive deep into the heart of the action and uncover the secrets behind our thriving plants! First up, let's talk transplant magic. We took the bold step of moving our beloved Anesia beauties into their final 15L autopots, setting the stage for a journey of epic proportions. But we didn't stop there – oh no! We pampered our plants with a special super soil mix from Aptus Holland, carefully crafted to provide the perfect blend of nutrients and microbial activity for optimal growth. Let's break it down: Super Soil Mix: Our super soil mix is a concoction of all-in-one pellets, substrate buffer powder, and micromix soil, meticulously blended to create a nutrient-rich environment that promotes robust root development and vibrant plant health. The all-in-one pellets release essential nutrients slowly over time, ensuring a steady supply for our hungry plants. Meanwhile, the substrate buffer powder helps maintain pH stability, while micromix soil provides essential trace elements for overall plant vitality. Mycormix: To give our plants an extra boost, we incorporated Mycormix during transplanting. This powerful mycorrhizal inoculant establishes a symbiotic relationship with the roots, enhancing nutrient uptake and promoting drought resistance. It's like giving our plants their very own team of microscopic helpers! With roots looking as impressive as ever, it's clear that our Anesia beauties are settling into their new homes with gusto. But we didn't stop there – oh no! We treated them to a refreshing drink of Aptus Veg Mix, a nutrient-rich cocktail containing regulator, camg boost, all-in-one liquid, and start booster. It's like a spa day for plants, complete with all the essential nutrients and pampering they could ask for! And just when you thought things couldn't get any better, we topped it all off with a luxurious spritz of Nutrispray, because why not spoil our plants rotten? This foliar spray is packed with essential nutrients and trace elements, giving our green friends a little extra love and attention. With each passing day, our Anesia adventure grows more exciting, and I can't wait to see what the future holds. Stay tuned for more updates, more growth, and more green goodness as we continue to cultivate joy and growth together in our Green Oasis! Genetics Red Banana Pudding = RBP Apricot Oreoz = AO Zoomiez = Z Future#1 = F Plant nutrition - Aptus Holland - LED Photons - Future of Grow - Controls - Trol Master - Watering - Autopot - Tent - Mars Hydro - Love and attention - Me, myself and i As always thank you all for stopping by, for the love and for it all , this journey of mine wold just not be the same without you guys, the love and support is very much appreciated and i fell honored and blessed with you all in my life, With true love comes happiness. Always believe in your self and always do things expecting nothing and with an open heart , be a giver and the universe will give back to you in ways you could not even imagine so More info, the ocasional give-away and exclusive updates from all my adventures can be found - links in the profile description Friendly reminder all you see here is pure research and for educational purposes only Growers Love To you All 💚
Experiment explanation see week1 this week some water and one time compost tea...No3 Tropicana in living soil seems to be ready soon...time to switch on the usb microscope
Divine indica is growing great. I am topping her today. I also will be removing the 1st node growth as well. Everything is looking really good. She has made it to her own grow space now. She is growing fast and strong. 🤞🏻it continues. Thank you Divine Seeds, and Spider Farmer. 💪🏼🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
È iniziata da poco la 4°settima, sembra stiano crescendo bene le piccole😍 in questi giorni mi sono dedicato a un po' di defogliazione e di giorno in giorno cerco di migliorare LST per favorire la penetrazione della luce. Alzato il dimmer al 75% e ho allontanato un po' la lampada dalle piante e sembra stia o reagendo bene! Spero tanto di fare un buon lavoro! 💪 Ai prossimi aggiornamenti!
Yes ANOTHER week of veg and probably 2 more atleast..I just chopped 2 girls today and have another 2 coming down sometime next week so she'll have the whole tent to herself and I will have her in a bigger pot atleast a 4 gallon ... this grow hasn't had the love and attention she deserves and it shows... 1 gallon pot .. minimal lighting and poor diet but now that room is clearing up big changes are coming for her.. she WILL be glorious when she done probably around week 22 🤣 .. Happy growing ✌️
Yes ANOTHER week of veg and probably 2 more atleast..I just chopped 2 girls today and have another 2 coming down sometime next week so she'll have the whole tent to herself and I will have her in a bigger pot atleast a 4 gallon ... this grow hasn't had the love and attention she deserves and it shows... 1 gallon pot .. minimal lighting and poor diet but now that room is clearing up big changes are coming for her.. she WILL be glorious when she done probably around week 22 🤣 .. Happy growing ✌️
what a resin monster! such beautiful plants! one of the 2 phenos had straight peanutbutter flavor!
First day of week 4 flower day 22- Took some shots of a few bud sites, that are looking well and that should start to frost up pretty heavy once in full gear. Increasing the EC slightly 1.6/1.7 around 800ppm for those that don't know. Trying not to overfeed but get to the sweet spot of tlwhat the plants want and require. Respectfully it is my first run with this strain and Breeder but nothing but good things so far. I managed to take some clones so that I can push the strain better the next run and incase I get a special pheno! But so far so good. The buds should start to go through a fattening period once the flower stretch is completely out the way. Will be back to report and show some more pics/videos as the week goes on. Stay tuned and follow my youtube and Instagram on my growdiaries profile
This is for educational purposes only 04/08/24 Germination trough glass water and paper towel method 04/10/24 Started seedling
Ab geht es in die 2. Woche PPFD wert wird auf 225-250 hochgeschraubt Lux wird von 7k auf c.a 8.500 - 9.000 in 18H angepasst Lampenabstand bleibt vorerst gleich da die Blätter sich meiner Meinung nach hervorragend ausprägen. Temperatur wird Tagsüber zwischen 25 und 27 Grad maximal gehalten bei einer konstanten Luftfeuchtigkeit von 65%+
Sixth week of late vegetation / pre-following started. I've changed the water into the pots. The fan is turned three hours on, one off. Inkbird parameters are unchanged (20° -3° H +2°C). Plants are healthy and started to be bushy and taller. Light power @ 100%. Extractor @ 75%. D36: plants seem to be healthy. I've changed the water and during the pot cleaning I broke the air stone; repaired it as well I could do. Tomorrow I will buy the replacement. I added 35 ml grow, 30 ml micro and 35 ml bloom. pH @ 6.0, EC @ 1.8. I've used 9 ml of pH- D37: replaced the broken air stone. The plant seems to be ok after passing almost one day only with air injected by the replacement. D38: pH correction at 5.9. Added 1.5 l of water to each pot. D40: added 2 l of water each pot. Plants are growing bushy more than I expected and they are drinking a lot. Removed some lower leaves.
The stretch has gone nuts... Growth has been amazing... Nothing to really complain about besides they're hungry hungry hungry lol
Experiment explanation see week1 was able to stop the expansion of CaMg deficiency by increasing the ph to 6.4...currently give this: Plagron sugar royal 1 ml/l Plagron power buds 1 ml/l Plagron alga bloom 4 ml/l Plagron green sensation 1 ml/l Aptus regulator 3 drops/l Aptus CaMg booster 0.7 ml/l Drinks appr. 2 litre per day at the moment...nutrified
Super start på sæsonen!!!! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ Alt sammen skal nok blive godt!! ❤️ ❤️ 1000 💚 💚 procent. 😉. Og er så småt ved at GORILLA 🦍 GROW OGSÅ DER VIL KOMME OP TIL 35DAGBØGER MERE FRA MIG I ÅR
Pretty normal week, lots of flushing and smell definitely increased Managed to control temps a little better
Mohawk Meds: Banana Flambe (BF): Day 21. 4 BF plants green and growing. Cut off a piece of leaf for gender testing. Should hear within 10 days results. Roots have reached bottom and looking healthy. I've been bottom watering them 6.0ph mineral water to get those roots to stretch along with a spritzx2. Environment: 76F, 55%RH, 650ppm CO2, 510-620ppfd all week. Increasing the lighting really helped them grow. Giving them another week in the cups before up potting to 1 Gal.
Trying to increase light now that they're all healthier again, without burning away the pretty blue color they're developing. Gave them their late-flower defoliation, will wait until finishing to cut all the leaves off. Still doubling calmag and buildabloom. buildabloom has epsom in it it turns out, so I'll stop doubling the calmag when I use it. Gonna water one more time and feed one more time. I dont think its a matter of flushing or not, I just dont think itll continue to uptake much.
Week 11 (10-4 to 16-4) 10-4 Temperature: 24.4 degrees (lights on) 21.1 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 60% (highest) 52% (lowest) No pictures. Added 10L to the reservoir, and turned it on for a couple of minutes. 11-4 Temperature: 24.4 degrees (lights on) 21 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 61% (highest) 52% (lowest) 12-4 Temperature: 25.5 degrees (lights on) 22 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 65% (highest) 57% (lowest) Turned the reservoir on for a couple of minutes. 13-4 Temperature: 26.5 degrees (lights on) 23 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 65% (highest) 56% (lowest) 14-4 Temperature: 26.4 degrees (lights on) 22.1 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 64% (highest) 45% (lowest) Turned the reservoir on for a couple of minutes. The reservoir is almost empty, there is 850 ml left. 15-4 Temperature: 24.4 degrees (lights on) 20 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 59% (highest) 49% (lowest) No pictures. 16-4 Temperature: 23.5 degrees (lights on) 19.5 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 60% (highest) 53% (lowest) Today i defoliated both plants heavily for the last time, you can say i did a method called: schwazzing. Dont know why but while i was defoliating the Chemdog smelled a little bit like soap haha. Turned on the reservoir for a couple of minutes. (Till the AutoPots are full and the valve closes) Rised the pots aswell, so the canopy is very even. I let them recover from the heavy defoliation i did, and next week i will slowly increase the light's strength. (Now still at 50% 50cm)
04/16/24. Hey hiii helloooo. We are entering week 8 wow. I can’t believe we made it. All in all I’m very happy with how thing have gone/are going. I’m not sure exactly how soon or not these will be done. I think they’ve done what they are gonna do and now we’re just watching trichomes. They look sorta done? Like I think I could chop them and all would be fine.. but I’m no expert on trichomes. I think they look milky LOL..mostly? I’m going to let them keep going and watch for any changes. Feeling happy and also sad at the thought of murdering them :( I love them Oh and I dimmed the light to 50% and just giving water still when they’re dry which is every other day. Each drinking 1 gallon. Trichome pictures included for anyone who can look at them better than me 😅