Hi guys... welcome back I wanted to dedicate this diary to my resilience, to my constant ambition, to my desire to always try again to never stop chasing a dream....To all those who opened their doors to me this year, but also to those who closed them to me!...Yes, especially to those who closed them in my face.... Because it is precisely thanks to these people that they have become increasingly stubborn in telling you... I can DO it! And in particular I dedicate it to all the people who love and enjoy watching and appreciating my growth.... thanks guys Happy and abundant harvests for everyone👩🏼‍🌾
New week, new growth.. Will hopefully start the LST and Topping in a few days. They are really starting to grow. Fan leaves looking healthy and big.
Legend Timestamp: 📅 EC - pH: ⚗️ Temp - Hum: 🌡️ Water: 🌊 Food: 🍗 pH Correction: 💧 Actions: 💼 Thoughts: 🧠 Events: 🚀 Media: 🎬 D: DAY, G: GERMINATION, V: VEGETATIVE, B: BLOOMING, R: RIPENING, D: DRYING, C: CURING ________________________________ 📅 D105/R01 - 28/02/24 ⚗️ EC: pH: 🌡️ T:°C H:% 🌊 🍗 💧 💼 🧠 Ripening starts 🚀 🎬 Added timelapse and screenshots. I also prepared a timelapse of the entire week with some music 🎵🎵🎵 and weekly rate of T-H and VPD 📈📈📈 Translate
Finally harvest time arrived 🤗 It’s been a great run, though I had to improve a lot along the way. But as usual there was a way to get things done and finished up😎 After a long heatwave I decided to chop the whole tent, just a bit before I actually wanted to. But I see amber trichomes and heavy buds, so I think it’s safe to chop now, so here we go. 🤩 Can’t wait to taste this after so long watching over it🤤 More details to come.
Got everything hung up. Stripped the fan leaves and broke down into sections. Run 60/60 or as close as i can get until the stems snap.
Finally harvest time arrived 🤗 It’s been a great run, though I had to improve a lot along the way. But as usual there was a way to get things done and finished up😎 After a long heatwave I decided to chop the whole tent, just a bit before I actually wanted to. And this one I stressed so much that the heat was the final straw.. It threw "nanners" at me, so to be on the safe side I chopped it now. But I see amber trichomes and heavy buds, so I think it’s safe to chop now, so here we go. 🤩 Can’t wait to taste this after so long watching over it🤤 More details to come. 😊
This will be the last week of 18/6. I've got to count 2 - 3 weeks of stretching at 12/12 and the surface of the screen ain't that huge. I've did some defoiling, not much...just some top leaves and some under the screen. My watering and feeding strategy is that I start with little doses, less then prescribed by Canna. The soil is fresh so there are already nutrients available. I don't water the Runtz everyday, but every other day. This week that was about 1 liter every other day. And it got a bit brighter this week. The grow lights are lowered to 70 cm (27 inches) at 224 watt.
Girls well into pre-flower. Saw some nute burn from last feeding so backed off and just watered with ph balanced water and small dose of calmag. Small defoil of the bottom fans and small off chutes.
Hola amigos! Les damos la bienvenida a una nueva actualización, para ser exactos, trece días. Hubo un error en el smartphone y perdí las fotografías que tenía de los primeros siete días información etc. 💩 De todas maneras, esto está genial! Los primeros siete días fueron realmente lentos, yo fui paciente y ella lo agradece. En las fotos se detalla las fechas desde el primer brote el día 13 de Febrero, los cotiledones se asoman por primera vez en el mismo momento, la ultima foto subida es del 25, el video del dia 26 de Febrero. Estas chicas son rápidas! Días totales desde brote hasta el video: 13. Riego: 200ml cada 3 días, alejados del brote. Ph: 6.3-6.4 EC: 440 020+/020- HR: 80% 5+5-. Manta térmica 24x7 con plato. . !! .19 horas de luz: 2 x TS600, 90 Watts 5+/5- LATERALES. !! .11 horas de luz: 1 x 100Watts CENTRAL. !! . La idea es tener un pico de luz asimilando la naturaleza pero sin dejar de lado los soportes laterales, la luz central se enciende 5 horas después de los laterales y se apaga 3 horas antes de que estos se apaguen. Iremos intensificando a medida que las plantas se desarrollen. es momento de comenzar un lindo proyecto y aquí estamos 🙌 😏 !! Un gran saludo y mucho animo en sus proyectos, no dejemos de crear! 🙌🙌
Feedback 23. Februar 2024: Meine Blue Monster Automatik sind in der Blütephase. Das ich 😄👍 soweit gekommen bin ist schon ein Wunder, die Blue Monster Automatik stehen wie eine "1" und haben kein Mangelerscheinung. An jede Pflanze gibt es genügend Blüten, mit dem bloße Auge sieht man wie gute sie Entwicklung sind. Ich werde noch Bilder und Video von meine Blue Monster Automatik machen, dafür warte ich auf eine Mikroskop Kamera. Bis dahin müßt ihr euch mit diesen Bild Vergnügen. ✌️🤓 Es hat mir GanjaGecko eine gute Ratschlag gegeben, den ich befolgen werde. Feedback 27. Februar 2024: Ich habe meine Blue Monster Automatik ihren Vitamin Mix gegeben.
Feedback 23. Februar 2024: Meine Blue Monster Automatik sind in der Blütephase. Das ich 😄👍 soweit gekommen bin ist schon ein Wunder, die Blue Monster Automatik stehen wie eine "1" und haben kein Mangelerscheinung. An jede Pflanze gibt es genügend Blüten, mit dem bloße Auge sieht man wie gute sie Entwicklung sind. Ich werde noch Bilder und Video von meine Blue Monster Automatik machen, dafür warte ich auf eine Mikroskop Kamera. Bis dahin müßt ihr euch mit diesen Bild Vergnügen. ✌️🤓 Es hat mir GanjaGecko eine gute Ratschlag gegeben, den ich befolgen werde. Feedback 27. Februar 2024: Ich habe meine Blue Monster Automatik ihren Vitamin Mix gegeben.
Feedback 23. Februar 2024: Meine Blue Monster Automatik sind in der Blütephase. Das ich 😄👍 soweit gekommen bin ist schon ein Wunder, die Blue Monster Automatik stehen wie eine "1" und haben kein Mangelerscheinung. An jede Pflanze gibt es genügend Blüten, mit dem bloße Auge sieht man wie gute sie Entwicklung sind. Ich werde noch Bilder und Video von meine Blue Monster Automatik machen, dafür warte ich auf eine Mikroskop Kamera. Bis dahin müßt ihr euch mit diesen Bild Vergnügen. ✌️🤓 Es hat mir GanjaGecko eine gute Ratschlag gegeben, den ich befolgen werde. Feedback 27. Februar 2024: Ich habe meine Blue Monster Automatik ihren Vitamin Mix gegeben.
Today is the end of week 1 since the seed germinated. The timing is such that ill probably have to switch pots before next week. The next pot size is a 7 gallon. Any tips or input greatly appreciated! -
Today is the end of week 1 since the seed germinated. The timing is such that ill probably have to switch pots before next week. The next pot size is a 7 gallon. Any tips or input greatly appreciated! -
A bit slow but healthy and cons The Vally Fruit is 3 days younger than the Cherry Dream and this are the best of each grouo Disclaimer I don’t blame the seeds at all they were all nice and good split I just had a bad roll of the dice I do think I’ll have one for a fair sample of the cross
Mr. Pipi has only friends with bad Noses. No one can smell the Wild Strawberries...nontheless... looks so gooood... Biggie, Biggie, Biggie can´t you see?
have some type of deficiency have some spots on leaves but besides that things look okay they both need more water now not sure how long I can veg in the containers I’ll probably try get another week or two then up pot to 7 gallons I broke a branch and new growth from topping today smh trying to bend it for training and was to rough so i put some tape on it hopefully they grow back in a week or two Feb 25 getting one of them ready for transplant I’ll probably do it in two days I’m going to let the one with the broken branch heal for another week probably before I transplant Feb 28 Did some trimming of the lower leafs Almost time for one to be transplanted the cover crop have not grown in the 7gal yet I seen some growing but not a lot