Week 27 for Gelato 41 by seedstockers, Shes survived the caterpillar attack ๐Ÿ˜‚ Have found a few spots from bud rot from high humidity cant really help that as weather has been terrible just storms after storms of heavy rain ๐Ÿ˜ dark clouds not much sun, we still have more rain coming with highest of 21 degrees...๐Ÿ˜’ Shes coming very close to her harvest window maybe 2 weeks time. Shes probably ready to come down but i want to push it a little longer because of those sativa traits.
Well she has made day 21! The weather the past week has been cold,wet and windy no need to water. The good thing is that this up coming week will be beautiful! Another beautiful thing is that she has been transplanted into mother earth! I put some pokey wire and some rocks around her to help keep the slugs away. Week review: Cold/wet/windy and transplanted. ๐Ÿ˜
Moved them to new tent and added a trellis This week one of flower
Bella la mia forbidden runtz..anche lei mi darร  minimo un ettata di fiori deliziosi...100gr.di buona terapia ...๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿคž
Bella la mia forbidden runtz..anche lei mi darร  minimo un ettata di fiori deliziosi...100gr.di buona terapia ...๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿคž
Good morning, everyone! Today, I bring mixed news from our garden. Unfortunately, the news is not the best for our beloved feminized plant. As we can see in the picture, the stem is quite thin and fragile, which compromises the healthy growth of the plant. As we know, the stem plays a fundamental role in the structure and development of the plant. It provides support for the branches and leaves, allowing them to carry out photosynthesis. Additionally, it is through the stem that water is transported from the roots to all parts of the plant. Despite having placed a support that has helped a little, only the next few weeks will tell how her development will be. I am sharing my experience with plant growth, and you are invited to follow this mystery with me. Will she reach flowering? What will be the maximum height she will reach? I will document each stage, and together we will discover the outcome of this story. On the other hand, the news is promising for our automatic plant! Since the last update, it has grown another 4 cm. The temperature this week has been quite favorable, with plenty of sun and little wind. By watering it with pH 6.5 - 7 water and using quality soil, I am confident that it will continue to thrive and reach the 5th week of vegetation in great condition. I will continue to monitor and share the progress of both plants. Until the next update! check out my instagram: @_see_weed. maybe you will like the content Loving all the processes. Can U SeeWeed?
Afghan Original was developed by crossing several Afghani Indica landraces, so thereโ€™s only 100% Afghani cannabis genetics behind it. Potent, sturdy and perfect for novice growers as well as more experienced enthusiasts with bigger demands. A resin production champion it can be conveniently used for hasheesh making! Afghan Original has been probated by hundreds of growers and proven a sturdy, fast growing Indica that yields heavily and can sustain minor mishaps. Afghan Original can be regarded as โ€œthe very Afghani cannabisโ€ that any devoted stoner feels obliged to try at least once! Mostly grown out of doors, but Afghan Original works for indoor growing just as brilliantly. Perfect choice for hydroponic/aeroponic setups, green houses and even balconies! Provide at least 18-20 litres for a full-size root system if using soil or substrate. Feel free to make Afghan Original cannabis bushier by using any training techniques such as LST, FIM or topping, ScroG or SoG, mainlining or supercropping. About 35-50% increase in yielding can be expected after training! Resistant to molds. Insect pests are guarded away with aggressive hashy stench โ€“ another superpower of Afghan Original! Sometimes plants need supports further into flowering to stay vertical (weighy colas). Outdoor harvesting time is late September โ€“ early October.
Getting huge, upping nutrients slowly. All drinking 1.5 litres over 2 waterings a week, they all drinking fast! All Seems to be loving it. going well so far. Weekly updates to follow ๐Ÿ˜Ž
Buds are getting bigger day by day. Had to make some defoliation again. My humidity is much too high. 65%. But by very good Ventilation. Hope nothing starts to rot. Specially the days after watering is horrific. Wish me luck ppl
She stretched out double her size in the past few days and looking great so far .. no nutrients deficiency till now
This week the leaves were removed again so that the flowers all get the same amount of light. I had to tie down one of the two plants, otherwise it would grow too close to the light. The growth phase is now definitely underway and the plants are concentrating on forming the flowers. The flowers have already become much thicker and the first leaves are sugared :) No fertilizer was added this week, just 2ml/l Neem Oil.
Been I big week for the growth, seen a massive stretch Iโ€™ve been using only water from the fish pond and organic fertiliser. All seem very happy and h
Been I big week for the growth, seen a massive stretch Iโ€™ve been using only water from the fish pond and organic fertiliser. All seem very happy and h
Day 23: Both plants are still recovering from the strong pre-fertilization of the soil. Pheno 2, which was weak since it pierced the surface still has a very hard time. I wonder if it will recover eventually... Day 25: Pheno 1 shows first pistil hairs. Day 27: Even Pheno 1 showing curled down and dark greenish leaves, albeit nothing was fed. This strain seems to react sensitively to pre fertilized soil. Day 28 (end of week 4): Tips of every shoot showing first real signs of flowering. I will wait at least another 1,5 weeks until I will apply minimal dosages of bloom and top max. Also pheno 2 (weakling) is now showing pistils. Still it's growth is in slo-mo and looks weak.
Had to isolate number 3 outside earlier this week. The mites started progressing on the other 3 as well gonna go ahead and chop first thing tomorow am before it gets any worst.. them lil bastards sure do take the wind outta your sails.. once everything is dried gonna b going scorched earth on their ass. Luckily it never got bad enough to web up any colas but Iโ€™m not taking any more chances after this little learning experience and will b running some preventatives in any future grows