Plants are finishing up, maybe another week and I can wrap things up. Buds didn’t get as fat as I would have liked but everything looks really nice and frosty. cleaned up all the plants with some defoliation.
W12.D1 The captivating journey took an unexpected turn when mold was spotted on two buds, prompting me to opt for an emergency harvest to mitigate further spread πŸ‚. By skipping both washing and drying (last 24 hours without water) to speed up the harvest, the weight of the large bush, a hefty 2485 grams, included all the water, stems, leaves, and even the bamboo scrog :) Upon thorough examination, no additional signs of mold were detected. I ensured all the buds were dried under the highest airflow possible, effectively minimizing the impact of the mold 🌬️. In response to this challenge, I'm planning to enhance the ventilation system and improve data monitoring within the grow box. These adjustments aim to replicate the success of this growing method while preventing mold in future cycles πŸ› οΈ. My heartfelt thanks go out to everyone who has been part of this journey through the diary. Your engagement and encouragement mean the world to me and my plants 🌿. Huge thanks to @AsNoriu, @MiyaguiOkPolilla, @nonick123, @Archie1337, @JuanHaze_Arg, @deFharo, @Plantinator, @GrowerOG, @GrowInSparta, @Lemonhazelover for following my journey and wishing me success 🌟. Your support means the world to me πŸ™πŸ’š. A special shoutout to @chamomile; I'm gearing up for a strong comeback πŸ’ͺ. Appreciation extends to @SkunkleDamo, @TheUk420Show, @HerbalEdu, and @FNplug6 for their invaluable advice during this critical decision-making process πŸ™. W12.D7 Almost a whole week of drying has passed, and I've managed to remove the excess fan leaves and the less trichome-dense parts of the remaining leaves πŸƒβœ‚οΈ. Made a little update to the dryer - added an extra section and now all the cleaned colas with buds are comfortably sitting on the drying racks πŸŒΏπŸ”„. No signs of mold anywhere, which is a huge win πŸš«πŸ„βœ¨. I haven’t separated them from the branches yet; I’m planning the final weighing after another week of drying ⏳🌱. P.S. Dreaming about the yield if I could manage to hold out for two more planned weeks of grow πŸŒ πŸ’­πŸŒ³. More smiles, more vibes 🌈😊.
Maybe next defoil at this week, i will see. Watering up on 4 L two times at week. Lights downgrade on 90%
The captivating journey took an unexpected turn when mold was spotted on two buds, prompting me to opt for an emergency harvest to mitigate further spread πŸ‚. By skipping both washing and drying (last 24 hours without water) to speed up the harvest, the weight of the large bush, a hefty 2485 grams, included all the water, stems, leaves, and even the bamboo scrog :) Upon thorough examination, no additional signs of mold were detected. I ensured all the buds were dried under the highest airflow possible, effectively minimizing the impact of the mold 🌬️. In response to this challenge, I'm planning to enhance the ventilation system and improve data monitoring within the grow box. These adjustments aim to replicate the success of this growing method while preventing mold in future cycles πŸ› οΈ. My heartfelt thanks go out to everyone who has been part of this journey through the diary. Your engagement and encouragement mean the world to me and my plants 🌿. Huge thanks to @AsNoriu, @MiyaguiOkPolilla, @nonick123, @Archie1337, @JuanHaze_Arg, @deFharo, @Plantinator, @GrowerOG, @GrowInSparta, @Lemonhazelover for following my journey and wishing me success 🌟. Your support means the world to me πŸ™πŸ’š. A special shoutout to @chamomile; I'm gearing up for a strong comeback πŸ’ͺ. Appreciation extends to @SkunkleDamo, @TheUk420Show, @HerbalEdu, and @FNplug6 for their invaluable advice during this critical decision-making process πŸ™.
3Βͺ Settimana Vegetativa. Abbiamo fatto il cambio di fotoperiodo e siamo passati da 15/9 a 13/11πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ˜˜ È arrivato il controller TENT-X gentilmente prestato da TROLMASTER πŸ’šπŸ”... Installazione molto semplice ed intuitiva, settaggio altrettanto. Davvero tanta roba!
Build a soil kind of drys out fast to me so I started to use the barley straw to help with moisture but so far it seems good to go haven’t ph the water yet think imma start next week been using RO water and I’ve used spring deer park water couple times
The week has passed quite normally, and our girl continues to delight us with her growth. She has already grown by a whole 10 cm, and her leaves have become even wider and greener thanks to the Xpert Nutrients fertilizers that we use with pleasure. However, we encountered some unpleasant situations related to Sensi Seeds. We reached out to them with an issue of seed germination, not only with Skunk but also with other strains from Sensi Seeds. We provided them with all the necessary information about the purchase, although the receipt was not saved due to various circumstances. But, to our great disappointment, Sensi Seeds denied us, citing the lack of a receipt. We provided them with the date and place of purchase, videos, and photos, but it was not enough. Honestly, we feel deep disappointment from Sensi Seeds' attitude. We were ready to immerse ourselves in the world of their genetics, knowing that many legendary strains were bred from their seeds. But now we are disappointed not only with the quality of their product but also with the lack of honesty and support. We no longer want to have anything to do with Sensi Seeds and will seek other ways to fulfill our dreams. People, please take a look at the photos and videos and share your opinion. Did I provide enough evidence to Sensi Seeds, or should I have provided a receipt as well? I believe that integrity should come first. Sensi Seeds, you have shown your lack of integrity. People, I appeal to you: no honest and self-respecting grower can stand aside. I ask each of you to voice your opinion.
I made a concoction of living soil using ingredients I could find of subcools formula. Theoretically all i need to add is ph balanced water. And a tea once I decide to flower. I'm waiting for some gadgets[ph and moisture meters]to come in before doing any extensive watering.
Lefty was dropped during veg that explains why she looks a few days behind the other i damaged a high fan leaf in about week 5 of veg and now I know what effect it has so not to do it again! Started on pk13 two days ago just a video update for now πŸ˜‹
She has exploded with growth, May struggle with room withbthis one. 0.5L still spring water every 24 hrs
Lookin good so far still feeding them almost every watering. Lotus nutrients at about 75% concentration.
* 02/08 - Week 1 Flower - Flushed out veg nutes - Feeding only flower nutes - light feeds to begin - heavy water feeds in between - bend clips have been applied until the end of the week*
*Week 8 (Week3 Flower) - 02/07 - Thus far no issues - Buds are becoming more and more dense - resin starting to set well also - running 12/12 until harvest *
Video is 1 day later I transplanted. 3 days after they surfaced. End of 1st week seeds dropped off and they were open and ready πŸ™Œ
Video is 1 day later I transplanted. 3 days after they surfaced. End of 1st week seeds dropped off and they were open and ready πŸ™Œ
I made a concoction of living soil using ingredients I could find of subcools formula. Theoretically all i need to add is ph balanced water. And a tea once I decide to flower. I'm waiting for some gadgets[ph and moisture meters]to come in before doing any extensive watering.