Got some leaf taco ing, and a two of the plants have developed some yellow leaves, burnt tips, I don't think it's nute burn as amount of nutes watering every 2 to 3 days is very low, I thought possibly potassium deficiency, increased fish mix slightly, the yellowing is not effecting the top leaves only so I didn't think light burn, I've moved the light up a few inches to be on safe side and turned power down from 70 percent to 60 percent, using photone app to measure DLI/par intensity and reading about 700 so possibly too high. Gonna flush the two plants worse effected, PH testing RO filtered water to 6.5, also added a bit of cal mag, hopefully following the flush, should sort itself. Any advice greatly appreciated fellow growmies :)
Easy week, they grow nice and easy, really nice structure and healthy vegetative stage One is two weeks older than the other, the older one is preflowering already I am struggling a bit with space in the tent due to one girl oversized I’ll keep updating weekly, really excited with this grow Thanks to @james for everything
Shit got serious, my biggest fear has come true, the XXL pheno is here She has grew even more than the roof so i had to perform the LST in order to provide her some regular light instead of the madness she was being This is going crazy as hell wtf this auto is growing even more than the photoperiodic ones
Shit got serious, my biggest fear has come true, the XXL pheno is here She has grew even more than the roof so i had to perform the LST in order to provide her some regular light instead of the madness she was being This is going crazy as hell wtf this auto is growing even more than the photoperiodic ones
Shit got serious, my biggest fear has come true, the XXL pheno is here She has grew even more than the roof so i had to perform the LST in order to provide her some regular light instead of the madness she was being This is going crazy as hell wtf this auto is growing even more than the photoperiodic ones
Hello Diary. Medusa F1 is definitely a record holder, in less than 70 days from the time it sprouted, it matured and was harvested. The second Medusa will wait a few more days, she is not yet completely ready. But incredibly, 12/01/2023 was planted and 21/03/2023 was harvested. 68 days from the day it sprouted, incredibly fast. I've always thought that if the plant grows so fast, the result won't be great, but with Medusa, that's not the case. The plant is full of hard fragrant flowers. As you can see in the photos, the leaves were completely yellowed so I removed them before cutting the branches and putting them in a box to dry. Since the second plant still needs light, I put the first plant to dry in a box to protect it from light. This week watering was usual, every three days. The conditions are great, the humidity is very low, below 40%, which is great because of the drying, and the temperature is around 26 degrees. Here's what it looked like last week. 15/03/2023 - Day 50. Watering. I prepared 7 liters of water, lowered the pH. to 6.0 and watered both plants evenly with that amount. 18/03/2023 - Day 53. Watering. The same procedure as three days earlier. 21/03/2023 - Day 56. Photographing and harvesting the first Medusa F1. I'm just really pleased with how things went from start to finish. Now it remains to harvest the second plant and wait for them to dry to see what kind of fruits I got. This is all from me regarding the Medusa F1, if anyone has any questions, feel free to write. It was a quick but great trip. See you soon with the final report.
Wish I had left her at least another couple days however all of a sudden their became a sudden need to harvest asap unfortunately, never the less she was well into her finishing stage and and has been an amazing journey with her from start to end!
Wish I had left her at least another couple days however all of a sudden their became a sudden need to harvest asap unfortunately, never the less she was well into her finishing stage and and has been an amazing journey with her from start to end!