Week 12 Grow Report: The Flowering Stage Continues Hello dear grow community, We have successfully completed the third week of the flowering phase, and I am pleased to report that everything is going according to plan. The stretching of the plants should calm down by the end of next week, and then the focus will shift more to the fullness of the buds. Flower Structure and Volume The plants have already developed an impressive number of flower structures, and I hope to significantly increase their volume in the coming weeks. The harvest promises to be something very special. Legal Changes Another reason to rejoice is the approval of the cannabis law in our country. This means that from next week, we can legally grow and also smoke on the streets. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who supported us – without you, this would not have been possible. Fertilization and pH Value The Biobizz fertilization schedule is still being applied 100 percent, and so far, there have been no problems. The pH value was slightly increased to support the Cal/Mag uptake. I am very satisfied with the progress and optimistic that the coming weeks will continue to be exciting. Banana, Do-Si-Dos, Gorilla Zkittlez, Frosty Nightmare, Pink Rozay, and Girl Scout Cookies continue to show what they are made of. I look forward to sharing the progress with you. Until the next update!
The strain preformed well with having a small root zone. I had no real issues with the plant. The aroma and the frost on this plant is simply amazing. 😍
She has started her bloom. She is growing so well. This week I took off all her tie downs. Then 2 days later decided to tie her back down. She has had steady tension on her branches. So when I released her, she tightened back up. With the ties on, there is little reason for defoliation, as of now. She gained height, but nothing crazy. All her main top branches have always been pulled down to be side branches. Everything else was let to grow that came up the center. Really the side branches are the top of the canopy. Surprised I have not broke a branch. 8/26 2 gallons Fed 8 tablespoons Foxfarm Big Bloom, 15 MLS Tiger bloom and Foxfarm Open sesame 1/2 teaspoon. 8/30 Gallon and a half of tea. Cow and worm poop. Every year I'm going to grow a photo in a different shape. This year I just wanted to see how many tops I could make. Looking forward to next year's design. However not as much as I want to see what this voluptuous beauty produces. Voluptuous seems to be very fitting for her. Love this plant, she has been very fun to grow. She also thought me a lot.
Second week of Veg and they are growing fast , very healthy, no deficiencies , perfect color green.
Week 4 for the sugar bombs 😁 another 4 or 5 weeks to go (depending on the phenotype) but we will notice when she's ready in the later flowering, for the rest everything is going quite good in my opinion, for now i must say that its a quite stable strain, no signs of nanners or any other trouble after applied HST which is good news!
Buds should be dried in the dark at 22 degrees Celsius and 50% humidity
28 august 2022 RECAP: **photoperiod northen light** ** started from a seed, then made 4 clones in single pot, then removed 3 plants for outside** ** seed: 22-march-22, clones on 15-may-22, flower 20-july-22** UPDATE: Some buds have started to show sign of brown pistils Main nodes are very close from the 240w led (8''/20cm) but no sign of burns Starting to think I will have a decent harvest considering it's my fist grow
Dia 110 de vida y 2nda para 3ra semana de floración. Han hecho un estiron final llegando a medir casi 3 m y han empezado a florecer se ven muy sanas sigue todo muy bien algun saltamontes sigue motdiendo las hojas nada grave. Se avecina tiempo de tormentas y lluvias esperemos que no pase nada grave , las plantas estan preparadas para soportar lo que sea que venga aunque siempre puede haber algun imprevisto
Dia 110 de vida y 2nda para 3ra semana de floración. Han hecho un estiron final llegando a medir casi 3 m y han empezado a florecer se ven muy sanas sigue todo muy bien algun saltamontes sigue motdiendo las hojas nada grave. Se avecina tiempo de tormentas y lluvias esperemos que no pase nada grave , las plantas estan preparadas para soportar lo que sea que venga aunque siempre puede haber algun imprevisto
Last week we made some cuttings, dont ask me why but i never tried a monster cropping 🤣🤔 so why not trying with this great genetics we have here! We are now at week 5 but in my opinion there are lot more of weeks to go (at least 4 or 5 more), she goes slowly but its worth it, she's getting bigger, fatter and a better bud structure than other strains in the tent, im really happy with this strain 👌
29.08.2022 10 settimana finita Inizio a breve la fioritura Ho montato la nuova luce, ho scelto una Fc 4800 della MarsHydro, che momentaneamente tengo al 60% per non cuocere tutte le piante. Tutto è pronto per cambiare ore di buio✌️🏻 Preso un po di talee per il nuovo ciclo💚
29.08.2022 10 settimana finita Inizio a breve la fioritura Ho montato la nuova luce, ho scelto una Fc 4800 della MarsHydro, che momentaneamente tengo al 60% per non cuocere tutte le piante. Tutto è pronto per cambiare ore di buio✌️🏻 Preso un po di talee per il nuovo ciclo💚
I did alot of fuck ups so ended up with a small yeild but ended up having really dense nugz the smell of her is amazing sour apples smell with the taste being musky with grapefruit and cheese taste
I think that in around 1 week this girl is ready, nice plant to grow, i like the bud structure, the calyxes vs leave proportion is great, a very nice and sweet smell and an easy to grow plant! 😋 🍰🍰🍰
I think that in around 1 week this girl is ready, nice plant to grow, i like the bud structure, the calyxes vs leave proportion is great, a very nice and sweet smell and an easy to grow plant! 😋 🍰🍰🍰
August 22nd - most plants entering week 3 of Flower - Machupi’s Lady entering week 7 of Flower - huge rains overnite and this morning are setting a new schedule. There’s a couple plants that will need some defoliation after this big rain; Bud Rot is what I’m thinking to prevent and there are two plants well on their way ie ~ week 6-7 23rd - rain or shine, Machupi’s Lady gets a Haircut today. Defoliation is Needed 24th - after yesterdays defoliation of Machupi’s Lady, today the plants there were fed a mixture of Stress-reducing liquids; B-Vital - I defoliated PurpsBerry, Honduras x Panama and LSD nicely today, nothing really to remove from Panama Red. Other than just standing there in awe … lolo seriously. Each meter-long branch is filling with white hairs. - Panama Red is a long flowering strain and southern Ontario is not always weather-friendly in early - mid November! Let alone October, regardless its going to be a ridiculously fine and complex plant. Going to get it as far along as possible. Already talking about weather barricades for the cold winds in late Fall - black tuna x 2 (9 weeks of flower) -LSD (9-10 weeks of flower) -honduras x panama (12-13 weeks of flower) -LSD (9-10 weeks) -Panama Red (Damn, 11-14 weeks flower) - Massive Bloom is now an option for all the plants liquid meals (medi-one now = 1ml/L when used) 28th - last day week 7 flower for machupi’s Lady - LSD ends week 4 - all the others are finished 3rd week of Flower - Machupi’s Lady fed 1.5gal as posted above + NPK basics ~ 1390ppm
Another week of flowering, this week we started with some ultra PK and also some sugars, the buds are already starting to get bigger so lets see next week! We will continue to give some ultra PK next week!
No earlier pictures as only just found this site first ever grow
finishing week 3 of stretch. Plants started to look pale, unclear if it was leaving the rez on too much vs. just hungry for higher EC. Towards end of week pulled them out of the trays and put drip trays in to give them a top-feed with generous runoff + some recharge. Pics of that are more in next week's photos.