They’re getting juicy, just feed some compost tea made from Dr Earth Tomatoes Veg and herb fertilizer and some Molasses. Just seen a Nat so I don’t think I’ll be doing the tea again, I want to prevent bugs as much as I can. I’ll be putting up a sticky trap to catch it I only seen 1 but 1 is enough for me
This one was less affected by the mistake with measuring the IPM product. Oh well lesson learned. I'm liking the vigor on this girl she is growing huge fan leaves. This cultivar is just so easy to bend and FIM it just takes it in stride. I can wait to do some more work with her in the coming weeks, after the pot patch girls are out of the way for the season.
As I said in my video, triple check your measurements. I almost killed my girls for outside with some 3in1 canola oil for spider mite IPM. No matter how many years you have been gardening you can STILL make a mistake. Oh well one thing I have learned is to laugh these things off. Otherwise it will get you very pissed off and that is not the right energy to convey to your plants.
Wow honesty i didn't think the SpiderFarmer SE3000 are this good and with right soil and nutrution the spark good especially this Purple Punch Auto from Barneys farm, i really look forward to see those buds finished. I defoliated a lot actually ill let the other plant with a lot of leaves but this one i wanted to try to start cutting the big leaves to give less shade and more energy for the buds, i didn't top it aswell. But then for the mistery pack seed from Fast buds is doing very good. Well for the marking on the thick Indica leaves i am impatient to see what will happen honestly. So not like the other one she got topped and had a slower growth but now its getting better, ill have 2 indicas ready to cho soon enough ! Now the Purple Punch nutrients will change to bloom and i will add calmag aswell, the other one will still have the veg nutes but now the leds are at 80 percent power which will push into flower so soon i will change the nutes again. Happy growing !
Week 12 seems to be going well. Disappointed that I’m not gonna manage to fill the screen but it’s a sweet first attempt. 🙂 The plant is getting full of developing flowers 😁
Welcome back 🤗 Another week has passed and I’ve started adding a small amount of Grow nutrients to the mix🌱 Cranking up the light a bit again this week trying to maintain about 400PPFD. See you next week 😎🤙🏻💚 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Light source: Medicgrow SpectrumX 880W LED Build in PPFD 4 controllable spectrums V1, F1, VS, FS Visit https://medicgrow.com/ for more informaton. Light measurement: Apogee MQ-610 & Apogee DLI-600. Fertiliser: Organics Nutrients https://www.organicsnutrients.com/en/ Green Buzz Nutrients Discount Code: GD42025 Grants 25% with a minimum Order value at 75 Euro. https://greenbuzzliquids.com/en/shop/
Welcome back 🤗 Another week has passed and I’ve started adding a small amount of Grow nutrients to the mix🌱 Cranking up the light a bit again this week trying to maintain about 400PPFD. See you next week 😎🤙🏻💚 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Light source: Medicgrow SpectrumX 880W LED Build in PPFD 4 controllable spectrums V1, F1, VS, FS Visit https://medicgrow.com/ for more informaton. Light measurement: Apogee MQ-610 & Apogee DLI-600. Fertiliser: Organics Nutrients https://www.organicsnutrients.com/en/ Green Buzz Nutrients Discount Code: GD42025 Grants 25% with a minimum Order value at 75 Euro. https://greenbuzzliquids.com/en/shop/
Did a little outside action this week as I had to clean out the tent and make some ventilation adjustments I’m 9 weeks in on these plants and it kinda has me wondering why I’m not seeing much more vertical growth I’ve decided to pull the light up a bit and decrease the intensity let ‘‘em work for it a little bit.They are healthy tho and as usual the vegetation never fails to impress happy growing yall
This plant was an absolute joy to trim. This plant consisted of buds and stems only, so I am actually curious what the dry weight will be.
This plant was an absolute joy to trim. This plant consisted of buds and stems only, so I am actually curious what the dry weight will be.
This plant was an absolute joy to trim. This plant consisted of buds and stems only, so I am actually curious what the dry weight will be.
This plant was an absolute joy to trim. This plant consisted of buds and stems only, so I am actually curious what the dry weight will be.
This plant was an absolute joy to trim. This plant consisted of buds and stems only, so I am actually curious what the dry weight will be.
This plant was an absolute joy to trim. This plant consisted of buds and stems only, so I am actually curious what the dry weight will be.
Week 5 Update: Challenges and Optimism! 🌿💪✨ Hey there, fellow growers! 👋🌱 As we dive into the fifth week of this thrilling journey, I must admit that I've encountered a few obstacles along the way. But fear not, for challenges are merely opportunities in disguise! 🌱🚀 Currently, three of my plants are still looking a bit droopy, a consequence of my underfeeding mishap. 😔 However, I've taken decisive action to rectify the situation. I've increased their water intake from 0.5 liters each to a generous 1 liter each, provided every two days. Hydration is key! 💧💦 Let's talk environmental conditions. The temperature within the grow space ranges between 20°C and 22°C, maintaining a comfortable and optimal range for our leafy companions. The humidity levels hover around 60% to 68%, thanks to the diligent work of my trusty dehumidifier. Kudos to technology! 🌡️💨💨 In light of the recent droopiness, I've temporarily adjusted the LED power to 75%. It's a careful balancing act to ensure the plants receive the right amount of light without overwhelming them. We're all about finding that sweet spot! 💡🌿✨ Interestingly, I've noticed a similar issue with droopiness during my previous grow with sour stompers. Could it be a recurring pattern? 🤔 Moreover, upon activating the dehumidifier, I made an intriguing discovery. The CO2 levels have soared over 900ppm! It seems I've stumbled upon an unexpected correlation. I'll certainly be investigating this further to unravel the mystery. Science at work! 🔬🌿🔍 Well, my fellow enthusiasts, that wraps up the highlights for this week. Let's remain optimistic as we eagerly await our plants' recovery and resurgence. I have faith that they will bounce back stronger than ever, for nature has a remarkable ability to rejuvenate. 🌿🌱💚 Remember, challenges are but stepping stones on the path to growth. Embrace them, learn from them, and continue nurturing your green wonders with love and care. Together, we shall conquer any hurdle that comes our way! 😜💪🌿🌟 Wishing you all an incredible week of growth and exploration. Happy growing, lads! 🌱🌿✨😄
Wow honesty i didn't think the SpiderFarmer SE3000 are this good and with right soil and nutrution the spark good especially this Purple Punch Auto from Barneys farm, i really look forward to see those buds finished. I defoliated a lot actually ill let the other plant with a lot of leaves but this one i wanted to try to start cutting the big leaves to give less shade and more energy for the buds, i didn't top it aswell. But then for the mistery pack seed from Fast buds is doing very good. Well for the marking on the thick Indica leaves i am impatient to see what will happen honestly. So not like the other one she got topped and had a slower growth but now its getting better, ill have 2 indicas ready to cho soon enough ! Now the Purple Punch nutrients will change to bloom and i will add calmag aswell, the other one will still have the veg nutes but now the leds are at 80 percent power which will push into flower so soon i will change the nutes again. Happy growing !
🌿🌸 Week 4 Flowering Update! 🌸🌿 We have officially entered week 4 of the flowering phase, a crucial period where things can get a little nerve-wracking. However, I'm happy to share that everything is looking great so far! 🎉 First off, let me express my relief that I haven't encountered any hermaphroditism issues like some unfortunate growers have experienced. I've been extra vigilant in checking my plants for any signs of bananas or seeds, and thankfully, all is going smoothly on that front. Fingers crossed, and let's hope it stays that way. 🤞 Now, let's talk about the progress of these beauties. The plants are thriving, exhibiting vigorous growth and magnificent stretching. 🌱✨ Maintaining the well-being of my plants remains my top priority. They're displaying a healthy thirst, as each plant continues to drink around 2 liters of water every two days. I've been closely monitoring the pH level of the nutrient solution, which has been steady at 6.11. This ensures optimal nutrient uptake and keeps the plants in their prime condition. Moreover, the TDS range is consistently between 1050 and 1150, providing them with the ideal nutrient balance. ⚖️💧 Speaking of the plants, I must mention how amazing they smell! The aroma is becoming more intense with each passing day. Today, I conducted a smell test for the OG and Oreo strains. The OG emitted a super strong smell of OG/Skywalker, while the Oreo strain has a unique and captivating scent that is difficult to describe but absolutely amazing. I can't wait to smoke that one! Tomorrow, I'll do a smell test for the Queen strain as well. 🌿👃🔥 As we progress through this crucial stage, I'll continue to provide the best care possible to ensure a successful harvest. Today (Day 22) marks the last day of foliar feeding with Bud Factor X, an essential step to maximize THC development and quality. This phase demands attention to detail and careful observation. 👀🌿💦 That wraps up this week's update, fellow growers! Keep your fingers crossed for a smooth journey ahead, and may your own gardens thrive. 🤞🌿🌸 Happy growing, lads! 🌱💚
Again a very uneventful week. All muted were removed from the mix and only cannazym and boost were given until Wednesday and then only RO water.
Again a very uneventful week. All muted were removed from the mix and only cannazym and boost were given until Wednesday and then only RO water.
Some trichomes are clear others are turning cloudy , still no Amber. I'll lower the feed from now with a view to harvesting in the next week to ten days .