2/04 Very nice strain by Weed seed shop, first time 100% indoor. Growed Fems and Autos outdoor from their bank few times in the past, and it was also nice. Loved the colours, very homogeneous plant. Manicure made just before the harvest I will weight flowers after drying, before curing and add infos and photos
Not many pic from the veg phase unfortunately, so i share what they looked like in the first week of flowering. 5x Mela verde 4x Papaya cooler
Not many pictures unfortunately but ie got a nice video of week 4. They´re showing the first sign of thrichs and you can already start to smell some crazy terps.
F-MILF takes 70 % of my tent now...wtf Hope all this green gives some good buds at the end. Deficiency from last week is under control...added some Silicate from TA...no idea if that helped or anything else...of course...there is too much light photons for the above area...but wtf I cannot do the plant smaller...lamp is on 75% now und lower would be bad for lower area. NL untopped (F-MILF) getting this week: (TA nutrients mentioned above are for NL topped from other tent...pictures follow) Aptus Topbooster 6 drops/l (increased) Aptus P-boost 12 drops/l (increased) Aptus regulator 3 drops/l Aptus All in one 0.6 ml/l Aptus CaMg 0.6 ml/l TA Silicate 0.4g/l 4-6 litre each day nutrified (thats a real problem) F-MILF cannot get enough...just makes me poor that fat big milf
April 28, 2024 Day 8 Transplant day so first day of the veg/seedling stage. Roots were showing through the plugs and needed to be planted. They went into soil. Bio365 BIOFLOWER. It's supposed to be comparable to Sohum Living Soil which is what I normally use. We will see how it does I guess. 3 of the 4 babies are about 3 inches tall and the 4th is 2 inches. I'll have to keep an eye on that one. I don't want any runts that can't keep up. It will just get cannibalized. So I may end up with 3 instead of 4 plants. We will see how the next week goes. The environment is going to change slightly until I tweak it back into place. The water on the bottom of the tray will certainly get mostly absorbed by the containers, but there will still be enough to keep the temp and humidity in the area I want it. The light intensity also changed. Due to the height of the nursery bags, each plant gained about 4" in height. The light was left alone with the extension already in place. I can't get a good DLI measurement. I'll have to come up with something. Anyway, that's it for the day. Germination Center Environment: Temp: 78.7° RH: 82.2% VPD: 0.60 kPa April 29, 2024 All 4 seedlings are stretching nicely. The light seems to be on point for them their leaves have flattened out and look great. Good color too. They got a misting this morning. And will get another 250 ml tomorrow. Only plain water from here to mid veg if not early flower. We shall see how things go with them. They seem to be doing fine with the new soil. I'll keep an eye over the next few days to see how it goes. The plain water should be good. Although, I'm not sure what it means, but the soil is not a fertilizer. I wonder if that means I need to add nutrients at some point. We'll see how it goes. If all goes as it should, I won't need nutrients until week 4 at the earliest. The lighting is staying the same now. The plants seem to be quite happy with the intensity. In a couple days, I think I'll have to increase the light power to 90%. But not for a couple of days. The Germination Center hydrometer needs a battery, so I'm kind of blind with the environmental readings. The humidity seems fine as there is condensation on the walls. Temp seems alright as well. It should still be around 80°. Update: I increased the light power to 70% and dropped the heat mat temp down. The seedlings were all reaching a bit more than I like. They are already pretty stretchy, so I gotta control it. I also put in a different hydrometer for the time being. There's no VPD reading, so we will have to work without it for now. Also no daily average readings. That's a shame. Germination Center Environment: Temp: 80.3° RH: 84.2% VPD: unknown April 30, 2024 All 4 ladies look great and are reaching a bit, so I increased the light power to help prevent stretching too much. They are developing really fast though. I will most likely be planting them in their final containers in a week or less. The environment is pretty good with a temp of 78° and humidity at 83%. Still no VPD yet. But I don't really need it. Germination Center Environment: Temp 78° RH: 83% VPD: unknown May 1, 2024 All 4 ladies have started spreading their leaves and rapidly. They will definitely be out of the Germination Center in about a week. Hopefully a week and a half, but I highly doubt it. They are also the same height with the exception of that last one that wasn't really coming out of the soil easily. 🤔. I wonder if I should keep it. Let's see how things go in the next week. Maybe I'll be surprised. They also got 250 ml of water poured into the tray so the plants can suck it all up. The top soil is still moist, so no sense in top watering. I'm mostly using the tray to keep humidity up. It works wonders. I also shouldn't have to do anymore bottom tray watering for a few days. The lights are now set to 80% power and I think the seedlings are liking it. No more hard reaching, and the leaf growth. It just shows healthy plants. The environment is still great at 78° and a humidity of 84%. I plan on keeping it there until the plants get too big for the Germination Center, then I'll do my best to drop it so 70% for the first week of actual veg and then down to 60% for the second week on through week 4 of veg. Then I plan to drop it down to 55% and another 5% every week until harvest. Germination Center Environment: Temp: 78.3° RH: 84.5% VPD: unknown May 2, 2024 These Sour Diesel seedlings look phenomenal. The environment is fantastic as well. I had to increase the light to 100%. I want to see what happens. I don't think my Photone app is accurate for these lights. 60% power was showing a super high DLI of 36 mol/m²/d. The lights are only like 28 watts, so it should be at like 20 mol/m²/d at 100% power. One thing I did notice is that all 4 plants stopped stretching and are focusing on building up those first sets of leaves. It's like the perfect height from the light and they are as tall as the extension. The extension is 4" tall, so the seedlings are as well. The actual dome is 4" tall as well, so we have a good 4" of light distance to a 28 watt light set up. I wonder if AC Infinity has the intensity specs. I may send them an email. Maybe. Speaking of lighting, I can't speak for the intensity as my Photone app doesn't seem to work for this set up and I don't have a light distance to power reference. Or intensity reference. The environment is spot on with a temp of 78° and the humidity around 84%. Plenty of wiggle room for night time environmental changes. I added 250 ml of filtered water to the bottom of the tray again. The top soil is still pretty moist, so bottom it is. I'll probably do a top watering at the start of next week. That should coincide with the final transplant, so top watering will make the most sense and will be needed anyway to transplant the nursery bags. Germination Center Environment: Temp: 78.6° RH: 84.3% VPD: unknown May 3, 2024 Not much to do for these ladies today. They have plenty of water and I'm keeping the humidity at 84%. The temp is a bit high at 81° where it should be around 78°. I haven't quite figured out the lighting. The leaves are fine, everything looks good, but I honestly can't tell if they are stressed out or not. And if they are, is it the light or too much water or too rich of a soil? It could be any one of those factors or two maybe even all three. There is one who's edges are curling up slightly. I'm assuming it's the soil being a bit hot. But I'm not sure. Honestly, it's been almost 3 months since I saw seedlings and I have no idea what I'm looking at. Lol. I might be overthinking things, but there is some sort of stress on at least one of the plants. The smallest is looking good. It's just smaller than the rest. I'm still not sure what I want to do. As I said before, I'll wait for the transplant. I'd like to run all 4 plants, but I don't think it's worth running one that will most likely get cannibalized by the rest. Just a waste of soil and nutrients. But we will see. I'll do my best to keep it in though. Germination Center Environment: Temp: 80° RH: 81% VPD: 0.65 kPa May the 4th be with you. 2024 Star Wars all the way! Today is the last day of week 1 of veg. All 4 plants have excellent growth and are each working on their second node. I'm still hoping I can keep them in the Germination Center for as long as I can. However, I have 2 plants that are ready for harvest. So when they come out, I should be able to put the Germination Center in the big tent. Then there is only 2 plants left to harvest and I after I can do the last transplant into their 3 gallon containers. I have the opportunity to run 5 gallons still. I have 3 yards of soil. I think it's enough for 4 plants. Definitely enough for 3. If I have to get rid of this smaller one, I'll definitely be running 5 gallon containers. The lights are perfect at 80% power. I can only assume the DLI is around 14 mol/m²/d to 16 mol/m²/d. The plants are looking great with it. Just a slight reach and wonderful color. The environment is quite nice indeed. The temp is hanging around 77° with the humidity still at 84%. I'll be dropping the humidity down to 75% starting next week. It'll drop down to 65% to 70% when the transplant happens. Germination Center Environment: Temp: 78.8° RH: 82.7% VPD: 0.58 kPa
This weeks focus is balancing ph of my homemade Texas Tea nutrient and creating the perfect “Tropical” environment for my babies to thrive in. Incorporated Advanced nutrients up/down to assist with ph also helped lower the PPM. They are loving the vegetation box I built!
W12.D1(81) 🌞🌱✂️🔍💡Good day! 🌞 Opening the 12th week of grow (and the 4th week of flowering), I continue to meticulously and gradually remove the fan leaves 🌱 that block the light from penetrating deeply ✂️. I do this gradually 🔍, aiming to minimize the reduction of photosynthesis and stress for the girl 💡. She seems to be feeling quite well, in my opinion 💡. W12.D2(82) 🌱🍂🌞🌿💦 Good day! Today, I continue my struggle 🍂 with the deep shadows 🌞 caused by the oldest fan leaves. 🍂🌿💧 Additionally, I've discovered that one of the fertilizer components forms "foam flakes" 💦 which settle at the bottom and float on the surface. 🌊 Suspicion falls on Big Bud Coco. 💭🌿
This girl has been one of my favorites. Pineapple express is true to it name looking like a pineapple once it fades the yellow, and the green are very beautiful together smells gassy with pineapple busting out of every tone
So, here we are... Plant is happy and grows like a mofo, only thing is she is not starting to flower for real. There are some pistils here and there but not the real thing. The height is ok for now, thing is don't want her to yield more than 150g due to our stupid laws (two adults in the household means you are allowed to have 100g dry flower in total). I will have to cut a LOT of budsites when she continues to grow like I took her out of Chernobyl. Anyway, let me know if you like the video. If so I will make more, I love to see videos on other growdiaries. Have a good one
They're coming along really quickly they're on week 2, the custom strain I have in here I crossed the sherb tree from the plug with EL chapo and this plant looks amazing and smells like cherry refreshers platinum Z is also looking very nice with a lovely sweet watermelon with a hint of diesel and they really do stink even though they are weak 2 getting excited already haha, they all look very good so far,, I did have 25 but a few of them looked quite sick and a few abnormalities and they really didn't like the feed I was given them so the one's got eliminated and I am now left with 15 of the ones I like, this small room is just for my testers before putting them in main room, the LED that is running is lumatek zeus 600 pro, this is my first try with LEDs I've always been HPS but I'm definitely turning my head towards them as these ones are shooting up and look very healthy, once this run is done if I feel that it comes out better with LED I will swap out all 6 lights in the main room and replace them with 4 LEDs, I have some sherb tree x meringue from Dutch passion, running concurrent I will try and get another diary going with them they are awesome. Thanks 😊
What a great week! We only gave them their nutrients once this week, and it seemed to be just enough for the girls. They're all fighters and are showing it every day. The greenhouse is starting to work in our favor during the day because when it was humid enough, the temperature was perfect. One of the girls, Osaka, started to grow rapidly, and we noticed that it may have been due to the fact that she was collecting the rainwater that had seeped inside the greenhouse. The rainwater had just the right pH to allow her to grow not only rapidly but beautifully. It was very unexpected at first, and now she's starting to look like our shining star. One of them, Ben, also looks like she's flowering a little, but we're not sure what to do since it's still a little early... Hoping for the best and, as always, hoping for rain!
4/28 Day 35 I wish this plant was bigger. Could be my fault. Her transition to flower was at such an odd time(3weeks) and that’s when her last feeding was coming to an end but should I give her flower nutes early? Do half an half? Or just wait and then give flower? I waited and I shouldn’t have considering that organic inputs take time to feed your plants. Depending on what you’re using. First time trying Gaia green. I do like the ease of it but it would take some adjustments for me to utilize it best. A month between feeding is too long for my impatient ass and it gives me too long of a commitment to not fuck up. I’m also using roots organics with some other plants and I’m really liking the weekly feedings. It makes more sense than a month. What if I have a strain that’s like 10 week flower? Do I just do another dose at week 7 and 8 and then because it’s “organic you don’t need to flush” thing. Probably over thinking it but yeah here’s my plant yall 😂
Starting to look really nice had to take it out the tent as I hate the yellow tinge from the bulb cannot see the correct colour of leaves or how frosty she looks leaves look a little dark gonna start flush next watering , giving just over 2l every seccond day if I was to do this again I’d use a bigger pot but I was expecting this to be an auto. Branch with fasciation split into 4 still gonna get some nice buds on it just not as much as I could of had I noticed earlier in the grow
5/4 this plant has exploded into the flowering phase
Removed a lot of stalks to point the plants energy where I want it. Not a lot more to say -
This particular plant seems to be growing well! Has been defoliated over the week and toped a second time! As well as mainlining her! Looks very healthy and happy 😊 🌸💕
This girl has been one of my favorites. Pineapple express is true to it name looking like a pineapple once it fades the yellow, and the green are very beautiful together smells gassy with pineapple busting out of every tone