Yoooo!!! What's brackin fam!!! Update!!! Soo! She stretched almost an inch in 6 days maybe more it's truly amazing and this cropsalt stuff is no joke I'll literally challenge anyone to use it by direction and not see why it's the best!!! PERIOD!! other then that she is drinking alot more and eating steadily more as well, I am going to cut clones by this week or next and then start that GD foenthe large tent, this girl is fairing really well considering the home conditions I have with her but otherwise she has been absolutely a breeze to grow!!! Thanks for stopping by will update as this week goes on thanks!!!
This gurl is done! She smells and feels sticky buds are not huge how I wanted but I take into consideration I use very little fertilizers and she started turning yellow and leaves dying!
Once again she passes my expectations, late to the show with trichome production. I'm surprised there is purple on the bud, maybe Purpinator does work :) I thought I could see hints under the grow lights and thought my eyes were deceiving me, I was just being hopeful. But nah 2 of the 3(under the UV) has got a beautiful tone of purple. I was never going to bother with a deep freeze but maybe the whole bud will. change given conditions, that would be something, fingers crossed. Rule of thumb is never to surpass 60% RH in the flowering phase and try to progressively reduce it down to 40% in the last 2–3 weeks before harvest. The plant will react as it seeks to protect its flowers, responding by producing denser buds and a higher concentration of resin. Cannabis plants are sensitive to sudden temperature changes, especially in the flowering stage. Extreme heat or cold can impact bud density and overall yields. In nature as a defense mechanism from cold, the plant sensing sudden dips in temperature will attempt to remove the pockets of air within the bud, it achieves this by compacting itself in doing so to better protect itself from cold snaps which are normally indicators in nature that worse weather is on the way. The script to come. Removal of 660nm wavelength is the signal that triggers the plant to accelerate terpenes/flavinoids production in flowers, this is the mechanism the higher plant uses to attract potential pollination from further afield, survival of the species is no joke for the plant, it senses the sky around it has removed all the 660nm, the plant starts to focus on terpenes and flavinoids production if she has not been fertilized by this point she must attract pollination from a further afield. 3-day treatment, ZERO 660nm initiates accumulation, RH kept below 20% (harder than you think)(Dropping temps helps a lot). The plant can sense the humidity drought, the plant will close its stomata to prevent the release of moisture given the conditions. Two highly specialized cells, the guard cells that surround the stomatal pore, can integrate environmental and endogenous signals to control the stomatal aperture and thereby the gas exchange. The uptake of CO2 is associated with a loss of water by leaves. Control of the size of the stomatal aperture optimizes the efficiency of water use through dynamic changes in the turgor of the guard cells. The opening and closing of the stomata are regulated by the integration of environmental signals and endogenous hormonal stimuli. The various factors to which the guard cells respond translate into the complexity of the network of signaling pathways that control stomatal movements. The perception of abiotic stress (RH less than 20%) triggers the activation of signal transduction cascades that interact with or are activated by phytohormones. Among these, abscisic acid (ABA), is the best-known stress hormone released that forces closed the stomata. Terpene levels are the highest just before the sun comes out. Ideally, you want as many terpenes present in your plants as possible when you harvest. Cannabis plants soak up the sun during the day and produce resin and other goodies at night. The plant is at its emptiest from "harvest undesirables" so to speak right before the lights on. Boiling cannabis roots during harvesting slows down the drying process. When you boil cannabis roots, it shocks the plant, closing the stomata on the leaves. This prevents massive moisture loss through the leaves, leaving only the floral clusters actively losing moisture at a reduced pace. I've always run a strict 60/60 and it took almost twice as long to dry to a snap than previous grows where I didn't boil for what it's worth. Chlorophyll is good for the plant but not for you. When you harvest the buds, even after you flush them, if you flush them, they’re still filled with chlorophyll. Freshly cut buds are greener than dried buds because they still contain loads of chlorophyll. However, when rushed through the drying process, the buds dry but retain some chlorophyll, and when you smoke it, you will taste it. Chlorophyll-filled buds are smokable, but they aren’t clean. Slow drying gives the buds enough time and favorable conditions to lose the chlorophyll and sugars, giving you a smoother smoke. How the plant disposes of the chlorophyll and sugars by a process of chemically breaking them down and attaching the decomposed matter once small enough to water molecules which then evaporate back into the ether. Time must be given to the process to break down the chlorophyll and sugars. Think of it like optimizing the environment for decay. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/01/140124082656.htm The word “alcohol” is said to come from the arabic term “Al-khul” which means “BODY-EATING SPIRIT” (also, is the origin of the term” ghoul”). In alchemy, alcohol is used to extract the soul essence of an entity. Hence its’ use in extracting essences for essential oils, and the sterilization of medical instruments. By consuming alcohol into the body, it in effect extracts the very essence of the soul, allowing the body to be more susceptible to neighboring entities most of which are of low frequencies. (why do you think we call certain alcoholic beverages “SPIRITS”). That is why people who consume excessive amounts of alcohol often black out, not remembering what happened. This happens when the good soul (we were sent here with) leaves because the living conditions are too polluted and too traumatic to tolerate. The good soul jettisons the body, staying connected on a tether, and a dark entity takes the body for a joy ride around the block, often in a hedonistic and self serving illogical rampage. Our bodies are cars for spirits. If one leaves, another can take the car for a ride. Swazzeneger was to the bodybuilding community what Diddy was to the rap Industry.
I‘m back at Germany! After 3 weeks Break, my roommate gave Its best to take care of them… Temperature and humidity were Not that perfect, as I just told her to water and dung them right. But still they Look pretty good. I had to defoliate as much as I can to stop them to get oversized. Still Strawberry Banana got a huuuuge Stretch! It is way to Big for the tent… I might think about, letting her grow on the outside, to perform the Best and Not getting sun burnt by the light, which is to close on the buds. I water them now with 1,5L per day or until they get a drain. Looking forward on hold This setup for a while, increasing the Temperature again and try to drop the humidity down to 40%…
Some of you may have wondered: Why do I use CO2 at average 950 ppfd μmol/m2/s (moral flow)? The answer is quite simple. Because of lack of space in some regions of my cultivation area, I simply cannot keep the ideal distance to my Sanlight high-performance lamp, due to some height growth of various strains. And so some of the main colas have ppfd values of 1250 μmol/m2/s and even more... So this is how I manage to achieve and compensate for such high radiation levels even with a CO 2 balance. And I have to say, my strategy to avoid various light stress symptoms works just fabulously. In combination with CO 2 implementation, my babies are simply unbeatably insensitive to light. Thats it! Beginning of 3rd week flowering: Again feeding my babies by 36 hours fermented potions of Bio Tabs Kompost Tea PK-Booster (15 g pro Liter) and added: 5ml Orgatrex/Liter 1 Spoon of Bactrex 1 Spoon of Mycotrex 1 Spoon of Mycco-Vital 1 Spoon of Dynomyco A little tip for those who are interested in small modifications that have a big difference or influence - on the result - effect - beauty - health - taste! Before adding microorganisms or beneficial bacteria or Mycorrizae and Trichodermas, please use oxygen-saturated water. On the one hand, unwanted chlorine gases evaporate and the small world of the microbiome becomes even faster and more rewarding in compost tea to sprout. Last but not least for this week, I would like to introduce my reasons, why I prefer growing biologically and sustainably. First of all, it’s something which suits very well in these times/days we are living now. Sustainability is a big need and task for our planet. 🌎 Nature means life. Our home, the air we breathe and everything that surrounds us. Not just today. Hopefully tomorrow as well. Maybe I'm starting to protect our environment on a small scale, but maybe I can also make a big difference at all. If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change... I thought about what’s the difference, between Mineral Feeding and Super Soil Feeding. It’s very easy. Biologically Growing is a similar process than the natural soil activities out there in the lap of nature’s. So plants has to work and interact with the microorganisms and microbiomic communities in the soil. So the plants will never get lazy like the lazy ones of mineral feeding growers. If you grow biologically, you will feed the soil first and the microorganisms will support every parameter next to your plant conditions. And that will generate an unbelievable spectrum of Terpenes and Trichomes you will never forget. It’s the same comparison, when you daily visit McDonalds and you eat only fast food. How does your body and mind react on this shit for money?!?! May I invite you to think about it… See you next week dear Growmies! Have a nice Weekend and take care… Peace out! Addendum for Day 53: At the moment we unfortunately have another winter onset here in Germany. This means that I am forced to take additional heating measures due to structural facts in order to be able to keep the temperatures constant. After all, just tonight the thermometer climbs again to -1 degree Celsius. In addition, my exhaust air system runs out of my bedroom terrace and I therefore grow winter and summer with the patio door open. Well, sometimes I experience real weather-related challenges. But all in all, no problem... "Where there's a will, there's a way." Addendum to pouring out the fermented PK tea: I always administer half a liter of lukewarm aerated water with 3.5 ml of cannazyme per liter to each plant. This means that the "root machine" is not supplied with supplies unprepared and the nutrient solution can thus also be better distributed in the soil. Since I also work with cloth shoes, I spray them evenly moistened everywhere with water that is also warm before pouring them out from the outside. This has the advantage that the moisture stays where it should: in the pot! ... I did the math today ;-) We are still in week 7 until this Friday. And week 8 starts on Friday! OMG... still so much time yeahh! Today my Fast Buds Sour Jealousy and Sweet Seeds Big Devil and Dark Devil Automatics arrived. I'm looking forward to it. This time Fast Buds next Time Sweet Seeds. Love them too. Very beautiful genetics. Today a review video of the beginning of week 3. At the time of the pictures, I had minor signs of nitrogen excess. (Light peaks first at the crown of the roof and then slightly continuing to the middle section.) I then painstakingly racked my brains as to why this could be. I found that very slight dry spots had formed and therefore the root found small accumulations of nitrogen that caused its problems. But then, when I carefully homogeneously checked the moisture content in the substrate, the problem evaporated again. However, they had not shown any loss of growth rate during this time. Nevertheless, they developed as expected. They Strawnanas had no problem with that. In the end, I always have a hard time killing them. But I guess that's the way things go. We live and die. We come and go. But it's not there yet. ;-) Tomorrow is day 56. Tomorrow’s updating day! Can't wait to see their progress. Have a good time and see you tomorrow… 🏽🕊️ 🏽 ☮️🕊️
Primera semana en un sustrato malo del cual fue trasplantada la siguiente semana
TROPICANA COOKIES FF / FASTBUDS This week she was harvested her buds are frosty looking dense nugs that smell of sweet goodness 😍 she made some purple buds and she had some green buds she didn't have any issues this grow stayed in veg until I flipped the light 12/12 only real thing to watch out for is when she's stretching she'll get tall on you quickly. She's a plant you want keep in the rotation!! Stay Growing!! THANK YOU FOR STOPPING BY AND TAKING A LOOK!! THANK YOU FASTBUDS!! TROPICANA COOKIES FF/ FASTBUDS
Week 12 (17-4 to 23-4) 17-4 Temperature: 23.1 degrees (lights on) 19,1 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 62% (highest) 50% (lowest) 18-4 Temperature: 22.5 degrees (lights on) 17.9 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 61% (highest) 52% (lowest) Opened the reservoir for a couple of minutes. ec 1.4 ph 5.7 19-4 Temperature: 22.5 degrees (lights on) 18.4 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 64% (highest) 54% (lowest) No pictures. 20-4 Temperature: 24.1 degrees (lights on) 19.1 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 65% (highest) 54% (lowest) Light increased from 50% to 60% strength. I also made a new 10L feed, and added it to the reservoir, there was still 2850 ml in the reservoir, so i can calculate how much they get per watering. Opened the reservoir for a couple of minutes. 21-4 Temperature: 24.4 degrees (lights on) 19.3 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 66% (highest) 54% (lowest) No pictures. 22-4 Temperature: 23.7 degrees (lights on) 19.7 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 67% (highest) 42% (lowest) Opened the reservoir for a couple of minutes. 23-4 Temperature: 23.6 degrees (lights on) 17.7 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 64% (highest) 50% (lowest)
Day 60 Day 25 Flower She has really taken off, dominated the tent already nearly 😂🤦‍♂️ Blue nerdz no where near as big as this Kong auto. Bud sites developing, pistils flying off everywhere fully loaded, resin production under way, I'll get a few good macros later. Stretch has finished I hope 😂 She seems to have slowed down abit this week and focused on flower production. Day 62 Day 27 Flower - had to really bring the lst down and tighter on her again, I believe her stretch is almost over as her bud development is now well under way 🙌✌️💚
Day 60 Day 25 Flower Showing nice growth still, seeing her stretch now. Healthy looking little one 😁 I'd be happy to see this Terp treez to the end seeing as I had 3 fails. Feeding to tonight 23/04/24 will update pictures after. Day 62 Day 27 Flower - was showing signs of early drying out, and lighter lower leaves so I have done a heavy feed today. 10% run off roughly. She's very happy and healthy, and showing lovely colour potential already in the hues of the leaves. 😍
Day 23: -Seeing great growth from the little girl, true leaves developing, and slowly burying the stem over as she grows. Showing great resilience so far, and nice rich colour to her leaves 😁 Feeding every other water still. Day 25: - feed today, a nice 2.5L to moisten up the 3gal she's in, no run off, she's very happy and healthy 🙌✌️💚
First off i would like to say sorry to Sebastian and @Exotic_Seed for not keeping up with the diary. I have neglected this plant and she has been punished. Super low humidity,lack of water,snapped branch and also split the main stalk down the middle the other day. I noticed it a few hrs later and used a pipe cleaner to cinch it back together. 😍
Recently had a gnat issues from what I read it’s something you can run into using build a soil or growing organic so I got some neem oil to handle it it help a lot still have some but a ton less other than that this is where I am with these two everything seems okay so far
Week 12 (17-4 to 23-4) 17-4 Temperature: 23.1 degrees (lights on) 19,1 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 62% (highest) 50% (lowest) 18-4 Temperature: 22.5 degrees (lights on) 17.9 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 61% (highest) 52% (lowest) Opened the reservoir for a couple of minutes. ec 1.4 ph 5.7 19-4 Temperature: 22.5 degrees (lights on) 18.4 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 64% (highest) 54% (lowest) No pictures. 20-4 Temperature: 24.1 degrees (lights on) 19.1 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 65% (highest) 54% (lowest) Light increased from 50% to 60% strength. I also made a new 10L feed, and added it to the reservoir, there was still 2850 ml in the reservoir, so i can calculate how much they get per watering. Opened the reservoir for a couple of minutes. 21-4 Temperature: 24.4 degrees (lights on) 19.3 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 66% (highest) 54% (lowest) No pictures. 22-4 Temperature: 23.7 degrees (lights on) 19.7 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 67% (highest) 42% (lowest) Opened the reservoir for a couple of minutes. 23-4 Temperature: 23.6 degrees (lights on) 17.7 degrees (lights off) Humidity: 64% (highest) 50% (lowest)
Day 28 [f6] last day before 11 days holiday water on the lower side to prevent lockout while i'm gone, 16 L should last for the whole period pray with me
CHERRY 🍒 COLA 420/FASTBUDS This lady really produces some extra sticky dense buds that look amazing and smell 👍 great! I had no issues with this strain. She was grown in organic soil with only FOOP nutrient line and she responded with some good looking buds!! Overall a easy grow with rewarding results ✨️ one of the strains I would suggest growing 😀!! Stay Growing!! Thank you for stopping by and taking a look it's much appreciated!! Thank you 420/FASTBUDS!! CHERRY 🍒 COLA 420/FASTBUDS