Hola. Once again this little f**ker just stand there doing anything. 2 others didnt ever sprout. Humidity was between 20-25% so i bought humidifier there for 10 bucks. Raised it to 50% over night. Lets hope best and see you next week.
Ne Obliviscaris. Humidity Day 40-45%, Night 60-65% Internodes are very close together. was hitting 450umol at seedling level making it absorb more than it can use, reduced to 280-300umol @18 hours as expected vertical growth increased. During the 18 hours of daylight the first 9 is highly saturated in blue, 5000 kelvin, the 9 hours thereafter are closer to 3000 kelvin. Latter 9 coupled with 280nm. Although it has been said that four-leaf clovers are exceedingly rare—as few as one in 10,000—an independent study carried out by Swiss researchers looked at 5.7 million clovers and found that the likelihood of finding one four-leaf clover was one in 5,076 three-leafed ones. Much better odds! The four-leaf clover meaning became intertwined with Christianity so that the first three leaves came to represent faith, hope and love, and the fourth leaf, God’s grace or luck. A genetic study at the University of Georgia concluded that any more than three leaves on a clover are due to a genetic mutation in the genome of the common clover species, white clover (or Trifolium repens). This tracks with the Swiss study, where they discovered that the likelihood of finding a five-leafed clover (the extra leaf represents wealth, so keep an eye out for these) was one per 24,390 three-leafed clovers, and the chance of a six-leafed clover was one per 312,500 three leafers. No word as to the meaning of that sixth leaf, increased airflow across canopy now the clover has created some nice shade.
Ne Obliviscaris. Humidity Day 40-45%, Night 60-65% Internodes are very close together. was hitting 450umol at seedling level making it absorb more than it can use, reduced to 280-300umol @18 hours as expected vertical growth increased. During the 18 hours of daylight the first 9 is highly saturated in blue, 5000 kelvin, the 9 hours thereafter are closer to 3000 kelvin. Last 9 hours dosed 280nm. Height is too far to cause damage. UVB light is not detected by plants in the same way other wavelength/colours are. UV cannot be measured using umol as it doesn't drive photosynthesis. The plant has tiny little sensors that get set off to even little amounts, dimer salt bridges, the UV decays these salt bridges, which initiate response. You don't need large/long exposure doses for the plant to recognize UV is present. What's an enzyme? Think of it like a multiplier, you can add an enzyme to any particular biological process to vastly increase its proficiency at a particular process. Cannabis plants take blue/violet light and use it to create an enzyme called "photolayse". This allows the plant to repair UV damage done to the plant using a process called excision repair, this repairs the damage at a much much faster rate than it could by itself. The key is the plant needs time to build a reserv of repair enzymes before using it. This is replicated in nature as, by midday UV levels peak, the generally cooler mornings allow lifetime to build up. The problem I faced was dosing right away or 1 hour after the lights were on. In photomorphogenesis, the plant cannot plan for the future of its growth. The very presence of UV changes parameters with which the plant will grow, light itself dictates the growth pattern of the plant. Not only that it can dramatically alter the regular terpene profile of a strain in unexpected ways. Gran daddy purple grown using 280nm it can quadruple already high terpene linalool if done correctly. Linalool is terpene best known for lavender, largely responsible for its beautiful smell. Trouble sleeping you say? Everyone I shared it with was blown away by the smell, my only complaint was everyone passed out right away, even hardcore old-timers. Does that sound medically relevant to you? Certainly felt medically beneficial to me. Having tried Durban poison from a dispensary and reading about its levels of tetrahydrocannabivarin. I've always wanted to taste the difference UV would make to such an already stand-out strain such as Durban.
She recovered pretty good 3rd day of veg week 8 I changed the light to 12/12
Base 75 lt acqua demineralizzata (ec 80); Aggiungiamo: 37.5 grow 37.5 micro 37.5 bloom 30 ml tarantula 30 ml voodo juice. Ottenendo ec 474 ph 6.5 Iniziamo questo nuovo ciclo non partendo da seme come sempre, ma partendo da un ottima talea giá radicata, fatta da un nostro amico agricoltore. Ci aggiorneremo settimanalmente al solito, vedremo i cambiamenti e aggiornamenti settimana dopo settimana. Buon anno nuovo a tutti!! E buona coltivazione!!!!
Que hay familia, vamos con la décima semana de floración de estas Candy Rain de Zamnesia, para el concurso POWER BUDS Plagron x Zamnesia CONTEST. Las flores han terminado de madurar, con 70 dias de floración desprenden unos aromas bastante dulces, en 24 horas me imagino que haré las últimas fotos y las cortaré. Tercera y última semana solo con agua controlando siempre el Ph, que ahora mismo lo dejamos en 6. Tragan alrededor de 0.6 litro por planta cada 48 horas.(3 riegos semanales). La temperatura máxima está en 22 grados y la humedad está entorno al 40%. Os adelanto, es una planta híbrida predominante indica, es bastante fácil de cultivar, y aunque no sean plantas grandes si produce buenas flores y bien resinadas. Hasta aquí es todo, en unos días actualizaré la cosecha y la smoke review. Os comento que tengo un descuento y para que compréis en la web de Zamnesia de un 20%, el código es ZAMMIGD2023 The discount 20% and the code is ZAMMIGD2023 https://www.zamnesia.com/ Hasta aquí todo, buenos humos 💨💨💨
Que hay familia, vamos con la décima semana de floración de estas Candy Rain de Zamnesia, para el concurso POWER BUDS Plagron x Zamnesia CONTEST. Las flores han terminado de madurar, con 70 dias de floración desprenden unos aromas bastante dulces, en 24 horas me imagino que haré las últimas fotos y las cortaré. Tercera y última semana solo con agua controlando siempre el Ph, que ahora mismo lo dejamos en 6. Tragan alrededor de 0.6 litro por planta cada 48 horas.(3 riegos semanales). La temperatura máxima está en 22 grados y la humedad está entorno al 40%. Os adelanto, es una planta híbrida predominante indica, es bastante fácil de cultivar, y aunque no sean plantas grandes si produce buenas flores y bien resinadas. Hasta aquí es todo, en unos días actualizaré la cosecha y la smoke review. Os comento que tengo un descuento y para que compréis en la web de Zamnesia de un 20%, el código es ZAMMIGD2023 The discount 20% and the code is ZAMMIGD2023 https://www.zamnesia.com/ Hasta aquí todo, buenos humos 💨💨💨
Que hay familia, vamos con la décima semana de floración de estas Candy Rain de Zamnesia, para el concurso POWER BUDS Plagron x Zamnesia CONTEST. Las flores han terminado de madurar, con 70 dias de floración desprenden unos aromas bastante dulces, en 24 horas me imagino que haré las últimas fotos y las cortaré. Tercera y última semana solo con agua controlando siempre el Ph, que ahora mismo lo dejamos en 6. Tragan alrededor de 0.6 litro por planta cada 48 horas.(3 riegos semanales). La temperatura máxima está en 22 grados y la humedad está entorno al 40%. Os adelanto, es una planta híbrida predominante indica, es bastante fácil de cultivar, y aunque no sean plantas grandes si produce buenas flores y bien resinadas. Hasta aquí es todo, en unos días actualizaré la cosecha y la smoke review. Os comento que tengo un descuento y para que compréis en la web de Zamnesia de un 20%, el código es ZAMMIGD2023 The discount 20% and the code is ZAMMIGD2023 https://www.zamnesia.com/ Hasta aquí todo, buenos humos 💨💨💨
Some are swelling , one is smelling very different to the others . I seem to have 6 phenos from small to tall and rounded buds to thin spear shaped buds. I'm not sure which is my favourite yet but one has a very unique smell almost like pineapple and exodus cheese , it could be that one but I also like the bud formation on another,, we will see
Some are swelling , one is smelling very different to the others . I seem to have 6 phenos from small to tall and rounded buds to thin spear shaped buds. I'm not sure which is my favourite yet but one has a very unique smell almost like pineapple and exodus cheese , it could be that one but I also like the bud formation on another,, we will see
Some are swelling , one is smelling very different to the others . I seem to have 6 phenos from small to tall and rounded buds to thin spear shaped buds. I'm not sure which is my favourite yet but one has a very unique smell almost like pineapple and exodus cheese , it could be that one but I also like the bud formation on another,, we will see
Some are swelling , one is smelling very different to the others . I seem to have 6 phenos from small to tall and rounded buds to thin spear shaped buds. I'm not sure which is my favourite yet but one has a very unique smell almost like pineapple and exodus cheese , it could be that one but I also like the bud formation on another,, we will see
Some are swelling , one is smelling very different to the others . I seem to have 6 phenos from small to tall and rounded buds to thin spear shaped buds. I'm not sure which is my favourite yet but one has a very unique smell almost like pineapple and exodus cheese , it could be that one but I also like the bud formation on another,, we will see
Some are swelling , one is smelling very different to the others . I seem to have 6 phenos from small to tall and rounded buds to thin spear shaped buds. I'm not sure which is my favourite yet but one has a very unique smell almost like pineapple and exodus cheese , it could be that one but I also like the bud formation on another,, we will see
Some are swelling , one is smelling very different to the others . I seem to have 6 phenos from small to tall and rounded buds to thin spear shaped buds. I'm not sure which is my favourite yet but one has a very unique smell almost like pineapple and exodus cheese , it could be that one but I also like the bud formation on another,, we will see
Inicio de floración , fotoperiodo 12/12h. bajo 300W, ATS Pro 2,7 µmol/J. Por lo que hace al cultivo. Una segunda aplicación foliar con Spider boom 3ml/l para prevenir posibles plagas de araña roja. Todo y habiendo unas temperaturas en el exterior de 0ºC en el interior se está bastante bién. 😋 Así de primeras diria que esta luminaria me parece de lo mejorcito que he tenido nunca, reparte la luz como ninguna otra penetrando mucho mejor. Otra es la comodidad para bajar o subir la potencia y la posibilidad de añadirle un controlador que monitorea la temperatura de la sala de cultivo, el fotoperiodo y la intensidad, así como la atenuación de potencia. Esta semana cansado de ir bajando o subiendo la potencia del extractor durante todo el año he decidido probar un SMSCom Smart Controller. De esta manera espero no sufrir tanto por las subidas ni por las bajadas de temperatura. Muchas veces son las que por A o por B descuido el interior y casulamente son los dias que el tiempo cambia repentinamente. Un primer foliar con Delta9 para que se pongan fuertes para lo que les viene.
Inicio de floración , fotoperiodo 12/12h. bajo 300W, ATS Pro 2,7 µmol/J. Por lo que hace al cultivo. Una segunda aplicación foliar con Spider boom 3ml/l para prevenir posibles plagas de araña roja. Todo y habiendo unas temperaturas en el exterior de 0ºC en el interior se está bastante bién. 😋 Así de primeras diria que esta luminaria me parece de lo mejorcito que he tenido nunca, reparte la luz como ninguna otra penetrando mucho mejor. Otra es la comodidad para bajar o subir la potencia y la posibilidad de añadirle un controlador que monitorea la temperatura de la sala de cultivo, el fotoperiodo y la intensidad, así como la atenuación de potencia. Esta semana cansado de ir bajando o subiendo la potencia del extractor durante todo el año he decidido probar un SMSCom Smart Controller. De esta manera espero no sufrir tanto por las subidas ni por las bajadas de temperatura. Muchas veces son las que por A o por B descuido el interior y casulamente son los dias que el tiempo cambia repentinamente. Un primer foliar con Delta9 para que se pongan fuertes para lo que les viene.
Inicio de floración , fotoperiodo 12/12h. bajo 300W, ATS Pro 2,7 µmol/J. Por lo que hace al cultivo. Una segunda aplicación foliar con Spider boom 3ml/l para prevenir posibles plagas de araña roja. Todo y habiendo unas temperaturas en el exterior de 0ºC en el interior se está bastante bién. 😋 Así de primeras diria que esta luminaria me parece de lo mejorcito que he tenido nunca, reparte la luz como ninguna otra penetrando mucho mejor. Otra es la comodidad para bajar o subir la potencia y la posibilidad de añadirle un controlador que monitorea la temperatura de la sala de cultivo, el fotoperiodo y la intensidad, así como la atenuación de potencia. Esta semana cansado de ir bajando o subiendo la potencia del extractor durante todo el año he decidido probar un SMSCom Smart Controller. De esta manera espero no sufrir tanto por las subidas ni por las bajadas de temperatura. Muchas veces son las que por A o por B descuido el interior y casulamente son los dias que el tiempo cambia repentinamente. Un primer foliar con Delta9 para que se pongan fuertes para lo que les viene.
3 leaf mutation on one plant. Every leaf both fan or sugar is only 3 leaf. Pretty neat and the flowers are looking really good The other plant is looking amazing as well.