The plants are now in full stretch and I have done some defoliation and LST in the last week. 2 plants came out to give the others enough space. I saw that I had significantly too much nitrogen in my plants. You couldn't really see it under the LED light. The next few times i give them pure water.
March 29, 2024 Day 43 It's a new week and things need some changing. First off, the light was changed around. Secondly the reservoirs are all clean now and have a fresh gallon of nutrients. Finally, environmental factors. Both plants look absolutely beautiful. They have buds popping up everywhere. They are both 14" tall and have the same structure. They are seriously hard to tell apart. Flowering just started and we are in the beginning of the stretch. With the current stage and current growth patterns, hopefully I can expect between 24" and 36" plants. They are also perfectly level with the other 2 plants in the tent. So it's quite a nice ocean of tops. Some of the branches are a bit lower than the majority. I'm not worried. They are pretty strong branches. They just need more time to adjust from the training. I'm also considering the SCroG net more. It looks like I'm going to need it for a few branches. Mostly the main side branches, but the auxiliary branches are roughly the same height. I won't be doing any more structure training. Now it will be keeping the canopy level and minor adjustments. The shape and structure of both plants are exactly where I want them. Not too wide and just barely touching the other plants. Now it's a matter of upward growth. Personally, and based on experience, I think a 36" to 48" plant is fine to manage. Anything bigger in this size tent and it becomes unmanageable. As for lighting, the light was about 22" from the canopy today. I raised it back up to 24" and increased the power back to 90%. The DLI is roughly around 44 mol/m²/d. The PAR is around 675 ppfd. Something like that. Also, the very outside of the tent walls, the DLI is around 40 mol/m²/d. So it's still in range for the whole tent. Perfect footprint. Watering was reset today. All reservoirs were cleaned out and a fresh gallon of nutrients went in. That includes the B-52. Next watering I'll be adding Sensizym when it arrives. As for the nutrient regimen, I undecided to stay with a half dose. Especially considering the fact that I'm running a bottom feed system which provides a constant water source. So the uptake could get a lot of build up with too much nutrients. This happened with some nitrogen toxicity last week. It was cleared up in no time, but that was just too much nutrients. So half I go. It should turn out perfect. The environment is looking great! I won't be changing anything up yet. The temp is spot on around 77° and the humidity is at 55%. Exactly where I want it. I will keep this environment for the rest of the flowering stretch and then I'll start to drop things down. Down to 75° and humidity of 50%. The last week of flowering, I'll try to drop the temp down to 73° and 40%. It shouldn't be a problem. The light will also be backed off with a decrease in power. But that's not for weeks. Maybe even a couple months. But the way these are growing and the reputation FastBuds has, they should be ready in 3 to 5 weeks. According to FastBuds, the veg time is between 30 and 45 days. And flowering time is the 40 to 45 days. So around 8 to 10 weeks. It took 41 days to hit flower, so that's on the high end, but within range. Maybe it will be the same 40 days in flower. Maybe 30 days. I'll take 4 weeks. Grow System Environment: Temp: 76.0° RH: 53.8% VPD: 1.38 kPa March 30, 2024 Not a lot going on for these two today. Both ladies drank about a third of a gallon yesterday and seems to be holding steady. I also checked the roots. Tropicana C isn't showing any at the moment. I was sure they would be showing by now. However Tropicana Cookies has roots showing. The funny thing is that they are the same size and still look the exact same. Both ladies got a haircut today. Not much, just some outer leaves to keep them more compact and within their quadrant. However, based on their size and growth, I may have to put the SCroG net up at 18". That should do the trick if there are any branches that take off. I also ordered the crossbars by AC Infinity. Very happy with this purchase. Now I can run the SCroG net across the entire tent without it sucking in. I can also mount my supplemental lights on it horizontally. That will give even more lower light coverage. The goal is to have no larf this go. Popcorn buds are fine as long as they are dense. This strain is supposed to produce massively dense buds. So with the setup I'm running, I should be expecting some quality bud throughout the whole plant. The light also got lifted again today. I kept the power the same, but the DLI was high at 55 mol/m²/d in the center. Much too high. Also, Tropicana Cookies was drooping before the lights got shut off yesterday. A sure sign of too much light. It seems that quadrant, in the back left corner, has more light. Maybe the grow light isn't level. Anyway, I lifted the light to 25" above the canopy. The footprint is amazing. With the center of the tent producing 48 mol/m²/d with the outside at 44 mol/m²/d. Not much of a difference and the lighting is great everywhere. I'll have to check back and see what Tropicana Cookies looks tonight. The environment is mostly alright. The temp is a bit high at 79.5°. But the humidity is perfect at 55%. Unfortunately the temp is throwing the VPD off by a decent amount at 1.50 kPa. It needs to be around 1.33 kPa. The daily average is spot on though, so that's great! Neither plant needed watering today. They both drank about a third of a gallon last night. So I expect to have to refill the reservoir in a couple days. I'd like to note that the new nutrient schedule i found didn't have Tasty Terpenes in it, so I will be adding that at 4 ml and Big Bud as well at 4 ml for the next refill. Oh and I'll also be adding the Sensizym next watering. I believe it calls for 4 ml. Basically this nutrient schedule runs at half dose. So it's pretty easy to work with. There are a few things missing, like bud ignitor and bud factor x, but everything else seems to be roughly the same as what I was using before. The major difference is the schedule itself. The old schedule was based on a photoperiod grow and that meant it was way too far extended than that of an autoflower. This new schedule takes out the guess work and makes for a really good starting point. I'm sure over time I'll change a few other things, like adding the rest of the nutrients and tweaking the amounts here and there. I'm definitely not that good yet, so I'll be learning along the way. It'll be slow going with my small setup, but I should be able to figure out the precise dosage of each nutrient based on the plant. Someday. One last thing. I increased the Cal/Mag back up to 8 ml/gal. This schedule calls for it. Grow System Environment: Temp: 75.9° RH: 54.5% VPD: 1.35 kPa March 31, 2024 These two are identical. They even have the same single top slightly taller than the rest. It's wild! They are looking great in every way now. Beautiful color green. Nice growth, they aren't quite as tall I had hoped by now, it maybe they are just low to take off. Afterall, they really just started to flower. Still kind of in pre-flower. Anyway, these two should start to take off anytime. If they don't, bummer but I'll still get some quality bud. I think it has mostly to do with the medium. It's reused and probably drained of all its original nutrients. That being said, I missed a few nutrients for the veg stage, and that could be the issue with the lack of vigor these plants are supposed to have. These ladies will be needing a reservoir top off today. Later this afternoon. They aren't quite empty enough yet, but will be in a couple of hours. Then I can refill the reservoirs. Unfortunately I still don't have the Sensizym yet, so I'm watering without again. But, I do have the bud Candy, B- 52 and Big Bud. So that's good. Oh and the Tasty Terpenes too. All at half dose of course. This should at least pump some crazy goodness in the bud development. I didn't change the light at all. No need. Both plants are happy as can be. They are reaching slightly and look great. This should also help with the stretch. I've also decided to put the SCroG net at 18". That should give me enough time to let the rest of the ant catch up but also tall enough to take care of any renegade tops from overshadowing the rest of the plants. Also, the plants are only 14.5" tall so far, so the light need not be moved. The environment is quite happy as well. It's hovering between 76° and 79°. The humidity is great! Hanging out just at 55.5%. The VPD is also in a great place around 1.35 kPa. Grow System Environment: Temp: 77.4° RH: 54.6% VPD: 1.43 kPa April 1, 2024 Not much today. I made 1 adjustment to Tropicana Cookies. One branch was starting to take off from the others and happily it was closer to the center of the plant so I pulled it out and tied it down to be just under the rest of the canopy. Neither plant needs watering today. They may not need it for a couple more days. The bottoms of the containers are nice and moist, but they aren't taking in a lot of water. Tropicana Cookies has tons of roots and still isn't taking more in than her sister plant. It's strange. Tropicana C has only a few roots popping out of the bottom sides. This could mean a root ball building up and soon will grow roots downward. At least, that's what is supposed to happen. They both grew a couple inches last night as well. Now they are 16" and climbing. I also raised the light today. I raised it nearly 2" To make up for the canopy. The DLI was kind of high at near 50 mol/m²/d on the outer parts of the tent and was over 58 mol/m²/d on the inside. Now it's back down to 45 mol/m²/d in the outside of the footprint and 53 mol/m²/d on the inside. The plants aren't in the center for this exact reason. So there is a small open space dead cell center where my dehumidifier is. Near perfect coverage. I just need a bar style light and all my lighting issues will be solved. The environment is a bit of today, but not too far off. The temp is a little low at 74.7° with the humidity being closer to 58%. It should adjust in a few hours and all will be good. Side note, I really can't tell the plants apart in the pictures. Just clues of other things in the pics. Still hard to tell. So they may be off for a bit until I can figure out what is what. Grow System Environment: Temp: 75.4° RH: 55.2% VPD: 1.31 kPa April 2, 2024 A bit of a to do today. Both ladies got a small haircut. It's been a few days now and they both kind of needed it. Mostly to keep them compact and not to overtake any other plants. Both plants have reached 19" and climbing. If I'm correct, I think the math shows 3 ft plants. It took a couple days for them to start taking off, but they were 16" yesterday and are now 19" today. That's 3" of growth over 24 hours. The stretch should take another week or 2. At this rate, 36" is quite possible. Tropicana Cookies needed a bit more trimming than her sister plant. Just a bit more, but still. Tropicana C didn't need as much trimming. Her leaves are full and beautiful. She just hasn't filled out quite as much yet. Well, now they are the same anyway, so we should see each of them grow back the same way. That's the goal anyway. I may not need a SCroG net afterall. Maybe it will be needed at 24" or maybe 30". Either way, I don't currently need it. If I had a bigger tent, it may benefit a tiny bit, but that's if I had a bigger tent. The light needed to be lifted again today. Another inch. I may have to do 2" instead. The light is roughly 23.5", but the DLI is roughly at 45 mol/m²/d. So that should be good, but it is a bit high in the center at 52 mol/m²/d. Not a problem for now, but the plants are starting to fill in the center, so I need to be careful with the light intensity. It shouldn't be an issue. The plants get rotated almost daily to help fit in the tent better. The environment is pretty good today with the temp at 76° and the humidity around 55% but can reach 58%. So it's a bit bouncy today. But the temp is pretty stable. The DLI is pretty good as well at 1.30 kPa. Grow System Environment: Temp: 74.2° RH: 58.2% VPD: 1.18 kPa April 3, 2024 Watering day today. Both ladies got a full gallon top off. All nutrients are finally in the mix. It's looking good. The plants are super happy. It looks like a gallon every 3 days is where we are for now. They are both stretching pretty hard now. Already at 21" from yesterday's 19". I may have to install the SCroG net tomorrow. Nothing is really shooting up much, but the canopy is a bit off. It's about half and half. Some branches are tall with some still being a bit stubby and short. The short ones look just as good as the taller ones, with nice bud production, but still short. If it continues, I'll need the SCroG net. I'd like to note that the internodal spacing is really nice. The bud sites are looking fantastic with plenty of space to grow some super fat nugs without clumping on top of each other. The leaf coverage is perfect now. I don't think I'll need to defoliate again for the rest of the grow. I may remove a leaf here and there, but that's it. The light needed to be raised a couple inches. The DLI was over 50 mol/m²/d. Now it's back to normal. The light is just over 24" from the canopy. The DLI is back down to 45 mol/m²/d and the footprint is looking great! The environment is a bit skewed today with rain outside. The humidity is up to 59% and the temp is a little lower at 75°. Even with the dehumidifier on. I may have to turn on the main dehumidifier in my room and see what happens. It should adjust itself this afternoon. Grow System Environment: Temp: 75.6° RH: 56.2% VPD: 1.29 kPa April 4, 2024 Not much going on today. I got my side bars in so I installed those and the SCroG net to about an inch over the canopy. Some of the tops are starting to take off and need to be pulled back down. I didn't bother checking the water today. It's definitely not ready and tomorrow is the start of a new week. I may not even be able to water for another day or so. It should be fine though. The light was also left alone. No need to move it until the ladies catch up. The environment is also looking pretty good today. The temp is at a nice 76° with the humidity at 55%. The VPD looks great at 1.33 kPa. Everything looking great. What a great end to a productive week. Grow System Environment: Temp: 75.5° RH: 54.8% VPD: 1.33 kPa
March 29, 2024 Day 43 This week will focus on watering and light intensity. Training is done for the most part. At least the structures are on point. Now it's just a matter of keeping the canopy level. So far everything looks great! There's a couple branches on each plant that aren't quite as tall yet, but they are strong. I expect them to grow quickly very soon. The plants are 14" tall now and will definitely be taller by the end. If I'm right, I should get a height of 24" to 36" total. Unless both stunt somehow, but I don't think so. Anyway, just by the health and current growth time and amount, I can expect some robust plants. The buds are going to be super heavy. Just by looking at the bud structure now, tells me I'm going to have to fat dense and sticky weedy do. I changed the lighting as I was scheduled to do today. The light was at 22" from the plants growth. For the week, I reset the light height back to 24" and increased the light power back up to 90%. The DLI is 44 mol/m²/d. PAR should be around 675 ppfd. However, as I said at the beginning of the grow, I focus on DLI over everything else. PAR is fine, I just prefer the DLI. It tells me more I think. As it's a new week, watering needed some maintenance. I cleaned out the other reservoir and filled it up with the new nutrient regimen. That includes the B-52 today and Sensizym next watering for when it gets here. I had to look up a good feeding schedule specifically for autoflowers and advanced nutrients. As the time is all wrong with BudLabs. It's designed for Photoperiods only. So things needed to be adjusted. For example, I'll be starting Big Bud later this week as it calls for week 2 of flower with a photoperiod. But the schedule I found makes more sense and calls for the Big Bud a week earlier. Anyway, it's a good schedule. Just makes sense. The environment will be staying the same this week. 77° and 55%. In the next 2 weeks, I'll drop the temp down to 75° with the humidity at 50%. Then I'll drop it weekly until I get to the final week. I'll drop the temp down to 73° and the humidity down to 40%. 35% if I can manage. However, I'm not all that worried about 40% to 45%. The space is extremely clean and the room itself is really dry. So no worries. So, now that the auxiliary branches are just as tall as the side branches, Banana Purple Punch B has an extremely level canopy. The branches have all caught up to the top and everything is looking great! Banana Purple Punch A is doing the exact same thing. They are both the same height. I wonder if that is the plants keeping up with each other. Like a reaction to the other plants in the tent? Who knows. This is my first completely level canopy for all 4 plants. Very happy so far. As long as none of them take off, we should see a beautiful ocean of fat buds throughout the whole tent. Grow System Environment: Temp: 76.0° RH: 53.8% VPD: 1.38 kPa March 30, 2024 Some notable information today. I'm very curious about this, so if anyone knows what's up, leave me a comment. Thanks! Banana Purple Punch A is taking in way more water than Banana Purple Punch B. I believe now it has to do with the roots. The bottom of the container for Banana Purple Punch A is FILLED with roots, while Banana Purple Punch B doesn't have any roots showing yet except for the bottom outside of the container. I thought the roots would have shown up by now. The thing is though, Banana Purple Punch A is still roughly the same height as the rest of the plants in the tent, but clearly is further along than the rest. Not saying she isn't growing, she is. It's just that she should be stretching like crazy right now and she isn't. The canopy is staying level. I will say that the Tropicana Cookies sharing the tent is slight taller and stretchier. It's ok though, the SCroG net is going up at 18" from the container base. Anyway, it's kind of confusing how these two plants are growing in such a different way, but not any bigger or smaller than the other. Insight please. Lol. Both ladies got a haircut today. Just clearing out the massive leaves that grew and some of the outside leaves to keep them in their own quadrant. It worked wonders. No stress, no issues so far that I can see. I also had to lift the light a couple inches today. The DLI was actually a bit higher than I wanted and it showed last night with one of the plants. A bit droopy before lights out. That tells me there's too much light in that one quadrant. So the light went up to 25" from the canopy. I could drop the power level, but I really like this footprint. Dead center of the tent is around 48 mol/m²/d while the outside is at 43 mol/m²/d. What a spread. Honestly though, I really want a bar style light setup. One for a 4x4 so it fills the whole 3x3 tent. Back to watering. Banana Purple Punch A got a full gallon today. She's drinking a half gallon a day now. I also realized the nutrient schedule I'm using doesn't have the Tasty Terpenes in it. So I started that today as well as the big bud. I also increased the Cal/Mag dose from 4 ml to 8 ml. Big Bud and Tasty Terpenes are both at 4 ml/gal. I also added this week's dose of Recharge. HOWEVER... The PH was Way off. Down to 5.4, so I dosed the shit out of it with PH Up. I got to 6.18 and that's where I stopped. The nutrients are supposed to be PH Perfect, but adding something slammed it down. So I'll start to PH before adding nutrients. Then I hopefully won't have to dump 3 ml of PH Up in a gallon of water. However, I will say the PH in our tap water is ridiculously high at like 8.2, so that may be a factor. But shouldn't the high PH balance out the PH with nutrients? No real clue what happened. It doesn't make sense. It definitely has to be one of the new nutrients. When I do another mix, I'll PH after each nutrient. That way I can see which nutrient is messing up my perfection. I've also read that a PH of 6.5 to 7 is ideal for the flowering stage. Is this correct? If so, how the hell do I get the PH to increase more? Or is my PH meter out of calibration? Damn, things I need to learn. Moving on. The environment is a bit off. The temp is kinda high at 79.5°. However, the humidity is perfect at 55%. Unfortunately the temp is throwing the VPD way off. It's now 1.50 kPa where it should be around 1.33 kPa. I'm trying to fix it, but it takes time. It should be fine by this afternoon. Grow System Environment: Temp: 75.9° RH: 54.5% VPD: 1.35 kPa March 31, 2024 Not much to do today. The plants are doing their thing. Banana Purple Punch A drank about a half gallon from yesterday's reservoir top off. She'll definitely need to be watered tomorrow though. In which case I'll be adding the Sensizym. However, Banana Purple Punch B needs a reservoir refill today. Not first thing, but maybe just after noon. The reservoir is nearly empty, not enough to fill, but enough to be completely dry tomorrow. That can't happen with this system, so I'll have to refill today. I'd also like to note the lack of roots on Banana Purple Punch B. There are none. I'm really confused now. One would think the roots would be through by now. I hope they didn't just stop there. Hopefully I start seeing them in the next couple days. Banana Purple Punch A has roots through everywhere. Honestly, it seems as though growing in my setup with my techniques extends the veg time. That's the only thing I can think of. The lack of roots shows lack of growth. But it's an Indica dominant phenotype. Maybe the root system just takes longer. But she's definitely in flower. Still waiting for the stretch to start, by the way. They are both 14.5" now with yesterday being 14". That's not stretching. I seriously cannot have small and big plants together in this size tent. Maybe if it were a 4x4, it would be fine, but a 3x3 is much smaller... Weirdly enough.... and for 4 plants, there just isn't that type of space. I'll will absolutely implement the SCroG net if things get out of control. I'd rather not use it yet though. I still want to be able to pull them out and clean out the reservoirs and check over each plant thoroughly. At least until I need the net. But really only to keep the tops from falling over. But training has stopped for these ladies. I don't have anymore horizontal space to train them out. But I have plenty of vertical space. Maybe they will only grow to 24" after all. We shall see. Either way, I'm going for quality, so regardless of the size, everything is in order. Maybe they average on the smaller side. Still, they have really packed buds already popping up. They will definitely be super dense. I didn't move the light today. No point. The plants are very happy and reaching slightly. Just a nice little prayer. The environment is really good. Sticking at 55% humidity and the temp has been steady between 76° and 79°. Very nice. The VPD is happy as well. Grow System Environment: Temp: 77.4° RH: 54.6% VPD: 1.43 kPa April 1, 2024 Not much to do today. Banana Purple Punch A got her full gallon top off. I also got the Sensizym in so that went in as well. Also, I need to calibrate my PH meter. It seems to be reading low. Maybe. It's reading 5.4 with PH Perfect Nutrients. I also added a full 1 ml of PH up. It brought it up to 5.49. No idea what's happening. Both plants grew a couple inches last night. Now they are at 16" tall. Let the stretch begin! Banana Purple Punch B is just hanging out. Still not drinking as much as her sister plant, but still very healthy and happy. The roots aren't showing either. Still confused by that. I had to cut a couple leaves off each plant today. Just a bit of overcrowding. Like 2 leaves each. Not much, obviously, but it's still important to notate. And good to keep up with the leaf coverage. I raised the light nearly 2" today. It was too close, and the DLI was close to 50 mol/m²/d with the center being 58 mol/m²/d. Now the DLI is sitting pretty at 45 mol/m²/d with the inside being closer to 50 mol/m²/d. However, I have an advantage. The center of the tent is not filled in totally. I did this on purpose to keep the light intensity fairly even throughout the canopy. (I really need to get a bar style light.) The environment is pretty good today. It's a smidge off. The temp is cooler at 75° with the humidity being closer to 58%. So the VPD is slightly off at 1.20 kPa. It should adjust accordingly in the next few hours as it has been. However, the daily average is right on point. Grow System Environment: Temp: 75.4° RH: 55.2% VPD: 1.31 kPa April 2, 2024 A bit to do today. No watering or anything, but I did some defoliation and raised the light an inch. Banana Purple Punch A got a bit more trimmed off than I had originally intended, but I wasn't off by the mark completely. So it should be all good. She also grew another 2 or so inches and is now a bit taller than her sister plant at 19". Not much, but enough for me to notice. She looks great! Roots galore, beautiful green color. Fat buds and a wonderful aroma. She is 19" and still stretching. Let's see what she turns out to be. Banana Purple Punch B also got a haircut. She definitely needed it. In 2 days, she completely filled back out and needed to be opened up a bit. As I said before, I have stopped training, so if she doesn't catch up, which she may, I'll have to lift her up to the canopy. She's 18" now. An inch or so shorter than Banana Purple Punch A. However, she finally has roots showing throughout the bottom of the container. Nothing crazy, but lots of them popping up. It should be a matter of a couple days and those roots should be pretty long and sucking in water like crazy. Maybe not as much as her sister plant, but much more than she is now. Also, I think she may end up being a much more robust plant than her Banana Purple Punch A. The roots took longer to hit bottom and that may mean the root ball is already massive. That being said, I can hopefully expect her to take off and catch up to the rest of the occupants in the tent. Like she's setting up to stretch. The light definitely needed to be raised again. It was all the way down to 22". I may raise it again if I don't see praying. Anyway, I dropped the DLI back down to roughly 45 mol/m²/d. It should be good now. But may be a tiny bit too high. I'll see what happens in the next couple hours. The environment is pretty good today with the temp hovering around 76° and the humidity at 55%. The average for the day looks great as well. Grow System Environment: Temp: 74.2° RH: 58.2% VPD: 1.18 kPa April 3, 2024 Today has been enlightening. The plants weren't reaching this morning. That meant the light was too close. So I lifted it up AGAIN. I'm running out of space between the light and the exhaust fan. I still have a good 6" or so left. I can also lower the power level if need be. Both ladies got reservoir refills today. Banana Purple Punch A was still a out half full, but Banana Purple Punch B was empty. So now that they are the same level and seem to be drinking roughly the same amount now, they should drink evenly now. Banana Purple Punch A is about 21" with Banana Purple Punch B slightly behind at 20". Either way, they are growing quite nicely. The stretch is in full swing now. I may have to put the SCroG up afterall. Some of the tops in the canopy are starting to take off. I'll install it tomorrow when my side bar support gets here. The lighting, as I said, needed to be raised up again. The DLI was up to 50 mol/m²/d and now I have it back down to 45 mol/m²/d. I also have the light distance just above to 24". Should be good for now. The environment is a bit off today. It's raining and the humidity is a bit high even with the dehumidifier on. The humidity is stuck around 59% with the temp staying around 75°. Hopefully it adjusts in the next couple hours. I may have to turn my main dehumidifier on. It doesn't work the best, but it should be fine. Grow System Environment: Temp: 75.6° RH: 56.2% VPD: 1.29 kPa April 4, 2024 Not a lot going on today. I got my side bars in and mounted the SCroG net. Some of the tops are noticably taller than the others, so they needed to be taken care of. No watering today. The reservoirs still have water in them. They might not need water tomorrow. I'll see how things go. I didn't move the light today as I am pushing the tops down some. I may have to turn the power down a bit if they stretch as tall as I hope, but that would be a good thing. I'll just make sure to use the supplemental lighting I have for the tent. The environment is actually pretty good today. The temp is 76° and the humidity is at 55%. The VPD is basically perfect at 1.33 kPa. So everything looks pretty good from here. I'll start dropping the humidity down more in a week or so. Just after the stretch. Grow System Environment: Temp: 75.5° RH: 54.8% VPD: 1.33 kPa
I’m overjoyed with the phenos this strain is producing, strong vibrant purples with some serious flavour profiles! Scent Profiles we have: Candy Lemon Sherbet 🍬🍋 Sweet & Piney Diesel 🍭🌲⛽️ Sweet & Tangy Tropical Punch 🏝️🥊 Alongside this, these beauties are the frostiest and the most insanely dense koala looking nugs I’ve ever produced!
Third week of flowering - stretch is real. I had to move the light up to escape from the growth. All are doing fine, Strawberry is still meh/weird but 3/5 are fabulous, rest is alive and flowering, tent is full - I'm content. Due to Easter I did not had time for them - I need to catch up with defoliation, lollipopping and ScrOGging them. More on that in the next update, cheers 😎
-Week 3 of flower. The plants are starting to look better since I corrected the ec and ph. The buds are swelling en the new growth is nice and green. Let's hope they have recovered by next week so they can get back to full focus on the buds.
Fed compost tea on Wednesday without added Bio Pk. Plain water all following feedings. Did a light defoliation of some older fan leaves which has let more light in around the main stem. I have used soft ties to stake her into the ground, this helps to prevent her from poking back out of the substrate once I bury the stem. I have buried her up to the first node. I’m so far very happy with how she has been growing. She is very healthy looking currently.
Fast Buds Run Lights at 50% and will start to increase intensity gradually this week until we reach 75% by the end of this week. Reverse Osmosis water with Base nutrients & additives will also be started this week,starting at half doses and increasing if need be. Bud Labs Advanced recipe from Advanced Nutrients will be used. 03/04/24 - 1L RO Water with nutes per plant. 05/04/24 - 1L RO Water with 1ml/L Cal-Mag Xtra per plant. NOTES 05/04/24 - Started some light LST on the main branch in preparation of using the scrog net in the coming weeks.
Auto Moon rock has been growing slow, but is starting to make progress. The growth looks healthy. A few spots from me getting the leaves wet. Hopefully she does good in the long run. Thank you Medic Grow, and Divine Seeds. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱 https://youtube.com/channel/UCAhN7yRzWLpcaRHhMIQ7X4g
Auto Opium has bounced back from the neem oil treatment. New growth is looking good, and roots look good. She is off in the right direction. Thank you Medic Grow, and Divine Seeds. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱 https://youtube.com/channel/UCAhN7yRzWLpcaRHhMIQ7X4g
Auto Northern Dragon Fuel is looking really good. Everything is going great with her. I am just keeping her fed and wet. Thank you Medic Grow, and Super Sativa Seed Club. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱 https://youtube.com/channel/UCAhN7yRzWLpcaRHhMIQ7X4g
the growth , the growth , the growth i have seen nothing but good thing from fastbuds the smell is starting to ripen and fill tent nice and dense nuggets are def inbound leaning to the side after ties was removed from heavy lst
Sup everybody, I thought a lot and if got learn the time is now! I have 4 babys so I decided that two of them will be for my practice, one I won’t change a thing, and the last one I’m obligated to transplant (didn’t have pot :@). I follow the advice of putting more soil into my pots and that’s was great! I topped one as you can see, put some cinnamon powder to help heal (don’t have much sure, but read that somewhere). The other I did some LST, honestly this is kinda harder to me than topping because you must be very careful and kinda follow your instincts to bend the plant. The other one as said I didn’t changed a thing (gotta have at least one guaranteed hahahaha) The last and minor one I didn’t have pot so need to transplant very soon. That’s it, hope you like and honestly I’m satisfied until now, I thought I would screw it all just in the first week. That’s it, my newbie advice: go for it, just don’t go blind!
Well I said I was leaving her untrained but on day 56 I gently tied back a few branches to open up the canopy. This is looking like it's going to be my best grow yet.
OSS Sherbet Moonrocks 🔹⊱╮🔹╰⊰🔹 GROW Started 03.10.24 INFORMATION 🔹╰⊰´🔹⊱╮🔹 🌞Environment - Maintaining 80F and 65%Humidity 🌾Training - Nothing this week just letting the seedlings veg out. ⚱️2-Gallon 📊6.2 PH 💧 Feeding - Using Horti Grow 8-11-21, Bloom 5-15-26, Late Bloom 0-24-26, Cal 12-0-0 🌞Medic Grow Smart 8 760 Watts 🕷️ IPM - CannControl from Mammoth and Mosquito Bits as needed 🔹⊱╮🔹╰⊰🔹 PLANT UPDATES 🔹╰⊰´🔹⊱╮🔹 📝 Notes - These girls have completely transformed into their new buckets and have started to drink up, increasing the amount of fertigation, (Nutrients and H20), and defoliation to expose the lower growth. 🗓️03.29.24 Maintaining Temps and Humidity - Plants are Looking Great! 🗓️03.30.24 Today fed with Hort-Grow @ 3.3 GRMS Per Gal, and Horti-Cal @ 2.5 GRMS Per Gal. I defoliated the plants to water them better and the middle growth could get more light and develop. 🗓️03.31.24 Maintaining Temps and Humidity 🗓️04.01.24 Today fed with Hort-Grow @ 3.3 GRMS Per Gal, and Horti-Cal @ 2.5 GRMS Per Gal. Check out the amazing growth and recovery after the defoliation! 🗓️04.02.24 Maintaining Temps and Humidity, watching these ladies are just nailing the veg phase. 🗓️04.03.24 Today fed with Hort-Grow @ 3.3 GRMS Per Gal, and Horti-Cal @ 2.5 GRMS Per Gal 🗓️04.04.24 Maintaining Temps and Humidity, closing out week 2 of veg and these ladies will need to be defoliated again, this new nutrient line from Greenpnaet is killing it, and so easy to use! ╰⊰🔹╰⊰´🔹⊱╮🔹╰⊰🔹╰⊰🔹STRAIN INFORMATION🔹⊱╮🔹╰⊰🔹╰⊰🔹╰⊰🔹⊱╮ Introducing our latest powerhouse Sherbet Moonrocks one of our strongest weed strains to date setting a new bar for potency and effect. A combination of US genetics Sherbet Cake and Purple Moonbow create this potent sedative with THC levels, above 30% that will take you to celestial bliss. An exquisite terpene profile offers a tempting treat of sensational fruity tastes, flavors, and aromas that will seduce your mind and body and take you to a serene place of pure tranquillity. Ocimene, Caryophyllene, and Limonene are the predominant terpenes they produce a wonderful array of sugary berry fruit flavours with floral hints and spicy undertone. Growing these feminized seeds is effortless and straightforward regardless of your growing skills and at harvest time you will be generously rewarded. Plants will mature to a manageable height with a flowering period of 65 - 70 days and will develop thick dense buds glossed in thick layers of THC resin crystals packed with indica power that will lure into a deep relaxation. Expect an indoor yield of 600 - 700 gr m2 and outdoor production of over 1 kilo per plant. Indulge yourself, add Sherbet Moonrocks to your shopping cart today, and explore the outer spheres!
OSS Cheese XXL 🔹⊱╮🔹╰⊰🔹 GROW Started 03.10.24 INFORMATION 🔹╰⊰´🔹⊱╮🔹 🌞Environment - Maintaining 80F and 65%Humidity 🌾Training - Nothing this week just letting the seedlings veg out. ⚱️2-Gallon 📊6.2 PH 💧 Feeding - Using Horti Grow 8-11-21, Bloom 5-15-26, Late Bloom 0-24-26, Cal 12-0-0 🌞Medic Grow Smart 8 760 Watts 🕷️ IPM - CannControl from Mammoth and Mosquito Bits as needed 🔹⊱╮🔹╰⊰🔹 PLANT UPDATES 🔹╰⊰´🔹⊱╮🔹 📝 Notes - These girls have completely transformed into their new buckets and have started to drink up, increasing the amount of fertigation, (Nutrients and H20), and defoliation to expose the lower growth. 🗓️03.29.24 Maintaining Temps and Humidity - Plants are Looking Great! 🗓️03.30.24 Today fed with Hort-Grow @ 3.3 GRMS Per Gal, and Horti-Cal @ 2.5 GRMS Per Gal. I defoliated the plants to water them better and the middle growth could get more light and develop. 🗓️03.31.24 Maintaining Temps and Humidity 🗓️04.01.24 Today fed with Hort-Grow @ 3.3 GRMS Per Gal, and Horti-Cal @ 2.5 GRMS Per Gal. Check out the amazing growth and recovery after the defoliation! 🗓️04.02.24 Maintaining Temps and Humidity, watching these ladies are just nailing the veg phase. 🗓️04.03.24 Today fed with Hort-Grow @ 3.3 GRMS Per Gal, and Horti-Cal @ 2.5 GRMS Per Gal 🗓️04.04.24 Maintaining Temps and Humidity, closing out week 2 of veg and these ladies will need to be defoliated again, this new nutrient line from Greenpnaet is killing it, and so easy to use! ╰⊰🔹╰⊰´🔹⊱╮🔹╰⊰🔹╰⊰🔹STRAIN INFORMATION🔹⊱╮🔹╰⊰🔹╰⊰🔹╰⊰🔹⊱╮ Cheese XXL cannabis seeds are a special blend of Afghan Kush x Super Skunk producing the most pungent dank weed. Cheese XXL is the third commercially available edition released by Original Sensible using and developing these Afghan and Skunk genetics. The first release of these genetics was their Skunk Afghani. The second improved version was Stinkin' Bishop which had an improved and more potent THC content and was more pungent in terms of smell. Now the third and improved release on a similar theme is this Cheese XXL which has a similar THC content but with an improved heavier yield. The smoke is incredible with an outstanding flavour of pungent skunk and spicy, extra strong mature cheese created by the dominant terpene myrcene with its strong earthy scent accompanied by caryophyllene and pinene which combine to create a peppery acrid cheesy odour. THC levels are exceptionally high in this Cheese strain and the effect is well-balanced creating mental and body relaxation with a remarkable alleviation of stress and depression. The strong pungent aroma starts early in the flowering period, if you're growing Cheese XXL indoors you'll need plenty of ventilation to disperse the stinky "road kill" aroma of these babies! Cheese XXL is a Cheese strain particularly suited to indoor setups but also thriving well outdoors these feminised marijuana seeds are incredibly resistant to mould and disease and produce a substantial harvest that both the professional and amateur growers alike can easily achieve. These Cheese weed seeds are outstanding, break open the buds ready for use and you'll see why, the stench will make your eyes water! Cheese XXL from Original Sensible Seeds is a great choice to break into the commercial market of growing cannabis so if you're looking to buy something special with extreme yield, potency and flavour then Cheese XXL cannabis seeds are simply the best choice
47th Parallel Crowly's Comet 🔹⊱╮🔹╰⊰🔹 GROW Started 03.10.24 INFORMATION 🔹╰⊰´🔹⊱╮🔹 🌞Environment - Maintaining 80F and 65%Humidity 🌾Training - Nothing this week just letting the seedlings veg out. ⚱️2-Gallon 📊6.2 PH 💧 Feeding - Using Horti Grow 8-11-21, Bloom 5-15-26, Late Bloom 0-24-26, Cal 12-0-0 🌞Medic Grow Smart 8 760 Watts 🕷️ IPM - CannControl from Mammoth and Mosquito Bits as needed 🔹⊱╮🔹╰⊰🔹 PLANT UPDATES 🔹╰⊰´🔹⊱╮🔹 📝 Notes - These girls have completely transformed into their new buckets and have started to drink up, increasing the amount of fertigation, (Nutrients and H20), and defoliation to expose the lower growth. 🗓️03.29.24 Maintaining Temps and Humidity - Plants are Looking Great! 🗓️03.30.24 Today fed with Hort-Grow @ 3.3 GRMS Per Gal, and Horti-Cal @ 2.5 GRMS Per Gal. I defoliated the plants to water them better and the middle growth could get more light and develop. 🗓️03.31.24 Maintaining Temps and Humidity 🗓️04.01.24 Today fed with Hort-Grow @ 3.3 GRMS Per Gal, and Horti-Cal @ 2.5 GRMS Per Gal. Check out the amazing growth and recovery after the defoliation! 🗓️04.02.24 Maintaining Temps and Humidity, watching these ladies are just nailing the veg phase. 🗓️04.03.24 Today fed with Hort-Grow @ 3.3 GRMS Per Gal, and Horti-Cal @ 2.5 GRMS Per Gal 🗓️04.04.24 Maintaining Temps and Humidity, closing out week 2 of veg and these ladies will need to be defoliated again, this new nutrient line from Greenpnaet is killing it, and so easy to use! ╰⊰🔹╰⊰´🔹⊱╮🔹╰⊰🔹╰⊰🔹STRAIN INFORMATION🔹⊱╮🔹╰⊰🔹╰⊰🔹╰⊰🔹⊱╮ Crowley's Comet / https://www.47thgenetics.com/product-page/crowley-s-comet-10-fem-birdseeds It's everyone's favorite piece of space rock, Crowley's Comet! The culmination of reversing our Matterhorn cut off Mr. Crowley to Intergalactic Runtz, and the results were out of this world (I had to do it). These ladies were slow to start, but once they hit their stride they put any worries we had to rest. Compact, short-framed, and robust. They pack beautifully boulder-like flowers that reek of garlic and sickly sweet cotton candy. Dark green to a mosaic of purples, yellows, and silvers. Frost production is off the charts, the internode spacing is tight, and they certainly will impress in their last few weeks of flower. This is one of our favorite crosses in the new fem lineup. If you're looking for your hype fix, here you go. Yield: Heavy to XL Flower Time: 63 days Feeding Schedule: Heavy