The Plants recovered from topping last week and are now more or less on one level. I increased the light strength every day. Now at 40%.
Grow report week 8: The legalization and the Tent-X System Hello dear growers and groweresses, it’s time for an update on my grow. My plants have completed the eighth week and have continued to grow. But they have also experienced some exciting news, which I will tell you. The legalization This week something incredible happened: The Bundestag passed the partial legalization of cannabis. From April 1, cannabis consumption for adults is to become legal in Germany. This means that I and my brothers and sisters no longer have to hide and can freely pursue our hobby. I thank everyone who helped us achieve this goal. We will not stop until you also get your right. Legalize it everywhere! I am very happy about this decision and hope that it will contribute to a better health protection, more education and prevention and a stronger child and youth protection. I am curious how the new drug policy will affect the grow scene. The Tent-X system This week I also got a new system for my room: The Tent-X system from TrolMaster. The Tent-X system is a state-of-the-art, professional and modular environmental and irrigation control system designed for single-zone grow tents. It allows me to effectively control the environmental parameters and irrigation schedule of my tent with a single control system. I think the system is outstanding! It offers me many settings and functions to automate my system according to my wishes. For example, I can change the lamp height or power based on PPFD values, read the substrate moisture and EC value, simulate the sunrise or adjust the light spectrum. The system is also very easy and intuitive to use. I can control it via my smartphone and access my data at any time. I am happy to have this helper for the upcoming flowering weeks. I am sure that he will help me to a better yield. I am also very grateful to TrolMaster for providing me with this system. It is a great honor and a privilege to be able to test and use such a high-quality product. Thank you very much, TrolMaster! You are awesome! 🙏 The plants This week my plants have grown vigorously. The back four will all reach their net next week. I defoliated them heavily in the lower area two days ago, which they tolerated well. They look really healthy to me. Taking pictures is very complicated right now, you hardly know where one plant starts and the other ends. But that will get better in the next few weeks. I am happy that it is now going into the last vegetative week and we will reach the flowering on next Sunday with a light cycle on 12/12. The outlook I am very satisfied with the result of the eighth week. My plants have developed well and are ready for the flowering phase. I am very excited about the next few weeks, where I hope to harvest many beautiful buds. Thanks for stopping by and see you next time! 😊
2/26/24. So I flipped these girls 3 days ago. Not sure what’s going on with them? They look like they have little buds starting or something..and they kinda looked like that before I flipped them. I think that’s maybe not normal? I’ve looked at lots of diaries and haven’t noticed that until a couple weeks in. I’m hoping all is okay. The tops all seem very light in color as well, compared to the rest of the plant. Also getting a bit of what appears to be some sorta burn on the tips and some light coloring in between leaf veins-which by looking at deficiencies is similar to magnesium def. So kinda wondering what to do. Slight tip burn and deficiencies? Hmm could be lighting issue maybe. Going to keep an eye on it. Gave transition feeding. Seems early for any smells from what I’ve researched.. but yeah.. there’s a slight smell coming from the tent 😳
Day 8 - 26/02/24 steady progress at the moment. Coco is being kept moist. No concerns so far with this batch.
Pure Ice cream close is doing great. I hst her canopy early week. I switched her light time to 12/12 today to get the flowering process going. I also trimmed out a lot of bottom growth and started defoliation on the dense canopy. I will be doing more in about 2 weeks. Mainly I am concerned with keeping her stretching down. So she don't get too close to the light. Every thing has been going well for most part. A few Challenges ahead, but I think I will get through them. Thank you Spider Farmer, and Pure Instinto Seeds. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱 https://youtube.com/channel/UCAhN7yRzWLpcaRHhMIQ7X4g
That's it, my Tarte Tatin have their hair 😄 Those who suffered HST seem to me to be recovering well so far. however they are still very big, a little too much. Next time I grow multiple varieties under the same light I will probably opt to cut each plant before flowering, it should be easier to manage the height of different varieties this way.😘 The high humidity (70%+ detected by my hygrometer in the tent) worries me a little. I really hope I don't see my buds go moldy!🤞🙏 day 54 / flowering day 21 --------------------------------------------- 💧Watering On average I water each pot with: Day 51 : 1 Liter Day 56 : 1 Liter with 0.25 Gram of BoosterPK+ I alternate watering, one with booster in my water and the next without. I add Bioenhancer once every 14 days +/-. I add very few nutrients to my water because I have already placed Bio Nutrients directly in my soil 😉 ------------------------------------------------------------ 🔥❄️Temperature of the week : Day : 20-23°C (Humidity : 60-75%) Night : 16-18°C Outside the tent it is around 17°C with 65% humidity ------------------------------------------------------------ 🚀Equipment of the week ⭐️ : Light FC3000 Mars hydro. power 95% at 35cm Extractor 6 inch Mars Hydro + carbon filter . power 4/10. ON 24/24h 1 oscillating fan, on 24/24h ------------------------------------------------------------ 📜Links : Tarte Tatin seeds 🌱: https://shop.greenhouseseeds.nl/feminised-cannabis-seeds/tarte-tatin/ Food for your plants from GreenHouseCo 🔥🔥👍 https://www.greenhousefeeding.com/ 👨‍🚀My Instagram 🌱❤️️: https://www.instagram.com/hou_stone420/ ------------------------------------------------------------ ☮️Thanks for your visit💚☮️
moved outside on balcony for less humidity an more air flow.. supp. light .. hoping for the best.. got her on drip feed 2x notes 1x rain water also started ipm... started to take off this week,, still feel she is a week behind from transplant...
Plant is showing tremendous growth even after the stem partially breaking from the LST clip, But plant hasn’t yellowed or wilted and continues to grow so it’s still pulling nutrients fine.
This strain is awesome special for grower with limited space Today day 16 and I just topped her from 6th node and I already been stress her alot by reporting and topping and after 2 days off she recovered immediately ill do lst every other day till day 35 this way I make more veg pase 1 week more and you got chance to get bigger yield Take her 2 days to recover from topping now I don't stress her alot just let her to grow This genetic don't like lst training and stem very hard to bend down so I don't do any Lst one her unless I don't have choice Today day 21 end week 3 and she is super happy I keep feed her with silica liquid and bio grow 1L everyday
Hello everyone. We have an interesting phenomenon here. Droplets resembling glue have appeared on the buds, similar to the resin found on fruit trees. If you know what this is, please let us know. If not, stay tuned as we figure out what it is and whether it's a positive or negative development.
Je me lance dans l'expérience du topping sur ma nouvelle plantation de cannabis. Bien que cela ne soit généralement pas recommandé pour les variétés automatiques, j'ai remarqué que de nombreux blogueurs le pratiquent. Après avoir obtenu de mauvais résultats avec la technique de LST (Low Stress Training), je me suis dit que je ne risquais pas grand-chose. Pour l'instant, je ne remarque pas de ralentissement significatif par rapport au LST. Cependant, lors de mon premier arrosage avec des nutriments, j'ai mis un 8e de la dose recommandée, ce qui a entraîné l'apparition de griffes sur les feuilles... Vraiment déconcertant, je cherche encore à comprendre cette réaction... Topping au 16 ème jour, 5eme noeuds. Engraissage : 1/8 de la dose et apparition de légères griffes sur les feuilles Merci de m'avoir lu 🌱
Heute startet die 12.Woche,morgen geht es für 2,5 Wochen nach Thailand.. Danach wird das Licht auf 12/12 umgestellt. Musste extrem viele Blätter entfernen, schon das 2.Mal diese Woche.. Das 1m x 1m Zelt ist nun voll mit 1 Pflanze!! Hat jetzt 67 cm Höhe und 1 m Breite, boom.. Licht wurde extrem hochgestellt auf 77cm Abstand, die Purple Lemonade von Fast Buds soll einfach keine Verbrennungen bekommen. Das wird glaube ich ein Urwald wenn ich wieder zuhause bin. Der Stamm hat 8cm Durchmesser, fette Genetik Drückt mir die Daumen! Peace!
Je me lance dans l'expérience du topping sur ma nouvelle plantation de cannabis. Bien que cela ne soit généralement pas recommandé pour les variétés automatiques, j'ai remarqué que de nombreux blogueurs le pratiquent. Après avoir obtenu de mauvais résultats avec la technique de LST (Low Stress Training), je me suis dit que je ne risquais pas grand-chose. Pour l'instant, je ne remarque pas de ralentissement significatif par rapport au LST. Cependant, lors de mon premier arrosage avec des nutriments, j'ai mis un 8e de la dose recommandée, ce qui a entraîné l'apparition de griffes sur les feuilles... Vraiment déconcertant, je cherche encore à comprendre cette réaction... Topping au 16 ème jour, 5eme noeuds. Engraissage : 1/8 de la dose et apparition de légères griffes sur les feuilles Merci de m'avoir lu 🌱
have some type of deficiency have some spots on leaves but besides that things look okay they both need more water now not sure how long I can veg in the containers I’ll probably try get another week or two then up pot to 7 gallons I broke a branch and new growth from topping today smh trying to bend it for training and was to rough so i put some tape on it hopefully they grow back in a week or two
Need to move the jnto flowerimg tent this week.
Topped 4 out of the 6. Going to transplanting next week.