5/5/2024 Pistils pistils pistils 5/8 these plants are fucking exploding! Super exciting to see them like this. Pistils everywhere and they’re just STACKING! don’t even see budlets yet, just pistils. The structure of these plants is beautiful. They handle training fairly well. I topped one and super cropped it and did a bit of lst. I was feeling impatient so I decided to see what happened if I pushed the one a little harder and left the other to grow naturally.
No water for her for the last week and I have pruned the soil earlier today. I will be feeding her pure ph’d water in the next few days as her cup feels almost dry!
She has received no water for a week as her pot is not light enough for me to feed. Her roots are protruding the pot. Her stem is firming up more plus her third set of true leaves are through. I gave the soil a prune. I’ll keep her dry until she needs to be fead!
Having to constantly move the ties as each branch keeps pulling in closer together , keeping on top of defoliation starting to get a weak smell when opening the tent overall plants healthy
It's time to taste it. Sweet scent with a distinctive identity. You guys have to try to touch her once, I hope so. :)💚🥦
🌱 Week 3, Day 7 Update: Buds Are Blooming! 🌿 Hey Grow Fam, We're cruising through Week 3, and my girl is really coming on—buds are starting to form, and it's a sight to behold! The girl is growing so fast now, drinking 4.5L a day. She could even do with in-between waterings, in my opinion. She's aiming for the stars and shooting for the moon, getting bigger every day and stinking out my room. I had to tie my light higher up with some rope as it wouldn't go any higher, and shoots were getting way too close! I did SCROG when flipping, and I should've been a bit more strict on it (did it longer), but now I realize why SCROG is used. Imagine if I never used it—she would be way too tall. Overall, I'm so happy with how she is growing and can't wait to see the final product. :) But, as with any journey, we've hit a little bump in the road. Despite keeping our feeding consistent at 850ppm, the runoff readings have been creeping up. Last check-in showed a runoff of 1400ppm. It's got me thinking we might be dealing with a salt buildup in the root zone. To address this, I'm sticking with our feeding routine at 800-850ppm. If the runoff ppm keeps climbing or if our plants start showing signs of nutrient burn, I will adjust accordingly, but as of right now, I'm sticking to the same feed as she looks great! ( If I do begin to notice signs of nutrient burn (excess), I will try to water with a lower EC/PPM, like 700ppms, to bring it down. But if I don't get the results I'm hoping for, I will just flush the plant with 3x the media size of water (just plain pH water) to wash out any old salts and reset the medium. You don't really want to do this with coco depending on what stage your at in flower, veg on the other hand flush.? Sure!, if you really need to reset that medium go for it, (i do see tiny signs of burn but thats fine if it gets worse then i have a problem) Let's stay focused and keep our eyes on the prize—beautiful healthy buds. We've got this! #GrowUpdate #Week3 #BudsBlooming #KeepGrowing 🌱🌿
Stinky omg so fruity and delicious 😋 i cant wait for this beautiful sob to be done!! Ended up stressinf medusa #2 a little bit and got 2 more weeks of veg time!! Dont always believe what you read or hear kids!!!😂 shes finally bouncing back and buds are fattening up nicely
Harvest done, plant is drying. 116 days from seed: 51 days veg + 65 days flora
Harvest done, plant is drying. 116 days from seed: 51 days veg + 65 days flora
Addendum @ Day 1 - Week 9 Hello dear Growmies! Today I'm back on day 1 of week 9. The sun has just risen and I was able to notice that they are now very thirsty and demand more and more. Today I then have an aired Cannazym injection 2 l per plant. Everything is going well so far. I let Co 2 phase out slowly. Also, my corners only shine warm red/deep red. However, at full strength. I have reduced the SanLights dimmed down to 90% from today until Monday evening. ... I want to let them transpire again in front of her last fermented compost tea, relaxed and breathe deeply. I was very positively surprised by my Dutch Passion sidekick. Super robust genetics. Also very reliable. I will also take a closer look at their portfolio in the future. "The true meaning of life is to plant trees under whose shade one does not expect to sit." ...
Hi everyone Today day 23 and yesterday I snap branches and thigh is with tape but today I seen branches bend down but it hill I'm going to start use bloom on her I feed her this week with 1ml silica .5 calmag 4ml grow 2ml heaven 2ml activera .5 bloom .5 topmax Next week will go down grow and go up with bloom hope she grow big and bushy but will see Day 24 I flush each with 3L water due run off ppm was 1300 if you not check run off ppm autoflower will be late flowering and we don't want that I make this mistake on last grow orange sherbat yeah I didn't flush her and she preflowering for 4 weeks lol So after that I decided to give plain water once a week it safe some money too but I'm always greedy to give more nutrients
I switched nutes preemptively but we are back to veg nutes for another week or so.
Pulled one already. Waiting for this one to finish. Another 2 weeks max I reckon.
The VPD range for this week is set to 1.0 to 1.2 kPa Day 22 / 22.04. Here we are at the start of week 4 of veg. The plants are all doing great, just the Super Lemon Haze is showing some signs of Ph fluctuation, which I cannot explain. Now everything is smooth sailing as nearly all of the work has been taken off my hands by my mycodo system and the autopots. The autopot reservoir has about 10l of 1.1 mS/cm EC solution left in it, for the next batch I will bump up the EC to about 1.7 mS/cm. Day 23 / 23.04. Well, turns out the Super Lemon Haze tried to tell me something important. Today I noticed, that my cheapo pH pen was off by about 1.5 pH, which means my reservoir was way too basic for the plants. I hope, that I have corrected the pH and that this little mishap didn't affect the plants too much, because right now, growth is really popping off. Day 25 / 25.04. I started to do some LST to the plants and I also removed the huge top leaves of the Fullgas because I was worried about airflow. Day 27 / 27.04. Today I had quite a big mishap. I was in a hurry and tried to adjust the LST of the plants and accidentally broke off one of the top branches of the FullGas. Shit happens I guess
The girls are doing well, the smell is becoming stronger and sweeter
During 1st week I might put the pot a bit to hight to the lamp. Clay pot got heated and caused some burns to the leafs. Now that it started to smell a bit I turned on the exhost with carbon filter and lowered the pot down. Passive wind intake through the lower level and exhost throw the top level makes a nice draft inside. I am using a small pot to try to keep the plant small and inside the bucket. I do have a tric ready to extend bucket hight by a 20 cm, but still previous plant in a bigger pot overgrew it and now finishing flowering at the balcony. This is my first mimosa and second grow in this bucket. Not going to apply hst, at least not at start, maybe at the later if I will see it's going to grow to high.
65-75 cm. All good 👍 trichomes are slowly coming.
i’d say another two weeks on these girls and they are about done one of the other phenos of this finished up quite quickly and it’s already drying Can’t wait to give you the full results and numbers 🔥 and remember It’s 420 somewhere