Breeder: Simba Seeds Sex: Feminized Variety: Indica-Dominant Hybrids (75% Indica and 25% Sativa) Strain Genetics: Afghani X Skunk Flowering Type: Photoperiod Flowering Time: 7-9 weeks Where to Grow: Indoor, Greenhouse, Outdoor Taste / Flavour: Relaxing and Euphoric CBD Content: Low THC Content: High Yield: High
Que pasa familia, vamos con la tercera semana de floración de estás Zkittelz de Seeds Mafia. La humedad está entorno al 50%,y la temperatura la tengo entre los 22/24 grados. Controlamos en ph en cada riego a 6.2. Y el agua que utilizo de riego suele estar estancada entre 24 / 36 horas, hasta aquí todo bien, tienen un buen color, ya van progresando y creciendo a buen ritmo, vemos cómo avanzan estas semanas y como avanza el progreso de las flores. Mars hydro: Code discount: EL420 https://www.mars-hydro.com/ Agrobeta: https://www.agrobeta.com/agrobetatiendaonline/36-abonos-canamo Hasta aquí todo, Buenos humos 💨💨💨
Day 42 from sprout. I been torn on if I'm going to transplant again. I know that since i am doing an organic grow its all about that soil and its microbes. I feel I been doing pretty good with these 3 gallon pots so far and only got a 2x4x6 to grow in. That being said I did top dress today 2-11 with my gaia green fertilizers and did a bit of defoliation. They lookin like their 60 year old blind old Auntie cut their hair and look mangled but I just defoliated an hr before I took these pics. I am considering on transplanting to 5 gal before i flip to flower in about a month but not sure yet.
Que hay familia, vamos con la tercera semana de floración de estas Apple Fritter de Zamnesia. La temperatura está entre los 21/24 grados, la humedad está entorno al 55%, y el ph lo mantengo ahora al principio en 6.2, el foco por supuesto está enchufado 12 horas , tener tienen que crecer fuertes. Y aparte añadimos nutrientes de Agrobeta, que no puede faltar semejante gama. Todo correcto hasta ahora, ya cara a la floración veremos cómo avanzan las próximas semanas. Os comento que tengo un descuento y para que compréis en la web de Zamnesia de un 20%, el código es ZAMMIGD2023 The discount 20% and the code is ZAMMIGD2023 https://www.zamnesia.com/ agrobeta: https://www.agrobeta.com/agrobetatiendaonline/36-abonos-canamo Mars hydro: Code discount: EL420 https://www.mars-hydro.com/ Hasta aquí es todo, buenos humos 💨💨💨.
So these fastbuds testers are holding in there along side my aptus girls and I have selected the best 3 which includes 1 of each strain, plus 1 extra 410 tester which I have doubt in unfortunatley as it seems she may not catch up by time it comes too flip 👎 But we plod on and out of 9 seeds 6 popped and now 1 of each remain too continue their great positive journey ahead 🙏🤞 These girls have been bent too allow light too the lower branches and so far each seems too be thriving 🌱 This week I continue too lst and form them ready for flip in a week or so time 💚
Que pasa familia, vamos con la cuarta semana de floración de estas Gorilla cookies Auto de FastBuds. Por el momento todo va bien tienen buen color, van ahí formándose esas flores y empezando a tricotar guay. Alimentamos nuestras plantas con Agrobeta. Por supuesto el ph se mide en cada riego y se mantiene en 6.2 y riego en intervalos de 48h. La temperatura está entorno al 22/24 grados y la humedad anda sobre el 50%. Las plantas en si ya están bien sanas, tutore la rama principal para que no se fuese de madre, y así controlaré la altura. Mars hydro: Code discount: EL420 https://www.mars-hydro.com/ Agrobeta: https://www.agrobeta.com/agrobetatiendaonline/36-abonos-canamo Hasta aquí todo, Buenos humos 💨💨💨
Got some leaf taco ing, and a two of the plants have developed some yellow leaves, burnt tips, I don't think it's nute burn as amount of nutes watering every 2 to 3 days is very low, I thought possibly potassium deficiency, increased fish mix slightly, the yellowing is not effecting the top leaves only so I didn't think light burn, I've moved the light up a few inches to be on safe side and turned power down from 70 percent to 60 percent, using photone app to measure DLI/par intensity and reading about 700 so possibly too high. Gonna flush the two plants worse effected, PH testing RO filtered water to 6.5, also added a bit of cal mag, hopefully following the flush, should sort itself. Any advice greatly appreciated fellow growmies :)
So still no defoliation I have chosen not too took these girls only a topping and leaf tuck here & there and wow they are loving life under aptus nutrients 🌱 They are thriving into this week where I will be tucking a few more leaves before flip in roughly a week or so time 🙏 Finally grow diaries has let me update with images and videos and I'll be updating my fastbuds diary tomorow too These girls are sailing through each week and I'm really happy using aptus nutrients 💚
Que pasa familia, vamos con la tercera semana de floración de estas Tropicana Cookies Fast Flowering, de FastBuds. Vamos al lío , las 3 plantas se colocaron en macetas de 7 litros definitivamente. El ph se controla en 6.2 , la temperatura la tenemos entre 21/24 grados y la humedad ronda el 50%. Ir van creciendo y no llevan ni mal ritmo ni mal color, veremos como avanzan las próximas semanas y como van formándose las flores. Mars hydro: Code discount: EL420 https://www.mars-hydro.com/ Agrobeta: https://www.agrobeta.com/agrobetatiendaonline/36-abonos-canamo Hasta aquí todo, Buenos humos 💨💨💨
Green crack is deffo the little weirdo in the tent but she’s showing signs of healthy growth so she gets to hang around , transplanted into 15L pots midweek for the next week or so then I’ll transplant again into 28L pots for the run home
Wedding glue looking healthy as , nice growth this week she’s loving the 15L pot I transplanted into this week and is a nutes pig , looking to double size again this week .
Mimosa cake is looking like a fine specimen, great week of growth insisted I transplanted her into the 15L pot that she’ll stay in for another week before I move her into her final 28L pot and start to tie her down
Wedding glue is growing beautifully, no problems so far . She loves her nutes loves her 15L pot for another week then she will get into her 28l pot and start getting tied down . Looking to double in size this next week
Greetings, fellow cultivators! Today, I'm thrilled to share the grand finale of our journey with the remarkable Big Cheese Auto from Seeds Mafia. At day 81 from seed, she reached the pinnacle of her splendor, and the harvest was nothing short of spectacular. As I gently snipped each ripe bud, I couldn't help but marvel at the beauty and resilience of our Big Cheese Auto. From the moment she emerged as a seedling, she embodied strength, vigor, and an unwavering determination to flourish. Now, as she hangs upside down to dry for the next two weeks, I'm filled with a profound sense of gratitude for the privilege of witnessing her growth. Our journey with the Big Cheese Auto has been nothing short of extraordinary. From the excitement of germination to the meticulous care during vegetative growth, from the anticipation of flowering to the aromatic crescendo of the harvest, each phase has been a testament to the plant's resilience and the joy of cultivation. The journey began with a tiny seed, a promise of potential waiting to be fulfilled. With the nurturing support of the Autopot system and the guidance of Aptus Holland's nutrients, our Big Cheese Auto thrived, transforming into a botanical marvel with each passing week. From the emergence of her first true leaves to the explosion of trichome-rich buds, she captivated us at every turn. A heartfelt thank you to Seeds Mafia for providing the genetics that sparked this incredible journey. Your seeds have not only produced exceptional plants but have also inspired a community of passionate cultivators. Your dedication to quality and innovation is truly commendable, and I am grateful for the opportunity to cultivate such remarkable genetics. Before the trimming and curing process begins, I took the time to capture the beauty of our Big Cheese Auto in a special photo shoot. Each snapshot is a testament to her magnificence, a visual ode to the journey we've shared together. To the entire community, both near and far, thank you for accompanying me on this horticultural odyssey. Your support, encouragement, and shared passion for cultivation have made this journey all the more rewarding. Let's continue to cultivate greatness together! Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey! Wishing you all abundant harvests and joyful cultivation endeavors ahead! Genetics -Seeds Mafia Big Cheese Automatic Light - LUMATEK ZEUS 465 COMPACT PRO 
All info and full product details can be find in can find @ https://seedsmafia.com 


https://lumatek-lighting.com/ As always, thank you all for joining me on this journey, for your love, and for it all. My horticultural odyssey would never be the same without you. Your love and support are cherished, and I feel both honored and blessed to have you in my life
Por norma general no soy de podar hojas pero esta vez voy hacer una excepción y quitaré las que más sombra hacen , las grandes, a los 30 dias a 12/12h. Pasados 7 dias de su última poda de bajos, tercer y cuarto nudo. Entonces ya solo me quedará ir quitando algunas yemas de los nudos inferiores Parecen haberse estabilizado y no crecen al mismo ritmo que vinieron haciendo estos 30 primeros dias a 12/12h.. A principios de semana la más pequeña, la OGKush nºI serian 70 ctms y las más alta , la AnimalCokes nºVII, 100 ctms. Pasados 6 dias del último tratamiento contra la araña roja le volví a dar y esta vez con Plant Vitality Plus de Bac. Total hasta ahora, un lavado con agua corriente, una de Mactina (químico ), dos de Solabiol y una cuarta con el Vitality. Llevo dos semanas viendo las puntas quemadas y estoy observando que va en aumento, posiblemente sea un exceso de nutrientes debido también en gran parte a que el agua de base sale a 0,85 EC y 8,02 de PH unos valores muy altos. Miraré de correjirlo ahora con un par de riegos solamente con agua y cambiando al Top Candy la próxima semana manteniéndome con dosis bajas. Sobretodo se nota en las OGKUSH , las más pequeñas. A la vista está que fué demasiado regarlas dia si dia no con TopBloom a 1,8 EC.
11/02 - Pre-harvest 109g of wet bud (tare weight of plate 358g). Letting the rest go for some more days. Light lowered to 28cm.
Used real growers recharge for the first time as directed with RO water
I will be running this again and literally anything from In House Genetics.
Hello, fellow growers I thank you for having dedicated your attention to my garden and I hope that the contents are to your liking and help for your growth.