
Female Seeds - Lemon Kush

3 months ago
Grow Conditions
Week 6
18 hrs
Light Schedule
11+ conditions after
2 ml/l
2 ml/l
Remo Micro - Remo Nutrients
Remo Micro
2.113 ml/l
6+ nutrients after
Commented by
AutoflowersSucK AutoflowersSucK
6 months ago
  There's a picture from a few days ago where the plants are really perky and vibrant. In the past few days they have taken a down turn in appearance. There's a few reasons for that. #1, I'm lazy, and I tend to not ever go into the tent unless i need to feed or water. In that time the plants grew and what was acceptable light intensity became too much for them as they got closer to the lights, and they are now suffering from light stress and a little damage in the form of bleaching leaves, tops, and tips. #2 The temperature outside has dropped and the high in the tent today was 67F. That's not something they like either. It's been 6 days since they have been fed so today they were fed a day early, as tomorrow is Christmas day. The open window i used to use to control the H.I.D heat is no longer needed and I've just been sitting on my hands about going and closing it. It's now closed. You might notice that I've given the plants week 1 of bloom formula, yet they are still in veg. A little birdy told me that giving them a reduction in nitrogen but a boost in Phosphorous 1 week prior to light flip, will greatly reduce the length in which they stretch when flipped to 12/12. Stick around to see what happens i guess. The other experiment kick off today is the addition of the Green Planet product "Rezin" Rezin is a natural plant stresser that fools the plant into thinking it's under attack and as a result is supposed to create more rezin production (not my claim, it's Green Plants Claim). So i have applied nutrients like normal to plant #1, and added Rezin to the 2 liters of nutrients that was applied to plant #2 . So plant #1 was fed per usual, but Plant #2 nutrient solution was set aside and Rezin applied after, to keep it controlled. As usual, Hygrozyme and Hygroben was added at the above mentioned ratios. Once the plants are big enough to require 2x a week feed/water, hygroben will only be included on feed day, but Hygrozyme will be applied to every watering. Lemon Kush is a hardy plant. It can take quite a bit of abuse and still produce. It's never been a good strain to top, but this topping has created a acceptable result which is nice! They are a bit sad but will bounce back. My tap water today was 215ppm.......after nutes, 1155ppm They haven't been fed for 6 days and they were fed less than 1000ppm of nutrients so they are showing some signs of malnutrition. That should clear after today's feed. I'm hoping after a few days they will recover and perk up. I've raised the light to 15 inches above canopy and plan to increase the light intensity to 100% later on. I just want to wait and see how they react to the feed. Don't wanna hit them too hard all at once with big adjustments. Plus the temps are going to rise from 67F to 81F over the next 2 hours. One thing i won't ever do again, is grow multiple strains in 1 garden. Different growth patterns and rates of growth are too difficult to manage to keep everything uniform. And i knew that going in, but said "ahh fuck it" I might LST but I hate doing that. All the fucking around, ya know? We'll see...
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