
resi_max's new permanent fixture

a month ago
Custom Breeder & Strain
weeks 1
Grow medium
Recycled Soil
Grow medium
Grow medium
Grow medium
Germination Method
Directly In Substrate
Method used by growers
Statistics by method
Avg. success - 93%
Method popularity - 20%
Avg. success
Custom Breeder & Strain - 89%
Unknown - 89%
Commented by
resi_max resi_max
2 months ago
Welcome friends. This is my new grow setup, and it will be the only grow setup going forward -- a 2ft x 2ft x 1.5ft raised garden bed, filled with approximately 45 gallons of a custom super soil recipe I invented from scratch after a lot of research and trial and error. The super-soil has been composting in a kiddie pool for a month, and is a secret recipe. I combined it with my base mix of recycled soil from previous grows, along with perlite and pumice. The pictures above are just after mixing, and before wetting to continue the composting process for another month or two. We will let this compost, and in time, this diary will turn into a real diary. For now, it does not contain any plants. The reason why, is because I recently have been diagnosed with a few medical conditions, and high THC cannabis with low levels of CBD give my condition adverse effects. I have stopped consuming cannabis for about 2 weeks now, and do not plan to continue until this bed grows me some very high CBD ratio cannabis a good friend is sending me. Thank you, friend, for your generosity! I have struggled to grow in my very humid climate for some time now, being ridiculed by a lot of people. I experiment a lot, and it isn't about the end product for me as much as it is the science and experimenting with new techniques the science community has to offer. So to them, I say, good luck to them, without such research and experimentation. I am much better equipped to deal with many growing problems now, and I enjoy failing just as much as producing quality cannabis. For me, gardening is about scientific learning, iterating, and refactoring my techniques to become stronger. And, I can say I have succeeded so far in that, gaining experience in the two years I've been doing indoor growing. Outdoor is much easier, provided the weather is in my favor, as I have a yard full of lovely soil that doesn't receive any added nutrients. Going forward from here, I plan to use this new permanent fixture for indoor, growing just 1 or 2 plants in this raised bed (I have not decided if it shall be 1 or 2, but I'm leaning towards 1). I like learning more than the end result. I have taught myself a lot just by research and experimentation, and I believe I'm much better equipped to handle many problems going forward. This diary is going to sit here for a while, composting away, until I am ready to begin my very high CBD ratio plants that will provide me with the medicine I truly need. In the meantime, I have stopped consuming cannabis. There are some very high THC strains that medicinally work very well for me, but there are also very low THC strains that do not. Vice versa is also true, so, I had to give it up, as CBD has been bred out over many generations, which is the true medicine I need to mix with the THC to deal with my pain and other symptoms. It will be some time before this diary launches, as I'm waiting for some seeds from overseas. When the time comes, I will resume my growing through experimentation, iteration, and refactoring. Haters can hate, as it no longer affects me. Infact, all you haters that have put me down over the years have showed me that I am doing things the right way -- learning from my mistakes over several parallel experiments. I am much better equipped to handle problems in my 2 years since migrating to indoor than many other growers, with a lot of useful information and results stored in my notes. If you don't like my diaries, that's ok. If you don't like me, that's also ok. I don't mind either way. I grow for the learning, not for the virtual penis measuring. To me, this is fun, even during failure. To the very few of you who have supported my unorthodox experimentation and growing, well, you already know who you are, and I have shared some secrets with you that have already helped you become a better grower, with the thanks I received from much more experienced growers than I. I will strive to continue that effort, and support those with knowledge that have supported me with kindness throughout my journey, when this diary kicks up again. Thank you everyone, even the haters. You all showed me what to do and not to do on a social media platform. "Happiness never decreases from being shared" -- an inspirational poster shared with me by a good friend, that I will always keep in the back of my mind, as it helps me live through day to day with my conditions. I love you all, and I especially love growing.
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love_2_growweek 0
Fuck yeah! Let's goooooo!!!
resi_maxweek 0
I would like to especially thank @love_2_grow, @PapaNugs, and @Hydro_Hiebs for their wisdom and just being human, along with everyone else that has shown me nothing but kindness in my experimentations. This diary is dedicated to them.
Hattiwattiweek 0
Strenght and good luck🍀 Grass is growing and haters gonna hate. life go on and shadows will be longer at evening. See you.
PapaNugsweek 0
Good luck! You're gonna do great! 💪🤞