
Veg plants growing slowly

Slurpy_Terpystarted grow question 2 years ago
My vegetative plants are growing very slowly. I have a mix of autos in 4L, 10L and 15L pots all going slowly and photos in 25L and 15L pots (and 1 in a 1L pot) all growing slowly. Some are given biotabs nutrients (following full biotabs system), others plagron nutrients
Plant. Other
Slurpy_Terpyanswered grow question 2 years ago
Hey @Papa_T, thanks for your answer! Indeed I have 2 more tents so can run the autos on 18/6 and in approx 40 days flipping the photos to 12/12, also 2 of the smaller plants will be donated to friends. I hope my tents get nice and full indeed :D My question is do you notice anything wrong with my stats or plants, since my friends that grow under 250w hps with a more basic setup and less consistent temp/humidity stats with the same genetics theirs is 3x-4x the size at day 20. My plants are 10-15cm tall at day 20 with 5 short internodes, my friends usually have 25-35cm plants with much more developed branching and thicker stem. Since the difference in speed is so big (and very low chance its due to phenotypes, unless I got unlucky on every single phenotype my previous runs aswell...) there must be something I am doing wrong... I feel like I slightly over fert and my watering is not that good but I read its best to start autos in their final pots so they are mainly in 15L pots and barely drink because they are small so the pot mainly gets wet/dries out because its a fabric pot with good ventilation in the tent, my 1 non-fabric pot I only need to water 1x per 10 days (with light top spray every day because the top gets sandy from ventilation)
Papa_Tanswered grow question 2 years ago
I seriously hope you have more grow space elsewhere because in a about three weeks time you’re gonna have plants fighting for real estate. Mixing photos and autos is a big undertaking too. What are you going to do when the photos require 12/12 and the autos continue at 18/6? I don’t see a question really so I’m not exactly sure what you’d like the community to say. Anyway your plants look good but I foresee problems in the near future unless you make more space. Just take a look at my more recent diaries of either Penelope, Billie or Margie. I only have three plants and it nearly fills a 4x4 tent. Good luck moving forwards 🤙
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Slurpy_Terpyanswered grow question 2 years ago
More stats: Light: mars hydro sp3000 300w at 40% and 60-80cm high (when i put stronger or lower I get red stems everywhere, now only a little bit) on 18/6 Tent: 120*60cm Stats: 23-24c day time 20-21c night, 50-62%rh Watering schedule: - light spray on topsoil every day (it dries out with the ventilation, and have alfalfa and white clover cover crop in process of germinating) - approx 5% of pot size 2x a week, but I use a weighing scale to weigh the pots to avoid overwatering! The biggest plant drinks + evaporates 500ml a day, the smaller ones around 50-100ml a day In the separate picute of 1 plant is a wedding cake auto (philo seeds) at day 19 from popping above ground, my friends with the same strain in soil have it approx 4x the size at day 20... it could be genetics but it seems like this for all my plants. Ages: - bottom left d32 - bottom right d32 - bottom middle d24 - top left d16 - with humidity dome d11 I first thought overwatering / too many nutrients (last run I thought this) but now I tried different soil mixes with more or less nutrients and different watering patterns and weigh my pots to avoid overwatering... So now I think it could be a general magnesium deficiency (bottom left plant) increased by the led lights, and/or the light spectrum (the light has blue but mars hydro claims its their light with the most red). I have sufficient ventilation and air movement. I foliar feed plagron vita race 1x per week at light doses. I foliar feed/spray compost tea on the leaves every 2 weeks to form a protective layer as IPM
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