
Helpppp, what are these pest

ohighoanstarted grow question 10 months ago
Little white bugs crawling around my pots, soil, and plants, what are they and what do I do?
Week 6
Other. Bugs
m0useanswered grow question 10 months ago
need a close up of the creature in question. could be a fly, could be a soil mite or something else. If they are not infesting the plant above ground it maybe ok, but not ideal. could try a basic nematode or BTS irrigation to knock their population down. If they where springtails I'd say leave em they do wonders for soil health, but they don't normally crawl on pots. they stay in the medium and come out when watering. Good Luck!
Pjm70answered grow question 10 months ago
I would have the fan on low and aim for the lower part of the plant. Bugs don't do well in wind.
Mazgothanswered grow question 10 months ago
I dont think that its a big of a deal because if you put a lot of sugar in there those flies are normal you just overdid it with the sugar, in this case you don't add that much nutrients that have a lot of sugar and carbs. But lets give it a try and lets say that is a bug.You will make a homemade bottle spray that you can use it in the future again and again. We start and chop 1,2 cloves of garlic, 1 whole chopped red onion, half a tablespoon cayenne pepper(if you dont have you can skip it its not necessary but it helps) you fill with water and put them in the fridge you leave them in for 12 hours and then you spray everything except the flowers(take of the ladies and spray everywhere,we need to spray everything to kill everything) but if it gets a little liquid on the flowers don't be afraid, it's organic.You can spray every 5/7 days. keep the spray bottle in the fridge, I would say don't keep it for more than a week, it's easy to make a new one
thedoeanswered grow question 10 months ago
looks like white flies. do they fly away when your hand comes near? would suggest getting some neem spray or similar, but avoid spraying the flowers
AsNoriuanswered grow question 10 months ago
I thought i had a lot, but i cant recall, or you have huge infestation. While no answers, scroll through list, maybe youll find, treatment advice will go together. Its all possible options. Less than hundred. Some are obvious nots.
GreenHarvest_Officialanswered grow question 10 months ago
Not much of an expert on the top but I think that's white fly. Hope your plant recovers
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