
yellowish plant, stunted growth, burnt tips, leafs looking weird. 100% no insects

Seedlerstarted grow question 10 months ago
can someone help me and tell me whats wrong? ph:5.5 runoff ppm: 1000(no fertilizer yet, i just added water and they looked fine before) ppfd: 600 DLI of 40 (maybe too much too early?) + red stems constant good vpd recently watered i appreciate any help and or tips :)
Week 4
Leaves. Veins - yellow between
Leaves. Color - Pale
Leaves. Color - Mottling
m0useanswered grow question 10 months ago
cannabis can take a high DLI even from a seedling. 40 is about average for what they get in a day. I'd say keep it aounrd 40, could always drop it down a bit if you notice signs of light stress then increase it again later when it bigger. The 5.5 PH is an issue, Its just to low. I would aim for anywhere between 6-6.5. this way if it swings outside of the desired PH range it has buffer room. Right now if it gets lower then 5.5 is really going to put a bummer on the roots. You can increase the PH of the water going into the plant by adding PH up. Potassium hydroxide. Or adding in more calcium or an alkalizing agent into the medium. My last grow in Peat moss and perlite had something wrong with it and it kept dropping in PH uncontrollably. I had to bump my waters PH upto aorund 9.0 for it to normalize. Something, most likely a bacteria was in the medium acidifying everything. Red stems can be a symptom of phosphorus deficiency. This is most likey caused by the PH being so low. this chat can give you a bit of a visual of how available plant nutrients are in different PH ranges. Given that you are in a biobizz lght mix "peat based medium" and using Biobizz nutrients I would flush the medium with a high PH to normalize it and then issue a smaller feed after its drained and settled. Use a TDS/EC pen to confirm its concentration is not to high and that the PH is back within range. Given that the PH will most likey swing down again keep an eye on it and adjust as needed. This might be a weekly thing for this grow. Hopefully not. Congrats on nailing the VPD. You should also Calibrate your PH and EC pens to confirm your readings are accurate before proceeding with any troubleshooting. Best Of Luck!
Selected By The Grower
Sciolistic_Steveanswered grow question 10 months ago
i think this is ph-related more than nutrient related... Mg-deficiency takes 5+ weeks to show symptoms from inception of the problem.. so if it was "deficient" in week 2 that'd by really fucking odd, lol. probably have some fine-tuning to do with fertilier formula, but get the ph in check first
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CULTIVATORFROGanswered grow question 10 months ago
Como dice terp el problema está en el ph 5.5 de drenaje me parece bajo. Los tallos y peciolos morados es deficiencia de fosforo. Sube el ph hasta que tu drenaje te de un mínimo de 6 y un máximo de 6.5. Mucha suerte
Terp1answered grow question 10 months ago
Die eingekreisten intervenialen Flecken sind ein aufkommender Magnesiummangel. Kann man gut mit Bittersalz in einem Blattspray behandeln. Dies in Verbindung mit den hellen Blattspitzen und der immer gelber werdenden Gesamterscheinung der Pflanze, führt mich aber zu meiner Lieblingsdiagnose: PH-Lockout. Allerdings kann das auch durch Überwässerung der Pflanze kommen. Wenn die Pflanze permanent nass ist, dann lass den Topf bitte trocknen, bis er wieder leicht ist und gieße und füttere danach normal weiter. Falls Überwässerung nicht das Problem sein sollte, musst du deinen PH erhöhen, in dem du mit PH-reguliertem Wasser deine Töpfe spülst. Bei Soil scheint meiner Erfahrung nach alles zwischen 6.2-6.8 gut zu sein. Viel Erfolg
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GreenHarvest_Officialanswered grow question 10 months ago
First of all I don't think your plants look so bad. Primarily I think your issue is with lighting; 600 ppfd is good and 400 DLI is also good (maybe should be a bit lower for now but sure, it's at least fine) BUT your distance from plant to light is very low. This might cause the plants to feel much more heat than necessary. That combined with high humidity could be the root cause of all your issues. Try moving up the light to around 20inches/50cms from canopy and increase the intensity (if you're not already on 100%) so you still keep your desired ppfd/DLI. Good luck with the rest of your grow.
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