
Sulfur or manganese deficiency?

MeaCulpastarted grow question 7 months ago
Hello everyone. I'm just asking for some help. Does this look like a sulfur or manganese deficiency? Or something else entirely? These are 2 babies. One GG#4 and one Special Kush. Everyone else looks perfectly healthy. Thanks in advance
Week 3
Plant. Other
Mr_Weeds_Autosanswered grow question 7 months ago
Your plant does not have a sulfur or manganese deficiency, but you're having pH issues, which is causing nutrient lockout, 7.2 is not in the range you should aim for around 6.0-6.5 when you pH your water. You're going to need some ph down to correct the issue.
Selected By The Grower
MeaCulpaanswered grow question 7 months ago
ok, I know what I have to do now..... thanks a lot @ all
GrowerOGanswered grow question 7 months ago
hello my friend, i kwon that my profile isn't like a master but i have some experience. I see a lot of spots white/argent on these leaves that seam bites of some insect like thrips. I had my plants with the same spots and i saw microscopical larvae white under the leaves olso with my magnifying glass. So for me i'm sure that these spots are bites but the other signs on the leaves could be everything caused by the attack of the thrips. I hope I was helpful, good luck and happy grow!!!
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HeavyHittahanswered grow question 7 months ago
It's the first couple of leaves . This usually happens as the soil ph is adjusted . After a couple of feeds your plant should be fine. Keep an eye on new growth. If new growth is healthy then your are ok 👍
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Growedbypepperanswered grow question 7 months ago
Lo primero es mirar el riego que tienes con tu planta recuerda siempre mantener una humedad no muy alta en el sustrato revisa que tu electroconductividad no supere en estas etapas 1.6 y que tú Ph se encuentre en 6 y 6.5 que es ideal para la absorción de nutrientes 🤙🤙 espero que estos consejos te ayuden un poco con tus plantas
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AutoflowersSucKanswered grow question 7 months ago
Looks like over watering. It's not common to have a deficiency this early in it's life. Over watering can cause droopy leaves and a general lack of vigor and health. In cases where the soil stays wet for a long time and the roots are oxygen starved, they will develop necrosis spots on the leaves and appear droopy and have wavy leaves sometimes. The other thing i would suggest is that you verify your soil pH. Always pH your solution and water beforehand so your solution is in range before it hits the soil. 6.2 is a ideal pH.
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