
Need help plz idk what happened I woke up an it wa...

Mallystarted grow question 6 years ago
Need help plz idk what happened I woke up an it was a mess
Week 4
Leaves. Color - Black or grey
MUDBUGanswered grow question 6 years ago
MALLY MALLY MALLY sorry for your lost i would try pellets are cubes for your next run once you pop your seeds put them in a pellet are cube for 7 days so u can get your root growth going wat we have here is a couple things #1 i would look for a decent soil are coco and get u a shot glass people thinks its funny but theres numbers on it use the numbers for 2 weeks for your waterings i would only give my seedlings 3 shot glasses of water once a day i still feed out a shot glass after 4 weeks just chalk it up as a learning curve u over thinking ✌️✌️🍻🍻
TheBudWhispereranswered grow question 6 years ago
Yeah dude agree with kind above - don’t think ur save’n ‘er. next time try only to water a seedling lightly and give it a good amount of time to dry out. Even in a solo cup you may only be watering every few days (4-7). Cannabis responds well to full cycles of wet AND dry. Give that a shot on the next one and you’ll be fine. Shitty buzz dude - good luck on the next one!
Kindbudzanswered grow question 6 years ago
It looks like it was over watered and drowned. You can try letting it dry out but it looks like a gonner. Sorry. Next grow for a seedling plant in a smaller container like a solo cup with holes cut out of the bottom.
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