Very easy plant to harvest, didn't have too much leaves, so very easy to take out fan leaves and prepare to dry.
Hi Gromie's Welcome to my Experimental & tent filler grow. 2 Orange sherbet FF FASTBUD CLONES that were left over when transplanting my current other FF FASTBUD clones into final 15 ltr pots. Originally had 4 left over however due to my mistreatment & lazyness at the time, only feeding/watering every 3 to 4 days, which caused slowed growth, the other 2 died & these 2 were brought back from the brink of death! Picture of them in white container next to current flower run. Transplanted from small pots into net pots, plant#1 had 1 small root protruding from pot, #2 had 1 little main root not even growing out of pot! Put them into 15 ltr Dwc pots running 2 airlines & stones per plant to give plenty of oxygen & help combat any root issues & quick growth. Hot temps as it's summer rising the same temps as environment inside tent. Have been placing frozen water bottles into pots to reduce temps. Add 2 frozen bottles per pot, reduced temps right down to around 17°c. Change bottles out twice a day. Temps slowly rise over extended period until ice melts. Experimenting with different training methods, lst ,hst Mainly super croping. Have been Hst bending, pinching stems & roughing them up.which causes the stems to grow stronger, repairing themselves along the way as well as the hst bending, I also go around & pinch/ squash the stems every few inches which really strengthens the stems & branches! In fact I've done no tying down! I've managed to create a flat table top canopy with out tying down to hold shape. Super crop them over, they grow strong stems & hold that shape, as they grow out they always start to grow back up towards the light & I continue the process of bending, pinching & damaging stems so they grow strong & hold shape by them selves. Going well & it doesn't seem to slow them down much at all, given I grow perpetually using separate veg & Flower tents makes it impossible to train through scrog net in veg! Trying to train an established plant through a scrog can be difficult & easy to damage or break branches . However I like the benefits off scrogging so looked at a way to make it easier to scrog already veged plants. This is the training methods I've come up with, taking & incorporating established training methods of various soughts to create plants with flat table top canopy. That way when moved to flower tent I can just lower scrog net over the top of plants to hold them in that shape & train through the net as they go through flowering stretch, making it a lot easier! I've come up with a name for it & I'm calling it the pre scrog ! Method of training. In fact it seems to be going so good that the plan is to see if I can scrog them without a scrog net as they are holding that table top canopy shape & have super strong stems that are solid as a rock, can't squeeze or pinch repaired stems, they are super strong, holding shape & should be able to support the weight of the buds, lower growth already lolliepoped as I don't see the point growing that lower growth out just to lolliepop it & remove it once in flower. It's similar to why I grow relatively short plants when scrogging. I see some growers growing 2 to 4 foot plants which take longer to veg only to lolliepop & remove bottom half to 3/4 of the growth, so you end up with 2 foot of bare lolliepoped stems & branches under canopy? Each to their own/I guess. I grow mine around a foot before putting into flower so there's between 20 to 30 cm of lolliepoped stems under the canopy & a foot or 2 trained through scrog net & above .
Vegetacion (Tiempo estimado 28 dias) Tercer Semana de Vegetacion 21/12/2023 - 5:00hrs y 22hrs: Se Hace cambio de solucion nutritiva y se limpia el recipiente, se verifican parametros basicos del agua, mantener cuidados especificos, el Ec y PPm Varean por los aditivos. Agua de osmosis: Ph 6.0, PPm 850-1050, Ec 1.7-2.1, Temperatura 22°C - 26°C, Humedad 75% Ambiente: Temperatura 22 °C, Humedad 75%, Ventilacion 15%, 18 hrs de luz , 6 hrs de obscuridad. 22/12/2023 - 5:00hrs y 22hrs: Se verifican parametros basicos del agua, mantener cuidados especificos. Agua de osmosis: Ph 6.0, PPm 850-1050, Ec 1.7-2.1, Temperatura 22°C - 26°C, Humedad 75% Ambiente: Temperatura 22 °C, Humedad 75%, Ventilacion 15%, 18 hrs de luz , 6 hrs de obscuridad. 23/12/2023 - 5:00hrs y 22hrs: Se verifican parametros basicos del agua, mantener cuidados especificos. Agua de osmosis: Ph 6.0, PPm 850-1050, Ec 1.7-2.1, Temperatura 22°C - 26°C, Humedad 75% Ambiente: Temperatura 22 °C, Humedad 75%, Ventilacion 15%, 18 hrs de luz , 6 hrs de obscuridad. 24/12/2023 - 5:00hrs y 22hrs: Se verifican parametros basicos del agua, mantener cuidados especificos. Agua de osmosis: Ph 6.0, PPm 850-1050, Ec 1.7-2.1, Temperatura 22°C - 26°C, Humedad 75% Ambiente: Temperatura 22 °C, Humedad 75%, Ventilacion 15%, 18 hrs de luz , 6 hrs de obscuridad. 25/12/2023 - 5:00hrs y 22hrs: Se verifican parametros basicos del agua, mantener cuidados especificos. Agua de osmosis: Ph 6.0, PPm 850-1050, Ec 1.7-2.1, Temperatura 22°C - 26°C, Humedad 75% Ambiente: Temperatura 22 °C, Humedad 75%, Ventilacion 15%, 18 hrs de luz , 6 hrs de obscuridad. 26/12/2023 - 5:00hrs y 22hrs: Se verifican parametros basicos del agua y se rellena de un 1 litro mas de solucion nutritiva con los valores ajustados a esa cantidad de agua, la planta empieza a chupar agua cada vez mas, mantener cuidados especificos. Agua de osmosis: Ph 6.0, PPm 850-1050, Ec 1.7-2.1, Temperatura 22°C - 26°C, Humedad 75% Ambiente: Temperatura 22 °C, Humedad 75%, Ventilacion 15%, 18 hrs de luz , 6 hrs de obscuridad. 27/12/2023 - 5:00hrs y 22hrs: Se verifican parametros basicos del agua, mantener cuidados especificos. Agua de osmosis: Ph 6.0, PPm 850-1050, Ec 1.7-2.1, Temperatura 22°C - 26°C, Humedad 75% Ambiente: Temperatura 22 °C, Humedad 75%, Ventilacion 15%, 18 hrs de luz , 6 hrs de obscuridad.
Que hay familia, vamos a empezar otro proyectazo, esta vez de la mano de ZamnesiaSeeds, agradezco a Patricia por la oportunidad de cultivar variedades así 💪. Y también agradezco a Agrobeta todos los kits obtenidos de ellos 🙏. Pues e germinado 5 semillas de Apple Fritter de Zamnesia y 100% ratio en germinado, bastante satisfecho con este resultado. Han sido germinadas con papel absorbente y un tupper para mantener la humedad. Pasadas 48 horas utilizamos macetas de 0.6 y las colocamos directamente a tierra, con plagron, el sustrato que utilizo hace ya años. Os comento que tengo un descuento y para que compréis en la web de Zamnesia de un 20%, el código es ZAMMIGD2023 The discount 20% and the code is ZAMMIGD2023 agrobeta: Mars hydro: Code discount: EL420 Hasta aquí es todo, buenos humos 💨💨💨.
Lamp Brightness: 100% @ 12" - estimated 1000 PAR (GMO 2 tallest plant so top of this is used for 12" light distancing) Feeding schedule, waterings, and IPM all same Watering volume varying up to 3/4 gallon per day note: with crop steering in mind the water temperature will be incrementally cooler going forward waterings intermittently requiring more volume, upward to 7% (1gal) per plant
Que pasa familia, vamos a comenzar con el próximo proyecto, Apple Fritter de RoyalQueenSeeds. Y que ganas tenia de empezarlo. Agradezco a James por la oportunidad de cultivar variedades así 💪. Y también agradezco a Agrobeta todos los kits obtenidos de ellos 🙏. Va pues al lío e germinado 5 semillas y germinaron en 48h, 5 de 5 unidades, un 100% de éxito en el ratio. Han sido Germinadas con Papel absorbente y un tupper para mantener la humedad, pasadas esas 48 horas, las coloque en macetas de 0.6L directamente en tierra. Mars hydro: Code discount: EL420 Agrobeta: Hasta aquí todo, Buenos humos 💨💨💨
This week I am still working on my slow defoliation, to get some light intake to some of the node sites, while putting the plant under as little stress as possible. I've still been using the molasses, Mykos WP and Fish Sh!t mix every other watering. I also top dressed another 1/4 teaspoon of BioAg TM-7, which once again seemed to help both plants keep their leaves held up longer between waterings. I assume the TM-7 is improving the water retention of the Build A Soil Lite I'm using. I still have the Viparspectra 100w boards, set to about 30% power kept about 14 inches away, this seems to be a good spot for the plants. I'll probably be taking the bottom branches off and cloning them this week, so I can back up these genetics. Update: I went ahead and cloned these ladies to back them up, they are my first plants from seed, so I wanna keep the genetics if I like the flower! I used clone-x, root riot cubes, my AC infinity Germination Kit with 80w led bar on setting 2. I sprayed the clones and inside of the kit with distilled water. Hoping I get some clones rooted soon!
This week I am still working on my slow defoliation, to get some light intake to some of the node sites, while putting the plant under as little stress as possible. I've still been using the molasses, Mykos WP and Fish Sh!t mix every other watering. I also top dressed another 1/4 teaspoon of BioAg TM-7, which once again seemed to help both plants keep their leaves held up longer between waterings. I assume the TM-7 is improving the water retention of the Build A Soil Lite I'm using. I still have the Viparspectra 100w boards, set to about 30% power kept about 14 inches away, this seems to be a good spot for the plants. I'll probably be taking the bottom branches off and cloning them this week, so I can back up these genetics. Update: I went ahead and cloned these ladies to back them up, they are my first plants from seed, so I wanna keep the genetics if I like the flower! I used clone-x, root riot cubes, my AC infinity Germination Kit with 80w led bar on setting 2. I sprayed the clones and inside of the kit with distilled water. Hoping I get some clones rooted soon!
Notes for flower week 9 (12/15-12/21, days 56 to 62) Watering Days. All feeds with nutes use either a whole ratio, or combination, of "Veg Mix" and "Bloom Mix"concentrates. These are/will be DILUTED in water until a total ppm of add-in is reached using a (Total Dissolved Solids) TDS Meter measured in PPM (parts per million). The "Veg Mix" concentrate will eventually be added-in larger, then smaller, ratios while the "Bloom Mix" concentrate will eventually replace the "Veg Mix" concentrate entirely. The ppm and ratios will be listed when I feed. Veg mix recipe is on week 3. Bloom Mix recipe is on week 5. Day 128/58 (last feed was day 124/54) Tested and Calibrated my ph pens. Fed 3 gallons of de-chlorinated tap (starting with 251ppm) mixed with 402ppm of 100% Bloom Mix Concentrate. Due to this soil showing a possible calcium deficit, I am still using 1ml per gallon add-in to test on all plants using this soil, so I added 3.0ml of CaliMagic (General Hydroponics 1-0-0) and then I ph balanced before feeding. The ph on this feed was balanced to 7.0 (7.13 last feed). I used knitting needles to help both aerate the soil and create new water pathways for the roots. (a practice I am making a new feeding standard for all my plants) I got ~20 cups of runoff (~27 cups last feed). Higher runoff volume was expected with the feed volume increase as well as previous knitting needle aeration. Runoff was tested at 6.15ph and 1800ppm (6.21ph and 2100ppm last feed). Top soil tested at 6.4,6.48,6.39,6.42 for an avg of 6.42 (6.42 avg after last feed)- next feed will be 6.8 to 7.0 ph as I'm still liking where the ph is finally at. I dont see any issues with the feed's data other than the possible calcium deficit Next Feed should be 2.5 gallons of de-chlorinated tap water ph balanced to 6.8 in +4 days (132/62). I expect I will run 400ppm and 2.5ml of CaliMagic (General Hydroponics 1-0-0) again, but no more HP2. I expect to start flushing her out with lower nute levels from that next feed point. Day 132/62 (last feed was day 128/58) Tested and Calibrated my ph pens. Fed 3 gallons of de-chlorinated tap (starting with 277ppm) mixed with 397ppm of 100% Bloom Mix Concentrate. Due to this soil showing a possible calcium deficit, I am still using 1ml per gallon add-in to test on all plants using this soil, so I added 3.0ml of CaliMagic (General Hydroponics 1-0-0) and then I ph balanced before feeding. The ph on this feed was balanced to 6.8 (7.0 last feed). I used knitting needles to help both aerate the soil and create new water pathways for the roots. I got ~17 cups of runoff (~20 cups last feed). Runoff was tested at 6.0ph and 1710ppm (6.15ph and 1800ppm last feed). Top soil tested at 6.42,6.45,6.34,6.33 for an avg of 6.385 (6.42 avg after last feed)- next feed will be 6.8 to 7.0 ph as I'm still liking where the ph is finally at. I dont see any issues with the feed's data other than the possible calcium deficit Next Feed should be 2.5 gallons of de-chlorinated tap water ph balanced to 6.8 in +4 days (136/66). I expect I will run 400ppm and 2.5ml of CaliMagic (General Hydroponics 1-0-0) again. Im flushing with these lower ppm feeds through harvest.
Lamp Brightness: 100% @ 16" - estimated 914 PAR (GMO 2 tallest plant so top of this is used for 16" light distancing) Feeding schedule once-a-week, other waterings strictly water-only Watering volume varying up to 3/4 gallon per day Day after feeding, soil is given a sst + fresh organic kefir whey 4oz+ per gallon (kefir grains grown in local organic grass-fed milk) IPM once-a-week visual inspection - no foliar applications note: lowering humidity this week, beeswax coated hemp twine used to tie up some heavy branches on GMO 1
Apolo F1 Mission Diary - Week 3: The Ballet of Bend, Blossom, and Root Rhapsody Greetings, fellow cultivators and guardians of the green frontier! Week 3 of our Apolo F1's botanical saga has unfurled with a kaleidoscope of growth and a symphony of roots that dance beneath the surface. Join me as we explore the verdant ballet of bending, the flourishing foliage, and the hidden root rhapsody. This week has been a crescendo of controlled chaos, with the delicate art of bending taking center stage. Each branch gracefully sways and contorts, responding to the gentle nudges like a botanical ballerina in an intricate dance. Our Apolo F1 is not just growing; she's performing a choreography of resilience and elegance. And here's the thrilling revelation - roots! Yes, beneath the soil surface, a clandestine world is unfurling. Root tendrils are popping up like eager spectators in the front row, reaching out to absorb the nutrients and anchor our green virtuoso. It's a root rhapsody, a silent applause to the nutrient-rich symphony we've orchestrated. As I continue to guide the botanical ballet, the TDS in the watering regimen maintains a harmonious 390 ppm, providing our plant with a nutrient-rich libretto. The pH, the conductor of this aqueous symphony, remains a steady 6.0, ensuring optimal nutrient absorption and a thriving performance. Temperature-wise, our Apolo F1 revels in the cozy embrace of a 26-degree Celsius environment. It's like providing the ideal backstage conditions for our botanical star, ensuring she performs at her peak. Now, let's talk about the behind-the-scenes technique – the bottom feeding spectacle. Water is tossed into the plate, and our green companion sips from this botanical wellspring. It's a refined and controlled drinking session, a sophisticated soirée for our growing virtuoso. And as always, a tip of the hat to Aptus Holland, the maestros of our nutrient symphony. Their meticulous regimen ensures our Apolo F1 gets the VIP treatment from the roots to the tips of her flourishing foliage. As we marvel at the ongoing dance of growth and the flourishing of our green virtuoso, I extend my gratitude to the digital coliseum, Grow Diaries, for being the stage where our horticultural epic unfolds. And to Royal Queen Seeds, whose Apolo F1 has become the star of this green opera. In the next enthralling chapter of our Apolo F1 Mission Diary, we'll witness the continued ballet of growth and the root rhapsody beneath the surface. Until then, may your gardens flourish and your green endeavors be ever bountiful! As always thank you all for stopping by and for supporting me on this journey, i am super passion about growing and fell blessed to have you all with me on this new journey
Lamp Brightness: 100% @ 16" - estimated 914 PAR (GMO 3 tallest of group so measurement for lighting taken from top of this plant) Feeding schedule once-a-week, all other waterings strictly water-only Dropped the rootwise mycrobe complete for feedings and have now incorporated bas buildabloom @ 1/2 tsp per gallon Day after feeding, soil is given a sst of organic fenugreek, lentils, kamut, mung, and adzuki beans IPM 1oz per gal EM5 solution foliar spray + applied directly to mulch/cover crop (before lights-out) - once a week first week the scrog has been used on GMO 3, 2, & 4 - GMO 1 short but robust stem rub notes: GMO 1 & 3, strong / GMO 2 & 4, mild by end of week GMO 4 exhibited itself as male and removed
Week 9 12-21 Flushed, Susie today! Not much further for her. She'll be the first done!! 💪 Regular good ol' PH for them all! Midge like from the start, doing her own thing. lol and I topped her just for the sake of it. Shes turning into quite the bad ass!! I think at least. lol Vanna, doing ok. bit behind. Then lastly, Cora. I stunted the hell out of her and shes not turning out. Guess I try to do some type of hash or something with her, so not alls lost? Oof!!!!! Still fking pumped! Cant wait!!! 💪💪 12-25 Just to wish a Happy Christmas or a happy day if thats not your thing! Best to all!!!
~ AirCube Active Oxygen Ebb/Flow System sponsored by GrowAce, featuring Strawberry Gorilla Auto by FastBuds ~ Well guy's and gal's here we go again on another exciting Autoflower run together! This time will be different as I will be doing a 'Hydroponic' run utilizing the AirCube Active Oxygen Ebb/Flow System by GrowAce, who were kind enough to sponsor me for this run, so it should be interesting to see what results I get and have some fun along the way! •Let me first tell you about this 6 Pot Ebb/Flow system from GrowAce: "The AirCube system is the one and only Ebb & Flow grow system on the market that combines the benefits of air pruning with a fully automated Ebb+Flow system! With the AirCube's proprietary fabric pot in bucket design, this system is guaranteed to outgrow any other Ebb + Flow system on the market. The results speak for themselves- grow MASSIVE roots that result in MASSIVE fruits! Air Pruning- Air Pruning only happens with fabric pots. As the roots reach the fabric walls of the pot, they penetrate and grow into the breathable fabric. Once penetrated, the roots are exposed to air, which causes the tips of the root to dehydrate and naturally prune themselves. This natural pruning process forces the roots to grow tons of lateral fibrous feeder roots. This results in a plant that utilizes the entire root zone and fills the entire pot with tons of roots. These fibrous feeder roots are incredibly effective in uptaking water and nutrients, resulting in a plant that grows healthier and more vigorously! Oxygen Benefits- Without oxygen, nutrient absorption cannot occur. On a molecular level, oxygen is needed to transmit nutrients across the cell walls and into the roots of a plant. With the AirCube's proprietary bottom lifted draining design, the system actively draws all of the water out of the bucket pulls vital oxygen into the root zone. Maximum Versatility with Any Grow Medium: The AirCube System is the only system on the market that allows you to use any growing medium you like. Use coco coir, soil, peat moss, perlite, vermiculite, hydroton, rockwool or any other medium you wish! This system is the most versatile Ebb and Flow bucket system in today's hydroponics industry. Temperature Control- with the fabric pots constructed with highly porous polypropylene fabric, heat dissipates easily and effectively. Unlike standard plastic pots, heat isn't trapped in the root zone. Heat in standard plastic containers can reach temperatures of up to 125 degrees. When this type of heat is trapped and unable to escape, it can damage your plant's health and limit the potential of your harvest. Growing in the AirCube System, plant roots grow cooler, healthier, and more vigorous. Largest Pots in its Class- this system features 5 Gallon grow buckets, the largest pot size of any other ebb and flow hydroponic system in the market. Modular and Expandable- start with 6 grow buckets and expand up to 36 grow buckets with the optional 105 gallons PopTank reservoir!" For my medium and nutrients I decided to also switch things up from my regular Organic runs, going with Plagron Nutrients and Root Royale 70/30 Coco/Perlite. When filling the fabric pots with medium, I first added just under a gallon of horticulture perlite from Nor-Cal as a base layer to ensure good drainage and then filled the remainder with the Root Royale. •Now for one of my favorites, and award winning strain from my friends at FastBuds... Strawberry Gorilla Auto: I'll be running Strawberry Gorilla Autoflower which is a 55/45 Sativa/Indica Hybrid. "ATTENTION ALL! Due to our continuous efforts in evolving our breeding process, we are proud to confirm that our Strawberry Gorilla Auto has now become one of the most potent autoflowers in the world! Paving the way to our recent success where she ranked on top & brought home the gold at the very first American Autoflower Cup in California. Moreover, she proved that not only modern autoflowers can compete with photoperiods, but they can even beat them in their field. At the most recent edition of the Farmer’s Cup and competing against various photoperiodic strains, Strawberry Gorilla Auto took home the title of 'Highest Combined Terpenes' in the highly sought-after 'Home Grow Hash' category, with an impressive 97.163 mg/g total terpene content! Our exceptional genetic selection's crowning Strawberry Gorilla Auto strain is a spectacular hybrid known for producing yields of up to 600 gr/m2 in 70 days. This is a very manageable grow that can reach heights of up to 150 cm - due to its magnitude we recommend it for more experienced growers, as a huge plant may be a little overwhelming for first-timers. This show stopping sativa heavy hybrid is perfect as an all day smoke, producing a taste bud tingling, pungent berry and diesel terpene-rich flavor combo that leaves you with a grin from ear to ear, a perfect choice for those looking for a day-and-night autoflower! "* *References:, ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Setup: • AC Infinity 4x4 tent •AC Infinity Cloudline T6 Exhaust Fan w/ Controller 67 •HLG 650R w/UVA Bar *** For some reason GD does NOT have a listing for the USA version of the 650R so I selected the closest match to it. •AirCube Active Oxygen Ebb/Flow 6 pot System •TrolMaster Hydro-X Controller for light •AutoPilot APC8200 co2 controller fed by a 50# tank •16" Hurricane oscillating fan and 8" floor fan •Tent cooling via filtered outside air delivered by AC Infinity Cloudline T6 fan •BlueLab instruments: PH Pen and Truncheon Nutrient Meter ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Weekly Updates: 12/20- Week 7 of flower and the end is drawing ever closer for these three Strawberry Gorilla's from FastBuds! Today, I started off this week with a drain/clean of the AirCube reservoir, after which I filled it with 80L of well water and added in the Plagron Nutrients (Green Sensation first, then 'A' & 'B' base nutrients, finally the Royal Rush). After the nutrients were added and the EC checked ( it's 2.0), I ph'd the solution to 5.7 @ 68℉. 12/22- I'm continuing with six feeds per day @ 900+/-ppm's, the HLG 650R is at 100% power 28" above canopy and they are getting 4 hours of additional UV during the middle of the light cycle. Tent temp's are running 68-75℉ at a RH of 40-45% and co2 levels are running 650-900ppm. 12/24- The #1 and #2 plants continue to be the better looking of the bunch, with the #2 being the 'one'. The #3 plant continues her struggle but has a generous coating of trichomes covering her flowers! 12/25- ~🎄MERRY CHRISTMAS!🎄~ 12/26- Seven weeks of flower and only a couple more to go! I'll be starting to flush these ladies in the coming week and they should all be beginning to fade soon! Hope to see you next week! Growers Love!💚 💚 Thank you for checking out my passion in life! Please visit as often as you wish and I hope you enjoy this journey as much as I know I will! Grow what you love, Love what you grow!💚
Lamp Brightness: 100% @ 16" - estimated 914 PAR (experimented with angling the light slightly to achieve roughly 16" distance on both sides) Feeding schedule once-a-week, all other waterings strictly water-only Day after feeding, soil is given a sst + fresh organic kefir whey 4oz+ per gallon (kefir grains grown in local organic grass-fed milk) IPM 1oz per gal EM5 solution foliar spray + applied directly to mulch/cover crop (before lights-out) - once a week Note: had to move a couple pots around this week due to watering restrictions GMO 2 is now back left - GMO 1 moved ahead to front left stem rubs: GMO 1 - strong/gas GMO 2 - mild/faint/gas GMO 3 - strong/citrus/floral/gas
Pure Ice cream is doing great under the Spider Farmer G5000/UVR40 lights. She is bulking well. Smelling very sweet, and creamy. Everything is looking really good. Thank you Spider Farmer, Athena, and Pure Instinto Seeds. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱 Spider Farmer Official Website Links: US&Worldwide: CA: UK: EU: AU: G5000 Light Amazon Link: UVR 40: Discount code: saveurcash (Stackable)
Pure Ice cream is doing great under the Spider Farmer G5000/UVR40 lights. She is bulking well. Smelling very sweet, and creamy. Everything is looking really good. Thank you Spider Farmer, Athena, and Pure Instinto Seeds. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱 Spider Farmer Official Website Links: US&Worldwide: CA: UK: EU: AU: G5000 Light Amazon Link: UVR 40: Discount code: saveurcash (Stackable)
Lamp Brightness: 100% @ 12" - estimated 1000 PAR (GMO 2 tallest plant so top of this is used for 12" light distancing) Feeding schedule once-a-week, other waterings strictly water-only Day after feeding, soil is given a sst + fresh organic kefir whey 4oz+ per gallon (kefir grains grown in local organic grass-fed milk) IPM now once-a-week visual inspection - no foliar applications note: stretching appears to be finished. lights switched to 11 hrs on - crop steering kept in mind more fans installed for increased airflow beneath canopy GMO 3 and GMO 1 received a watering of 10% by volume (1.5gal) once this week w/o runoff GMO 1 sticky to the touch like sap/pure gas + maybe burnt rubber GMO 2 mild/middle of the road/faint gas/sweet GMO 3 citrus-sweet floral/gas + oily/greasy touch
Que pasa familia, vamos a comenzar con el próximo proyecto, Gorilla cookies Auto de FastBuds. Tiene muy buenas reseñas y pues me animé a colocar 4 plantas. Va pues al lío e germinado 4 semillas y germinaron en 48h, 4 de 4 unidades, un 100% de éxito en el ratio. Han sido Germinadas con Papel absorbente y un tupper para mantener la humedad, pasadas las 48 horas se colocaron directamente en tierra, a su maceta definitiva, en este caso 7 litros. Mars hydro: Code discount: EL420 Agrobeta: Hasta aquí todo, Buenos humos 💨💨💨
Boom!!!! New week and Damm there looking fire great smell coming from them all day long couple weeks to go 💪🏻