Hello World 🌎 ☺️ 🤗!!! She sprouted successfully in her Jiffy Pellet.. Added nothing to the H20...Plain Water! After she was about 2cm, I transferred her directly into her final home...which is a 15L Fabric Pot filled with Living Soil...Since she will be growing outdoors.. After the transfer.. Gave her a good feeding of plain H20 but made sure not to drown her though..
W9.D1(60) 🌸⏰🌟👀🔧 I think the time has come to transition to flowering. 🌸 As I embrace this new phase, I have never done this by switching the lights ⏰ before, and I know that the standard is to switch to 12/12. However, I'd like to experiment with reducing the lighting by 30 minutes each day this week, aiming to reach 14/10. 🌟 This gradual approach will let us 👀 observe how our champion plant adapts to the changes with precision and care 🔧. 🌿🔪📉✂️🤲 Likewise, I did not immediately remove the huge mass that has grown. 🌿 Instead, I'm choosing to wield Occam's Razor in a gradual manner, wielding the 🔪 blade carefully, to ensure the vitality reduction of the plant is gradual 📉 and gentle, not abrupt and harsh ✂️. This method respects the living essence of the plant and aims for a cautious, nurturing approach 🤲, enhancing our chance to achieve the lush, vibrant bloom we're striving for. W9.D2(61) 🕶️🌞📉✂️🌱 Nothing special is happening. 🕶️ As the days continue, I am reducing the light 🌞 hours and gradually trimming the excess ✂️, maintaining a steady focus on nurturing our 🌱 champion. 🤔💡🌸🚫🌿 I'm not sure how much the stress from pruning parts of our girl might delay her transition to flowering. 🤔 It's a delicate balance of stress 💡 and growth, where each cut 🚫 might impact her readiness to 🌸 bloom. 🏠✂️🍀💪🔗 But in my cramped conditions, failing to trim the excess doesn't allow the strength to flow where it's needed. 🏠 Navigating through the tight spaces, each snip ✂️ boosts the vitality 💪 of the remaining parts, ensuring the most vigorous growth links 🔗 to the flourishing future we aim for. W9.D3(62) 🔄💧➕🔙 I've slightly tweaked the formula - removed B52 from H2O2 and added Bud Factor X. 🔄 In this ongoing experiment, B52's absence 💧 is temporary as I explore the effects of introducing ➕ Bud Factor X into our regimen. W9.D4(63) 🌱🌿🌟🔍📦 Bella is expanding, growing very robustly indeed. 🌱 With her vigorous 🌿 growth, she has already managed to find a gap on one side and attempted to grow out of the grow box. 🌟 Her ambition to explore beyond the 🔍 confines of her 📦 environment is both astounding and challenging. 🤔💡🌱👏🌟 I'm not sure how I'll manage it, but the example set by @Chamomile with his compact yet extremely effective growing method is truly inspiring. 🤔 While pondering this, the innovative 💡 approach taken by @Chamomile shines a light on potential solutions, giving me the confidence that even in tight spaces, 🌱 greatness can be achieved, and indeed, this example deserves a round of 👏 applause for its efficiency and 🌟 brilliance.
Die Samen wurden am 08.04 in die Erde zum keimen gesetzt und bereite 3 Tage später sind 2 von 3 gekeimt und haben das "Tageslicht" erblickt. Keimlinge Nummer 4 kam jetzt 2 Tage später mit kleinen start Schwierigkeiten die Samenhülle wurde abgestreift jedoch befand sich eine weitere Hülle um den Keimlingen welche er heute an final abgeworfen hat. Woche 1: 08.04 - 14.0 18/6 Lichtzyklus Lichtabstand 30cm (China LED 100w aktuell - Mars Hydro FC 1500 folgt demnächst) LUX 7000 IN 18h 16DIL 18h Temperaturen zwischen 24 und 28 Grad nach vollen 18h Beleuchtung. Luftfeuchtigkeit zwischen 50 und 64% gehalten
Hallo zusammen 🤙 Sie wachsen sehr schön und machen keine Probleme.
Nothing interesting with the plants. They are still thin and sluggish. I felt, that the stretch was to strong and they should get more light. They are under 16/8 400W MH right now. Usually I do 18/6 with this setup, but I dont want to give them to much light hours now. In the beginning of May, the days are 15-15,5 hours long and I dont want the Passion #1 to flower, because they get less light, than before. We began to surround the plant holes with terra cotta tiles, we found in a corner of the garden. There are plenty of them, I hope enough for all the holes. We put a Microdrip system in place for easy watering. We are still cleaning around the planting area. I cut a couple of tree branches today, that were stealing light in the earlier hours of the day. I set up a camera and will be doing a 48h time lapse of the planting area, starting tonight at 00.00. I want to see, if I have to cut more branches or bushes further back. If it works, I'll post the time lapse. Edit: I added the timelapse test.
¡Comienza una nueva semana de floración y hoy ha sido día de riego con mi producto favorito! 💧💚 Aunque puede que haya sido un poco entusiasta con la dosis (¡pero quién puede resistirse a más de lo bueno!), mis Moby Dick de @kannabiaglobal están en pleno auge. Pero hoy, he notado que necesitaban un extra de potasio/fósforo. MissyLK de AScenza es mi arma secreta en este viaje. Con una composición cuidadosamente diseñada, este fertilizante ofrece una mezcla perfecta para la fase de floración. Su fórmula única contiene un 3 de nitrógeno, 16 de fósforo, 18% de potasio, y una combinación de otros microelementos vitales, diseñados para estimular el crecimiento de cogollos densos, resinosos y llenos de sabor. Además, su contenido de aminoácidos libres, extracto húmico total, ácidos húmicos y ácidos fúlvicos promueven una salud óptima de las plantas y una absorción eficiente de nutrientes. Con cada riego, estamos un paso más cerca de una cosecha que promete ser legendaria. ¡El viaje continúa y cada día es una nueva aventura! 💪🌿
estos últimos dias estiraron bastante los apicales aumentando la distancia entre nudos. No recuerdo si ya lo dije pero recuerdo que para bajar el PH utilizo ácido cítrico, de base sale a 8,2 Ph y voy añadiendo hasta bajar a 6,8 áprox.
🔵⚪️🔴 Quand est-ce que la plante va arrêter de grandir ? La légende dit "Jamais". Je ferais la défoliation cette semaine je pense. Le bio-filtre est installé. Je monte l'engrais Bloom à 4ml/L. Pulvérisation du "Blooming H", un stimulateur de floraison, hâte de voir le résultat, surtout vu les prix des boost chez cette marque. J'utilise un "nano spray gun" pris sur Aliexpress pour 13€. Le PPFD va de 400 pour les têtes les plus basses à 1500 pour les plus grandes. J'espère que les photos vous plaisent ! 🦅​🇺🇸​/🇬🇧​🦁​ When will the plant stop growing? The caption says "Never". I will do the defoliation this week I think. The bio-filter is installed. I increase the Bloom fertilizer to 4ml/L. Spraying "Blooming H", a flowering stimulator, looking forward to seeing the result, especially given the prices of boosts from this brand. I use a “nano spray gun” bought on Aliexpress for €13. The PPFD ranges from 400 for the lowest heads to 1500 for the largest. I hope you like the photos!
798 grams for one plant. This is a bit less than the dwc weigh in but far superior bud and less stem and leaf. I can fit 9 of these plants under the light in my 5x5. Doing the math to attain the grams per watt. If I had the tent full with 9 of them the harvest would be approx 1.14 grams per watt plus or minus variations. I hope my math is right here because that's what I'm putting down. I also only had my grow light dimmer at 80% so i can guarantee it's a ways past a gram a watt.
The buds are bulking and a slight defoliation was done to expose the inner buds. The next week will be the last week of Nitrogen and flush will begin soon. Harvest in approx. 3 weeks
This one tall. I'm bending the branches so it doesn't get so close to light. I think it is done stretching. I was a bit rough getting the scrog on. There was a major split along the trunk. One of the tops snapped over but it didn't break off while another is holding on by threads. The canopy is a lil over 2x2 feet. I'm ordering grow tent fans because this one is taking too much space in tent. It is now within 24 inches from the light and no light or heat stress. On the last dwy this week I added two 6 inch spiderfarmer oscillating fans: see video insert. They're literally blowing my canadian tire specials away.
FBT2403 is growing great. She is starting to do a lot of stretching. She just had a solution change yesterday to blooming nutrition from Agrogardens. There was a big ph jump in first 24 hours. I corrected it today. Everything is looking on track. Thank you Medic Grow, Agrogardens, and Fast Buds. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱 If anyone needs to purchase fastbuds here is a link for my affiliate program
Auto Maxi Gom is doing well. She has produced her first pistils, and is transitioning into flowering. She should start stretching very soon. It's my first grow with Xpert Nutrients. So I am curious to see what happens. I had to back off on there amounts suggested. It was too strong. Nothing wrong with concentrated, it goes further once you figure it out. Everything is going well. Nothing else much to report. Thank you Medic Grow, Xpert Nutrients, and Seeds Mafia. 🤜🏻🤛🏻🌱🌱🌱 Thank you grow diaries community for the 👇likes👇, follows, comments, and subscriptions on my YouTube channel👇. ❄️🌱🍻 Happy Growing 🌱🌱🌱
Hello fellow growmies 👌🏻 week 7 of vegetive stage - most of the in house genetics & Zake by ripper seeds, have been repotted into 20litre pots. Few are starting to get over the lack of grow as I’ve upped the grow last few feeds to 2ml Biobizz grow. I’m just feeding at 1ml now and it should be enough since the Biobizz allmix is heavily pre fertilised so it should balance them out. I’ve taken clones of most of the in-house and few others hopefully they root. If not al be flipping these girls into flowering within the next week 🤙🏻 Thanks for having a look and happy growing 💪🏻🍁
🔥🇩🇪Daily updates.🇩🇪🔥 I am open to suggestions for improvement. Write me if I do something stupid. I know that not everything is perfect, but I try to make the best of my circumstances.🤓 ——————————————————————————— Germination 01.04.24 - 07.04.24 Vegetation08.04.24 - Today 🗓️ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🌱Day 8 || 😎 Everything is going great so far. I made a time-lapse recording after watering. Have fun with it. 100ml distilled, 300mlEasyGrow, 100ml distilled Humidity 53%// 26°C Light 40% //45cm//420-440PPFD 🌱Day 9 || 16.04.24 🌱Day 10 || 17.04.25 🌱Day 11 || 18.04.25 🌱Day 12 || 19.04.25 🌱Day 13 || 20.04.25 🌱Day 14 || 21.04.25
She's almost done. Starting to see cloudy so I'm just continuing to water. Started the water only last week so things should start to fade out alil more now. .. Definitely learned alot for next time I run this strain. Gonna be fun to redo. See how this week goes tho, not the biggest plant but for the minimum amount of inputs she's done well. But till the next update. Hope ur all doin well ,best of luck !!